- Terms and Classifications
- What happens in the human digestive tract
- The most important causes of gastrointestinal disorders
- With what diseases of the gastrointestinal tract a person must meet most often?
- The role of the pathology of the esophagus
- Symptoms of GIT Diseases
- General principles of treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
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The human body is very dependent on the intake of irreplaceable substances from the external environment with food. The work of organs and systems has a good reserve, is capable of providing increased load for a long time, but it is interrupted if energy balance is not supported. And calories are formed only as a result of complex biochemical processes.
"Reagents" for the synthesis of a person gets from food. No best medicines can replace the natural process of feeding through the stomach and deliver the substances necessary for life.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - one of the first areas of therapy in the oldest medical manuscripts, along with help with injuries. How to treat individual symptoms were taught even under Hippocrates and Avicenna.
Terms and Classifications
The term "gastrointestinal tract" is very old, taken from anatomy. Implies and justifies its name - stomach and intestines. More precisely, say - from the place of attachment of the esophagus to the anus. This means that diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be considered only the pathology of these organs.
Modern knowledge of the digestive system has accumulated many facts about the inextricable links of the work of the stomach, the causes of intestinal pathology with the functioning of other organs - the liver, gall bladder and ducts, the pancreas. The current medical worker more often uses the term "diseases of the digestive system," under the old name is meant its expanded concept.
The International Statistical Classification singled out a separate class of diseases and calls it "Diseases of the digestive system". However, let us explain the features of statistical accounting. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in this group exclude pathology, which we are accustomed to attribute to the problems of digestion:
- diseases caused by infection (intestinal, parasitic, viral, including a large group of acute intestinal disorders, helminthiases, viral hepatitis) are classified as infectious;
- Malignant and benign neoplasms of the stomach and intestines are included in a separate section of tumors;
- diseases of veins and arteries such as ischemia, varicose veins, phlebitis, thrombosis (we are interested in portal vein thrombosis, pylephlebitis, hemorrhoids) are respectively considered in vascular pathology.

The list of diseases will be incomplete without congenital anomalies, vices (example, achalasia of the esophagus)
Therefore, when the territories report a stable state of gastrointestinal diseases, they separately take into account the growth of viral hepatitis, outbreaks of intestinal infections, the risk of cancer degeneration and detected new cases of neoplasms.
According to statistics published by the Ministry of Health, in recent years the number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract tends to decrease. Stoically held at 4-6 in the total number after diseases of the respiratory system, genitourinary system, skin (without trauma).
However, targeted research, referral to medical institutions allow us to conclude that:
- up to 60% of the adult population suffer from disorders of the digestive system, and in large cities and megacities - up to 95%;
- among the references to therapists, the problems of the gastrointestinal tract are 37%;
- from a peptic ulcer in 3 times more often, than women suffer men in the age of till 50 years:
- ulcerous changes in the duodenum exceed those in the stomach 8-10 times;
- the population remains insufficiently informed about the possibilities of early detection and timely diagnosis of malignant neoplasms of the stomach and intestines.
The data of attending physicians testify that 4.5-5% of people die each year from diseases of the digestive system. In the structure of cancer mortality, colorectal cancer occupies the second place, and the stomach - the third.
What happens in the human digestive tract
The main functions of the digestive system are:
- motor-mechanical - allows crushing, stirring and promoting the food lump along the tract sections, removing slags from the body;
- secretory - is responsible for the chemical processing of food particles with the connection of various enzymes in the juices of the organs concerned;
- suction - ensures the selection and assimilation from the contents of only the substances and liquid necessary for the body.
In recent years, another value of digestive organs has been proved - participation in the synthesis of certain hormones, elements of the immune system. Diseases of the stomach and intestines due to malfunction of one or more sites.
Of particular importance is the sufficient functioning of the duodenum, liver, pancreas. According to the anatomical structure, these organs are very closely related to the digestive tract. Violation of their work leads to dysfunction of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
The most important causes of gastrointestinal disorders
An important cause of diseases of the digestive system is malnutrition. The main errors are:
- long breaks in food intake - disrupt the reflex mechanism of digestive juices production, allow to accumulate a significant concentration of enzymes in the stomach and intestines without food intake, which causes dangerous damage to one's own mucous membrane;
- the prevalence of fatty meat foods, fried and smoked dishes, spices and sauces - contributes to the malfunction of the formation and entry of bile into the intestine, stagnant phenomena in the bladder and increases the risk of stone formation;
- excessive use of alcoholic beverages - has a direct toxic effect on liver cells, gastric mucosa and intestines, leads to increased consumption of enzymes, atrophic processes, contributes to atherosclerotic vascular lesions and disruption of wall nutrition;
- consumption of dishes of contrasting temperatures - is an excessive irritant for the stomach, the habit of very hot drinks is important in the occurrence of gastritis.

Enthusiasm for vegetarianism - causes damage in the supply of essential amino acids, obtained only from animal proteins, and hence the construction of the cell membranes of the digestive organs themselves
As toxic substances with a damaging effect on the digestive tract can be called:
- industrial contact with pesticides, alkalis, heavy metal salts, concentrated acids, domestic and suicidal poisoning;
- medicines of a class of antibiotics, some antifungal agents, cytostatics, hormonal preparations;
- nicotine and drugs.
After treatment of the gastrointestinal tract with antibacterial agents, additional means are needed to restore the beneficial microflora. Infectious diseases with gastrointestinal tract damage are caused by: different E. coli strains, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, enterococci, klebsiella, proteus, salmonella, shigella, hepatitis virus, herpes, helminths (ascariasis), amoebas, echinococci, lamblia.
Penetration of the infection through the stomach and intestines, the creation of a comfortable environment for habitat and reproduction is accompanied by the defeat of the entire body, a toxic effect on the brain, cells of the hematopoietic system. As a rule, it is possible to cure such diseases only by specific means capable of purposefully destroying the infectious agent.
Injuries to the abdomen, injuries disrupt blood supply to internal organs, stomach, intestines. Ischemia is accompanied by vascular thrombosis, necrotic manifestations with gut rupture. Negative action of ecology, ionizing radiation is disturbed by one of the first functioning of secreting cells of glandular epithelium. During treatment with chemotherapy and irradiation of tumors of various localizations, the liver, intestines and stomach suffer.
Heredity in the members of one family is expressed in a predisposition to gene mutations in meeting with risk factors, which is expressed in abnormalities of the structure, functional underdevelopment, high sensitivity to other reasons.
Ecological trouble in nature affects the stomach, intestines through poor quality of drinking water, increased intake of vegetables with pesticides, nitrates, with meat products - antibiotics, hormones, harmful preservatives.
An irresistible stress load on a person can lead to digestion breakdowns. The spread of the pathology of the endocrine organs due to diabetes, diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands disrupts the regulation of the secretion of juices and enzymes.

Great importance is attached to the violation of hygienic skills, sanitary illiteracy of children and adults, non-compliance with the rules of cooking and storage of products
With what diseases of the gastrointestinal tract a person must meet most often?
Of the diseases caused by the pathology of the stomach and intestines, it should be noted, as the most common diseases of inflammatory genesis, the following pathologies.
inflammation occurs from a more favorable surface, to the formation of erosion and atrophy of the inner shell, are very different at elevated and lowered acidity, necessarily attaching dyspeptic phenomena.
Disturbance of motor function of the muscular layer of the stomach and sphincters
With the weakening of the upper cardiac sphincter, it is possible to form gastroesophageal reflux disease with reverse casting of acidic contents and esophageal damage. If the contractility of the pyloric part changes, then pylorospasm or reflux disease of bile from the duodenum appears. Thus, biliary reflux-gastritis is formed.
Duodenum, usually a complement and continuation of gastritis, somewhat change the character of the symptoms. The pains become "late", 1.5-2 hours after ingestion, in the vomit masses of bile impurities.
The common name of diseases of the stomach and intestines, more often caused by infectious genesis, poisoning by substandard products. They flow acutely with high fever, nausea and vomiting, pains of different localization, diarrhea. Children have a dangerous symptom - dehydration.
Infectious and non-infectious lesions of the intestinal mucosa, possible manifestations of dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera. Patients are troubled by pains of a spastic character in the left or right half of the abdomen, false urge to the toilet (tenesmus), the temperature rises. The entire organism suffers from intoxication.
Local inflammation of the appendix has its symptoms, but always requires differential diagnosis due to anatomical features of the location.
The disease of the veins of the rectum, which affects the majority of the adult population. In the origin of the propensity to constipation, sedentary work, heavy labor in women. It is manifested by severe pain in the anus, itching of the skin, discharge of blood during defecation. Absence of treatment leads to the transition of inflammation from the enlarged veins to the nearest tissues, infringement of the venous nodes, the formation of cracks in the rectal mucosa, cancer.
It is not considered an independent disease, but due to the nature of digestive disorders, the condition needs correction, additional therapy and a special examination of feces for intestinal flora. May be caused by both inflammation and drugs.
Decrease in the share of useful bifido- and lactobacilli contributes to disruption of food digestion, activates conditionally pathogenic bacteria. Prolonged diarrhea is especially hard to bear by young children.
Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer
Persistent painful symptoms, seasonal and mucosal damage up to the muscular membrane, signs of bleeding are found in the stool. Possible serious complications in the form of perforation of the ulcer into the abdominal cavity or into neighboring organs. Are manifested by dagger pain, shock state of the patient.
Neoplasms of different locations
These include polyposis proliferation, cancer. Tumors are formed under the influence and against a background of various gastroenterological diseases. It is known that colorectal cancer is transformed from polyps of the large intestine, stomach cancer from atrophic gastritis.
If the tumor grows inward, manifestations are detected by a mechanical obstruction to the movement of stool (constipation). With external growth (exophytic), the symptomatology is not found for a long time or has common intestinal manifestations (vague pain, unstable stools).
To a fairly rare diseases of the digestive tract include:
- Crohn's disease- a serious defeat of the entire digestive "tube" from the oral cavity to the rectum, half the cases - iliac and straight, are referred to the hereditary pathology, autoimmune. The exact cause is unknown. Granulomatous sprouting sprouts the entire thickness of the intestinal wall. The clinic is characterized by the manifestation of diarrhea, abdominal pain, prolonged fever. It flows according to the type of inflammation, spasm or perforation with the formation of fistulous passages.
- Whipple's disease- mainly men suffer, is considered an infectious disease (bacterium-pathogen isolated), but researchers emphasize the role of excessive perverted immune system reaction. It is manifested by prolonged diarrhea, fever and general symptoms (pain in the joints, skin, heart, eye, ear, neurological symptoms).

With hiatal hernia protrusion into the thoracic cavity forms the esophagus and the upper edge of the stomach
The role of the pathology of the esophagus
On the one hand, the esophagus is viewed in the digestive tract simply as a connecting tube from the mouth to the stomach, so the state of the muscular base is important for "pushing" food. But on the other hand - the connection with the stomach causes changes in the mucous membrane in the lower parts and leads to a local disease. The most common pathologies are described below.
Esophagitis - inflammation with a painful swallowing of liquid and solid food, a burning sensation in the epigastric region, heartburn, belching. The culprit is a reflux acid reflux from the stomach. In severe cases, the disease is called reflux gastroesophageal reflux.
Hiatal hernia - pathology is caused by a violation of the localization of the esophagus, displacement of the lower border, protrusion from the esophagus of the diaphragm. The disease can be transmitted by inheritance or formed due to prolonged inflammatory processes in the esophagus and stomach. The main manifestation is the reflux of food into the esophagus with heartburn, belching, pain, bloody vomiting, swallowing. Treatment only surgically.
Barrett's esophagus is the main cause of esophageal ademocarcinoma. It is revealed on fibrogastroscopy after a biopsy examination. Such a symptom, like prolonged heartburn, is the reason for mandatory examination. Typically, the expansion of the site of esophageal tissue of the flat epithelium is observed.

Ulcerous noninfectious colitis of autoimmune etiology is becoming increasingly important by its spread among children and adults
To serious secondary violations of the gastrointestinal tract lead:
- viral and non-infectious hepatitis;
- cirrhosis with hepatic and renal insufficiency;
- pancreatic disease from functional disorders, to pancreatitis and cancer;
- cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.
Symptoms of GIT Diseases
Therapy of digestive diseases requires taking into account the pathogenetic mechanisms of the onset of disorders. It is most correct to carry out treatment of the gastrointestinal tract for clinical syndromes.
Dyspepsia syndrome includes subjective symptoms. It is customary to distinguish between the gastric and intestinal types. For most diseases of the stomach are characterized by:
- pain in the epigastric region of varying intensity, but necessarily associated with the time of eating;
- feeling of overflow in the stomach;
- heartburn;
- nausea and vomiting;
- eructation;
- a violation of appetite.

The combination of these symptoms depends on the nature of the disease, the stage of the process and the degree of functional disorders
So on a set of symptoms dyspepsia is divided:
- on reflux - manifested by a burning sensation behind the sternum, eructation, heartburn, swallowing disorder;
- ulcerous - the patient has unstable "hungry" pain, deterioration may occur at night (late pain);
- dyskinetic - patients complain of gravity in the epigastrium, a feeling of overflow of the stomach, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting;
- systemic - differs bloating, rumbling in the intestines, stool disorders, painful spasms are possible.
Dyspepsia of the intestinal tract of a person is accompanied by: flatulence, pouring and rumbling in the bowels, spastic or burgeoning pains in the abdomen without permanent localization, unstable stools. Symptoms occur with violations of the stomach and intestines. Observed with hypoacid gastritis, enterocolitis, tumors, adhesions, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis.
Symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia are constant, not associated with feeding, more intense in the afternoon, by night usually subsided. Increase with the use of dairy products, vegetables with a high content of fiber (cabbage, beets). Improving the condition of patients associated with defecation and the escape of gases.
Hyperacid Syndrome
Symptoms of gastrointestinal disease with increased acidity of gastric juice appear with gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, are typical for heavy smokers. The increased concentration of hydrochloric acid is associated with increased secretion, insufficient neutralization, delayed evacuation of stomach contents into the duodenum.
Hyperacidity of the stomach is distinguished by the following symptoms:
- heartburn on an empty stomach, after eating, at night;
- belching sour;
- increased appetite;
- vomiting with acidic contents;
- pain in epigastrium and right hypochondrium "hungry", late at night;
- propensity to constipation due to spasm of the pylorus of the stomach and slowing the evacuation of food masses.
Hypoacid syndrome
It occurs when the acidity of gastric juice decreases. Observed with stomach ulcer, atrophic gastritis, cancer, gastrointestinal infections, chronic cholecystitis, anemia, general exhaustion. Signs of hypoacidity:
- poor appetite (in severe cases, weight loss);
- intolerance of some products;
- nausea;
- flatulence;
- "Hungry" pain in the stomach;
- diarrhea (the door of the gatekeeper constantly yawns, so the intestinal mucosa is irritated by undigested food).

The nature of the pain is different (spastic or spasms)
Syndrome of enteral and colic insufficiency
It shows intestinal and general symptoms. Intestinal diseases include: pain around the navel 3-4 hours after eating, dyspepsia and dysbiosis. The chair is thin, foamy, offensive, several times a day, or constipation with atony in old age.
Among the common symptoms:
- losing weight against a background of increased appetite;
- fast fatigue, insomnia, irritability;
- skin manifestations (dryness, peeling, brittle nails, hair loss);
- iron deficiency, anemia;
- hypovitaminosis with gingival hemorrhage, stomatitis, visual impairment, petechial rash (lack of vitamins C, B2, PP, K).
Atresia of the intestine
Symptoms of an inflammation of an appendix
General principles of treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
Treatment of the stomach and intestines is not complete without a single scheme, which necessarily includes a diet, outside the acute phase of exercise therapy and physical therapy, if the symptoms and results of the survey do not cause fear for cancer degeneration.
Basic menu requirements:
- regardless of the nature of the pathology of the stomach or intestine, food should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day;
- Exclude all irritants of the mucosa (alcohol, carbonated wax, strong tea and coffee, fried and fatty foods, canned food, snacks and pickles);
- the selection of the diet is carried out taking into account the type of gastric secretion of a particular patient, in the anacidic state, stimulant dishes are allowed, with hyperacidity, are prohibited;
- in the first week of exacerbation it is recommended to crushed, mashed food, liquid porridge on the water;
- the expansion of the diet depends on the results of treatment of the stomach and intestines, the patient's well-being;
- the possibility of using dairy products is decided individually;
- cook food in a stewed, cooked and steamed.

Dyskinesias and functional disorders of the stomach and intestines are effectively removed by physiotherapy exercises
When receiving a conclusion about the presence of helikobacterium in the stomach, a course of eradication with antibiotics and bismuth preparations is recommended. Its effectiveness is controlled by repeated studies.
To support the secreting function of the stomach used drugs such as Pepsin, gastric juice, Plantaglucid.
With increased acidity, blockers of gastric secretion (proton pump inhibitors), enveloping agents (Almagel, Denol, Gefal) are necessary. To relieve pain, spasmolytics are prescribed (No-Shpa, Platyphylline). Tserukal helps with hypotonic damage to the stomach and intestines, relieves nausea, vomiting, activates peristalsis.
To stimulate the healing of gastric ulcer, use Riboxin, Gastrofarm, Solcoseryl, anabolic hormones. With chronic lesions of the intestine and stomach with the phenomena of vitamin deficiency and anemia, injections of vitamins, iron preparations are prescribed.
Moderate signs of bleeding indicate the involvement of small diameter in the vessel process, in the elimination of general anti-inflammatory therapy. With bloody vomiting and black stools with symptomatic hemorrhage, signs of obstruction require surgery with resection of the damaged part of the stomach or intestine.
Cancer changes are treated with courses of chemotherapy and radiation. The scope of surgical intervention depends on the stage. Physiotherapeutic procedures can improve the regeneration of the epithelium of the stomach and intestines, remove hypertonia, normalize motor skills.
For this we use:
- electrophoresis with the introduction of the necessary drug from the active electrode;
- diadynamic currents;
- phonophoresis.
Treatment with herbal remedies should be used after the elimination of acute symptoms of inflammation of the intestine and stomach. Anti-inflammatory properties have decoctions: chamomile, yarrow, calendula, oak cortex, plantain.

It is useful wrapping effect on the stomach of oatmeal, decoction of flaxseed
The treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines is performed by specialists from polyclinics. Oncologists consider it necessary, with the purpose of early diagnosis of cancer, to perform ultrasound and esophagogastroduodenoscopy to all individuals after 40 years, even if there is no symptomatology.
And if there are complaints about the work of the intestine, try to examine the patient with the help of colorectoscopy. This study is so far less available and is conducted in specialized hospitals or private clinics. But a timely diagnosis is worth the money spent.