Hypermotropic astigmatism in children: methods of correction and treatment

The visual organs of a small child are somewhat different from those of an adult person.All children are born with hypermetropic astigmatism.Ophthalmologists believe that such a diagnosis in a child under 10 years is the norm. With the growth of the baby, his eyes are also being perfected, and the long-sighted astigmatism, as a rule, disappears. But this is again a norm. Unfortunately, there are exceptions when the violation remains with the child. In this case, the disease is diagnosed as "hypermetropic astigmatism which requires treatment and preventive measures.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Types and Classifications
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
    • 6.1Clinical researches
    • 6.2Tests at home
      • 6.2.1The Star of Siemens
      • 6.2.2Lines
      • 6.2.3Dark lines
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Optical correction
    • 7.2Surgical intervention
    • 7.3Other treatments
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

Hypermotropic astigmatism is a vision disorder characterized by a change in the shape of the lens or cornea.

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In a healthy person, the lens has an even spherical surface.With farsighted astigmatism there is a violation of the sphericity of the lens, the very shape of the eye is stretched vertically, because of what the focal point is outside the macula - the center of the fundus.Astigmatism splits this focal point, which leads to a strong distortion of visual information. Children with a similar disease can not focus their eyes on close objects, so they see the picture blurry and fuzzy.

How a person sees with astigmatism

Hypermotropic astigmatism is sometimes called hypertrophic, as it is one and the same disease. It causes a child's visual impairment and farsightedness.

Types and Classifications

Doctors distinguish 2 types of this pathology:

  • Simple hypermetropic astigmatism:suggests that the image in one of the meridians of the eye is focused on the retina (which is the norm), and in the other behind the retina (farsightedness).
  • Complex hypermetropic astigmatism:farsightedness of various degrees is diagnosed in both meridians.

Both variants of astigmatism are caused most often by an aspherical form of the cornea, in rare cases the cause lies in the change in the shape of the lens.Because of a violation in the cornea, the rays refracted in the optic system of the eye are not collected at one point. In addition, the anterior surface of the cornea is usually more curved and refracts the rays more strongly. Corneal astigmatism of mild degree (to, dptr) occurs frequently, is considered an acceptable norm and does not lead to a change in visual acuity.

There is also a mixed version of astigmatism, which is manifested by the following violation: on one of the meridians there is myopia, and on the second - hypermetropia.

Hypermetropic astigmatism of the eyes in children is of several degrees of severity:

  • The mild degree practically does not give symptoms.
  • The average degree is characterized by the appearance of fog in the eyes and a headache.
  • At a severe degree, the child may complain of a sharp drop in vision, and from the side, adults may notice a strabismus in the child. The child suffers from pain and rubbing in the eyes, as well as from tearing. Children with a severe degree of astigmatism become nervous and irritable, their mood often changes.


The main reason for the development of long-sighted astigmatism is a hereditary factor. Physicians believe that predisposition to this disorder is inherited.

If the family already has a person with hypermetropic astigmatism, then the likelihood of developing the same disease in his offspring at times increases.

Acquired astigmatism develops usually after eye trauma or surgery.The reason is that a scar is formed on the cornea of ​​the eye, which leads to a disorder of vision and a vague vision of objects.

In children's practice, astigmatism of an easy degree is most often met. A similar violation is found in about 50% of schoolchildren.


Recognize hypermetropic astigmatism is easier for a teenager than for younger school children.The kid still does not understand that he has problems with vision and, as a rule, does not make any complaints. In addition, not all parents can notice this disorder in a timely manner.

Parents with a predisposition to astigmatism should closely monitor their child.Only in this case they can notice the following symptoms in children:

  • Difficulties in reading the text;
  • The impossibility of considering a closely located object;
  • Lack of focus on the subject;
  • Dizziness.

Because of discomfort, a child may refuse to read or write, often complains of a headache. He slightly deflects his head and squints at the eye to view the object that interested him. If the parents noted one of these signs in their child, you should consult an oculist.

Possible complications

Children's hypermetropic astigmatism can cause amblyopia and strabismus.Visualization of the image by parts of the retina is disturbed by unclearness on one of them, which leads to the formation of amblyopia, which often becomes a consequence of this eye disorder. Such a complication can occur with a difference of refractive force greater than ±, diopter simultaneously in both eyes.

Vision with amblyopia

A complex farsighted astigmatism diagnosed in both eyes can be complicated by albinism.

If hypermetropic astigmatism detected in a child can not be treated in a timely manner, then after 10 years of age, it may develop a converging strabismus.

This pathology delivers the teenager discomfort and is an unpleasant cosmetic defect, because of which the adolescent can develop complexes, psychological problems.That is why it is so important to regularly undergo an examination with an oculist and when diagnosing such a diagnosis it is timely to treat pathology. The task of the parents is to fulfill absolutely all the doctor's recommendations.

Convergent strabismus in the child - complication due to hypermetropic astigmatism


To determine the exact diagnosis and assess the degree of damage to the organs of vision, it is necessary to conduct a survey of both eyes.

Clinical researches

The main diagnostic methods for hypermetropic astigmatism are:

  • Visometry (definition of visual acuity). In the course of the examination, the child is covered with one eye, and on the second - the lenses with different strength are put on;
  • Sciascopia;
  • Biomicroscopy;
  • Refractometry;
  • Ophthalmoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball.
Checking visual acuity (visometry)

In difficult cases, the child is assigned a computer keratotopography.

Most often, the diagnosis of "hypermetropic astigmatism" ophthalmologists put in children in the second year of life.

Tests at home

Recognize the disease in the child can be and at home with the help of schematic tests.You can easily make a drawing for the test yourself, you can also take ready samples on the Internet.

The Star of Siemens

The "Star of Siemens" test allows parents to control the visual acuity of a child and monitor its changes. For this purpose, it is necessary to include full illumination and close one eye of the kid with the palm. Next, you need to ask the kid to look at the lines and determine whether they are all the same. A similar test is performed with the other eye, then the results are compared.

The "Star of Siemens" test for the definition of astigmatism


Ask the child to determine if all lines are the same. The test on the technique of execution is similar to the test "The Star of Siemens".

Test "Direct lines" for determining astigmatism

Dark lines

The task for the child is the same: determine whether all the lines are identical.

Test for astigmatism

If the child presents different results after viewing the pictures with both eyes, urgently consult an ophthalmologist.


To treat simple and complex variants of hypermetropic astigmatism in children was effective, it is necessary to start it as early as possible, taking a whole complex of measures.

Optical correction

To the kid till 7 years the doctor usually writes out glasses, more to adult children - lenses.Glasses in glasses - not simple, but spherocylindrical. Contact lenses are selected strictly individually for each patient. To correct astigmatism, a ruler of toric lenses was developed. This takes into account the extent of the lesion and the possible concomitant pathology.

Toric lenses.

Glasses and lenses with astigmatism - this is exclusively a correction of vision. If you remove the optics from the eyes for a long time, then the vision will start to deteriorate again.

Surgical intervention

To permanently get rid of farsighted astigmatism, you need to correct the shape of the cornea.This is only possible for microsurgery physicians. At this stage, the most effective ways to influence the cornea are:

  • Laser thermokeratoplasty;
  • Laser keratomileusis.
Thermokeratoplasty with laser.

These procedures change the shape of the cornea, making it convex-flat in the central part. The visual acuity is restored.

As a rule, modern medicine uses surgery for patients over 18 years of age. However, in severe cases of hypermetropic astigmatism, doctors perform laser surgery and small patients.

Other treatments

Conservative treatments include:

  • Training of the eye muscles;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Swimming;
  • Massage.
Massage of eyeballs

To treat astigmatism, ophthalmologists often prescribe to children the performance of special gymnastics.The complex can include such exercises:

  • The child should look into the distance, then fix the sight on any object located nearby, at a distance of 20-30 cm.
  • Eight. A young patient needs to make the eight with pupils of the open eyes.
  • Occasional closure of the eyes with the fixation of the open eye on a nearby subject.
  • Exercise with the index finger. The kid needs to look intently at the index finger, slowly bringing it closer to the nose.
  • Massaging the closed eyes with your thumbs.
Gymnastics for the eyes

After doing gymnastics, you need to close your eyes and let them rest.

Gymnastics, the reception of various drugs, wearing glasses, as well as performing a surgical procedure, is prescribed only by an ophthalmologist after a thorough diagnosis.


Hypermethropic astigmatism in children is overwhelmingly a congenital defect. Preventive maintenance of this disease should be carried out from an early age.As preventive measures, ophthalmologists recommend:

  • A set of exercises for the eyes, strengthening the eye muscles (circular movements of the eyes, alternating looks up-down-right-left, slow blinking and strong squinting);
  • Swimming and running;
  • General physical exercises;
  • Hardening procedures;
  • Eyelid massage;
  • Proper nutrition (in the diet of the child must be present fresh carrots and parsley greens, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs of vision).



In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that hypermetropic astigmatism is not a sentence for a child.With this disease, you can and must fight. The main task of parents is to turn to the oculist in a timely manner, follow the doctor's recommendations and conduct all preventive measures. In this case, the young organism must cope with astigmatism.

Tests for astigmatism can be done in this article.

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