Antihistamine drops for the eyes: how to choose an effective drug

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Due to the anatomical features of the structure, the human eye is often exposed to all kinds of allergens. The reaction can affect almost all structures of the organ, and in the most severe cases, the damage to internal structures develops. To date, the most effective treatment for eye allergy is instillation of drops that have a different effect. That is why it is important to choose eye drops depending on the particular disease.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3Popular tools
    • 3.1Antihistamine drops
    • 3.2Anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 3.3Vasoconstrictors
    • 3.4Baby antihistamine drops
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

The choice of the drug should be made by an ophthalmologist, based on the clinical picture and the state of the patient's eye. Drops have different effects, so their effectiveness depends on the correctness of the diagnosis.Often the basis for the treatment of eye allergies are antihistamine drops, which allow to reduce the pathological response of the organ to the allergen, but most often they are not enough. Therefore, it is always additionally prescribed anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive drugs.

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And in the most severe cases, resort to hormonal drugs, which are much more effective, but harm the body. After eliminating acute symptoms, they are replaced by non-hormonal analogues. The choice of a remedy is always determined by the disease, here are the most frequent allergic ailments:

  • Allergic dermatitis. It affects the skin cells of the eyelids. Often, redness, swelling, and also the formation of vesicles in this area arises from the effects of cosmetic products, toxic substances, for example, in harmful production;
  • Allergic conjunctivitis. The disease initially arises in an acute form, but tends to change into a chronic disease. There is always strong lacrimation, redness of the eyes, swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • Pollinosisconjunctivitis.During this illness, exacerbations are always seasonal (spring and summer). The disease is often accompanied by frequent sneezing, rhinitis and breathing problems;
  • Keratoconjunctivitis.The disease is also characterized by seasonality of exacerbations. On the conjunctiva there are small papillary sprouts that disturb the tear, cause swelling and redness of the mucous membranes. Keratoconjunctivitis is more often diagnosed in boys;
  • Angioedema of the eyelids. The disease is a pathological allergic reaction of the body to certain medications, as well as allergenic foods, such as citrus fruits, honey or chocolate. During the course of the disease, edema can spread to most parts of the eyeball, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure.

In addition to diseases, typical for eye allergy symptoms can occur when corrective contact lenses are used if they are hostile to the body. That is why it is so important to change the special solution in a container for storing lenses in a timely manner.

Features of preparations

Symptoms of allergies are always associated with the accumulation of histamine, which is caused by exposure to various allergens on the body. Characteristic for the disease symptoms are the response of the body to a large concentration of this substance. Usually these are respiratory system disorders and inflammation of the eyes.Antihistamine drops are necessary to block the accumulation of histamine in the receptors, but the drug does not remove any side effects.Drops are contraindicated for use for more than three days, as they can cause side effects. Moreover, uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to severe conjunctival diseases.

Due to the fact that drops from allergies do not completely eliminate the external signs of the disease, additional treatment is always prescribed. It is always anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive drugs, as well as mast cell stabilizers and tear fluid replacements in some cases.With their help, you can remove external manifestations, but they do not struggle with the disease. The only way to avoid the onset of the disease is the elimination of allergens and provoking factors.

When choosing a drug, you must take into account the individual sensitivity to its components. Therefore, only a professional doctor must select a drug. In addition, it is forbidden to use steroid drugs for cataract and glaucoma, so an acute allergy in this case requires a special approach.

Popular tools

Allergy is always very individual. For this reason, there is no universal way to choose the drugs. Drug therapy is always selected depending on the specific symptoms. Most often the following groups of funds are used.

Antihistamine drops

  • Allergodyl (Azelastil).A remedy with a quick effect. According to the instructions for use, Allergoodil eases after 10-15 minutes after instillation. In addition to blocking histamine, drops remove the inflammatory process and swelling. Not recommended for use in children younger than 6 years and pregnant women;
  • Lecrolin. A common remedy for preventing allergy symptoms during periods of exacerbations. The active substance is directed to the normalization of the work of the epiretinal membranes, helps to remove redness and inflammation. According to the instructions, eye drops Lecrolin can not be administered to children under 4 years;
  • Olopatadine. It is especially effective in case of itching and burning in the eyes during the onset of allergies. It is not recommended for long-term use, as it can cause dryness of the mucous membranes of the eye;
  • Ketotifen. The drug has a complex effect, it is used not only for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, but also for infectious and viral ophthalmic diseases;
  • Opatanol. One of the few antihistamines that do not have strong side effects, so they are prescribed even to small children of 3 years.
  • Visallergol.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

These drops do not block the production of histamine in the receptors, but can remove the side effects of allergies due to the effect on the stimulus at the cellular level. Depending on the active substance, they can be hormonal (steroid) or non-hormonal.

  • Dexamethasone. Budget corticosteroid drug, which has anti-inflammatory effect, as well as a slight antihistamine property. At application it is necessary to read carefully the instruction as at drops there are set of by-effects and contraindications;
  • Tebridex. Combined hormonal preparation, possessing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, therefore it is often used in neglected cases, when the allergy is aggravated by a bacterial infection. The remedy has many contraindications, in particular, it can not be used for cataract and glaucoma;
  • Maxitrol. Complex preparation containing dexamethasone in the composition. In addition to pronounced anti-inflammatory action for allergies used to treat bacterial ophthalmic diseases;
  • Sofradex. Are directed to facilitate a condition at an acute allergic reaction. Thanks to the antibiotic in the composition, the drops are especially useful in diseases accompanied by a secondary infection;
  • Lotoprednol and Akular. Produced in two forms - steroid and non-hormonal. Allow to remove puffiness of the eyelid and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyeball. Not recommended for long-term use, as they can cause clouding of the lens and provoke the development of glaucoma.


This type of funds is necessary to reduce redness of the eyes and normalize blood vessels.

Preparations of this group are indispensable during seasonal allergies due to the rapid action of active substances, which are almost immediately absorbed into the blood.

Vasoconstrictive drops have a significant drawback - they quickly become addictive, so it is recommended to periodically change the form of the drug.

  • Naphthysine. Budget variant of drops for the eyes. Has low efficiency, but allows to remove symptoms in acute manifestations. Side effects - the emergence of dyspeptic and neurological disorders, so the agent must be taken cautiously. Contraindicated for children under 6 years;
  • Vizin. Drops that are effective for extensive vascular lesions during allergies. Virtually no contraindications, can be used even for young children;
  • Octylium. The peculiarity of the product is the content of plant substances in the composition. Does not cause side effects, and rarely causes addiction, characteristic of the whole group. When using, you must carefully read the instructions, since individual intolerance to the components of the drug is possible;
  • Okumel. Combined product with vasoconstrictive, antiallergic and antiseptic action. As indicated in the instructions for use, Okumetil has a number of side effects, so you should follow the scheme of application and do not use the drug unnecessarily.

Baby antihistamine drops

Antihistamines for children have a more gentle effect, have fewer side effects and are safe for the health of the child. As a rule, they are prescribed from 2 years, since allergies in infants are treated exclusively with systemic medicines of different generations.

  • Cromohexal or Cromosol. Preparations have a similar composition, the active substance is disodium salt. Drops are very effective and are most often used for chronic allergies in children. Can be used from 4 years;
  • Okumel. Antiallergic drops with antiseptic effect. Have a mild effect, so they are prescribed to children from 2 years old.

In addition, if there is no individual intolerance to the components in the drops, sometimes allergodyl and Lecrolin described above are used.

Drops for eyes with allergies in both children and adults should be selected only by the attending physician, depending on the characteristics of the disease and the state of health in general.

Recommendations for use

To ensure that the prescribed drops for the eyes are effective and do not cause harm to health, it is necessary to follow simple rules for the use of drugs.

  1. Before using eye drops, you should always wash your hands with detergent to avoid infection;
  2. If you need to drip the product on the street, then you need to go to a calm place and room, and after the procedure for cosmetic purposes, put on sunglasses;
  3. If after several applications there is no positive effect, a prolonged burning sensation in the eyes appeared, then the reception of the drug should be stopped;
  4. The pipette for instillation should be kept in sterile purity. The tip of the dropper must touch only the drops;
  5. Carefully read the instructions.Many antihistamine drops have many contraindications and limitations in the application;
  6. Do not simultaneously bury several differently at the action of drops, unless it is prescribed by the attending physician. In complex treatment, the procedure should be performed with an interval of at least 30-40 minutes;
  7. In order to avoid seasonal exacerbations, it is necessary to start to drip prophylactic drops in a timely manner in order to stabilize the mast cells for this period.

Drops from glaucoma

Hemorrhage in the eye (hyphema): causes and treatment are described in this article.

Gilan Comfort: eye drops




Allergy is a serious complex disease that occurs both in the child and in the adult. To date, there is no universal cure for this ailment, so the therapy is reduced only to the removal of symptoms and the alleviation of a person's condition. Drops for the eyes - the only and best remedy for ophthalmic allergic diseases, with The effectiveness of treatment in many respects depends on the competent choice of the remedy and the correctness of its application.

Also, read about the use of such drops as Betofan and Alkain.