Probiotics for the intestines: how to choose a list of drugs


What are probiotics?

Probiotics - living bacteria - microorganisms living in the human body and positively affecting its vital functions. Their presence is physiological, natural and so conceived by our Mother Nature.

Artificially created by the pharmaceutical industry, probiotic preparations based on natural raw materials contain various strains of bacteria.

There are various bifid-containing, kolosoderzhaschie, laktosoderzhashchie drugs. Similarly, they can contain yeast-like fungi, enterococci, and aerococci, depending on the purpose of the drug and its manufacturer. Probiotics exist in liquid and dry form.

These drugs not only allow the colon to colonize the intestines with correct( physiological) microorganisms, eradicate the pathogenic flora that causes various unpleasant disorders and disorders, but also provide an opportunity to increase immunity and effectively combat the disease.

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Today we will consider inexpensive - at a price and cost( while maintaining quality), but effective probiotics for the intestine. A list of drugs with prices and feedback on their use will be found below.

Probiotics when appointed?

Currently, according to the opinion of the American Gastroenterology Association, probiotics are most often prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases and conditions:

No. Name of the disease
1 Infectious diarrhea caused by rotavirus infection, including infants and young children - strains of lactobacillispecies Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus casei .
2 Irritable bowel syndrome - probiotic strains of lactic acid bacteria Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus plantarum and fungi Sacchromyces boulardii , and a combination of probiotics can help with defecation.
3 Antibiotic-associated diarrhea - Saccharomyces boulardii can prevent relapses of the most dangerous and most common antibiotic-associated diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile .

Along with this, gastroenterologists can prescribe probiotics for stool disorders, complaints of patients for colic in the abdomen, flatulence and frequent swelling of the intestine, sensation of heaviness in the stomach.

Probiotics, how to take it right?

It is important to choose the right optimal probiotic for the treatment of a specific condition of the disorder or disorder. When choosing a probiotic, simple rules are used:

Rules State What to take
First. If is suspected to be bacterial , intestinal lesion( acute or chronic): It is recommended to take complex preparations containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria concomitantly( for example, Bacteriobalance, Bifidine, Linex, etc.).
The second. If is suspected, viral bowel disease( acute or chronic): It is recommended to take preparations containing lactobacilli( eg Lactobacterin, Narine, Biobactone, Primadofilus, etc.).
Third. If suspected of fungal intestinal and genital lesions( candidiasis of intestine and vagina): It is recommended to take preparations containing bifidobacteria( eg, Probiform, Biovestin, Bifidumbacterin, etc.).
Fourth. When treating dysbacteriosis intestine: It is recommended that you first drink drugs with lactobacilli, then with bifidobacteria and only then with colibacilli( eg, colibacterin).It is possible to begin reception at once complex preparations simultaneously containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Probiotics and prebiotics: what's the difference?

The name is very similar for these two groups of drugs, they are often confused.

  1. Probiotics are living microorganisms , which belong to the normal intestinal microflora.
  2. The prebiotics are organic chemicals , which have the ability to create excellent conditions for reproduction of normal intestinal microflora.

The action of prebiotics and probiotics is similar, each of these groups of agents normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Useful properties, how do probiotics work?

Most probiotic bacteria belong to two genera: lactobacilli ( lat Lactobacillus ) and bifidobacteria ( Latin Bifidobacterium ), although it should be borne in mind that there are many other kinds of probiotic bacteria.

These drugs can:

  1. To produce substances that prevent various infections.
  2. Prevent the attachment to the intestinal wall of harmful bacteria and inhibit their growth.
  3. To inhibit the secretion or destroy the toxins released by some "bad" bacteria for the human body.
  4. Stimulate the strengthening of the mucous layer in the intestine as a barrier against infections.
  5. To increase the effectiveness of the immune system, secreting antibodies to certain viruses.
  6. To produce vitamins B necessary for the metabolism of food, preventing anemia that occurs when there is a deficiency of B6 and B12 vitamins, as well as maintaining the health of the skin and nervous system.

The described effects are more or less characteristic of all microorganisms related to probiotics. However, the mechanisms of these effects have not yet been fully elucidated.

Probiotics for the intestines: list and prices

To maintain the health of the intestine, such drugs can be prescribed:

  1. Linex is one of the most famous probiotics that are distributed in Russia. It contains three components of the microflora, which are in different parts of the intestine. Price 350-500 rub .
  2. Bifidumbacterin forte .It is often used in pediatrics at conditions characteristic of the violation of colon colonies, in combination with antibiotics and other drugs. In the composition has Bifidobacteriumbifidum N1 in a dry powdery state. Price 350-400 rub .
  3. More concentrated bifidobacteria are contained in the Profibor - one packet contains about 10 portions of bacteria that are found in Bifidumbacterin. Price 500-600 rub .
  4. Bifiform .In addition to the probiotic strains of lacto- and bifidobacteria, it contains Escherichiacoli. Combines with antibiotic therapy, thanks to a protective capsule, easily overcomes the acidic environment of the stomach. It is one of the best encapsulated probiotics for adults. Price 350-400 rub .
  5. Florin forte .It is a powder containing lacto- and bifidobacteria. Assigned to both adults and children and newborns. Due to the combination of bacteria has a complex effect, but it does not work well with some antibiotics. Price 500-550 rub .

Depending on the time of creation and improvement, several generations of probiotics are distinguished:

  • I generation - classic monocomponent preparations consisting of a single strain of microorganisms - typical intestinal inhabitants( bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin , etc.);
  • II generation - self-eliminating antagonists( bactisubtil, enterol, biosporin , etc.);
  • III generation - multicomponent drugs( symbiotics), consisting of several( from 2 to 30) strains of bacteria( bifilong, etc.) or from several species of bacteria( linex, bifikol , etc.);
  • IV generation - combined preparations( synbiotics), consisting of a strain of bacteria and ingredients that promote their growth, reproduction and metabolic activity( bifilysis, cyadicide , etc.);
  • V generation is a multicomponent combination preparation( synbiotics) consisting of several kinds of bacteria and ingredients that promote their growth, reproduction and metabolic activity( florins, bifiform , etc.).

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the form of the probiotic. All of them are divided into:

  1. Dry probiotics( lactobacterin, bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, etc.);
  2. Liquid forms( biovestin, biovestin-lacto, floristin, trilact, bifidum No. 791 BAG, liquid bifido- and lactobacterins, lactoflora, etc.);
  3. Sorption forms( ecoflor, probiophore, bifidobacterin forte, bifikol forte, etc.);
  4. Capsules with enteric coating( linex, bifiform).

And if earlier liquid probiotics were considered to be the best for the intestine, then today there are more frequent capsular preparations. Modern technologies allow to effectively store all the necessary bacteria in the capsule. Those who take probiotics unanimously declare that preparations in capsules drink much more conveniently as a vitamin: extracted from the package, washed down with water and, as they say, forgot. ..

Probiotics in food products

The sources of probiotics are:

  1. bananas,
  2. peas,
  3. yogurt,
  4. cereals,
  5. corn flakes,
  6. onion,
  7. dairy products,
  8. bulb
  9. beans,
  10. bread,
  11. garlic.

There are some other types of products. But the most popular is yoghurt.

In addition, their sources are: most dairy products, for example, cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, buttermilk. There are several more examples of probiotics: sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled cucumbers, bread, wine, soy sauce.

Comments and feedback from readers

Olesya : "Advertising probiotics is changing every day, and significant" discoveries "have long been known: healthy home meals, day regimen, alcohol on the black list. The most useful products for microflora can be cooked at home. Sour-milk drinks with probiotics in complex therapy help to get rid of symptoms of gastritis and dysbacteriosis, gently cleanse the intestines. Recently I discovered a new producer of various starter cultures - Bakdzdrav, and I am very pleased, especially liked the probiotic leaven of Harmony and Protect. "

Larissa : "I do not agree with the fact that probiotics are ineffective. In fact when I treated a dysbacteriosis, they have helped or assisted me. I bought Narine in tablets on the website, and now I constantly take there such products because of its quality and freshness. The problem of the dyspnea Narine decided, because I feel better. And after that regular use of yogurt and probiotic products also gave its positive result. I had a stool, no constipation, and I felt light in my stomach after eating. "

Yana : "Now the eyes are running away from these drugs. In the normo-spectrum, even vitamins began to add, I do not know for what purpose. They no longer know what to entice us. And what is really better - even doctors do not know. "

Irina : "I have a very good attitude to probiotics and to 1 generation and to the latter. Almost 30 years ago they saved my son's life. These are necessary and indispensable drugs. I like bifiform, but I do not recognize Lineks, he is not. From natural products is good whey from cottage cheese, perfectly restores the intestinal microflora. I advise you to read the article of the American doctor Joseph Mercol about probiotics on his Russian-language site. The article appeared just a couple of days ago. "

Anton Ivanovich : "Without lies, scribblers can not, well, in any way. Linex capsules do not have enteric coating. This is only Bifiform has. And because all the bacteria get into the intestines, and do not die in the stomach from the acid. Ah, how bad it is to try to deceive your readers. For sure zhuchily from the company SANDOZ, which produces this useless Lyneks, paid the greedy author of this "masterpiece" article. "

Guest : "Linex is not so useless. He helped me at one time, then apparently the body got used to it and stopped reacting. So far, from the above, I like the bifiform, but I did not help it with any yogulact. "

Alena : "Hello everyone! I was treated for chronic cystitis and ureaplasma, I immediately drank 2 antibiotics - wilprofen and amoxiclav 6 tablets a day together 8-10 days. The liquid stool was at least 6-8 times a day, or even more. Then I began to drink BION-3 after them. Once a day during meals in the morning, so the problems with the stool went away right away and in the abdomen comfort came. "

Kurutova : "Has anyone tried a probiologist forte? Is it true that only 1 capsule per day can relieve dysbiosis? After antibiotics in the intestines, what's going on is a constant swelling, disturbance of the stool, it's already impossible! The doctor prescribed a probiologist, I want to know a good drug or not. "

Tamara : "Hello, the probiologist forte has been taking and I want to praise this drug. Indeed, a day needs 1 capsule and the effect is good. Due to the large amount of lacto and bifidobacteria in the preparation, you do not need to swallow capsules several times a day, but one is enough. Use, especially if the doctor wrote! »

Savelieva A. N .:" I had a terrible dysbiosis a couple of months ago against the background of taking antibiotics, the probiologist helped, so the drug is good. He was so fond of our family that we use it to maintain a healthy microflora of the intestine and raise immunity. By the way, the drug can even be given to children, which is very convenient. "

Source: edition of publication from the website