Chorioretinitis: symptomatology and causes of the disease, treatment

Among inflammatory diseases, chorioretinitis occupies a special place, since it can be considered as a combination of two pathologies: choroiditis and retinitis.The disease is very rare and usually affects the capillaries of the organs of vision. This rarity is due in part to the fact that chorioretinitis can act as a complication or symptom of other serious diseases. Therefore, it is important to detect and eliminate it in time.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Types and Classifications
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Medicines
    • 7.2Folk remedies
    • 7.3Surgically
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

Chorioretinitis as a combination of choroiditis and retinitis is a disease of the visual apparatus, accompanied by inflammatory processes in an acute chronic form.The anomaly affects the retina and the posterior part of the capillary shell of the eye. Thus blood circulation and blood supply is broken. First, the destructive process occurs on the retina, then passes to the back wall of the eye.

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Read also about neuritis of the optic nerve.

Eye with chorioretinitis

We should not waste time until the disease has passed to the second stage of development, since then it will be more difficult to eliminate it.

Types and Classifications

The main forms of chorioretinitis are determined by reason of its occurrence.According to this classification can be identified:

  • Infectious(associated with fungal, bacterial or viral infection);
  • Allergic(caused by various types of allergies);
  • Adjacent(can be caused by several reasons);
  • Post-traumatic(occurs on the background of injuries and mechanical damage to tissues);
  • Caused by systemic diseases of the body.

In addition, we can distinguish the acquired and congenital type, as well as chronic and acute. When congenital, the appearance of abnormal neoplasms and retinal detachment can occur in the severe stage.

Retinal detachment in congenital chorioretinitis

The congenital form of the disease can seriously affect the overall health of the person (the future child). Therefore, women during pregnancy should carefully follow the regime and recommendations of a doctor.

Depending on the area of ​​the inflammatory process, the following classification is allowed:

  • Central serous chorioretinitis (affects the macular area);
  • Equatorial (determined at the equator of the eyeball);
  • Peripheral (localized near the dentate line of the eye);
  • Peripapillary (determined near the optic nerve).
Central serous chorioretinitis

By number of foci:

  • Focal- the only area of ​​inflammation;
  • Diffuse- a set of connecting inflammations;
  • Multifocal- Several foci.


Often the prerequisites for the occurrence of chorioretinitis are serious diseases of the body.Among the main reasons are especially distinguished:

  • Infections of different degrees of complexity (including tuberculosis, HIV, syphilis);
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Exposure to a high proportion of radiation;
  • Myopia (complications and severe forms);
  • Traumatic injuries of varying severity and infectious infection due to their appearance;
  • Toxic contamination;
  • Subcooling;
  • Deficiency of immunity.
Myopia as the cause of chorioretinitis

If one of the above factors is present, it is necessary to register with an ophthalmologist and periodically undergo a medical examination.


Symptomatic disease often depends on the degree of its development.So, at the initial stage, optical effects, misting, violation of color perception are often observed.In addition, probable:

  • Chicken blindness (impairment of vision in twilight and night time);
  • Increased sensitivity of light;
  • "Flashes "lightning "flies" before the eyes;
  • Distortion of the image;
  • Slaughter and pain.
Thus, the "flies" appear before the eyes

Infectious pathologies affect the central nervous system and act wavy, alternating with the stages of remission. The tubercular form of the disease affects first of all the lungs and forms tubercles in the fundus. Syphilis forms fibrous and pigmented areas on the surface of the eye.

These symptoms may be signs of other serious illnesses. Therefore, the final diagnosis can only be made by a qualified optometrist.

Possible complications

It is necessary to treat chorioretinitis in a timely manner.In the absence of proper therapy, detachment of the retina, formation of fibrotic and abnormal tissues, loss of vision is possible. Also, the appearance of thrombi of the eye capillaries and retinal veins and various hemorrhages in the tissue at any level.

Central retinal vein thrombosis as a complication of chorioretinitis


Research and diagnosis of the disease has several stages.It is thanks to her that you can determine the type and extent of chorioretinitis and choose the right treatment. Medical examination includes:

  • Measurement of visual acuity;
  • Refractometry;
  • Perimetry;
  • Biomicroscopy (for determining the state of tissues);
  • Ophthalmoscopy with dilated pupils;
  • Ultrasound to detect the presence of turbidity;
  • Electroretinography and other studies.
Definition of visual acuity

Important in this case can be conducting surveys with specialists from other areas (to determine the cause), obtaining a blood and urine test and the results of the Mantoux reaction.

Since the disease is complex, a systemic approach is almost always necessary. Without the conclusion of specialists from other areas, it is almost impossible to diagnose a diagnosis.


Therapy of chorioretinitis is usually prescribed based on the definition of the form of the disease and its causes.As a rule, it has an individual composition.


Drug treatment is often leading and appointed in most cases.Among the main sets of medicines:

  • Anti-inflammatory (including hormonal): Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Diprospan;
  • Supporting and increasing the level of immunity: fluorouracil, Levamisole;
  • Against intoxication: Hemodesis (intravenously).

Also often used vitamins and therapeutic diet.

Folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine can be used as an additional tool for the treatment of chorioretinitis.Among the safest and most effective:

  • Valerian root. Pour 10 grams of the product with a glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour, then press for another thirty minutes. Take a teaspoon three to four times a day.
  • Bark of hazel.Boil in the amount of two hundred milliliters pour ten grams of funds and press for two hours. Take three to four times a day for a teaspoon.
  • Hawthorn.A glass of boiling water pour twenty grams of berries and insist until completely cooled. Take a teaspoon one hour before a meal or one hour after it.


As a radical means to combat chorioretinitis, a laser device is used.The operation is carried out for half an hour (or more) and gives a quick positive effect. Before laser coagulation, patient preparation is required, after - carrying out recovery measures during the rehabilitation period.

Laser Coagulation Procedure

Positive results are provided by the use of physiotherapy and, in particular, by electrophoresis.The process of inflammation slows down and subsequently retinal detachment and other complications are prevented.

The choice of a method of therapy always lies on the attending physician. Before using other medications (including folk remedies), it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist and therapist.


The main preventive measure preventing the appearance of the congenital form of chorioretinitis is adherence to the regime of pregnant women and avoidance of traumatic situations and stresses.In other cases, effectively following the following rules:

  • Timely treatment of all diseases of the body, especially infectious;
  • Compliance with basic hygiene standards;
  • Support a healthy level of immunity;
  • Timely correction of vision (with the help of exercises, glasses and lenses, surgical operations);
  • Passage of preventive examinations at the ophthalmologist and the therapist;
  • Detection and cupping of allergies.

Compliance with all the rules of prevention can not guarantee that the disease does not arise. However, it is capable of several times lowering the risk of chorioretinitis.



Chorioretinitis is a complex disease of the visual apparatus, capable of affecting the retina and the main capillaries of the eyes, thus leading to various retinal diseases.In the case when it is caused by other dangerous diseases, the pathology can be complicated and cause retinal detachment and loss of vision. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, timely eliminate diseases of the body and visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

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