Angina: treatment at home, how to cure and how to gargle

Angina - one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract, suffers from the throat and tonsils. It takes 2nd place after the flu and acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Mostly preschool-age children and schoolchildren are sick with angina, as well as adults up to 35-40 years old. In elderly people, angina is rare.

Angina disease is not an easy one, a sick person needs serious complex treatment of sore throats and medical preparations and folk remedies at home. Here we will consider the main points of how to cure it and how to gargle with angina.

In medicine, angina is called "tonsillitis", which can occur in acute and chronic form. Accordingly, tonsillitis is acute and chronic.

There are four main types of angina: catarrhal, follicular, lacunar, phlegmonous. Often it gives complications in the form of rheumatism, nephritis and other diseases, it depends on the pathogenic microorganism-pathogen. Angina can also be complicated by acute bronchitis and pneumonia.

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Main symptoms of

The main symptoms and symptoms of sore throat are pain and sore throat, soreness in swallowing and talking, fever, lack of appetite, general feeling of health.

Treatment of angina at home

How to cure sore throat?

At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to start gargling with weak disinfectant solutions( boric acid - 1 teaspoon per glass of water, 0.1% solution of rivanol, hydrogen peroxide - 1 teaspoon per cup of boiled water, etc.).If there are no pharmaceuticals in the house, you can gargle with a saline solution, an infusion of an altine root, a mixture of boric acid, baking soda and salt, infusion or juice of the roots of horse radish, decoction of elderberry flowers, etc.

Than to gargle with angina?

Rose .Decoction of rose petals - an effective tool for gargling with angina, acute respiratory diseases, pharyngitis. On a tablespoon of rose petals - 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, let it brew for 1 hour, strain. Rinse your throat 3-4 times a day.

Beet juice. Rub the beetroot on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Add 1 tablespoon of 6% vinegar to a glass of juice. Rinse your throat 5-6 times a day.

The number one agent for angina, pharynitis, laryngitis - beet broth .Beets of medium size fill with water and cook until soft. The resulting broth cool, strain and use for rinsing.

Manganese and iodine - very good rinse with tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis. In 0.5 liters of a weak manganese solution, add 10 drops of iodine, mix well. Rinse your throat 3-4 times a day. Calendula( marigolds). With a sore throat, prepare a rinse water infusion of calendula flowers: 10 flowers per glass of boiling water. Refrigerate for an hour at room temperature, strain. Rinse your throat 3-4 times a day.

Rinse the throat with onion husk decoction. Three teaspoons of husk, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil, let it brew for 3-4 hours, strain. Rinse your throat 5-6 times a day.

Rinse the throat with infusion of garlic seed. 2-3 chopped denticles pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour. Rinse your throat 4-5 times a day.

Rinse the throat with water and honey 4-5 times a day resolves abscesses and relieves inflammation of the tonsils.

Rinse the throat with rhodiola rose tincture( golden root). 50 g of crushed dry root, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and let stand in a warm place for 14 days. Strain, 1 teaspoon of tincture pour into a glass of boiled water and rinse your throat. Rinse continuously for 10-15 minutes. This is one of the most effective tools in the treatment of angina.

Chewing Propolis works well for all types of angina at any stage of the disease. After eating slowly chew pieces of propolis the size of a fingernail. For a day you need to eat about 5 g of propolis. In order to distinguish good propolis from old and less strong, it is necessary to know that when chewing fresh propolis there is a slight burning sensation in the mouth and the tongue "grows numb".

A 30% solution of citric acid is often used for throat rinses. Rinse every hour for a day. Lemon acid can be replaced with slices of fresh lemon. Especially good this method helps in the initial stages of the disease.

The Siberian elder. Infusion of flowers used for colds, decoction of flowers( 1 tablespoon per 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain) rinse the throat with sore throats.

Salvia officinalis. In case of inflammation of the tonsils, mucous membrane of the mouth and gums, use a rinse of sage broth( 4 teaspoons of chopped leaves pour 2 cups of boiling water).Let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Rinse your throat 4 times a day.

Sage leaf is included in various fees:

  1. sage leaf - 3 pieces
  2. chamomile flowers - 3 pieces
  3. spice grass - 3 parts

Mix a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Rinse your throat with sore throat and pharyngitis.

Bilberry ordinary. Thick broth of fruits( 100 g of dried fruit, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil until the amount of water decreases by 10%) is used as a rinse with angina, to lubricate the burned areas of the body, with necrotic ulcers.

Gargle with juice or decoction of plantain. For one glass of boiling water, place 4-5 crushed dry or fresh leaves, let it brew for half an hour. Rinse throat with warm solution every hour. To improve the taste, you can add honey.

Rinse throat with decoction broth white willow( willow, rakit). Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed bark with 2 cups of hot water, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes on low heat.

Rinse the throat with the infusion of a bell. Two teaspoons of dried ground chopped herb grass, pour 1 cup boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours, strain.

How else to treat angina?

Anise ordinary. Infusion of fruits is used for coughing, loss of voice, sore throats. Tip a teaspoonful of the fruit with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, strain. Drink a quarter of a glass 4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

Onion. For sore throats, use 1 teaspoonful of fresh juice 4 times a day.

To soften the cough in all types of angina, as well as with pertussis, bronchitis and pneumonia, the following mixture is used:

  1. plantain leaf - 30 g
  2. sundew - 30 g
  3. violet flowers - 40 g

Ingredients fill with a liter of water, boil for 2 minutes, giveBrew for 1 hour. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Syrup from the leaves of aloe. Bottle with a wide throat to half fill with crushed aloe leaves, top with sugar, tie the neck with gauze and let it brew for 3 days, then strain and wring out. Take the syrup 3 times a day before meals until full recovery.

Prepare collection:

  1. the roots of elecampane are 4 pieces;
  2. sage leaves - 4 parts;
  3. eucalyptus leaves - 3 parts;
  4. of the pine kidney - 3 parts;
  5. peppermint grass - 2 parts;
  6. herb of thyme - 2 parts;
  7. chamomile flowers in pharmacy - 2 parts.

Three tablespoons of the mixture pour in a teapot of 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 3-4 minutes. Then remove the kettle from the fire, put a paper funnel on its nose and breathe hot steam through the mouth with angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis.

Infusion of birch branches ( cut the branches with kidneys, boil them with boiling water and let it brew for an hour).Drink a few glasses of infusion per day. Contraindications - severe kidney disease.

Broth of pine kidney is used in the form of inhalations for bronchitis and sore throats. You can take pine needles. Pour a handful of needles with ten times the volume of water. Before this, rub the needles with a little cold water. Boil for 5 minutes. Insist 4 hours. Strain and use to rinse your throat. Infusion can be drunk on ⅓ glass 3 times a day. It is an effective anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

Treatment of sore throats with official medicine

  1. Bed rest.
  2. Gentle, non-irritating diet, rich in vitamins.
  3. Plentiful drink.
  4. Inside - antibiotics if necessary.

Symptomatic treatment depending on the indications: Acetylsalicylic acid, Analgin, cardiac agents, hypnotics.

For the removal of allergic phenomena( with edematic forms and recurrent angina), along with conventional treatment prescribe desensitizing therapy( calcium chloride, dimedrol, pipolfen, etc.).

Local rinse with disinfectant solutions( Furacilin, potassium permanganate).

For the night - a warming( or vodka) compress on the neck.

And remember that the treatment of sore throat, or tonsillitis should be performed according to the prescription of the doctor and under his supervision.

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  2. NNGorgov GN The People's Hospital. The best recipes of traditional medicine.- Moscow: Arnadia, 1998. - 352 p./ Medicine for all.
  3. G.Nasgov Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012
  4. The reference book of the medical assistant. Ed. Professor Shabanov AN - M.: "Medicine", 1976
  5. Encyclopedia of folk methods of treatment.- SPb.: printing house. I.E. Kotlyakova

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