Rosacea on the face - photo, causes and treatment

rosaceaRosacea is a chronic ailment that affects the skin in the form of persistent acne, abscesses, and other rashes. Together with the rash, you can observe redness of the skin in the lesions.

Most often, the disease begins in the third or fourth decade of life and reaches a heyday between 40 and 50 years. It is noticed that women suffer more from rosacea - about 60% of all cases, although hyperplasia of sebaceous glands and connective tissue (structures tissue located in the lower layers of the skin - in the dermis), which lead to one of the complications of the disease - rhinophyma, is observed only in men.

The disease is also often called the term "rosacea". At a certain stage of development, the disease is reminiscent of acne by some signs, so it is important that the diagnosis is carried out by a specialist dermatologist. After all, the recovery of the patient depends on how adequately the treatment of rosacea is.

In this article, we will look at how rosacea looks on the face, in this we will help the photos of the symptoms. In addition, let's talk about the current methods of therapy, that is, how to treat rosacea on the face at home.

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Why does rosacea appear, and what is it? Until today, there is no information on the exact causes of the development of rosacea on the face. In people who suffer from rosacea, the surface skin arteries expand as a response to the effects of those stimuli that do not cause such effects in healthy people.

Nevertheless, experts point to a number of factors that trigger the emergence of rosacea:

  1. Infectious. In this case rosacea provokes pathogenic bacteria, and on the skin it manifests itself in the form of pustules. The course of antibiotics reduces rashes, which once again confirms the theory of bacterial infection. Nevertheless, it was not possible to identify the bacterium responsible for the onset of the disease.
  2. The role of ticks. When taking the test material from the skin of patients, it often reveals mites of the genus Demodex. In addition, with the appointment of therapy aimed at the treatment of demodicosis, there is a partial effect of treatment of rosacea. This theory has not yet received final confirmation.
  3. External factors. Theoretically, the cause can be food, which irritates the gastric mucosa. As a result, the skin vessels also expand. Alcohol, nicotine, spices, peppers and citrus fruits, all these products are at risk.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the conducted studies it was found that 50-90% of patients with rosacea have symptoms of gastritis, and 35% of patients - signs of diseases of the small intestine.
  5. Mental state of the patient. This theory is known for a long time, but there is no confirmation of the development of rosacea on the background of mental illnesses. The opposite is proven - inflamed skin, acne, dilated blood vessels, redness, edema worsen the appearance of a person, cause a depressed state. So even before the psychiatric disorder is near.

In the risk groupThe occurrence of this problem includes:

  • women, in which the walls of the vessels are very thin, with the slightest external stimulation, then a capillary rupture occurs;
  • Women whose facial skin experiences a permanent effect of hot air with a low moisture content;
  • people suffering from gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • people using corticosteroid ointments;
  • women in menopause.

How to treat rosacea on face? The technique is selected depending on the form of the disease and the causes that caused skin damage. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the manifestations of rosacea. At the same time, treatment of concomitant diseases is being carried out, failures in the work of internal organs are eliminated. Some forms of pathology are successfully treated, with others it is more difficult to cope.

Symptoms of rosacea

Lesion lesions with rosacea, which is remarkable, occurs exclusively in the face area (mostly the nose and cheeks). Quite often, the onset of the disease is noted against the background of seborrhea.

Among the main symptoms that are characteristic of rosacea, we distinguish the following:

  1. Constant reddening of the faceon the nose, chin, cheeks and forehead (the center of the face), except for this redness in some cases extends to both the back and chest.
  2. Rashes. They appear on the face, while affecting this area of ​​redness. Initially, small pink tubercles (or papules) are formed, which turn with progression of the disease in pustules (acne, acne, pustules). Noticeable compaction of the skin of the face on the reddened areas.
  3. The appearance of vascular "stars" or a grid(telangiectasia) as a result of vasodilation.
  4. Nasal septum compaction, accompanied by persistent reddening (rhinophyma), most often it affects men.
    Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye, accompanied by redness, dryness, sensation of the presence of a foreign body, lacrimation.

There are various classifications in which the symptoms of rosacea on the face are grouped according to the stage or form of the process. The most commonly used classification, which is divided into 3 stages:

  • I degree- erythematous-telangiectatic. It is characterized by moderate reddening and rare telangiectasias.
  • II degree, papulopustular, accompanied by persistent erythema and a large number of dilated capillaries, papules and pustules.
  • III degree, pustular-nodular, proceeds against the background of deep persistent erythema, abundant telangiectasias, and also plaques and inflammatory nodules appear on the skin during this period.

The most severe and unpleasant consequence of this disease is Fima - growth and condensation of the skin. Most often develops rhinophyma - deformity and persistent redness of the nose. It occurs in most cases in men, it affects women rarely. It is worth noting that rosacea - a disease that is cyclical, prone to transition to a chronic process. In most cases, after the appearance of the first attack, new ones arise. They are provoked by a number of external and internal factors.

Rosacea on the face - photo

What does rosacea look like on the face, the photos of the symptoms in the initial stage are presented below.


Very often an experienced doctor is able to diagnose rosacea in appearance. There are such forms of the disease, in which it may be necessary to study the microflora of the skin of the face, the state of the vessels. In women, a blood test is used to distinguish rosacea from other similar diseases.

Differential diagnosticsrosacea is carried out with:

  • vulgar acne,
  • perioral dermatitis,
  • erythematosus (lupus erythematosus),
  • small-node sarcoidosis,
  • tubercular syphilis,
  • red nasal granularity,
  • Pringle-Burneville disease,
  • carcinoid,
  • photodermatosis,
  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • leukemic infiltrate,
  • fungal mycosis,
  • folliculitis.

Detection of the demodex tick on the skin of the face can not be the reason for the diagnosis of "rosacea" and "demodecosis." There is no particular reason to look for a "subcutaneous mite" with various changes on the face - most often it does not have anything to do with it.

Treatment of rosacea on face

With rosacea, treatment can be prolonged (up to several months), as it is a serious chronic illness that can not pass quickly. Treatment of rosacea on the face involves complex therapy, that is, except for the dermatologist the patient should receive advice on the treatment of rosacea from a gastroenterologist, oculist, endocrinologist, gynecologist.

For the duration of treatment, the patient must comply with special rules,to avoid hot flushes to the face:

  • food with the restriction of smoked and hot dishes, products containing spices and extractives;
  • restriction of smoking, alcohol intake and strong drinks containing caffeine;
  • protection from the effects of cold, high temperature, solar radiation;
  • normalization of the working and rest regime;
  • correction of digestive tract disorders, endocrine and nervous system, manifestations of climacteric syndrome, treatment of foci of chronic infection.

Since patients with rosacea seek medical help in the phase where purulent eruptions are present, ointments and gels with an antibiotic are primarily prescribed.

If local antibiototic therapy does not have the proper effect, then with such forms of rosacea, it is advisable to take general medication with antibiotics. In this case, the practice of treatment with methicillin, metacycline, oxacillin, etc. If the patient has persistent papular pink acne, an effective medicine is considered to be fiativazide.

Precise schemes and methods of treatment of rosacea are not present, and therefore in some cases a good therapeutic effect is provided by lotions with metronidazole and infusions of herbs. A good result is laser treatment of rosaceo.

If a person is diagnosed with rosacea, folk remedies should be used together with traditional medical procedures. Good results are shown by cryotherapy, electrocoagulation and dermabrasion (a cosmetological procedure consisting in mechanical polishing of the skin with the help of special equipment). To begin with follows with antidiarrheal therapy, for which liquid nitrogen is used, treatment by the method of Demjanochiva and sulfuric alcohol.

Uncomplicated forms of rosacea can be treated relatively quickly, but sometimes the treatment is delayed up to several months or more. After the inflammatory manifestations of rosacea are eliminated, it is necessary to eliminate the very cause of the disease - an expanded vasculature. Photocoagulation and local cryotherapy are the only reliable method for eliminating dilated vessels on the face with rosacea.


To protect against rosacea, dermatologists recommend not to irritate and protect the skin of the face, do not overexpose it to the sun, do not overheat and do not overcool. Avoid hot drinks, spices, alcohol. Use cosmetics and care products that do not contain alcohol and irritants. Avoid contact with hair spray on face.

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