First aid for dislocations, fractures, sprains and bruises


  • 1First aid for fractures, dislocations, bruises and sprains - Fractures
    • 1.1Fractures
    • 1.2Traumatic shock
    • 1.3How to recognize shock?
    • 1.4Fractures of the legs
    • 1.5Pelvic fractures
    • 1.6Fractures of hands
    • 1.7Fractures of the ribs
    • 1.8Fractures of fingers
    • 1.9What not to do with fractures
    • 1.10Dislocations
    • 1.11Contusions
    • 1.12Sprains of muscles and ligaments
  • 2First aid for sprains, bruises and sprains
    • 2.1Bruises and their signs
    • 2.2First aid with bruises
    • 2.3Symptoms of sprain
    • 2.4First aid for sprains
    • 2.5Dislocations and their features
    • 2.6First aid for sprains
  • 3First aid for bruises, sprains
    • 3.1First aid
    • 3.2Stretching, causes, symptoms
    • 3.3First aid
    • 3.4Dislocation, causes, symptoms
    • 3.5First Aid
  • 4First aid for sprains and sprains
    • 4.1What is a dislocation, sprain, bruise and fracture?
    • 4.2Signs and Symptoms
    • 4.3What do you need to provide first aid?
    • 4.4First aid
    • 4.5Sprain
    • 4.6Contusions
    • 4.7Dislocations
    • 4.8Open fractures
    • 4.9Closed fractures
    • 4.10How correctly to apply a bandage?
    • 4.11First Aid Notes
  • 5Healthy, beautiful, successful
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First aid for fractures, dislocations, bruises and sprains - Fractures

We have been trying since childhood to teach how to provide first aid for trauma. Such lessons are held in educational institutions, in enterprises, in the training of drivers and so on.

But still, most people are not ready to act properly in a difficult situation. So, once again, how you can help the victim - never unnecessary.

General rules for first aid in case of any injuries:

  1. Soothe the victim and, if possible, relieve the pain. For this, various anesthetics are suitable. You can give alcohol only in extreme cases, with the development of shock and only adults. Cold applied to the injury site will help reduce pain, prevent swelling.
  2. Stop the blood if there are open wounds. To do this, pressing bandages and strands are applied.
  3. Immobilize the damaged area of ​​the body.
  4. Call an ambulance.


The first thing that puts many at a dead end: the inability to understand, there was a fracture or just a very painful bruise, a dislocation. Actually,do not waste time on such questions. It is always better to be safe and proceed from the fact that the bone is broken.

The second, which is not always told in the classes on OBZH -traumatic shock.

This is a dangerous condition that can develop in people with severe injuries and fractures.

And if you are faced with this problem - you must first try to prevent the aggravation of the shock, and then begin to bandage and superimpose the tires.

Traumatic shock

With a strong and, most importantly, rapid blood loss there is a reflex spasm of peripheral vessels.

After a while, the vessels expand again, the blood "pours" from the heart and brain - the pressure falls rapidly.

Further, the functions of the kidneys, liver, other organs and systems are violated, which leads to the accumulation of toxins in the blood, a dangerous change in the acid-base balance.

How to recognize shock?

At the first moment, after the injury, the injured person may be hyperactive, excited. This state, as a rule, does not last long. At the next stage, there is sluggishness, down to loss of consciousness. Outwardly you can notice:

  • Strong pallor;
  • Weak, almost absent pulse;
  • Frequent, shallow breathing;
  • A stopped look;

First aid:

  1. If the abdominal cavity is not injured, give the patient pain medications (Analgin, Ketonov, etc.). In their absence, you can give strong alcohol (not more than 150 ml), sweet tea, water.
  2. It is necessary to cover the victim to help the body maintain its temperature. At the same time, the clothing collar needs to be unfastened or torn in order to facilitate breathing.
  3. Since you can not accurately determine the amount and nature of damage - it is better not to move a person, providing assistance on the spot.
  4. To stop blood loss, apply pressure bandages and strands. Treat wounds with an antiseptic (iodine, zelenka, potassium permanganate) and cover with bandages.
  5. Put tires on broken limbs.
  6. Call an ambulance.

It is better when several people help at the same time: one can call the doctors, the other seeks and gives painkillers, the third stops the blood and so on.

Do not leave the victim in a state of shock. Be ready to give him artificial respiration.


Remember, the faster a person receives help - the first and specialized, so he has more chances to survive and restore health.


So, after anti-shock measures, if they are required, it is necessary to deal directly with a fracture.

The main thing isimmobilization of a damaged area of ​​the body. This is done with the help of tires or fixing bandages.

For the manufacture of tires suitable for any solid, hard material:

  • Sticks;
  • Bundles of rods;
  • Skiing;
  • Thick, folded cardboard;
  • And so on;

The length of the tire should be sufficient to fix the two joints - above and below the fracture. For example, if the leg is broken below the knee, then fix both the knee and the ankle. Tires are appliedover clothesor put a cloth under it (gauze, cotton).

To relieve swelling and reduce pain, you canperiodically apply cold. If there is no ice pack, then any products from the freezer that will be wrapped in a clean bag will do.

Fractures of the legs

If the victim is transported lying down, you can tie your broken leg to a healthy one. With a fracture of the femur, the tire should reach the waist and be fixed there to fix the hip joint.

Pelvic fractures

These are extremely difficult and dangerous fractures. It is better not to move the victim. To ease his condition, if possible, place a large roller of a blanket or clothes under the slightly bent legs.

Fractures of hands

Apply to the arm of the tire, fixing the joints below and above the fracture, and then fix the limb. If not touched by the elbow, then you can hang a bent arm on a bandage, strengthened around the neck.

If bending is impossible - tie your arm to the body. With a fracture of the shoulder armpit, put a soft roller (from gauze, rolled tissue), arm bend and in this position fix, tied to the torso.

In this case, it is better to transport the victim sitting.

Fractures of the ribs

The task is to squeeze the chest so that the person breathes more belly. It should be carefully bandaged the torso of the victim on exhalation.

If the bandages are not enough - use a towel, a wide cloth, clothes, with bandages tied with ribbons or other fabric to fix the chest.

Transportation - sitting.

Fractures of fingers

Put a soft pad (a folded piece of cloth, gauze) between the patient and the next, healthy, finger and pribintuyte fingers to each other.

What not to do with fractures

You should not without the urgent need to move the patient. Never try to set bones, feel the place of fracture. the task is to remove or reduce pain and, as soon as possible, to transfer the victim to the hands of specialists.


Another common and dangerous injury is a dislocation of the joint. It can be complicated by compression or rupture of soft tissues, ligaments, an articular bag.

It is usually not difficult for a specialist to distinguish a dislocation from a fracture - and this is not required.

Here you need to provide similar first aid - to give an anesthetic (apply cold) and fix the joint.

In this case, you can not change the position that the limb took after dislocation. That is, in no case can you try to correct the joint.

a task:completely limit the movement of the injured limb. Use the same methods as for a fracture.


With a bruise, there is no damage to bones and ligaments, skin, but soft tissues, vascular burst.

However, such a trauma can be extremely dangerous if internal organs, such as the lung or the brain, have been affected (even if you suspect a possible concussion, you should consult a doctor!).

If the victim feels increasing pain, swelling builds up, a hematoma appears - always seek help from a trauma center. You need to apply cold to the site of the bruise.

Sprains of muscles and ligaments

Stretching is a variant of an injury in which an excessive load damages the muscle fibers or ligaments. In this case, they can partially break and stretch.

The first thing to do is to immobilize and apply cold. If the pain does not recede, there is a strong swelling, a hematoma -it is necessary to visit an emergency station.

A source:

First aid for sprains, bruises and sprains

Contusions, sprains and dislocations are considered the most common types of injuries as a result of an unsuccessful fall or getting a blow by a heavy object. On how much the treatment will be effective, first of all it depends on whether the first aid was provided to the victim correctly.

Therefore, it is important to know how to help a person in case of trauma to avoid consequences and complications.

Bruises and their signs

With bruises of any degree a soft tissue is damaged in a person and blood vessels are torn, but their structure remains intact.

Particularly affected tissues, located close to the bones and joints.

Because of this, a hemorrhage can occur in the cavity of damaged joints or tissues.

Some time after getting injured a person begins to feel pain.

Despite the fact that the skin is not disturbed, soft tissues are impregnated with blood, so bruises form a bruise to the victim.

As a result of effusions and accumulation in the damaged tissues, a hematoma forms.

With bruises, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. The victim experiences severe pain, especially during pressure on the damaged area of ​​the body.
  2. In the place of injury, a swelling is formed.
  3. In the tissue can flow blood from the affected blood vessels.
  4. A person can not move a damaged limb due to severe pain.
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If the bleeding continues, the pain with bruises increases, so the victim needs first aid to stop bleeding and prevent the formation of a hematoma.

In the place of injury, when viewed, it is not always possible to see hemorrhage, if the vessels are damaged deep in the tissues. In this case, the first watch the skin will have a normal color.

However, a swelling is usually formed at the site of the injury, which can be detected if you compare the symmetry of the limbs or parts of the body when viewed.

The hue of the skin for several days is gradually changing.


Immediately after the injury, the skin is red, after purple, bluish, greenish and yellowish.


Similar violations occur if at the time of the collapse or earthquake a person falls a wall, a heavy beam or other objects having a greater severity.

The victim at this moment may experience a shock, after which the organism is poisoned with the products of the breakdown of disturbed soft tissues.

First aid with bruises

The first help consists in the maximal elimination of painful sensations and a stop of a hemorrhage in internal tissues.

  • To reduce the outflow of blood with a bruise, you need to apply cold to the sheltered area of ​​the body. For this, medical ice, cold lotions, a hot water bottle with cold water, a bottle of snow are used. Cold keeps at the site of the injury for at least twenty minutes. After an hour, the procedure is recommended to repeat to reduce the swelling.
  • Applying cold is done for three days. However, such first aid will not work if the bruised place was frozen before. Also, ice should not be applied to people with cardiovascular diseases.
  • With abrasions and small wounds, first aid begins with the treatment of damaged tissues with the help of hydrogen peroxide, iodine or zelenka. It is important not to touch the place of the bruise, but to disinfect only the abrasions.
  • A sterile pressure bandage is applied to the site of the injury, after which cold is applied.
  • Including first aid is to ensure maximum peace of the damaged part of the body. To do this, the hand can be hung on a cloth scarf. If the leg is injured, it should be lifted upward to reduce blood flow, and immobilized by placing it on the pillow.
  • A warm water bottle can be applied to the site of injury only after three days.
  • To remove the edema and speed up the process of repairing damaged tissues, it is recommended to use special ointments that contain heparin.

If the bruise is easy, surgery is not required. When squeezing the first thing to do is to release a person from under heavy objects falling on him.

To prevent the entry of toxic decomposition products into the body from disturbed tissues, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet as close as possible to the base of the limb.

To stop bleeding, it is necessary to impose limbs with ice, bottles of cold water or a cloth soaked in cold water.

On the injured as a result of squeezing the limb, a tire is applied. To prevent the onset of a shock, a person is warmly covered, given to drink vodka, hot tea, coffee or wine.

Symptoms of sprain

Usually, sprains can develop when the joints are sharp and too tight. In this case, tendons, muscles and nerves are damaged.

Very often, this phenomenon can be found in athletes, especially in volleyball and gymnasts, who jump over the gymnastic horse.

At the same time, the joints of the fingers are damaged and first aid is needed when stretching the ligaments.

Also, the ankle sprains are prone to ankles due to careless walking, unsuccessful jumps or rapid running. When falling during roller-skating, there is often a sprain in the wrist.

Sometimes the ligament rupture can be not only partial, but also complete, which is accompanied by a hemorrhage from the damaged blood vessels into the internal tissues.

When stretched, the victim has the following symptoms:

  1. In the place of the damaged joint, a swelling of varying degrees is formed.
  2. The victim feels severe pain.
  3. The special feature is the fact that when stretching a patient can move, despite the pain and limitations in movement, in contrast to bruises and dislocations.
  4. Three days later, subcutaneous bruises can be found, which are formed due to the outflow of blood into the internal tissues.

First aid for sprains

Similarly, a bruise, when the ligaments are stretched, first aid consists in maximum immobilization of the injured limb.

  • The first thing to do is to make a tight bandage on the injured leg or arm with an elastic bandage.
  • However, when bandaging, it is important to maintain blood circulation so that blood can flow to the damaged tissues. Therefore, applying a tight bandage, you need to leave unbonded ends of your fingers to navigate the color, how tightly bandaged limb.
  • If your fingers turn pale and numb, you need to remove the elastic bandage and wait for the symptoms of the tug-of-war to pass. After that the limb is again bandaged more weakly. For the night, the bandage must be removed.
  • After first aid is provided, you need to see a doctor who will conduct an examination and appoint X-ray examination to exclude the possibility of ligament rupture or fracture bones.

For this, a plaster cast is applied to the injured person so that the torn ligaments are immobile and can quickly grow together. Additionally, treatment with arthroscopy is performed.

Dislocations and their features

When dislocations are displaced joint ends of the bone, and often they are accompanied by rupture of the joint capsule.

Most often, these injuries occur in the elbow, shoulder and hip joints. Do not forget about this option, like a congenital dislocation of the hip joint.

The lower jaw and thumbs can also be injured.

The following signs indicate dislocations during an injury:

The victim completely can not move the injured joint and experiences severe pain not only when trying to move the limb, but also in a state of complete rest.

In the region of the broken joint, due to a hemorrhage, a noticeable swelling is formed and the limb acquires an unnatural shape.

After three days, skin bruises become visible under the skin tissues due to damage to the blood vessels.


With a dislocated lower jaw, a person can not close his mouth.


If the joint surfaces of the bones can not touch each other, a full dislocation is diagnosed. In the case when the articular surfaces partially touch, distinguish incomplete dislocation or subluxation.

First aid for sprains

In no case should you try to independently direct the dislocation, as an unsuccessful attempt can lead to undesirable and serious consequences. The injured person should provide first aid as soon as possible and call a doctor.

  • The injured limb is fixed by means of a tire. If a dislocation occurs in the lower extremity, it can be bandaged to a healthy leg. In the case of violation of the upper limb, the arm is bandaged to the trunk.
  • With a dislocated jaw, the patient wears a special bandage that holds the jaw. To keep your mouth free from cold air or external objects, you must carefully cover it.
  • To the damaged joint, it is necessary to apply cold to reduce puffiness and stop bleeding.
  • In order to avoid complications due to excessive hemorrhage, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Before the doctor arrives, you must maximally immobilize the injured limb in the position in which it was after the injury.

If a dislocation occurs in the wrist joint, it is necessary to put a roller in the brush, apply a single tire and hang the arm bent at the elbow onto the bandage bandage.

In the case of a dislocation of the shoulder joint, the arm is suspended from the kerchief or is bandaged directly to the trunk.

When the ankle is dislocated, an eight-shaped or a cruciform bandage is applied. When the knee joint is dislocated, the damaged limb is fixed with a turtle bandage.

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First aid for bruises, sprains

Among the most common types of damage are bruises. They can act both as a primary injury and as a concomitant injury.

They can occur with dislocations, fractures, trauma to the internal organs.

Bruises mostly occur when falling, striking with a blunt object. If the injury is damaged tissue, organs, while their structure is not broken.

The most injured tissue, which is attached to the bone on impact.

The pain appears some time after getting injured. After a hemorrhage, there is a discoloration of the epidermis. The colors change in this order:

  1. Red.
  2. Crimson.
  3. Blue.
  4. Greenish.
  5. Yellow.

Sometimes the result of a bruise can be nasal bleeding. At this damage, it is necessary to land the victim, tilt forward slightly.

To stop bleeding from the nostril, you can use a cotton swab, pre-moistened in hydrogen peroxide (3%), cold water. Then the nostril is clamped with your fingers, keep it about 5 minutes.

To the nose, you can apply ice, cold wet cloth.

Trauma to the head may be accompanied by a bruise, concussion. Signs of a brain contusion:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • sometimes there is vomiting.

Concussion is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • pain.

First aid

If a bruise is necessary to provide first aid. The first medical help in getting a bruise is to do the following:

  1. Applying cold. This action helps to reduce hemorrhage. Cold should be applied to clothing, material (not on the naked body) for about 20 minutes. Then remove it and repeat the procedure in an hour. Such actions should be continued for 3 days. It is forbidden to apply cold to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It is also forbidden to apply cold to an organ that was frostbitten in the past.
  2. In the presence of abrasions it is necessary to disinfect by means of green, hydrogen peroxide, iodine. Processing is subject only to abrasions. It is forbidden to handle the bruise itself.
  3. Imposition of a pressure bandage.
  4. Provision of rest to the bruised organ. Let's hang a hand on a kerchief, put the leg on the pillow.
  5. The bruised limb should be given an elevated position.
  6. Applying warm heaters to the site of injury (3 days after injury).
  7. Applying on the bruise ointment, which includes heparin.
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To help doctors with a bruise resort very rarely. If the injury is accompanied by a bruise, a concussion of the brain, the first aid will be to perform such actions:

  • ensuring complete rest for the victim;
  • Applying cold to the injured area.

If there is a violation of respiratory function, cardiac activity, it is necessary to perform resuscitation measures: artificial respiration, cardiac massage. At the same time, you should call an ambulance.

When injuring the area of ​​the chest, abdomen, which are accompanied by a bruise of internal organs, internal bleeding, you should apply cold to the place of injury. The victim is immediately transported to the medical center for first aid.

Stretching, causes, symptoms

Stretches most often occur at the time of movement of the joint, which exceeds the normal physiological volume, is performed in the uncharacteristic direction of the joint.

Often, joints are liable to damage.

The stretch clinic is similar to the signs of a bruise.

It differs only in the localization of the joint. The main symptoms of stretching:

  • hematoma;
  • pain;
  • swelling;
  • hemorrhage;
  • pronounced violation of joint function.

First aid

The first aid in this type of injury consists in the following:

  1. Applying cold to the injured place. After this, a tight bandage, an elastic bandage, should be applied.
  2. Bandage of injured limb (arms, legs). It must be done as soon as possible. For this purpose, it is best to use an elastic bandage. It should be bandaged so as not to disturb the blood circulation, the finger tips must be open (their color indicates the tightness of the bandaging). When the fingers turn pale, bandaging should be chopped. At night, the bandage should be removed.
  3. Provision of rest to the stretched organ.
  4. After 2 days after injury, heat must be applied to dissolve the hemorrhage (warming compress, local warm bath).
  5. Prevention of repeated stretching. To do this, the victim is given a massage and prescribed therapeutic gymnastics.
  6. If the victim is suspected of a break, you should immediately contact the medical institution for first aid. At the medical station, X-rays are performed to exclude a closed fracture.

Dislocation, causes, symptoms

This type of injury is accompanied by the displacement of the joint ends, rupture of the joint capsule. The following joints are most often injured:

  • ulna;
  • brachial;
  • hip;
  • thumb;
  • the jaw.

The main symptoms of dislocation of the joint are:

  • swelling;
  • pain;
  • unnatural form;
  • manifestation of hemorrhage (after 3 days).

If you dislocate the jaw, you can not close your mouth. It is impossible to move a damaged joint, the pain manifests even in a state of rest.

First Aid

When dislocated, the victim should provide first aid, which involves the following:

  1. Fixation of the damaged joint. For this purpose, a tire is used. When injuring the lower limb, you can pribintovat it to a healthy leg. A damaged arm can be bandaged to the trunk. In the case of a dislocation of the jaw, you must wear a bandage that will limit its movement. Mouth recommended to cover to avoid getting into the larynx of foreign objects.
  2. Applying cold on the area of ​​the affected joint. It helps with a dislocation, bruise, stretching.
  3. Use of analgesics: analgin, amidopyrine (if necessary).
  4. Apply to a medical facility to provide qualified assistance. If you do not go to a doctor, the swelling that occurs during a dislocation can lead to complications.

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First aid for sprains and sprains

The skills of providing emergency medical services often help to save a person's life. After all, doctors can not always come instantly.

Therefore, we suggest that you study the first aid for stretching ligaments of the joint, bruises, dislocations and fractures.

If you study these simple actions, then with mild forms of trauma you can manage on your own.

What is a dislocation, sprain, bruise and fracture?

Stretching of the ligaments is a damage to the soft tissues of the ligaments or those that are around the joint. As a rule, the blood vessels adjacent to the rupture site also suffer. To earn stretching, it is enough just to stumble, slip, exaggerate physical activity.

Dislocation is the result of the loss of bone from its place ("nest"). In other words, the joint bones are displaced. For example, as a result of heavy physical activity or some kind of body movement. Most often, parts of the body such as the leg, hand, finger and shoulder are susceptible to dislocation.

A bruise is damage to tissues (sometimes organs) without disturbing their structure. With light bruises, skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and periosteum are injured. During severe injuries, internal organs can be damaged and even tissue necrosis may occur.


Fracture is a violation of bone integrity as a result of severe damage. There are fractures open, when adjacent tissues are injured, skin and wound is formed, and closed.


Inexperienced people can confuse dislocation with a closed fracture. The main distinguishing feature of the latter is that the pain does not pass even after a time, and the injured place begins to swell and change color to dark blue.

Signs and Symptoms

Both these injuries, dislocation and sprain, are often confused with fractures, since the kakoni have similar symptoms:

  • pain in or around the injury site;
  • swelling (swelling, bruising);
  • full or partial inability to carry out movements;
  • deformity of the limb or body part (typical for open and closed fractures, dislocations);
  • any discoloration (discoloration, bruising, blueness).

What do you need to provide first aid?

First aid for sprains and sprains is not possible without some materials:

  • elastic bandage or what can replace it for the near future (for example, a rag, clothes, usual gauze bandage, towel, bedclothes, etc.);
  • scissors;
  • A tire that can be replaced with any flat solid object (for example, a stick).

First aid

The first first aid for stretching ligaments and other injuries is to minimize further damage to the damaged area and not to cause deterioration.

If a person is not familiar with the rules of first aid, then it is better not to take any action, because even one wrong move can lead to serious consequences.


First aid in stretching and rupturing of ligaments:

  1. Tightly bandage the damaged limb. But do not disturb the blood circulation. To control this, it is best to leave the finger tips unbent, since their color will signal a violation of blood circulation.
  2. Reduce the functionality of the damaged limb by placing it in the bandage.
  3. Take the victim to a medical facility where they must take an X-ray. This is necessary in order to exclude fractures and confirm or disprove the rupture of ligaments.

In severe cases of sprain or laceration, a plaster bandage is required. At home, this can not be done, so medical intervention is simply necessary.

With simple stretches of ligaments, the injured person should stop playing sports for a while, in particular, run and ride a bicycle. And to reduce the load on the limb with stretched ligaments, use special auxiliaries:

  • orthopedic insoles, if the foot is damaged;
  • bandages if the hand is injured;
  • if the finger is damaged.

First time, bed rest is desirable.


First aid for bruises and sprains of ligaments is somewhat different and has the following sequence of actions:

  1. If the injury is accompanied not only by a bruise, but also by an abrasion, the damaged area must be disinfected with the help of green, iodine or hydrogen peroxide.
  2. To the bruised place for twenty minutes a packet of ice is applied.
  3. A tight pressure bandage is applied.

For three days to the bruised place you can apply cold, after which it is replaced with a warm water bottle. For an early healing, the injured area can be lubricated with special ointments and gels from bruises.

In most cases, medical care is not required.

But if, after a bruise, the victim has dizziness, a premature condition, or if the injury was severe and caused in area of ​​the abdomen, head, back, the help of medical personnel is simply necessary, since there is a risk of internal bleeding.

Also, in order to determine whether a professional medical intervention is necessary, it is not recommended to give any painkillers to the victim in the first day. Since they can hide the symptoms of a serious injury, which was difficult to recognize at first.


First aid in case of dislocation:

  1. The dislocated part of the body should be fixed with a tire.
  2. Place the cold in place of the dislocation.
  3. Try to immobilize the dislocated limb as much as possible. For example, if the arm or shoulder is damaged, then make a bandage through a healthy shoulder.
  4. Take the victim to a medical facility.

If you do not have a medical education and you have not received first aid courses, then do not try to insert a dislocated limb into place. There is a chance that the arm, leg or finger will not fit correctly, and the pain caused is too great to justify the mistakes.

First time it is desirable to comply with bed rest.

Open fractures

The first aid for fractures and sprains of ligaments is provided differently. This is especially true for open fractures.

The procedure for performing first aid in case of open fractures:

  1. It is necessary to remove tweezers of bone and other possible objects from the wound with tweezers.
  2. The skin around the lesion is treated with a 5% iodine solution or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. A dressing is applied from a sterile bandage.
  4. The damaged place is fixed by means of a tire, under which it is necessary to put a cotton-gauze pillow or something soft.

The victim after the first aid must urgently be sent to a medical institution, where the professionals will make all the necessary manipulations.

Closed fractures

The help at the closed fractures is similar to rendering of the first help at a stretching of sheaves:

  1. The damaged area is sufficiently tightly bandaged.
  2. If a wounded limb fractures, then it must be placed in a bandage or fixed.

After that, the wounded is taken to a medical institution where he is X-rayed and impose a plaster bandage.

How correctly to apply a bandage?

The first help in stretching ligaments and other injuries is mainly to properly apply a bandage to the damaged area.

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Of course, depending on the type of injury (simple bruise, dislocation, sprain of the joints, fractures, etc.), dressings may differ from each other. But the principle of their overlap remains the same:

  1. A person who provides first aid should have clean hands. Ideally, they need to be washed with soap, if there is no such possibility or you need to act immediately, then it is enough to treat them with some kind of antiseptic (sprays, napkins).
  2. If the injured place with an abrasion or there is an open fracture, then the area around the bruise (fracture) must be treated with hydrogen peroxide, iodine or zelenok. In extreme cases, alcohol.
  3. The victim is placed in a convenient position with a convenient approach to the injured place.
  4. Bandage in a spiral from the bottom up. For example, if the arm or leg is damaged, then the bandage is guided from the fingers to the trunk.
  5. The first few turns of the bandage are fixing, that is, it is tightly wrapped around a limb or body, and placed at some distance from the damage.
  6. Each new layer of bandage should cover the previous one by one third.
  7. The last turns of the bandage are the same as the first ones - fixing and lying over the injured area.

For greater reliability, you can cut the end of the bandage into two parts, wrap them around the damaged area and tie it.

First Aid Notes

The first medical care for stretching ligaments and other injuries will be rendered incorrect if the person who provides it does not follow the existing notes.

Their list includes the following:

  • Do not attempt to insert a fracture or dislocation into place yourself - this can lead to further injuries.
  • It is difficult for people without medical education to determine the nature of the trauma - fracture, dislocation or sprain. If in doubt, always treat injuries as a fracture.
  • In case of a fracture of the clavicle, keep the arm slightly apart from the injured person by making a sling.
  • If you suspect a dislocation of the joint, then give the affected area a rest and attach a packet of ice to it.

After injury, the victim may occasionally experience minor discomforts in traumatized areas (for example, pulling pains that appear with a change in the weather from sun to rain).

But such a result is possible with almost a hundred percent probability, if the first aid in stretching ligaments, dislocations, bruises and fractures was not competently provided.

Therefore, this is another motivation to comply with all the points from the above notes.

The most important thing is that first aid in stretching ligaments, dislocations, bruises and other traumas should be provided by a person who did not succumb to panic and thinks sensibly. In most cases, the success of the healing of damaged areas depends on this.

A source: http://.ru/article/196973/pervaya-pomosch-pri-rastyajenii-svyazok-i-vyivihah

Healthy, beautiful, successful

Very often a person is injured, the consequences of which can be stretching, rupture of ligaments, tendons, muscles, fracture. The most important thing in such cases is to correctly provide first aid.

Stretching -this is the resulting injury of the joint, in which the ligaments do not withstand tension and are stretched / torn.

Symptoms of distension or rupture: impaired motor function of the joint, severe pain, swelling of the joint, the appearance of a bruise. If the ligament is damaged, the feeding blood vessels next to it suffer.

First aid: a person who has received stretching, provides peace, immobilizes the affected joint.


Apply a tight bandage or splint to the joint, and for several hours cool it by applying ice or container with cold water (cold compress) for 12-24 hours, then switch to heat and warming compresses


Then the victim is transported to a medical facility. Dislocation is most easily set in the first hours after the injury. You can not try to fix the dislocated bone by yourself.

Fractures -damaged bones with violation of their integrity, arising from the sudden impact of considerable mechanical force on a healthy bone, with sudden movements, bumps, falls from a height. Also, with fracture, the integrity of surrounding soft tissues is disturbed, the adjacent muscles can be injured.

Symptoms of fractures: painful sensations, bruising, swelling, bruising, abnormal mobility at the site of fracture, lack of mobility in the limb. Active and passive movements are painful and limited.

In fractures of the limbs, shortening and curvature occur at the site of the fracture.

With broken ribs, there are difficulties in breathing, when you feel in the place of fracture, you hear a crunch of broken ribs.

With fractures of the pelvic bones and spine, there are disorders of urination, motor functions. Fractures of the bones of the skull are accompanied by ear bleeding.

Fractures distinguish:

- Closed. With closed fractures, the integrity of the skin is not compromised, with open - in the place of fracture there is a wound.

- open. Open fractures are fraught with infection in the wound, which can significantly extend the duration of treatment.

Open fractures are determined by the presence of fragments visible from the wound.

Fractures occur without displacement and with displacement of bone fragments. Fractures, in which only two fragments are formed, are called single fractures with the formation of several fragments - multiple.

Fractures arising from the impact of a bullet or a fragment of a projectile are called gunshot. In the case of gunshot fractures, fragmentation of the bone into large or small fragments, crushing of soft tissues in the fracture region or detachment of a part of the limb are observed.

When a severe fracture in the affected person, a shock occurs. Especially often a shock develops with open fractures with arterial bleeding.

First aid for fracturesincludes the following measures:

- stop bleeding (especially arterial);

- prevention of traumatic shock;

- the imposition of a sterile or aseptic dressing;

- Ensuring the immobility of the limb with special or improvised means;

- Anesthesia;

- transportation to medical institutions.

Immobility limb is provided by the imposition of special tires or improvised means. For this, two nearby joints (above and below the fracture site) are fixed.

First aid for fractures should be performed with caution in order to avoid bone dislocation and damage to the skin.


For fractures of the bones of the head, special care must be taken. After examining the victim it is necessary to put it on a stretcher with the abdomen downwards, put a soft litter with a depression under his face or use a cotton-gauze circle for this purpose.


The injured upper and lower jaws are fixed with a sling-like bandage, while the head is turned to the side in order to avoid tongue lancing, which can close the respiratory throat and cause choking.

In case of fractures of the collarbone, two cotton-gauze rings are applied to the shoulder area, which are connected on the back. The hand is suspended on a kerchief.

When the ribs break into the chest in the state of exhalation, put a tight bandage bandage or pull the chest with a towel and sew it up.

With a fracture of the bones of the forearm, the arm should be bent at the elbow joint at a right angle, turned with the palm to the chest and in this position fixed with a tire or with the help of improvised means. The tire is placed from the base of the fingers to the upper third of the shoulder. The hand is suspended on a kerchief.

When injuring the shoulder joint and fracture of the humerus for immobility, use a ladder tire or improvised means. The hand is suspended on a kerchief. In the absence of a tire or improvised means, the injured arm is suspended on a kerchief and pribintovyvayut to the body.

For fractures of the foot bones and damage to the ankle joint for immobilization use a ladder tire or improvised means.

The tire is first bent so that it can be placed on the sole of the foot and the back of the shin to its upper third. For the heel, make a groove in which they put cotton so that there is no pressure on the calcaneus.


Then the tire is applied to the limb and fixed. The foot should be fixed at a right angle to the shin.


With a fracture of the bones of the lower leg, immobility is carried out in the same way as when an ankle is damaged. Provides immobility in two joints: ankle and knee. In the absence of the necessary means, the injured limb is bandaged to a healthy one.

Fractures of the femur are a serious trauma, which often causes bleeding and traumatic shock.

Tires or improvised means in this case are superimposed on the lateral surface of the thigh: one - on the inside, the other - on the outside.

Then the tires are bandaged to the limbs and trunk.

In case of fractures of the pelvic bones of the victim, the victim is placed on his back, on a hard surface, a roller is placed under the knee joint in order for the legs to be half-bent and slightly apart.

Dislocation- this is a persistent displacement of the articular ends of the bones, which causes a violation of the function of the joint.

In most cases, dislocation is a serious trauma, which sometimes threatens the life of the victim. Thus, with a dislocation in the cervical spine as a result of compression of the spinal cord, paralysis of the muscles of the hands, legs and trunk, respiratory distress and cardiac activity are possible.

The main signs of a traumatic dislocation are: severe pain, changes in the shape of the joint, the impossibility of movements in it or their restriction.

First aid in case of a dislocation. Providing first aid to the victim at the scene, you can not try to correct the dislocation, because this often causes additional trauma.


It is necessary to provide rest to the damaged joint by its immobilization. It is necessary to apply cold to it (a bubble with ice or cold water).


With an open dislocation, a sterile bandage is first applied to the wound. Do not use warming compresses.

The dislocation should be corrected by the doctor in the first hours after the injury.

A source: