Negative emotions in humans

Emotions are the reactions of the body in response to changing conditions of interaction with the world around the person. Emotions have a certain cycle of their development and completion. This is the emergence, or the birth of an emotional reaction, further - its development to the maximal manifestation, and - its resolution and completion.


Qualities of emotions

Emotions, or emotional reactions, can be divided by quality: positive and negative. They incredibly affect the psychophysiology of man.

Positive are those that give pleasant sensations to the body, they arise, develop and pass without leaving any special traces in the soul and energy of the organism. Therefore, people have long noted that when you do something good and good for others, it is quickly forgotten. And, on the contrary, people tend to remember much better all the bad things that happened to them, which was best accumulated in their memory.

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Why do people tend to remember more bad things that happened in their lives? But I want to immediately note that the concept of "good" and "bad" is very relative.

Evaluation of events

We, according to our education, thanks to our environment, the culture in which we were born and developed, thanks to everything that we are used to seeing from childhood - we form in ourselves, it is also true that not only we, but alsoThe parties, in us, form a certain system of values, with which we, as a benchmark and evaluate the surrounding reality, including ourselves. On this basis, we evaluate all events as "bad" or "good."

There is nothing surprising in that negative emotions can arise and develop in people, when nothing bad happens to them and does not happen. It is only in assessing events as "bad" or "good", the evaluation mechanism is hidden very deeply in the subconscious sphere of man. Therefore, then it is very difficult to cure, because for this we need to change the attitude to ourselves and the environment around us.

Action of negative emotions per person

Negative emotional reactions experienced by a person affect the entire body of a person and his psyche.

Negative mood background is combined with general discomfort, unpleasant thoughts, a state of decline of strength or, on the contrary, irritability, anger and an upsurge of aggression aimed at others or on oneself.

In the body there is a violation of the balance of hormones, narrowing of the vessels, changes in the rhythm of the heart and respiration. The blood becomes thicker and acquires a darker color, the coagulability of the blood increases, which naturally leads to an increase in thrombogenesis.

Following the violation of pulmonary breathing, cellular respiration and gas transport by blood are upset.

All this leads to a decrease in natural immunity, a person becomes more prone to various kinds of diseases and exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

More than that. The frustrated concentration of attention worsens the adequacy and speed of a person's response in everyday life. A person, being inattentive and preoccupied, can become extremely susceptible to various kinds of accidents that can lead to various kinds of injuries, falls, bruises and other disasters.

The need for emotional relaxation

In general, if you do not struggle with the negative background of emotional experiences, then do not be surprised at the arrival of our lives and diseases and accidents. About such a phenomenon as luck, you can generally forget. There will be setbacks in everything, no matter what we do.

Therefore, if we can not change our attitude to ourselves and to the world around us, we need, at least, not to keep ourselves unpleasant and not to live with it. For this it is necessary not to interfere with emotions to pass and complete their natural cycle of development. You need to find your ways to discharge emotional tension.

A person can apply any physical load, talk, swear and calm down. But so that the ways of your discharge do not suffer, neither you nor the people around you.

PS : Earlier this article was published by me on the website of, and now she has moved here!