Conjunctivitis: causes, symptoms, timing and methods of treatment

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Many people are familiar with the situation in which the eyes become inflamed. Such moments are very upsetting, especially if the conjunctivitis touched the child. At these moments, everyone thinks about how to quickly get rid of this unpleasant disease. How is conjunctivitis treated? How long does the disease last?The fact is that the duration of the course of the disease depends on the cause of its occurrence.And also on how timely the patient asked for qualified help. After all, some types of conjunctivitis require long-term and serious treatment.But self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences.Let's try together to understand the causes of conjunctivitis and the timing of its treatment.


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Terms and methods of treatment
    • 4.1Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis
    • 4.2The timing of the treatment of viral and allergic conjunctivitis
  • 5Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is?

Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva). Depending on the reason, several types are distinguished:

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  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • chlamydial;
  • fungal;
  • allergic.

The causative agents of bacterial forms are staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci, gonococci; E. coli, sticks of diphtheria and Koch, etc. Among the viral forms most common adenovirus, herpetic and measles conjunctivitis.

During inflammation, the small blood vessels of the conjunctiva become more prominent, and the white color of the sclera takes on a pink or red hue. This state is often called the "pink eye".Some forms of conjunctivitis can be very contagious and easily spread. Infectious conjunctivitis is not considered a complex eye disease, but sometimes it can lead to serious consequences.

Common types of conjunctivitis


Often the cause of the disease becomes an infection that penetrated the eye area. It can get into the eye even with cosmetic products (mascara, shadows).But the main sources of infection are dirty hands, touching the eyes, and contaminated reservoirs in which the patient bathed.

The most common cause of bacterial conjunctivitis is epidermal staphylococcus - a bacterium that lives in our eye microflora. It is for each of us, but manifests itself in the form of inflammation in people with weak immunity.

The main reason for the development of allergic conjunctivitis is an allergen that has penetrated the body. Also, the eyes are affected by such irritants as smoke, dust and chemicals that can lead to the development of conjunctivitis.

Allergic conjunctivitis can develop as a reaction to medications, treatment is the only one - eliminating the source of allergy. In this case, the body reacts particularly sensitively to the presence of certain components in them.It happens that the disease occurs with reduced immunity, with a deficiency in the body of vitamins and vital microelements.This state of the body becomes a favorable environment for the emergence of conjunctivitis. Often conjunctivitis accompanies chronic pathologies (helminthic invasion, inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose, etc.).


Particular manifestations of conjunctivitis are determined by the causes that caused its development. However, for all forms of inflammation, there are general symptoms:

  • severe edema;
  • redness of the conjunctiva of the eye;
  • mucous discharge from the eye;
  • purulent discharge.

Conjunctivitis begins with redness of the eyes and profuse lacrimation. Sometimes there are also symptoms similar to the flu or ARI: there is a sore throat (a person is painful to swallow), a fever, an increase in lymph nodes.

In order not to confuse conjunctivitis with catarrhal diseases, it is necessary to pay attention to such characteristic disease manifestations like photophobia, reddening of the skin of the eyelids, the release of a clear liquid, the sensation of sand in eyes.Inflamed eyelids can close (blepharospasm). Such symptoms are characteristic of the catarrhal form of conjunctivitis.There is also a film form of conjunctivitis, when small films can form between the eyelids.In the follicular form of the disease, little follicles can be observed on the eye conjunctiva.

Terms and methods of treatment

The timing and methods of treating conjunctivitis depend on the type, cause and complexity of the disease. Usually, treatment does not take long, but requires a pedantic and responsible approach.The main thing in the treatment of conjunctivitis is to constantly wash and spread eyes with special means.

Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis

As a rule, bacterial conjunctivitis is treated within 5-7 days, less often, recovery occurs after 2-3 weeks. The timing depends on the type of bacteria, the therapy and the general condition of the body. Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with antibiotics based on tetracycline.

If the cause of inflammation lies in staphylococcus (50% of cases), the disease passes very quickly.For treatment, it is sufficient to wash the eyes and glueing eyelashes with antiseptics, antibiotics are rarely used in this case.

Treatment of folk remedies for conjunctivitis should go in conjunction with a medication, but in no way the main method of treatment

If the bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by pneumococci, then it manifests itself more acutely:

  • the eyelids become swollen;
  • the temperature rises;
  • appear whitish purulent films.

The same treatment is practically the same as with staphylococcal disease: anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.At an average degree of defeat of an eye recovery comes only in 14 days.

Some antibiotics used in the treatment of adults can not be treated with children. Preparations for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children are prescribed strictly by a doctor!

At the first sign of eye inflammation, you should see a doctor, and all: adults, and even more children.

One of the most dangerous and severe bacterial conjunctivitis is inflammation caused by gonococci. They are infected mostly newborn children when born from a sick gonorrhea mother. Today, this form of inflammation is almost not found, thanks to preventive measures, used by doctors immediately after the birth of babies.

But adult gonococcal conjunctivitis can also overtake.You can get infected with him after a sexual intercourse with a sick person. In such cases, the first signs of eye inflammation should immediately consult a doctor, as gonococcal conjunctivitis can lead to the death of the eye in a short time. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is placed in a hospital.The duration of treatment depends on the timeliness of treatment and the chosen methods of therapy.

Another reason for conjunctivitis is chlamydia. Today, this kind of bacteria causes inflammation of the eyes in 10-14% of cases. Both adults and children are exposed to infection.Chlamydial conjunctivitis occurs 5 to 14 days after infection of one eye, and then of the second.It takes about two weeks for a complete cure.

The timing of the treatment of viral and allergic conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis also occurs very often. Its cause is a prolonged course of the common cold, SARS. Main features:

  • a sore throat;
  • cough;
  • elevated temperature;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • edema of the eye lids;
  • mucous discharge from the eyes (usually not very abundant and without pus). Small follicles or membranes may appear.

Viral inflammation is eliminated with the help of immunity-enhancing agents, as well as disinfectant solutions, which should be washed with the eyes.To speed up recovery, special preparations are also used. Inflammation occurs after about 20 days without consequences. The exception is the herpes virus: in this case, you need to be treated with antiviral drugs.

Honey is a powerful bactericide

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs due to interaction with various allergens.Although its cause may be even chronic eye fatigue from prolonged visual load. This kind of inflammation is absolutely not contagious.In children, allergic conjunctivitis can be associated with the obstruction of the tear duct. That is why babies under 1 year should be surely shown to a specialist when the initial symptoms occur.

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is a simple matter. It is only necessary to eliminate the interaction with the allergen, reduce the visual load and wash the eyes with antiseptic solutions.If it is not possible to establish an allergen or it is impossible to eliminate contact with it, then it should be treated under the supervision of a doctor.The duration of treatment is about 10-14 days. With a light form, rinsing and compresses are prescribed. In more severe cases - anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs (drops, ointments, tablets).

If conjunctivitis occurs frequently and does not last long, then this can be a sign of a chronic disease. To be treated it is necessary in time, otherwise it can lead to deterioration of visual acuity and rapid eye fatigue.


In most cases, conjunctivitis does not present a serious problem, because it is cured rather quickly and, as a rule, without consequences.The problem is the infectiousness of the disease: it can be easily infected with bacterial or viral conjunctivitis. It is therefore important to follow the rules of personal hygiene:

  • not to use others' belongings;
  • follow the purity of the hands;
  • avoid contact with patients.

Conjunctivitis often occurs in infants, especially in newborns.

Frequent inflammation affects those children whose health is weakened by numerous diseases, children with weak immunity.This suggests that it is necessary to maintain the health of the child with vitamins, especially during the "peak" period of colds.


Symptoms of glaucoma and cataract, treatment methods and preventive actions you will learn in this article.

Eyes suppurate and red in adults: what to do in such situations and the symptom of what diseases this factor is, read here.

Treatment of temporal arteritis:




As you can see, conjunctivitis in adults is a disease that is mostly treated quickly. However, for this it is necessary to conduct the correct treatment, and under the supervision of a doctor. To speed up the healing process, the immune system of the body should be maintained with vitamins and beneficial microelements, also do not overdry the eyes, what eye drops will help you, and then many diseases will bypass the side, including conjunctivitis.

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