Gyoksizon is intended for the therapy of any pathologies on the epidermis and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
This combined medical device actively extinguishes the inflammatory processes of the epidermis, even with various complications, infections. Also, the components of the drug have antipruritic effect, soothe irritation, reduce the amount of collagen, inhibit the growth of connective tissues, reduce the synthesis of proteins, proliferates.
On this page you will find all information about Gyioxysone: the full instruction on the application for this medicine, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Gyoxysone Ointment. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.
Clinical and pharmacological group
The drug with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action for external use.
Conditions of leave from pharmacies
Available without a prescription.
Price list
How much does Gyoxisone ointment cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of100 rubles.
Form of issue and composition
Ointment is available in tubes of 10 and 25 grams. Tuba with the instruction is in a cardboard box.
The following components are present:
- Oxytetracycline hydrochloride - 30 mg;
- hydrocortisone acetate - 10 milligrams.
Pharmacological effect
Active components of Gyoxysone ointment exert a depressing effect on the development of skin inflammatory reactions:
- Hydrocortisone refers to glucocorticosteroids with anti-inflammatory, antiexudative, antiallergic and antipruritic effects. The component promotes inhibition of phagocytosis, a decrease in the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes and a decrease in the synthesis of proteins in the skin, which impedes the development of connective tissue.
- Oxytetracycline belongs to the antibiotics of the tetracycline group and has a bacteriostatic effect against bacteria (gram-positive and gram-negative) Treponema spp., Rickettsia spp., Mycoplasma spp.
The medication is especially effective in inflammations of allergic origin, which are complicated by bacterial infections.
What is it used for?
Gyoxysone Ointment includes the following indications for use:
- lichen;
- all forms of dermatitis;
- inflammation of various parts of the ear;
- dermatological pathology of superficial layers of skin of allergenic origin;
- acute inflammation of several hair follicles with the formation of pus and extensive dying of the skin;
- infectious diaper rash;
- redness of the skin caused by excessive blood filling of the skin;
- itching caused by insect bites.
According to the instructions, Gyxisone is contraindicated in the following cases:
- Lupus;
- Perioral dermatitis;
- Diseases of the skin of viral etiology (herpes, chicken pox);
- Conventional or rosacea;
- Malignant skin formation, precancerous condition;
- Fungal or bacterial skin lesions;
- Hypersensitivity to the active or auxiliary components that make up the drug.
Gyoxysone ointment is not prescribed for children under eight years due to lack of information about the efficacy and safety of its use for this category of patients.
Application in pregnancy and lactation
Application in pregnancy and lactation in a restricted area, for example, on the lactating mammary gland, is possible if the expected benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus and the baby. It is necessary to consult a doctor.
Instructions for use
In the instructions for use it is indicated that the ointment of Gyioxysone is applied externally.
- Apply a thin layer of 0.5-1 g 1-3 times a day on the affected areas or on a sterile gauze, which is covered with a skin, bandaging bandage. The duration of treatment is individual and depends on the degree of lesion and localization. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks.
When applying the drug on the face skin, the ointment should be applied once a day with a thin layer or pointwise on the elements, and the course of treatment should not exceed 7-10 days.
Side effects
In rare cases, Gyoxysone may provoke local side effects:
- atrophy of subcutaneous tissue;
- dryness of the skin;
- hypertrichosis;
- suppression of epidermal growth;
- burning sensation, itching;
- irritation;
- the appearance of a rash;
- atrophy of the skin;
- inflammation of the hair follicles;
- a swab;
- development of secondary bacterial or fungal infections;
- discoloration or depigmentation of the skin
- appearance of perioral dermatitis and contact dermatitis;
- change the color of the skin.
With prolonged uncontrolled use of the hyoxygenone ointment, the patient may develop symptoms of overdose, which manifest themselves in the form enhancement of the above-described side effects and various systemic abnormalities that often occur in the context of treatment with glucocorticosteroids:
- Dizziness.
- Violation of the function of the adrenal glands.
- Heart rhythm disturbances.
When using a large amount of ointment on the face, it is possible to develop subcutaneous tissue atrophy in the area around the mouth.
special instructions
During treatment with glucocorticosteroids, vaccination should not be carried out in connection with the immunosuppressive effect of glucocorticosteroids.
If it is necessary to apply the drug on the face skin, the treatment should be short, due to increased absorption and the possibility of side effects.
Drug Interactions
In the case of topical application in the recommended dosage of interaction is not revealed. Do not use two or more medications at the same time without consulting a doctor. as it is possible to change the concentration of the active substance near the application area or reddening of the skin.
We picked up some of the people's feedback on the Gyoxysone:
- Jeanne. I always take this ointment with me when I eat with my husband on the river, on fishing, the fact is that mosquitoes terribly bite me, and this remedy is excellent, it removes itching and inflammation.
- Tanya. I learned about this ointment by accident. When we were at the cottage, I was terribly bitten by mosquitoes. Most likely on the basis of this, I developed an allergy. I always love mosquitoes, so I know what a lot of bites are, and how they itch. To me no doctor attributed this remedy. After all, for them, mosquito bites are "garbage". In short, I decided to go to the pharmacy myself - there they advised me to buy Gyoxeosin ointment. On our next such sortie mosquitoes bitten my child (5 years). At first I smeared the pimples with baby cream, but the next day the use of the drug became even worse - my daughter combed the places of bites so that she brought there some kind of infection. Fortunately, that in my drugstore now there is Gyxysinum - it helped immediately. The great advantage of this drug is that it costs very cheaply.
- Marina. The cosmetician advised me this remedy. I have enough problem skin and often jump up subcutaneous pimples, and if the composition is applied directly to the affected area, then after a while the pryshchik decreases in its size by half. I use the drug before bed, applying it in a thin layer on the inflamed area - the effect pleases.
Synonymous with Gyxysone are the drugs Oksizon and Oksikort, and the analogues are the following drugs:
- Pimafukort;
- Cortomycetin;
- Fucidine G;
- Oxycyclozole.
Before using analogues, consult your doctor.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Gyioxizon should be stored in a place inaccessible to children, at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C.
Shelf life of the product is 3 years.

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