Ointment from radiculitis and osteochondrosis: examples of drugs


  • 1Effective ointments and creams with radiculitis
    • 1.1Features of treatment of radiculitis with ointments
    • 1.2Painkillers and warmers
    • 1.3Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and their use
    • 1.4Treatment with homeopathic and combined remedies
    • 1.5Patients' feedback on medications
  • 2Medicinal ointments from lumbar sciatica: painkillers, warming up
    • 2.1What is dangerous about sciatica and its complications
    • 2.2Ointments from radiculitis
    • 2.3Heating
    • 2.4Painkillers
    • 2.5Anti-inflammatory
    • 2.6Which ointment is more effective
    • 2.7How to recognize the sciatic by symptoms
    • 2.8Causes of radiculitis
    • 2.9Is it possible to prevent radiculitis
  • 3What ointment from radiculitis is better - review and reviews
    • 3.1Varieties of ointments from radiculitis
    • 3.2Heating means
    • 3.3Painkilling ointments
    • 3.4Locally irritating
    • 3.5Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments
    • 3.6Homeopathic ointments
    • 3.7Combined compounds
    • 3.8Overview of popular tools
    • 3.9Finalgon
    • 3.10Capsicum
    • 3.11Fastum Gel
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.12Viprosal
    • 3.13Voltaren, Diclofenac
    • 3.14Ointment of Dikul
    • 3.15Ointment Kuznetsova
    • 3.16Folk recipes
  • 4Ointment for the treatment of radiculitis - the effectiveness, which is better
    • 4.1Ointments and gels for the treatment of sciatica
    • 4.2Ointments of warming action
    • 4.3Ointments for the treatment of radiculitis with NSAIDs
    • 4.4External means-chondroprotectors
    • 4.5Contraindications to ointments and gels
  • 5Ointments from radiculitis
    • 5.1Diclofenac ointment from radiculitis
    • 5.2Ointment Finalgon
    • 5.3Ointment from radiculitis with snake venom
    • 5.4Ointment of Dikul from radiculitis
    • 5.5Ointment from radiculitis with bee venom
    • 5.6Kuznetsov's ointment from radiculitis
    • 5.7Chinese ointment from radiculitis
  • 6Ointment from radiculitis - which one to choose?
    • 6.1Why there is pain
    • 6.2Ointments with natural ingredients
    • 6.3Ointments with analgesic effect

Effective ointments and creams with radiculitis

Ointment with radiculitis is one of the quickest helpers.

It is relatively inexpensive, it can quickly remove the pain, it struggles with the inflammatory process, restores the person to work.

Modern pharmacology offers a variety of topical agents for back pain. They, as a rule, are easily applied and do not affect other systems and organs.

Features of treatment of radiculitis with ointments

Radiculitis is not an easy disease, it is directly related to the inflammatory process of the spinal nerves. A good effect of treatment can be obtained only in the case of complex therapy.

In addition to medicines aimed at improving the blood supply of the problem area, strengthening the immune system and fighting inflammation, ointments and gels must be used.

Pharmaceutical companies today offer a large number of products for outdoor use. They can contain different components and perform different functions.

So, quickly remove the symptoms helps anesthetic cream, feel the warmth and burst of energy - funds with local irritant, provide good blood supply - homeopathic remedies, remove spasm - warming gel.

An effective medicine for local use of the patient has the opportunity to cook independently. Traditional medicine has many such options.

The main advantage of local remedies for the treatment of rheumatism is their rapid action.

In fact, after 5-10 minutes after the gel or ointment is on the body, the patient feels relieved.


Contraindications to the use of drugs of this type is very small, and side effect and overdose occur very rarely.


Although such products are sold in every pharmacy in the public domain, do not use them without first consulting a doctor.

Given the site of the lesion, the features of the course of the disease, the age of the patient and the mechanism of action of the ointments, the specialist will be able to select the most suitable treatment option.

It is forbidden during pregnancy to use funds based on:

  • bee products;
  • snake toxins;
  • anti-inflammatory components;
  • essential oils;
  • salicylic acid.

Do not apply creams to damaged areas of the skin. Before starting treatment with this or that cream from radiculitis, it is necessary to perform a home test for allergies (apply the drug on your wrist).

Painkillers and warmers

Anesthetic creams are the most popular in patients with radiculitis. Such drugs are not actually absorbed into the blood, but in some cases, the active substance undergoes metabolic disintegration, sometimes biotransformed and excreted through the kidneys or liver.

The best means of this type are:

  1. Voltaren - quickly anesthetizes, but can not be used if the skin is damaged by wounds, eczema. It is forbidden at an early age and with gastric ulcer diseases.
  2. Diclofenac - has the same active substance as Voltaren. This remedy should be applied evenly to a sore spot.
  3. Fastum gel is made on the basis of ketoprofen. Can not be used if there is damage on the body.

Other drugs of this group are: Dolgid, Deep, Methylsalicylate, Indomethacin Ointment, Naise-Gel.

Warming ointments have a somewhat different mechanism of action. They contribute to a sense of heat in the area where the end of the nerve is located.

Then the nerve sends information about the heat entering the brain, which in turn sends the muscles to relax.

A warming ointment quickly relieves pain, improves microcirculation throughout the body, especially at the application site.

In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, provides lymph drainage. The list of the best means of this type should include:

  1. Capsicum - contains in its composition salt, turpentine, nicotinic acids, camphor.
  2. Espoo. It is performed on the basis of chili peppers, as well as anesthetic. The drug is able to penetrate deeply into soft tissue, so you should always monitor the dose used.
  3. Gevkamen - has a quick action and a pleasant smell, because it contains menthol and essential oils.

One of the subspecies of warming agents can also be called local-irritating gels. Their main feature is the use of natural components. They are performed mainly with either bee venom or snake venom.

Examples of the first are:

  1. Virapin - is applied in small amounts, but it is rubbed for a long time (at least 5-10 minutes);
  2. Apizartron - balm, which, in addition to bee products, also contains salicylic acid.

Preparations with snake venom are:

  1. Vipratox. Contains substances of various kinds of reptiles and salicylic acid.
  2. Viprosal. Its main component is the poison of gurgi, promotes rapid warming and resorption of hematomas.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and their use

Medicines that are categorically forbidden to use on their own are considered NSAIDs. Even if it's a gel and ointment. With proper use, this group of drugs can have a slight anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

In comparison with other drugs that treat radiculitis, ointment from the category of NSAIDs starts to act very quickly and effectively. However, long-term use of such a drug is prohibited.

A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory cream is prescribed only in difficult situations.

Direct contraindications for the use of NSAIDs are:

  • age up to 6 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • erosive diseases of the digestive tract;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lactation period;
  • kidney failure;
  • sensitivity to components;
  • the presence of open wounds.

Among the most common side effects of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments, it should be mentioned:

  • cutaneous exanthema;
  • nausea;
  • urticaria;
  • discoloration of the skin;
  • headache;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • fluid retention;
  • bleeding.

The list of drugs of this type include:

  1. Phenylbutazone. Can be used twice a day, but not longer than 7-9 days.
  2. Ibuprofen. It requires a long rubbing into the skin, it can be applied several times a day, however, the course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks.
  3. Nimesulide - today is considered the most effective and especially strong drug, can be applied several times a day, but not longer than 9-11 days. This drug is categorically forbidden to use without first consulting a doctor.

Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are useful in the case of radiculitis are: Ketoprofen, Pyroxecam, Finalgel.

Treatment with homeopathic and combined remedies

The main task of homeopathic preparations of local use is to restore tissues and provide them with the necessary substances. You can smear them more thickly than NSAIDs. They do not differ in a large list of contraindications and practically do not give side reactions.

Other goals that homoeopathic drugs are called upon to perform are:

  • anesthesia;
  • fighting the inflammatory process;
  • restoration of joint fluid productivity;
  • slowing of degenerative processes in bone and cartilage tissues;
  • restoration of tissues.

Examples of ointments of this type are:

  • Objective T - is performed on the basis of plant extracts, and, according to the reviews, is highly effective;
  • Taraflex M - a remedy based on crushed butter, camphor, glucosamine hydrochloride improves blood circulation, positively affects the vessels;
  • Sophia is a multi-component preparation containing in its composition extracts of St. John's wort, burdock, sabelnik, rosewood, sea buckthorn, elecampane, beeswax, quickly anesthetize.

Another group consists of combined drugs that can solve several problems at once. In their composition, they can contain analgesics, anti-inflammatory substances, plant extracts.

A bright representative of this group is Dolobene cream. In addition to combating inflammation and pain, it performs antiexudative, anti-thrombolytic action, promotes tissue repair.

Naturally, the means for fighting radiculitis is sufficient, but it is unlikely to determine which is the best ointment from radiculitis.


Do not forget about all sorts of adverse reactions. Be sure to pay attention to the instruction, conditions of use.


A rheumatologist or a neurologist can advise which drug is better in a particular case.

Patients' feedback on medications


Radiculitis my grandfather has been suffering for several years. Always buys for his home medicine chest Diclofenac and Viprosal V.

The first strikes in the afternoon, and the second - before bed. Always after intensive rubbing of the means, wraps the back with a woolen shawl.

It does not always use ointments, but only when the back makes itself known.


The best remedy for sciatica from those that have already used is Diclofenac. My body is especially sensitive to it. If I use more than 3 days, my stomach starts to hurt.


Capsicam is an ideal option for salvation. This warming agent actually starts acting immediately. I feel a rush of warmth in my back, the pain subsides. But there is one nuance. To use Capsicam, you need to have a stock of medical gloves in the house. Without them, the hands will bake long.

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A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/radikulit/mazi-dlya-poyasnichnogo-otdela.html

Medicinal ointments from lumbar sciatica: painkillers, warming up

Radiculitis is not so much a disease as a manifestation of a whole complex of degenerative changes in the spine. Radiculitis is the result of damage to the roots of the spinal cord, in which a person experiences pain, which greatly limits his mobility and activity.

What is dangerous about sciatica and its complications

Most often, radiculitis is diagnosed in the lumbar spine, as this section is subjected to increased stress.

Radiculitis is dangerous by inflammation of the roots and nerves in the spine

The main danger of sciatica lies in the inflamed condition of roots and nerves in the spinal column.Over time, dystrophic processes in the spine are amplified, which leads to irreversible changes.

Cases of disability, and sometimes mobility, are frequent. In addition, even the initial stages of the disease are accompanied by constant pain and discomfort. Constant irritation of nerve endings causes stress and further accelerates pathological changes.

Ointments from radiculitis

[box type = "info"]It is important to know!The main therapy with radiculitis of the lumbar region is to eliminate the causes of inflammation and reduce the pain syndrome. [/ Box]

At home, the most effective means to eliminate the effects of radiculitis are ointments. By the nature of the impact, they are divided into three groups.


To warming ointments carrydrugs that can cause local irritation, increase blood flow through capillariesand thereby improve metabolic processes in inflamed tissues.

The main active substances in such ointments are extracts of pepper, components of bee or snake venom, camphor, turpentine.

Among the representatives of this group - Finalgon (300 rubles.), Apizatron (300 rubles.), Natojaks (200 rubles.). These are time-proven ointments that have proven effective against sciatica in the lumbar spine.

These drugs have an impressive list of contraindications, which must be read before use. In addition, side effects are possible, especially in case of individual intolerance.


The use of any painkillers, which include ointments from the sciatica of the lumbar region,it is best to check with your doctor. Analgesics are included in such ointments, and their frequent use can damage health.

The most common ointments based on ibuprofen, ketoprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac. The most popular drugs related to this group are Fastum Gel (250 rubles), Ketonal (150 rubles), Indomethacin (100 rubles), Dolgit (200 rubles).

[box type = "warning"] All these ointments are very effective, howevertheir long-term use can cause systemic changes in the bodyrights.

In addition, the drugs of this group have a very wide list of contraindications. [/ Box]


Modern anti-inflammatory ointments from radiculitis are successfully used not only for the treatment of lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine, but also for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, various joint diseases.

Currently, the most widespread non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments, which combine an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

This groupThe principle of action is based on the penetration of the active substance to the source of pain and the removal of the inflammatory processin affected tissues. As a result, blood circulation and oxygen saturation improves, inflammatory mediators are released from the cells, and pain recedes.

The most prominent representatives of this type of drugs are Naise (300 rubles.) And Voltaren (150 rubles.). There are other drugs, but all of them are united by one important property: with prolonged use they cause strong side effects and can cause serious damage to health.

The use of such ointments from radiculitis is justified only in extreme cases, in the period of severe exacerbations in the lumbar or cervical spine.

Which ointment is more effective

[box type = "note"]Important to remember!All ointments from the radiculitis of the lumbar, thoracic, cervical spine have a lasting positive effect only in complex therapy with other methods of treatment. [/ Box]

As an emergency measure in the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is best to use double-acting drugs that combine analgesic and anti-inflammatory components.

The most safe formulations of warming up and local irritating action, but they are usually less effective.

Before applying ointments should get a doctor's consultation, as strong side effects or individual intolerance of the drug are possible.

The main symptom of radiculitis is severe pain in the lumbar region

How to recognize the sciatic by symptoms

Since radiculitis itself is the main symptom of the pathology of the spine and nerve fibers, it is quite easy to recognize it. Most often a harbinger of radiculitis aresevere back pain. Over time, the pain passes to the hip or leg.

In the initial stages of the disease, pain manifests itself in the lumbosacral portion, as the pathology increases, pain occurs in several places at the same time.

Attention!There are several distinctive signs of radiculitis, which should be seriously alarmed and cause a visit to the doctor:

If the cough in the lumbar region is severe and sharp, it can be a symptom of sciatica

  • With a cough, the pain in the lower back sharply increases;
  • With a sharp inclination of the head there is pain in the leg or lower back;
  • There is a smoothing of the gluteal cavity;
  • When raising the legs from the prone position, there is a sharp pain in the thigh or buttock;
  • When trying to sit down from the prone position, the legs are reflexively flexed.

These symptoms are the first messengers of a serious spine disease.

If they are ignored, and for anesthetics to use ointments from radiculitis, then eventually The developing protrusion of the lumbar region can be transformed into an intervertebral hernia and cause nerve compression.

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Causes of radiculitis

The lumbar spine is most susceptible to radiculitis, since it is located near the center of mass of the human body.

The main cause of inflammation and compression lesion of the roots of the spinal nerves isthe inability of the muscular corset to withstand the stresses, affecting the spine.

Excess weight leads to loss of muscle support by the muscular corset, and subsequently radiculitis is possible

The loss of retention capacity of the muscular corset arises from disproportionate loads on the spine, standing or sedentary work, overweight, malnutrition, genetic predisposition, trauma, hypothermia and inflammation of soft near-vertebral tissues.

And this is not all the reasons that can lead to radiculitis. Most often, a combination of unfavorable factors leads to the development of the disease.

Is it possible to prevent radiculitis

To prevent and prevent the development of radiculitis, a number of simplerecommendations:

Prophylaxis of radiculitis is primarily to avoid excessive physical exertion on the lumbar region

  • Do not subject the spine to excessive physical exertion,
  • should avoid supercooling of the waist,
  • during heavy physical labor it is recommended to use special corsets that evenly redistribute the load on the entire vertebral column,
  • to maintain the spine in working condition, it is necessary to regularly engage in physiotherapy or swimming,
  • it is necessary to monitor your diet, not to allow the appearance of excess weight.

During exacerbations of radiculitis, you can use warming ointments in combination with a therapeutic massage, but it is advisable to consult a doctor beforehand.

Important to remember, that radiculitis, like any disease, is better prevented beforehand than carefully treated!

Be healthy and take care of yourself.

[box type = "shadow"]Recommendations of doctors that,What to do and how to treat noise in the ears and head. The main causes of noise in the head.[/ box]

What is radiculitis, and what should be its treatment - you learn by looking at the proposed video:

The symptoms of lumbar radiculitis and the methods of its treatment will be told by experts of the TV program "Live healthy

And another video about radiculitis, as well as a diet for this disease:

A source: https://ideales.ru/tvoyo-zdorove/mazi-radikulita-poyasnichnogo-otdela-boleutolyayushhie-razogrevayushhie.html

What ointment from radiculitis is better - review and reviews

Radiculitis is an inflammation of the root of a nerve caused by various causes that almost every adult has encountered. In the treatment of pathology successfully used ointments, in a wide range offered by the pharmacological industry.

When the disease is prescribed a complex treatment. Ointments from radiculitis - its main component. This is an effective remedy, but its choice should be treated responsibly, taking into account in each case the nature of the effect of the agent and the localization of nerve damage.

Varieties of ointments from radiculitis

General principles of treatment of radiculitis include a wide range of effects, which begins with medication, the use of topical agents, injections, physiotherapy and massage.

If there is a severe pinching of the nerve endings, leading to a loss of limb mobility, apply surgery. Ointment with radiculitis is the main part of the overall therapeutic treatment. They are conditionally divided according to the nature of the impact on several types:

  1. Warming. Strengthen the blood flow with the help of an irritant effect on the site of localization of the lesion, improve blood supply, normalize the cellular metabolism of sites and tissues. Also lead to a marked improvement in the general condition of the patient. This is the most effective group, which includes an ointment from the sciatica of the lumbar region.
  2. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory. They are used to relieve the inflammation of the affected area. Influences through the skin, penetrating deep inside. This group includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which have analgesic properties.
  3. Locally irritating. Cooked on the basis of bee or snake venom. When applied to the skin have an irritating and warming effect, while also contributing to rapid anesthesia. This is the best ointment from radiculitis, especially when immediate rehabilitation is required.

Heating means

Preparations of warming action in different dosage form are produced. It can be ointment, gel, skin balm, cream or emulsion. They are prepared, usually on the basis of vegetable and animal fats or refined products.

They can be made on hydrophilic bases, which causes a difference in the name of the drug. These remedies have good patient testimonials, as they have a quick impact, rehabilitating a man suffering from pain.

Selection of ointment for the treatment of radiculitis should not be the result of accidentally heard advertising or on the advice of an outsider. The choice should be made only after a medical consultation.

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Such means include "Nikofluks "Efkamon "Gevkamen "Gymnastal".

Among the contraindications to use - allergic reactions, age to 12 years, pregnancy, breast-feeding, skin lesions, diabetes.

Painkilling ointments

Remove inflammation with the help of NVPs, derivatives of salicylic acid (Vipralgon, Viprapin, Bom-Benge), benzene-acetic acid (Diclofenac, Voltaren Emulgel, Olfen), propionic acid with ketoprofen and indomethacin (Fastum Gel, Ketonal, Dolgit, gel "Naiz "Sulaidin"). Apply anesthetic ointments only externally and no more than 4 times a day. They have a good long-term effect.

Locally irritating

Bee or snake venom is a part of irritating medicines.

Such ointments from the painful sciatica of the lumbar region, like "Virapin" and "Apifor" contain the products of beekeeping. The poison of snakes became the basis for "Viprosala "Alvisal".

These local remedies are considered warming up and almost immediately after application give an anesthetic effect.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments

The principle of action of NSAIDs is based on the suppression of the inflammatory substance (prostaglandin, kinin, lysosomal enzyme histamine).

Widespread popularity of drugs received because of the large number of contraindications when administered orally. The application on the skin gives an excellent effect and significantly reduces the possible negative consequences.

The use of this ointment with radiculitis is much higher than that of other drugs.

Homeopathic ointments

When pregnancy and breast-feeding can be used homeopathic remedies. The cream of ledum, honey ointment, lotions and mashing on the basis of petroleum jelly, beeswax, have no contraindications, therefore can render essential help at treatment of the pregnant woman.

One of the homeopathic ointments - "Traumeel C" - contains 10 substances of organic origin and auxiliary components that exert additional influence. It removes puffiness, softens inflammation, has an immunomodulatory effect and normalizes metabolic processes.

Combined compounds

Preparations simultaneously having an anti-inflammatory, resolving, restoring and analgesic effect are called combined.

They are appointed with caution because of the large number of contraindications and only if the possible effect of treatment is comparable to that of the alleged complications.

An example of a combined drug is Dolobien-gel.

Overview of popular tools

Popular in patients with radiculitis use the means of various actions that the patient chooses, following the advice of the doctor, their own feelings and the effect.


This drug has been used for about 50 years and has a good reputation. This is a very successful combination of vasodilators. "Finalgon" gives a noticeable warm-up and analgesic effect at the site of application, and also improves blood circulation.


The drug based on salicylic acid is "Kapsikam". It is highly effective, but requires caution in the application. It is applied only to the skin, without rubbing, using rubber gloves. Before use, you should test for allergic reactions.

Fastum Gel

It is used for the treatment of the lumbar spine, myalgia, osteochondrosis, lumbago "Fastum-gel which refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments.


Contains poison gyurzy, renders sucking, analgesic, irritating effect "Viprosal". One of the important contraindications for this remedy is that it is not used to treat affected areas of the skin.

Voltaren, Diclofenac

Has a wonderful, complex effect with radiculitis "Voltaren" and "Diclofenac." These are analgesic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory agents that reduce vascular permeability.

Ointment of Dikul

Used for the prevention and treatment of joint diseases "Ointment Dikul." At a radiculitis the variation known as "Radikulin" is applied.

Ointment Kuznetsova

Has a local-irritating and anti-inflammatory effect "Ointment Kuznetsova." It is applied directly to the site of the lesion.

Folk recipes

Any person can independently prepare a cream from natural components of a combined effect at home. At the same time using improvised means, for example, badger and bear fat, horse chestnut extract, camphor oil.

In pharmacies, there are many suitable drugs, precisely because all cases of radiculitis are different.

Health, age, other diseases in the patient, as well as sensitivity to different components are different.

The doctor's advice and reasonable use of ointments will help to recover faster and without negative consequences.

A source: https://MoyOrtoped.ru/lechenie/medikamenty/mazi-dlya-lecheniya-radikulita

Ointment for the treatment of radiculitis - the effectiveness, which is better

Sooner or later, practically every person encounters radiculitis in his life. This disease is associated with many factors:

  • degenerative processes developing in the spine
  • traumatic injuries
  • age-related natural changes
  • infectious viral inflammation
  • normal muscle spasms due to cooling and excess stress

Therefore it is not surprising that in the home medicine cabinet almost everyone has ointments or gels for treating radiculitis. What external means can I advise for this purpose?

Ointments and gels for the treatment of sciatica

Among this variety of tubes you can get confused - so many different names. Choosing this type of treatment, you need to remember a few important points:

  • Means of external application - this is not self-sufficient, but additional treatment, the purpose of which:
    • reduction of pain symptoms and general condition of the spine
    • acceleration of the medical process by combining the ointment with other methods of taking medications - injections and pills
    • reduction, if possible, of a course of more intensive treatment and the number of side effects due to the transition to external means
  • Ointments with radiculitis are not as effective as injections, rectal suppositories or tablets because of a small amount of a medication absorbed through the skin
  • Penetrating ability of external drugs is limited mainly to soft tissues - up to the joints and discs, there is little

The drugs used for treatment can be divided into three main groups.

Ointments of warming action

The first include warming ointments of irritant action.

Their goals are to improve blood circulation, relieve muscle spasm and edema.

Because of this, anesthesia occurs in the light forms of radiculitis, which would be more appropriately termed muscle pain

The best reviews deserve such warming ointments:

  • Viprosal In its composition comes: d gyurzy, fir oil, camphor, salicylic acid
  • Virapin is a remedy solely based on bee venom. Apart from anti-inflammatory properties, Virapine causes a nerve system to tone and has a healing effect
  • Apisatron Sosta: venenic poison + mustard oil, methyl salicylate, camphor, turpentine
  • To warming ointments used for home treatment of radiculitis, also include:
    • Tiger Ointment
    • Kobrataksan
    • Capsicum
    • Nice Gel
    • Mellivinon

The rules for the application of external lubricants are simple:

A small amount of the contents of the tube is applied to the diseased portion of the back and is rubbed up with light movements.

Mellivine is rubbed more vigorously. This remedy is also used for ultrasound treatment.

Ointments for the treatment of radiculitis with NSAIDs

The second group includes therapeutic ointments containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Apply such medications to treat radiculitis due to:

  • lumbargia and sciatica in osteochondrosis, hernia, spondylarthrosis
  • injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, etc.

Good reviews use ointments and gels:

  • Voltaren, orthophene (the main drug is diclofenac)
  • Fastum-gel (also ketoprofen) In addition to the main drug, Fastum-gel contains lavender and neroli oil, which increases the anti-inflammatory effect
  • Naproxen
  • Nimesulide
  • Indomethacin
  • Ibuprofen The composition of ibuprofen includes dimexide, which improves penetration and healing

External agents also have side effects and are unsafe because of their NSAIDs and toxic emulsifiers, on the basis of which any gel is created.

External means-chondroprotectors

The third group of ointments that treat sciatica are chondroprotectors, the most mysterious kind.

Some advertisements also contain a point about the treatment of pain (sciatica), although many disappointed reviews about it.

Why does anesthesia not occur?

Actually, the treatment of radiculitis is not an end in itself of these remedies: they do not promise this. Their purpose is the regeneration of the cartilaginous tissues, which leads to a cure, and then to the disappearance of the symptoms of radiculitis.

  • But treatment with chondroprotectors, even tablets, not to mention ointments, is a very long process.
  • Secondly, external drugs practically do not reach, as we already know, up to the cartilage of the spine
  • Thirdly, chondroprotectors help in the event that the cartilage still exists. In the final stages of osteochondrosis and arthrosis, they are already useless

Therefore, the use of external agents as chondroprotectors by many physicians is questioned.

Examples of ointments - chondroprotectors:

  • Dolobene-gel (also used in phonophoresis)
  • Balm B. Dikul
  • Artrotsin, etc.

Contraindications to ointments and gels

  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Diseases of the digestive tract
  • Allergy
  • Skin Diseases and Diseases

Even an ointment for the treatment of radiculitis should be used carefully, carefully studying the annotation. Better yet, consult your doctor.

Health to you!


A source: https://ZaSpiny.ru/lekarstva/mazi-ot-radikulita.html

Ointments from radiculitis

Contains active substances that act anti-inflammatory and analgesic on painful areas. Also provides rapid resorption.

Used for pain, swelling, post-traumatic syndromes.

Directions for use: Apply the ointment to the area that causes pain and rub it gently, in a circular motion, 2 to 4 times a day. Ointment is well absorbed and does not leave greasy marks and shine.

Shelf life 3 years.

Diclofenac ointment from radiculitis

Nonsteroidal drug with anti-inflammatory effect, which is very slowly and little absorbed into the skin (3-6% of the applied dose). Also owns anti-rheumatic and antipyretic properties, effectively relieves pain.

Indications for use: pain in the spine, joints, neuralgia, myalgia, rheumatism, inflammation and pain syndromes after operations, injuries.

Apply 4-8 cm of squeezed ointment with circular massage movements to the affected areas. Gently rub 3-4 times a day.


Among the secondary signs may be allergic rashes, itching, redness, burning sensation.


Because the drug has little systemic adsorption, an overdose is unlikely.

Ointment can be used with other medicinal products.

It is not recommended to use hypersensitivity to components, skin lesions, during breast-feeding, in the third trimester of pregnancy, children under 6 years of age.

Shelf life 3 years.

Ointment Finalgon

The drug contains vasodilating active substances, which are powerful thermal skin irritants. When applied to the skin, the effect persists for several hours. This promotes better blood circulation.

Used to treat pain sensations of muscles and joints.

Contraindications: increased affect to the components of the ointment, inflammation on the skin, open wounds or abrasions, dermatitis.

Among the side effects may be a urticaria in the place of use of the ointment, sometimes even the appearance of bubbles on the skin, and it can also be itching and burning.

In case of an overdose, hyperemia is possible, which causes pain and lowers blood pressure, increases body temperature.

Use during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited. It is also not advisable to use the drug for children.

Shelf life 4 years.

Ointment from radiculitis with snake venom

The main active ingredient of the drug is a snake venom containing peptides of a specific action that can provoke hemolysis, and increase the permeability of the blood capillaries. This affects the coagulability of the blood. When used locally for snake venom, an irritating and analgesic effect is characteristic.

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Salicylic acid, which is one of the components of the ointment, has a disinfectant and keratolytic effect.

This drug with snake venom is recommended for use in muscle pain, also with painful sensations in the joints.


Contraindications: hypersensitivity to ointment components, bronchial asthma, propensity to bronchospasm and convulsions, whooping cough, ulcers and wounds on the skin, dermatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, circulatory disorders, severe liver and kidney disorders, fever, total fatigue.


How to use: to avoid side effects, you must first apply a little ointment on the skin, in order to determine the sensitivity of the skin to the drug.

On a sore spot apply an ointment the size of a walnut and rub it 1-2 times a day.

The timing of the treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the concomitant diseases.

When pregnancy and breast-feeding, as well as children are not recommended.

With special sensitivity to the components of the ointment, itching, swelling, urticaria, allergic reactions, rashes, redness, burning can occur, and convulsions and dizziness are also possible.

Shelf life 3 years.

Ointment of Dikul from radiculitis

Ointment is used for radiculitis, arthritis, gout, neuralgia and muscle inflammation.

Way of application: light movements, not strongly pressing on a sore spot, rub 2-3 minutes three times a day. After using the medicine, it is desirable to wrap up the affected area with a woolen cloth. Treatment can last from 1 to 6 weeks.

Contraindicated with individual intolerance to the components of the ointment.

Shelf life is 24 months.

Ointment from radiculitis with bee venom

The poison of bees, which is the main component of the ointment, improves blood circulation, speeds up excretions toxic and harmful metabolic products from the focus of inflammation, which contributes to the reduction of pain sensations.

They are used for radiculitis, inflammatory diseases of joints, myalgia and pain sensations at traumatic lesions of muscles, tendons, ligaments, neuralgia, neuritis, peripheral violations of the local blood circulation.

Contraindicated drug with individual sensitivity to the components of the composition of ointments, hepatic and renal insufficiency, skin diseases, acute inflammation of the joints, hemorrhagic diathesis, open wounds or abrasions on the skin.

It is not advisable to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation, also for children under 12 years of age.

How to use: 3-5 cm of ointment squeeze out on a painful area and wait for 2 minutes for the body to react.

If there is no redness and burning sensation, then slowly squeezed out squeezed ointment rubbed into the skin 2-3 times a day.

After the procedure, it is recommended that the sick site be kept warm.

Side effects: skin irritation, dermatitis, allergic reaction, skin rashes, burning, itching.

Shelf life 3 years.

Kuznetsov's ointment from radiculitis

The composition of the ointment includes bee venom and components of plant origin, which together give an effective result in the treatment of radiculitis. The drug is completely of natural origin, does not contain analgesics.

Promotes the rapid renewal of the body after heavy physical exertion, improves blood circulation in places of use. Applied with rheumatic diseases, radiculitis, sciatica, scars, bruises.

Apply, -2 cm of ointment on the affected area and careful movements, lightly massaging rubbing 1-2 times a day. If there are no allergic reactions, the dose is increased to 5 cm of ointment for one application. Three days after the start of use, it is recommended to take a break for 1 day.

Side effects: urticaria, swelling of tissues, burning, itching.

Do not advise to use ointment during pregnancy, during lactation, children.

Shelf life 3 years.

Chinese ointment from radiculitis

Contains fat snakes, snake venom, vitamin E and Chinese herbs.

It is possible to use ointment for diseases of the lumbar, cervical, rheumatoid arthritis, heel spurs, muscle spasms.

Method of application and dosage: spread on problem areas, which cause pain and massage movements rub into the affected area 2-3 times a day. It is strictly forbidden to apply ointment on open wounds, pregnant and lactating.

Also, redness and allergic rashes in case of an overdose are possible.

Ointment from radiculitis is a local remedy, but it can effectively eliminate pain, relieve inflammation, physical overstrain.


But do not reduce the treatment only to the use of drugs of this group, be sure to contact the doctor for diagnosis and determine the exact diagnosis to appoint the right treatment.


A source: http://ilive.com.ua/health/mazi-ot-radikulita_106897i15828.html

Ointment from radiculitis - which one to choose?

Ointment from radiculitis should relieve the symptoms of damage to the roots of the spinal cord.

This form of treatment is only part of the complex treatment of back pain.

Ointments used in radiculitis have analgesic, irritating effect, dilate blood vessels, improving nutrition and tissue structure.

For the treatment use combined drugs in which there are active warming and anesthetics, poisons that irritate sensitive receptors of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

They work well if they are applied at rest and combined with a massage.

Why there is pain

The name "radiculitis" unites several diseases developing in different parts of the spinal column. The disease is secondary and appears with osteochondrosis, after trauma or significant physical exertion.

The word "lumbago" refers to acute pain in the lower back, which arises suddenly as a result of considerable physical exertion. It can become a consequence of overheating or hypothermia of the body.

Pain in lumbago can last from a few moments to several days.

The main cause of lumbago is overexertion of the muscles of the lumbar region, the presence of a hernia or displacement of the vertebrae in this department of the vertebral column.

In the place of localization of pain, arising from the affected nerve roots, distinguish cervical, thoracic or lumbar radiculitis. Sciatica is a type of radiculitis that is diagnosed in lumbosacral pains that give off to the buttock. They are associated with irritation of the sciatic nerve.

Pain due to pinching roots can appear in the cervico-brachial section of the spine. Then a strong pain will be noted in the nape, shoulder, shoulder blade. It will restrain movement and increase with the turn of the head, movement of the hand, coughing.

If the pain appeared in the intercostal muscles, then it is a chest radiculitis.

Treatment of radiculitis should be carried out by a neurologist who will find out the causes of the appearance of pain and with the help of therapeutic measures will eliminate them. Ointment in this treatment performs a certain function, its use can be ineffective without other methods of treatment.

Ointments with natural ingredients

Effective ointments for the treatment of radiculitis contain several natural components. They have:

  1. Camphor, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic effect.
  2. Salicyl, a traditional component in ointments, manufactured for the treatment of rheumatism. It has antiseptic and irritating effect.
  3. Snake venom, which has a strong analgesic effect, activates local immunity, improving metabolism.
  4. Bee venom, which causes the development of an inflammatory reaction, in which metabolic processes are intensified and the process of tissue recovery starts.
  5. The extract of red hot pepper is often found in the composition of the ointment from the radiculitis. It is used to irritate the skin receptors.
  6. The composition can include essential oils of larch and common spruce, badger fat and licorice root extract, traditionally used in folk recipes.

The choice of preparations containing venom of snakes is large enough. "Bunraksin "Viprakutan "Vipratoks "Viprosal V" contain venom of vipers.

Cobra venom was included in the composition of the ointment called "Kobrotoksin."

The venom of gurgi is present in the preparation "Lebetox and the poison of rattlesnakes was introduced into the composition of the medicinal form "Reptlaz".

Such drugs can cause individual intolerance, so when using ointment with snake venom you need to be careful.


First, it is recommended to check the product on the arm bend, applying a small dose of the drug.


If the reaction to the ointment satisfied the consumer, he can use it.

Manufacturers have created the opportunity to choose the right means, so that every patient with sciatica received a It is possible to take advantage of this dosage form, which affects the condition of the organism with acute disease.

After applying the ointment from the radiculitis on a natural basis, it takes some time to get to the sore spot.

Then the patient begins to feel a burning sensation, which can subside, and then reappear when the skin area treated with ointment is moistened.

The effect of such drugs has a long period and can last several days.

Chinese ointment from radiculitis contains traditional natural ingredients and does not differ in its effect from Russian analogues.

Ointments with analgesic effect

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces ointments and gels with active substances such as ketoprofen and ibuprofen.

These two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances regulate the synthesis of prostaglandins that cause pain.

They are included in the list of the most important medicines in Russia.

Ointments made on the basis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have some advantage over forms with natural components. When applied, they instantly deliver the active substance to the affected tissues and relieve the pain effect.


Diclofenac and indomethacin have a stronger effect. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and powerful analgesic effect, which is important for the treatment of radiculitis. These active substances cause a significant weakening or disappearance of the rheumatic pain syndrome.


Ointments containing these active substances may be called or have a trade name. In the pharmacy may offer Bystrum gel with ketoprofen, Voltaren with diclofenac and other similar dosage forms.

All of these drugs have side effects that affect the gastrointestinal tract and blood structure. Which of these ointments is suitable for a sick person, you need to discuss in the office of a neurologist.

A source: http://proosteohondroz.ru/radikulit/maz-ot-radikulita.html