Ankle pain in front


  • 1Pain in the lower leg when walking, running: reasons, treatment
    • 1.1What are the symptoms of shin pain?
    • 1.2Diseases for which this pain is characteristic
    • 1.3Medications that can be used
  • 2The main causes and treatment of shin pain
  • 3How to determine the causes of pain in the lower leg if the legs hurt from the knee to the foot?
    • 3.1Pain in the lower leg with diseases of the bones, joints and muscles
    • 3.2Muscle spasms
    • 3.3"Split Shin"
    • 3.4Inflammation of the muscles and tendons of the lower leg
    • 3.5Fracture or rupture of ligaments
    • 3.6Vascular disorders as causes of pain in the lower leg
    • 3.7Thrombosis of veins
    • 3.8Phlebeurysm
    • 3.9Vasculitis
    • 3.10Atherosclerosis
  • 4Pain in the leg muscles during walking: causes, treatment of inflammation and trauma
    • 4.1Causes of pain in the lower leg
    • 4.2Variants of injuries and diseases of gastrocnemius muscle
    • 4.3What the leg hurts in the calf muscle

Pain in the lower leg when walking, running: reasons, treatment

Shin- part of the leg from the knee to the heel, consists of a large and small tibia, which is joined by a kneecap.

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Large and small tibia bottom end with two processes: the inner and outer ankles, where they are connected by ligaments.

Above, these bones are articulated, along the entire length connected by a membrane.

In the shindistinguish between the anterior and posterior regions, the border between which extends from the outside of the posterior edge of the head fibula to the posterior edge of the external ankle, and inside - along the inner edge of the tibia bones.

In front and behind the bones of the lower leg are attached muscles, which are divided into 3 groups: front, extending legs and toes; external, flexing feet, as well as retracting and rotating it outwards; and the back muscles (calves), bending fingers and stop.

Pain in the lower leg is quite common, and in most cases does not require treatment (prolonged static load, standing, sitting, long walking and excess physical exercises).

The latter especially often occurs when a person begins to engage in exercises after a long break. Trauma, stroke, stretching, dislocation require immediate medical attention.

Very often, the cause of pain in the lower leg can be compression of the spine in the lumbar spine, as well as the inappropriate administration of certain medications without the appointment of a doctor.

What are the symptoms of shin pain?

Pain in the lower leg is called pain on the outside of the leg below the knee (tibia). The lesion is 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) long.

Pain may appear during exercise, then decrease. Pain in the lower leg is often not strong.

However, the pain may appear in the athlete, which causes the termination of training.

Diseases for which this pain is characteristic

The main causes of pain in the tibia:

  • Dehydration or a decrease in the blood level of certain salts (soda, calcium, potassium, magnesia).
  • Taking medications, such as diuretics, which cause a sharp decrease in the number of salts. Statins - by lowering the level of cholesterol, can damage muscle tissue.
  • Muscle spasm from physical overstrain or prolonged static load. - Tear ligament in case of a trauma in the muscle. - Depressed fractures of the lower leg. - Inflammation of the tendon of the lower leg. - Damage to the meniscus.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities (this disease is characterized by the appearance of pain in the shin during walking and their disappearance after rest). - Blockage of vessels (deep vein thrombosis).
  • Osteomyelitis - an infectious lesion of bone tissue. - Inflammation of the joints - arthritis, arthrosis. - Damage to nerve fibers - polyneuropathy in diabetes, smokers and alcohol abusers.
  • Inflammation of the tendons and tendon sheaths of the anterolateral and anteribular muscles of the lower leg (tendinitis / tendovaginitis). In this case,pain of the tibia when walking
  • Damage and inflammation of the Achilles tendon are partial micro- and macro-snags (tendinitis, peretendinity).
  • "Trapped" shin syndromes (syndromes of "compression-compression");
  • Stretching / tearing of the ligaments of the ankle joint with instability of the foot.

Rareer causes of pain in the lower leg:

  1. Beginning swelling in the thigh or lower leg - osteoma.
  2. Drugs, such as alapurinol and cortichirol.
  3. Paget's disease.
  4. Malignant bone tumors - osteosarcoma.
  5. Compression of the nerve root, caused by herniated disc.
  6. Sidr Reynaud.
  7. Syndrome of compression of tissues.

The most common acute pain in the lower legoccur in people who have long been abusing smoking.

These pains usually disappear after rest, but indicate the presence of serious problems requiring a change in lifestyle.

In addition, the presence of such a pain syndrome requires additional examination of the patient-smoker for heart disease and the vascular system as a whole.

Sharp pain in lower legwith deep vein thrombosis itself does not pose a great danger, but a high risk in the event of a complication (separation of the thrombus and its entry into the lungs, into the brain). Perhaps, with thrombosis, surgical treatment is necessary.

With atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, a picture similar to the symptomatology found in smokers (Raynaud's syndrome) appears. The fundamental difference is that with atherosclerosis there is a true narrowing of the blood vessels, rather than a spasm like in the Raynaud's syndrome.

Tissue compression syndrome- a very serious condition that occurs after strong pressure on the shin.

Sometimes after the painless interval, there is an internal hemorrhage in the muscles of the shin, which compresses the nerve fibers and blood vessels. The leg becomes swollen, hot to the touch and severe pains appear in the lower leg.

The most serious complication possible with this syndrome is irreversible damage to nerve fibers and muscle tissue.

When this occurs, there is a muscle atrophy and a functional foot failure (dangling foot). A person loses the ability to bend the foot, which makes it impossible for him to walk, swim and ride bicycles.

Osteomyelitis- a frequent complication, especially after open fractures. Usually shin osteomyelitis develops in persons with weak immunity and, as a rule, requires both surgical and medicinal treatment.

Damage to the meniscusa very frequent injury for athletes, especially for players and runners. The most effective surgical treatment.

Shin ache from muscular spasmis most favorable for treatment and does not require special measures, except for the possible use of ointments with analgesics, massage and rest.

Medications that can be used

First of all, for relief of pain with pain in the shin, anti-inflammatory gels, ointments and creams should be used, among which:

  • Diclofenacis sold under the names of orthophene, voltaren, diclofen, diclonac, diclonate, diclobane, diclobene, raptene, tungfen, arthrosan and others.
  • Indomethacinis sold under the names of methindol, indomin, indotard, inddeene, rheumatine, inteban, etc.
  • Ibuprofenis part of the preparations of nurofen, brufen, bolinet, burana, reumafen, andbutadione- in the composition of rheopyrin and pyrabutol.
  • Piroxicamis issued in the form of preparations to pyrokam, roxicam, pyrox, erazon, andlornoxicamis sold under the name of Xefok.
  • Ketoprofensold under the names ketonal, flexene, arthrosilene, profenid, knavon.
  • Ketorolacis issued in the form of preparations ketorol, ketalgin, dolac, adolor.

It is also possible to combine local anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents with

tableted form of the same drugs:

  • Ibuprofen (MIG)
  • Naproxen (Nalgezin)
  • Dexketoprofen (Dexalgin)
  • indomethacin
  • diclofenac
  • nimesulide
  • etorikoksib
  • diflunizal
  • aceclofenac
  • etodolac
  • lornoxicam
  • ketoprofen
  • flurbiprofen

Doctors to be contacted


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The main causes and treatment of shin pain

Pain in the lower leg is a common phenomenon. It is not always a sign of a disease requiring complex treatment. Sometimes its cause is excessive physical exertion.

And it's not just walking or hard training. Pain in the shin can occur after a prolonged static load, when a person works long standing or sitting.

Often it appears after a person returns to training after a long break.

In order to understand what the pain syndrome involves, you need to understand the anatomical features. The shin is part of the leg from the knee to the heel.

That is, it can be represented as a kind of skeleton, consisting of a small and tibia and a nascent calyx.

Bottom these bones end with the outer and inner ankles, where the connection with the help of ligaments occurs. Above, these bones are articulated, along the entire length between them there is a membrane.

For doctors who will make a diagnosis, it is important to understand exactly where the shin is hurting - from behind or from the front.From the anatomical point of view, the posterior and anterior regions are delimited by the edges of the bones.

Back and front muscles are attached, which are divided into three groups. For example, the external are responsible for flexing the foot, rotating it, etc., the front ones are for extension.

If the pains are felt when bending, it can be about the diseases of the external muscles or the pinching of the nerve passing next to them. Behind pass gastrocnemius muscles. They can get sick after heavy physical exertion.

For example, after jumping or squatting, in which such muscles are involved.

Pain on the side means problems with the blood vessels. But the pain under the knee speaks both of muscle damage, and of problems with the veins. Sometimes the cause is in the bone tissue itself.

And it also happens that it is associated with compression of the nerve roots in the lumbar region, which is explained, for example, by osteochondrosis.

But regardless of whether there is damage to the muscle fibers, nerves or blood vessels, the diagnosis is made only by the doctor.

There are many factors that provoke pain in the shin. In the first place, these are injuries. They can be of a different nature, for example, the consequences of a fracture of the depressed type. The meniscus can be damaged. Sometimes there is even a tearing of the ligaments.

This happens both in sports and in hard physical work.

Since the injuries are of a different nature and varying degrees of intensity, many people do not go to the doctor and begin to treat the pain syndrome independently, but this is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

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Pain in the lower leg may appear due to dehydration of the body (i.e., with its severe dehydration due to various diseases or adverse factors). This is also affected by a decrease in the level of mineral salts (especially potassium and calcium). In such cases, strong muscle spasms are possible, accompanied by pain.

Dehydration and loss of salts causes the use of diuretics. Therefore, drinking diuretics without consulting a doctor can not. But these are not the only drugs that have such an effect.

Sometimes pain can cause statins - these are the drugs that are taken with cardiovascular disease to lower cholesterol.

But they can seriously damage the muscle tissue.

There are a number of diseases that cause pain syndrome. They can be divided into several groups. These are neuropathies; disorders caused by inflammatory processes; cardiovascular diseases, etc.

The main causes of pain in the lower leg are:

  • endocrine disorders, including diabetes mellitus, since in this case the nerve fibers are damaged;
  • inflammatory process in the tendons (tendinitis and the so-called tendovaginitis - inflammation of the tendon sheaths);
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, which is characterized by the appearance of pain in the lower leg during walking or running and its disappearance after rest;
  • Varicose veins and its complications, including thrombosis (blockage of blood vessels);
  • osteomyelitis - bone tissue damage;
  • tunnel syndrome associated with nerve compression;
  • ischemic vascular disease of the lower extremities, etc.

All these violations occur quite often.

In more rare cases, shin pain may be caused by Raynaud's syndrome (although it rarely affects the lower extremities, and in mostly pains arise in the fingers, but there are also such situations), Paget's disease, and even beginning tumor processes.

Raynaud's syndrome is characterized by vasospasms, pain occurs unexpectedly. But on the symptomatology he is similar to an atherosclerosis. Only in the latter case, the narrowing of the vessels occurs on an ongoing basis, and therefore aching pains occur more often.

Similarly, the syndrome of squeezing tissues manifests itself. He is dangerous because for a long time the pain is not felt, and the person does not hurry to seek help from a doctor.

But then the vessels can sharply narrow, spasm occurs, sometimes even internal hemorrhage occurs. The leg is swelling. All this is accompanied by reddening of the skin, and the limb becomes hot.

If the pathology is not diagnosed in time, irreversible damage to the nerve fibers, and then to the muscle tissue, can occur, which will cause muscle atrophy.

If a long time a person is not engaged in the treatment of arteriosclerosis of the vessels, this pathology passes into ischemic disease of the extremities.

It is accompanied not only by pain in the lower leg, but also by intermittent claudication.

The pain itself is acute, occurs only when walking and is often so strong that it prevents a person from moving normally.

For a long time it was believed that the only possible treatment for this disease is surgical intervention.

But then the gene therapy method was proposed, in which the drugs enter the nucleus of the cell and are delivered to it a gene that promotes the growth of the endothelium - a layer that lined the inner surface of damaged vessels and, as it were, "repairs" their.

But in such cases, the greatest importance is the prevention of the disease, namely, the treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities.

Strictly speaking, the mechanism of development of this disease is the same as in atherosclerosis of other vessels.

Cholesterol plaques over time cover the lumen - only not in large arteries, but in small capillaries, nourishing the muscles of the shins. As a result, they receive less oxygen, and pains occur in this zone.

They can be of different intensity, usually more felt in the muscles themselves. Among the symptoms is the feeling of cold. The skin on the legs becomes pale, to the touch it is also cold.

Over time, the shins lose weight because the muscles do not get enough nutrition. The presence of this disease does not mean that the vessels on the legs are evenly affected. Sometimes it develops only on one limb. By some estimates, this disease affects at least 5% of the population of the Russian Federation.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities is more common in men than in women. But in general, at risk are all those who are overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Do not underestimate the presence of hereditary predisposition. The risk rises in those people whose close relatives have suffered heart attacks. The factors that provoke this disease include diabetes mellitus of the second type.

Their "contribution" is also made by the natural aging processes.

Drug treatment is aimed at lowering the level of cholesterol and is prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the examination.

Atherosclerosis uses the same methods of physiotherapeutic treatment as with Raynaud's disease, since in both cases, the therapy is aimed at improving blood microcirculation in small capillaries.

The most common methods include the use of therapeutic currents (diadynamic and sinusoidal modulated type). Such procedures are performed only in hospital settings.

Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic drawback. This disease of the blood vessels is accompanied by pains in the lower leg and at the same time it leads to serious complications - bleeding, blood clots, etc.

Symptoms of the disease are well known. First, there are light cosmetic problems, although the vessels are not yet too visible. Then there is a slight pain in the shin, by the end of the day - a feeling of heaviness in the legs, sometimes accompanied by swelling. Then the crimped veins begin to appear through the skin.

But the exact causes of varicose veins are not established. There are many theories that can be divided into several groups.

Some researchers believe that the disease develops because of the inherent weakness of the walls of blood vessels.

Some believe that an important role in its appearance is a metabolic disorder, endocrine diseases, immunological pathologies and allergic reactions.

In pregnancy, varicose enlargement is associated with an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body. Do not discount mechanical barriers to blood flow, as well as risk factors such as sedentary lifestyles and prolonged standing on the legs.

Varicose veins at an early stage are well amenable to drug treatment. For this, various venotonic drugs are used. They eliminate the pain syndrome.

Such drugs are of several types:

  1. 1. Well proven heparin ointment. In stores you can find other creams and gels with different concentrations of heparin.
  2. 2. There are no less effective local remedies based on quercetin and routine. These substances are contained in red grapes (or juice from it), but there are more of them in ointments and tablets.

As for phlebotonics based on plant raw materials, you can apply creams with bilberry extract, horse chestnut and ginkgo biloba. Of synthetic drugs, the most effective are Benzarone and Naftazone.

But their action is different from plant remedies, which are based on the ability of bioflavonoids to increase the tone of the venous walls. Synthetic means, as it were, cement the walls of the vessels.

They should be used only after consulting a doctor.

To strengthen the analgesic effect of these drugs, you can simultaneously take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. But the latter take a situation. That is, if there are no pains, it is impossible to drink NVS. But phlebotonics are used in courses.

As the disease progresses, so-called trophic changes occur.The skin in such cases becomes denser, darkens. Occasionally, venous eczema occurs, accompanied by redness and itching.

Treatment consists in the further use of phlebotonics. To remove itching and eczema, antihistamines can be used and as prescribed by a doctor - ointments with corticosteroids. But they can not be used for long.

But creams-dermaprotectors based on panthenol and with the addition of vitamin E can be used for a long time.

Varicose veins need a timely start of treatment, as otherwise trophic ulcers may develop in advanced stages. But they are amenable to drug therapy.

For their treatment and prevention, antibiotics are used - both for internal reception and for local treatment. Enzyme preparations are used to help remove dead tissue.

They are produced both in the form of ointments and powders.

Many believe that tunnel syndrome is necessarily associated with pain in the wrist. But this is not so. Physicians usually talk about tunneling neuropathies, and they are typical for both upper and lower extremities.

There are concepts of neuropathy of the peroneal nerve, tunnel syndrome of pear-shaped muscle and neuropathy of the tarsal the canal that develops when the posterior tibial muscle and the ligamentous canal are damaged from the inside shanks.

For each of these pathologies, painful sensations in the lower leg are characteristic. In the tunnel syndrome of the pear-shaped muscle, the sciatic nerve is squeezed (often this happens with osteochondrosis).

The main symptoms of this type of neuropathy are burning pains in the shin area, mainly in front and on the outer surface. Sometimes there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the muscles.

When a neurologist strikes with a hammer in the Achilles tendon area, a decrease in the reflex is observed.

Neuropathy of the peroneal nerve is manifested by similar symptoms. It often occurs with injuries, as well as those who often have to squat.

Previously, this syndrome was called "a disease of tulip bulb teardrops." And today it also affects those who are engaged in manual agricultural work.

Symptoms of a tarsal tunnel syndrome are muscle pains. Although mostly they arise in the foot area, but often spread along the entire leg, up to buttocks. Usually they intensify at night.

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And in the morning, when a man is hanging his legs off the bed, the pain wanes. But often it occurs in the daytime, when walking. A little finger can swell. The sensitivity of the back of the foot increases.

Sometimes the pain syndrome is not significant, and then the patient does not begin treatment on time.

Tunnel syndrome requires an integrated approach.

Surgical treatment of neuropathy itself is performed only when conservative methods can not eliminate the cause of compression - for example, spikes form around the nerve.

In the tunnel syndrome of the pear-shaped muscle, the very reason for its appearance, the osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, needs treatment. In this case, a surgical operation is performed to eliminate the intervertebral hernia.

Neuropathies of the pear-shaped muscle and peroneal nerve are treated usually with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. An important role is played by physiotherapy, aimed at improving blood microcirculation.

It can be UHF therapy, electrophoresis with novocaine.

As for the drug therapy of the tharzal syndrome, steroid drugs are used more often, and injections are injected into the nerve compression zone together with the anesthetic.

The most common are such drugs as Hydrocortisone, Kenalog and Diprospan. If simultaneously with the described syndromes the pathologies of the neuromuscular drug develop, then orthopedic footwear is used to reduce the tension of the nerves.

At the end of the acute period, therapeutic gymnastics is prescribed, which consists of passive movements. During this period, you can do massage, but only carefully, bypassing the affected area.

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How to determine the causes of pain in the lower leg if the legs hurt from the knee to the foot?

There are a lot of conditions in which the patient notes pain in the legs.

In this article, we will explain why the legs hurt below the knees (lower leg and foot) and tell how serious these health conditions can be.

In some cases, the problem can be solved at home, but if you have any questions or worsened condition, it is recommended that you immediately consult a doctor. He will help to identify the true cause of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Pain in the lower leg with diseases of the bones, joints and muscles

Common causes of pain in the calf region are diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • muscle spasms;
  • syndrome of the "split shin
  • inflammation or sprain of ligaments;
  • fracture.

Muscle spasms

Muscle spasms as the cause, because of which the shin hurts, are characterized by the appearance of a sharp, very strong compressive pain below the knee, in the calf muscles.

Spasm can occur on the background of overexertion, after intensive training, with a sharp change in temperature, dehydration.

The pain in this case occurs in the back of the lower leg.

This condition is typical for athletes, especially when increasing the intensity of training. The main treatment is to exclude the cause of deterioration - the normalization of the load and the gradual adaptation to increased intensity of training.

What to do with muscle spasms? It is usually enough to apply heat and gently massage the spasmed muscle, improving blood flow. Pain in the shin due to overtraining can be prevented by stretching and warming up before training. This will also help to avoid bone fractures.

"Split Shin"

Pain in the shin for this condition develops due to inflammation of the connective tissue and muscles located along the tibia. In this case, there is a burning pain, which passes at rest.

Often pain occurs after running or jumping on a hard surface, especially during prolonged training. Characteristic is the place of pain - on the front surface of the shin.

The patient can also note the severity and tightness in the muscles along the front surface of the shin.

Pain in the syndrome of the "split shin" is usually not intense and passes by itself.

The feeling of heaviness can stay a little longer, even after the disappearance of pain. In some cases, the use of painkillers can help.

For prevention, you need to strengthen the muscles and spend more time stretching.

Inflammation of the muscles and tendons of the lower leg

One of the first signs of tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon) of the tibia is a constant burning pain in the lower part of the foot, in the foot region or in the popliteal region.

Patients with inflammation may also complain that they are constantly aching feet.

In this case, the condition improves after the first intake of anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the pain does not pass after taking painkillers, then it is worth suspecting the rupture of the Achilles tendon.

In this case there is a high risk of developing circulatory disorders in the vessels of the foot. Therefore, you need to immediately seek help from a doctor.

The need for urgent intervention explains the severity of the condition - there is a risk to remain permanently disabled.

Fracture or rupture of ligaments

In addition to muscle disorders, the cause of leg pain below the knee may be bone fracture or ligament rupture. This pain occurs immediately after a sharp injury or any other load and does not abate over time, even after taking painkillers.

This is a very serious condition, requiring immediate intervention to restore the integrity of the bone.

Any delay can cause serious complications, up to the amputation of the foot or the entire limb, so when the identification of symptoms of a fracture should immediately call an ambulance, immobilize the limb and attach ice to the place injury.

Conduction of ultrasound in varicose veins

Vascular disorders as causes of pain in the lower leg

The most common causes (among vascular diseases), in which the legs hurt below the knees:

  • vein thrombosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • vasculitis;
  • atherosclerosis.

Thrombosis of veins

As a rule, the pain in the shin causes deep vein thrombosis. This occurs when blood is stagnant due to a passive lifestyle. In addition, the causes of thrombosis may be:

  • excess weight;
  • smoking;
  • taking certain drugs.

Pain with thigh-vein thrombosis has a pulling character. The patient complains that his leg "breaks" or "pulls". Also, some patients complain of "heaviness in the foot" when trying to unbend or bend the foot in the ankle joint.

If the thrombus dissolves, the pain will pass. But do not wait for it to happen on your own. Consult a doctor, as the separation of the blood clot can cause very serious complications, including death.

Among the less dangerous complications of venous thrombosis, there is a violation of blood flow in the bone region.

For example, insufficient blood supply of the tibia later leads to its deformation and fracture.

Therefore, it is recommended to seek professional help already at the first symptoms of the disease.


Violation of the venous valves leads to a disorder of blood circulation, while under the skin appear crimped dark blue or purple veins.

This condition can be accompanied by a dull aching pain in the area of ​​the affected vessels and a feeling of "heaviness" on the entire surface of the shin. A characteristic symptom is pain intensification with a long standing in one pose.

It is also worthwhile to suspect varicose veins, if you constantly have feet.

What to do if with varicose veins the legs are constantly "whining" and "buzzing"? Treatment consists in wearing dense compression stockings. If they still use pain, consult a doctor about the beginning of venotonics and pain medications.


Vasculitis - an inflammation of the inner shell of blood vessels. Pain in the lower leg with vasculitis is very intense and has a constant burning character.

Heaviness and pain are intensified when the position of the limb changes.

To distinguish inflammation from other conditions can be due to the presence of edema, redness of the skin in the affected area and general symptoms (weakness, fever).

What if the shin is aching with vasculitis? Treatment consists in the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.


Atherosclerosis is characterized by damage and densification of the internal wall of the arteries. Their lumen tapers or completely overlaps, resulting in impaired blood circulation.

With the development of atherosclerosis in the vessels of the tibia, pain and convulsions can be noted in this area.

Usually they arise with long walking, climbing the stairs and other loads, accompanied by increased heart rate and increased load on the muscles.

In mild cases, the pain passes after rest. But if the arteries are strongly narrowed or blocked, it can take a permanent character and persist even at rest.

Pain in atherosclerosis can be accompanied by a feeling of "heaviness" and a change in skin color in the foot area.

Also, atherosclerosis can indicate poorly healing wounds.

If untreated, this condition will cause tissue necrosis.

If the shin skin becomes pale, assumes a blue or dark blue hue, blacken the feet, immediately contact doctor - you may need surgery to restore normal blood flow in the lower extremities.

Atherosclerosis risk groups are people with such diseases as:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension.

What should I do to improve the condition of atherosclerosis? The main treatment is the transition to a healthy lifestyle:

  • to give up smoking;
  • diet compliance;
  • weight control;
  • playing sports.

It should be noted that vascular disorders not only cause pain, but also negatively affect the strength of the osteoarticular system. The absence of treatment of vascular disease can lead to frequent fractures of the bones and a decrease in muscle tonus and elasticity.

There are other causes of pain in the shin area, for example, diabetic neuropathy.

In this condition, nerve damage occurs because of an elevated blood glucose level.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of pain in both legs simultaneously with a feeling of numbness and loss of sensitivity of the skin of the feet and shins.

Treatment is performed under the supervision of a doctor and consists of normalizing the glucose level and taking painkillers.

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Pain in the leg muscles during walking: causes, treatment of inflammation and trauma

Part of the leg, if measured on the inside, from the bottom of the heel to the center of the hollow of the popliteal calyx is the shin. Its structure includes tibia - large and small, they are physiologically connected by a web of connective tissue.

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Around the legs in front and behind, the upper parts of the bones are the basis of attachment for the muscle ends-bundles of tendons. The shin is hurt from the front when walking due to the location of pain receptors distributed throughout all muscle tissues, over the periosteum, along ligaments and tendons.

To hurt the shin can be due to damage to any structure.

In the complex it will be a full rest, during which the severe pain will decrease. However, all kinds of injuries require that they be treated with due attention.

The main clinical manifestation of pain in the shin during walking, running is myositis, which is a pain collected in one bundle of muscles.

Pain will become stronger if the muscles are pressed, or strengthen the motor load.

With a physical excess of the ability to tolerate the pain of the body puts protection: the affected muscle spasms, the mobility of the legs is severely limited.

Changing the color of the skin over the site of myositis - there is redness, cyanosis. To prevent inflammation in the muscles, injuries and muscle strain, it means, to save the legs and reasonably approach the given volume of movements and power loads.

Causes of pain in the lower leg

Injury of ankle

Pain in the lower leg occurs when the muscles are affected by inflammatory processes.

Myositis is a serious disease that "eats" muscle tissue, makes it weak.

After the transferred myositis, the trained person needs to gradually gain lost muscular volume and restore the load.

Inflammatory tenderness in myositis intensifies in movements, disturbs at rest, reacts sharply to weather changes. Progression of the disease causes muscle weakness associated with the atrophy of the calf muscles.

Serious pain syndrome causes and tendonitis - an inflammatory process on the tendons. His signs - burning pain in the lower leg, on the diseased ligaments - in the foot or under the knee.

This pain, of course, gives aching pain in the entire gastrocnemius muscle.

The state becomes more stable, the volume of movements is returned immediately after the start of the reception anti-inflammatory agents in any form - droppers, intravenous or intramuscular injections, ointments of a local actions.

Causes significant pain in the calf stretching and tearing muscles in the gastrocnemius, resulting in a hematoma, which is expressed in swelling, swelling of the injury site, increased pain.

The formation of a hematoma in rare cases requires surgical intervention when it is necessary to restore integrity of damaged tissues, at the same time, clots of blood are removed from the space between the fibers muscle.

Pain will persist throughout the period of rehabilitation and rehabilitation treatment, with a gradual tendency towards remission, which depends on the individual abilities of the body for regeneration, features of the pain threshold sensitivity.

The main reasons for this are:

  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • inflammation of the periosteum;
  • damage to the meniscus;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • dislocations and fractures;
  • vascular and nerve damage.

Injuries of the ankle of any nature cause acute pain in the muscles in the lower leg. The doctor examines the shin, probes all the bones, determines the type of disease.

But in addition, a full examination will be required to return the leg to its full state and relieve the person of the pains in the shin.

If the fracture of the bone does not touch the soft tissues, the connection of the fragments by the doctor and the subsequent healing will pass without complications.

When the edges of the fractured bone literally cut the muscle tissue, then surgery is required to combine the edges of the damaged muscle and gently sew them.

After the operation, it takes a long time to recover, and on the background of active treatment of pain gradually subsiding.

However, in this situation they say: "I got my own barometer because the damaged leg will react to the weather change, the approach of rain, strong wind.

Variants of injuries and diseases of gastrocnemius muscle

Calves calf muscles from stretching, which happens when walking, running, walking in uncomfortable sneakers.

Pain sensations arise directly from excessive load, or after a while.

Symptoms: injured muscle tissue tenses, swells, a feeling of heaviness arises in them.

It responds with palpation pain, if puffiness is added, it is difficult to palpate the muscle, and the degree of lesion will be visible on X-rays or MRI.

With edema, the shin substantially increases in size, and sometimes it is necessary to start treatment with the removal of puffiness in order to "get" to the affected muscle.

And during these few days, soreness gradually decreases, especially if physiotherapeutic procedures are used during treatment.

Shinching of the leg, when the patellar ligaments become inflamed. In the professional language of athletes, this is called the "knee jumper". However, this disease is often diagnosed in people over 45 years of age.

Physically active people do not immediately pay attention to the first weak painful "from their own knee.

And with the accumulation of pains in the shin from the outside, with the development of the disease it is already becoming difficult to walk, because the tendons are elementary wear out.

From age changes, they cease to withstand high loads. From this disease, pain spreads on the front surface of the leg, localized at the place of fixation of ligament bundles.

If due to production activities it is required to climb stairs often, and even with heavy bags, the knee joints are affected by the force with the tension, while the pain sensations are repeatedly amplified. So, it turns out, frequent visitors to traumatologists with pain in kneecaps become nannies from kindergartens, which are carried from the kitchen to the group of baby food several times a day.

Inflammation of tendons is characterized by:

  • edema formation;
  • swelling;
  • redness of the skin;
  • increased temperature on the skin;
  • the appearance of expressive pain and burning.

An important symptom is the restriction of movements in the legs.

Involuntary painful contraction leads to the fact that the muscles lift the foot, it restricts the movement and there is a painful syndrome.

Many women are familiar with the situation when the foot is turned inward or outward due to uncomfortable shoes. From this stretch ligament bundles of ankle, causing acute painful sensations.

After the injury, the foot swells up, the lower third of the ankle. With internal gusts of soft tissues or blood vessels, a subcutaneous bruise appears.

Accordingly, the volume and strength of movements are limited, a person can walk only with a cane or on crutches, the joint for a long time hurts, does not enter into a normal position.

What the leg hurts in the calf muscle

Screwed shank fracture

The likelihood of pain is very high when there are injuries to the joints, its ligaments and the joint bag.

With an incautious fall occurs dislocation, sprain, rupture of bundles of ligaments, damage to the joint bag.

A complete dislocation is considered when one of the bones of the joint is displaced and a subluxation occurs when the osseous base is partially displaced from its place. In both situations, a rush of blood vessels and nerve fibers is possible.

Such a trauma is more typical for the ankle, not for the knee, which is associated with the localization of pain in the shin.

The dislocation changes the appearance of the foot in place of the damaged joint: additional tubercles or cavities appear. Limited mobility, because severe pain does not move.

Dislocations are usually accompanied by vascular damage, internal hemorrhage into the joint bag, causing swelling.

Shin fractures are classified according to ICD-10 as S00-T98, S80-S89, S82. Among them are hidden all kinds of fractures of large and small bones, joint damage. A stress fracture is a trauma due to constant monotonous overloads.

Repeated physical effects exceeding the ability of the bone to bear the load are not compensated by the strength and strength of the bones, and they break down. Usually this applies to shock loads: in running, jumping on tracks with a hard surface, in unsuitable footwear.

Fractures of all kinds undoubtedly cause severe pain in the ankle, in the entire leg, so extensive that with a closed fracture it is sometimes difficult to quickly determine the point of injury.

In the upper third of the ankle, the leg breaks when it falls from a high place. This causes severe pain, edema around the knee. It visually increases, from the fact that it accumulates blood.

This phenomenon is called hemarthrosis, the traumatologist has to pump a blood syringe from a joint inside space with a syringe.

Such a fracture turns the ankle inward or outward, sharply restricting the movement of the knee.

It is necessary to correctly fix the damaged leg in order to deliver the injured person to the receiving rest of the surgical department.

Osteomyelitis is a frequent illness of childhood.

The child is more likely to suffer injuries, and in children against the background of open fractures there is a more likely penetration of microorganisms into the wound, whose waste products are purulent contents.

As a result of the multiplication and life of these pathogens in the wound, especially when the wound is already closed and sewn up, a purulent process is formed which "eats up" the soft tissues surrounding the bone, penetrates into the bone structure.

In adults, especially with a large body weight, there is another trouble - insufficient arterial blood circulation, in which the arteries responsible for blood supply are narrowed or clogged shanks.

This is already associated with somatic impairment, but manifests itself at the bottom of the legs. cause - the formation of cholesterol deposits inside the walls of the arteries.

To the muscles of the shin, there is not enough blood, it causes a response with severe pain.

They manifest only from the load, at rest weak blood flow through the arteries can be enough.

If the artery is suddenly clogged, the painful attack begins abruptly, suddenly, then soreness does not give a normal palpation, feel the shin.

Chronic insufficiency of the arterial blood supply is manifested by symptoms: legs turn pale, always freeze, often numb, shins are covered with long-healing ulcers.

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