Papilloma on eyelid: causes, symptoms and treatments

Every person on the body has such defects as papilloma.This education is not dangerous, but causes the patient discomfort about his appearance. Especially unpleasant, when the papilloma jumped on a century. It can be treated, but only under the supervision of a doctor who will not only prescribe a therapy regimen, but will also follow the healing process in order to avoid complications.


  • 1Definition of tumors
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Types of papillomas
  • 5Complications
  • 6Treatment
    • 6.1Medicated
    • 6.2Hardware cosmetology
      • 6.2.1A liquid nitrogen
      • 6.2.2Laser therapy
      • 6.2.3Electrocoagulation
      • 6.2.4Surgical removal
    • 6.3Complex therapy
  • 7Prevention
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

Definition of tumors

Papilloma on the eyelid is a benign formation, which is the growth of epithelial skin.If you look at such outgrowths, you can notice that they have a wide base or foot.

To benign formations can also include xantelasms - accumulations of the lipid layer in the surface layers of the skin of the eyelids. But the conjunctival cysts are already referred to as malignant neoplasms that preceded oncological diseases.

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Transmission of papillomas occurs sexually, during childbirth and by contact-household way.Sometimes one touch of an infected person is enough to have a birthmark of this kind in a healthy person through time.

The insidiousness of this pathology is that from the moment of infection it can take a long time until the first symptoms appear.The virus of the papilloma is the main cause of skin defect development.It can be concentrated in the human body in an inactive state. Until now, it has not been possible to determine the exact causes of the development of the papilloma, but most often this is due to the influence of the sun or weakened immunity.


The main feature, which can diagnose papilloma on the eyelid, is its appearance.It is a growth that does not allow the eye to fully blink. A person does not experience any painful sensations.

Do not make a diagnosis yourself, because for this you need to pass certain tests.

Types of papillomas

Papillomas on the eyelid can be of various types:

  1. Skin papillomas (warts). They can be concentrated not only on the eyelids, but also on the neck, hands. Most often, these growths occur in adolescents. With reduced immunity, multiple appearance is possible. The duration of the incubation period is six months.
  2. Simple papillomas (vulgar). Their appearance resembles dense formations with a horny surface. The diameter of the birthmark is 1 mm. If papillomas are single, then they can exist for a long time, while they do not change their appearance.

The peculiarity of vulgar papillomas is that they quickly degenerate into tumors.


As a rule, papillomas themselves do not lead to complications, but as a result of reduced immunity, the inflammatory processes of the eyelids and eyes can additionally take place. If the neoplasms are large enough, it causes discomfort to the eyes, causing symptoms similar to conjunctivitis:

  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • lacrimation;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • in some cases purulent discharge.

If the last symptom was noticed, then the eye started inflammation due to trauma to the mucous membrane.This is fraught with the development of blepharitis, keratitis, infectious conjunctivitis of streptococcal form, uveitis and others.



For the treatment of papillomas on the eyelid, the following medicamentous agents can be used:

  • Collomac.This drug, which is based on salicylic and lactic acid, and there is also polydakanol. Due to salicylic acid, anti-inflammatory and keratolytic effect is achieved. Lactic acid makes it easier to remove the wart itself. The presence of polydocanol helps to achieve local anesthetic effect, and this component prevents the development of relapse. Apply the drug is 1 drop per area of ​​the lesion 2-3 times a day.
Collomac - an anti-inflammatory drug
  • Duofilm.It is a two-component preparation, based on salicylic and lactic acid. The therapeutic effect is similar to that of Collomac. Apply once a day. Do not use for children under 2 years.
Duofilm - a two-component preparation

Before treatment, the skin should be stripped.

  • Salipod.This is a special plaster that contains salicylic acid. It should be glued to the pre-steamed papilloma and changed every 2 days.
Salipod - plaster from corns
  • Superchistotel.This solution, with which you can remove the keratinized patch of skin. This can be done with just a few manipulations. The course of therapy will be 4-5 manipulations.

Do not apply the drug to a healthy area of ​​the skin, as this will lead to the development of a burn.

  • Ferezol.This drug cauterizes the wart and has a bactericidal effect. Affected area is worth steaming in advance. During application, a burning sensation can be felt.
Ferozol cauterizes the wart

Hardware cosmetology

A liquid nitrogen

Cryodestruction is a method of treatment, the essence of which is reduced to the action on the papilloma of liquid nitrogen.The advantage of this method is that there is no need for preliminary analgesia of the affected area. The second advantage of cryodestruction is that after the procedure there is a minimal amount of scars. But there are also disadvantages - this is a high cost. In addition, not all clinics can offer this procedure due to lack of equipment.

Cryotherapy with papillomas

Laser therapy

Most often, laser therapy is used to treat papillomas in the century. For this, the patient is given local anesthesia. And the area that is affected is treated with a laser. The operation lasts for several minutes. And the duration of the rehabilitation period is determined taking into account the localization of the neoplasm. Most often this period lasts 7 days. If the papilloma was at the edge of the eyelid, then it will take a little longer.

The only drawback of this method of therapy remains the presence of scars, although they are small in size.After rehabilitation, scars are subjected to grinding.

It is not necessary to grind, but some patients agree to it to eliminate cosmetic defects after removal of the papilloma on the eyelid.

Also, after the procedure, antibacterial therapy of a local nature may be prescribed in the form of ointments to avoid infection of the eyelids.

Surgery to remove papilloma by laser


The essence of this technique is that the affected area of ​​the body is affected by thermal energy.The heated metal electrode influences the papilloma. Upon contact with the wart, a limited burn area occurs.

Current affects not only the neoplasm, but also the surrounding vessels. Thus, it is possible to prevent bleeding.


Surgical removal

The operation to remove the papilloma is reduced to excision of the wart with a scalpel.This manipulation is prescribed by doctors, provided that the growth has grown by 3 or more cm. First, the wart and the skin around it are treated with alcohol. Then the doctor enters local anesthesia and proceeds to excision.The doctor sends the remains of the tumor to a histology, and the wound is sewn with a cosmetic suture.After 2 weeks, the wound is tightened, and there are no visible traces.

Surgical removal of papillomas

Complex therapy

Complex therapy involves the use of medication, procedural and injecting treatment. Use for this specially developed drugs, which include hormones and immunosuppressants. In addition, the doctor gives specific recommendations for skin care:

  1. To remove cosmetics, you must use natural remedies. A perfect decoction of chamomile, calendula.
  2. At the time of treatment, do not put on the eye shadow area. They can provoke even more irritation.
  3. If a crust has formed after removal of the papilloma, then it should not be removed by yourself.
    Complex therapy of papilloma treatment


Prevention is reduced to strengthening the body's defenses.For the normal functioning of the immune system, it is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle. To do this, you need to eat properly to saturate the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements. Sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. Do not overwork, nervous breakdowns, stress and hypothermia. Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands, and when you visit the pool wear special glasses.If the patient wears a lens, then it is necessary to follow the rules of cleaning and storage. Do not remove or put on lenses with dirty hands.



Papilloma on the eyelid is a common phenomenon among people of different age categories.This pathology arises mainly because of low immunity. Today, many methods of combating warts have been developed, but only a doctor can select an effective one after a thorough diagnosis.

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