In what cases is the azure coagulation of the retina carried out? The essence of the method

Modern technologies for the treatment of eye disease are very diverse.Their effectiveness is repeatedly proven theoretically and experimentally, and they are able not only to stop the progression of severe pathologies, but also to completely restore lost vision. Among such methods, laser retina coagulation is currently being distinguished, which has a huge advantage in therapy before other methods.


  • 1Method definition
    • 1.1At what diseases is appointed or nominated?
    • 1.2Operating principle
  • 2Conducting
    • 2.1Preparation period
    • 2.2Stages of holding
  • 3Postoperative period
    • 3.1Restrictions
    • 3.2Recommendations
  • 4results
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Method definition

Laser coagulation is a method of surgical intervention, performed under local anesthesia.As a rule, it passes painlessly and does not require a long postoperative period.

Laser Coagulation Procedure

The essence of the method consists in the action of the laser beam on the eye tissue and at the expense of high temperatures soldering of problem areas of the retina occurs.The operation has contraindications:

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  • Diseases of the brain;
  • Visual acuity level;
  • Hemorrhage in the eye fundus;
  • Cataract.

The technique has several advantages:

  1. The procedure does not affect the fundus and does not imply the risk of infections and traumatic injuries.
  2. Painful sensations and bruising do not occur during or after the operation.
  3. Local anesthesia minimizes possible negative consequences.
  4. The procedure does not take much time and does not affect the habitual way of life.

At what diseases is appointed or nominated?

Laser coagulation has the following indications:

  • Development of retinopathy (disruption of blood vessels, damage to the capillary system of the visual apparatus);
  • Dystrophy of capillaries;
  • Complications of myopia;
  • The growth of an abnormal capillary system of the organs of vision;
  • The presence of tumors;
  • Peripheral retinal detachment;
  • Rupture of retinal tissues;
  • Retinal dystrophy.

If the detachment of the retina affects large areas, the operation is not carried out because of its low efficiency.

Operating principle

Securing the retina with a laser is usually performed bloodless and almost painless.For this, as a rule, local anesthesia is used, since general anesthesia can complicate the task, although there is no need for it. During the operation, the laser device solder the damaged sections of the retina tissues under the influence of high temperature. This effect is achieved by denaturation of the protein, in which the tissues are folded.

The design assumes the presence of two lasers.One of them has a lower power and provides a correct aiming. The second one has more power, its purpose is direct coagulation (folding).

Laser coagulation

Pregnant women can only be operated on an early schedule.


The procedure is carried out, as a rule, in several stages and takes no more than thirty minutes.

Preparation period

Before the operation, diagnostics of the retina is mandatory.Coagulation is prescribed only if there are indications and no restrictions. The procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis and does not require any special training.

Stages of holding

On the day of surgery, the patient is seated in a specially prepared chair. He is instilled with a special drug that provides a persistent dilatation of the pupil, as well as an anesthetic.The head of the patient is rigidly fixed, and between the eyelids fix a three-mirror lens, pre-lubricated with a special gel.

Three-mirror lens for laser coagulation

At the point of laser guidance, the temperature rises sharply, which causes coagulation.During the procedure, normal blood supply of tissues is also restored.Also, the laser glues fragments of the retina when it breaks.

During laser coagulation, the patient should only look upwards in front of him.

Postoperative period

The results of the operation can be felt right after it is carried out.However, it is usually only two weeks later to fully assess its quality and effect.This time, as a rule, is allocated for the recovery period.


In order to avoid complications after surgery, the following rules must be observed:

  • Do not engage in heavy physical work and sports, and also lift weights;
  • Eyes should be protected from sunlight, for which it is important to use sunglasses;
  • Do not visit baths and saunas;
  • Avoid traumatic situations (do not allow head and eye injuries);
  • Observe the basic rules of hygiene;
  • Do not touch the eyes and do not rub them;
  • Do not allow large loads on the visual apparatus.

If the postoperative regime is not followed, the following complications may occur:

  • Edema of the cornea, reducing visual acuity;
  • Deterioration of twilight vision;
  • Detached vitreous body;
  • Hemorrhage.
Hemorrhage in the eye after laser coagulation


In order for the postoperative period to pass as easily as possible and there were no prerequisites for the re-occurrence of retinal diseases, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • To pass preventive examinations at the doctor-ophthalmologist;
  • In the presence of hypertension, systematically check blood pressure;
  • If you have diabetes, measure blood sugar;
  • Reduce consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • If deterioration occurs, consult a doctor immediately.

In the post-operative period, support of relatives and relatives, their assistance in resolving domestic issues can be especially important.

The first few weeks after the operation, it is better to abandon the management of motor vehicles and activities that require high concentration.


The quality of the results depends largely on the equipment used and the professionalism of the doctor.The procedure itself is easy to transfer and usually does not take more than half an hour. Immediately after it there is redness, pain and irritation, which disappear after a few hours. In addition, the first few days may reduce the severity that also passes.With a qualitative procedure and observance of all recommendations, the retina is soldered and retains its integrity, vision is restored.However, in some cases, complications are possible:

  • Distortion of the pupil;
  • Cataract;
  • Dark spots in the visual field;
  • Increase the fluid pressure inside the eye.
Complication after laser coagulation - cataract

If complications arise or the effectiveness of the operation is insufficient, a repeat procedure may be prescribed.



Laser coagulation is a procedure for restoring the functions of the visual apparatus, which does not require special preparation and is used quite often. It has such advantages as the absence of the need for general anesthesia, painlessness, efficacy and rapid healing. The procedure is able to stop the retinal dystrophy and the destruction of its tissues.However, in order to achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to apply only to highly qualified doctors and follow their recommendations.

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