Vitamins for the eyes and eyesight improvement

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Vitamins play an important role in the metabolic processes of the eyeball.By saturation with the necessary components, the retina, the optic nerve, and the optical system function fully. And on the contrary, with a deficiency of useful elements, such pathologies as cataract, glaucoma of various etymologies develop.With insufficient amount of vitamin C, capillaries collapse, which leads to complications in the form of detachment and retinal bundle, vitreous hemorrhage.The latter, in turn, with a deficiency of vitamins reduces the function of metabolic processes, which subsequently causes a clouding of the lens and the like. Therefore, it is so important to be screened in time by an ophthalmologist, and to take a course of vitamin therapy, which will be discussed next.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Types and classification of drugs
  • 3List of the best vitamins
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Products containing vitamins
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Application area

The most effective for the eyes are the groups: A, C, E, but the importance of the remaining carotenes in the retina and the lens structure is also noted, this is lutein and zeaxanatine.

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The first, unique in that it is able to accumulate in the eye tissues, it serves as a kind of filter against the strong penetration of light onto the pigment epithelium. Its resistance to light protects the retina and the lens from damage, especially ultraviolet light.Both substances can become effective "protectors" of the retinal pigment layer from free radicals, they are the only carotenoids not only on the surface of the lens, but also in its core.

Vitamin-containing preparations should be taken, first of all, to those who already have deviations and disturbances in the visual system:

  • Children who haveastigmatism, myopia, hyperopia, strabismus.
  • People who experience constant and excessive fatigue.
  • Older people, especially women, because they are most often in dangerglaucoma or cataract.
  • Patients with diseases of the venous system.Any stagnation becomes dangerous for the organs of vision, especially this concerns the venous circulation of the bottom of the eye, tk. provokes thrombosis of retinal veins, neuritis.
  • People who have diabetes mellitus of both types, which causes damage to the eye arteries.

Types and classification of drugs

Today, the pharmacy network offers a wide variety of vitamins, among which there are drugs intended specifically for strengthening and restoring visual functions. There are both domestic funds and foreign counterparts. The most popular are those that have natural natural components in their composition, such as: carrots, blueberries, cranberries.

Preparations are issued in the form of syrups, tablets, eye drops, gels and ointments.

Remember that most of the vitamins and trace elements enter the body with food, so a variety of diets will help to strengthen the health of the eyes and the body as a whole. Refusal of canned, fatty or salty foods will be a step towards a speedy recovery!

In the case when there is no time for regular and adequate nutrition, a deficiency of vitamins can be replenished by using special complexes:

  • Lutein Complex- recommended to all risk groups as a strong support. For people of mature age or those who are forced to work with "eyes" a lot, this complex is irreplaceable. The cost of the drug ranges from 250 to 350 rubles. The pattern of use and course depends on the concentration of the substance and the degree of the disease.
    Lutein forte improves the functional state of the retina
  • Optix- this preparation includes carotene and a mineral complex, and the helping components of the accompanying property improve the assimilation of basic substances. Usually prescribed for those who have the lens, retina, people with diabetes, night blindness. Forbidden to children under 12 years. The usual course is 90 days, costs 200-250 rubles.
    Optics is used in the treatment of lens diseases
  • Doppelgerz ActiveIs a vitamin supplement based on lutein, blueberry extract and retinol. It helps the regeneration of cells, improves blood circulation in the eye system, is shown to be used after operations as a restoring complex. It is worth about 300 rubles.
  • Styx- blueberry-carotene complex, it is good as a preventive agent. Relieves stress, eye discomfort and relaxes muscles. For those who spend a long time at a computer or working on a welding machine, this complex is necessary for courses for a month. The price limit is limited to 700 rubles.
  • Sears- a multi-component product with a blueberry extract. It is shown to both age patients and young people. With myopia, vitamins are taken monthly. The price is 500-600 rubles.
    Reconcile is prescribed in the treatment of myopia
  • Taufon- a liquid medicinal vitamin preparation containing taurine. It is usually prescribed for damage to the mucous membranes of the eye or cornea, for various types of burn injuries, after prolonged exposure to the sun and discomfort in the eyes. Saturates tissues with oxygen and restores many functions. It is sold in vials of various capacities. It costs from 20 to 35 rubles.
    Typhon is used in the treatment of visual defects
  • Blueberry Forte- this bioadditive contains in its composition such useful components as: lutein, carotene, blueberry extract, vitamin B, concomitant substances for better assimilation. It is indicated to patients older than 14 years. The price limit is up to 450 rubles.
    Blueberry Forte protects the vessels of the eyes and improves eyesight

Among the numerous drugs can also be identified: "Aevit "Super Optic "Vitrum Vision "Focus" and others.

List of the best vitamins

  • Retinol or vitamin A.It improves visual acuity, strengthens the cornea and helps to better navigate in the twilight and darkness. Preparations: "Revit "Complivit "Computer-Aiz".
  • Vitamin Cconfronts hemorrhages. If it is enough in the body, the likelihood of diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts is significantly reduced. Actively involved in the regeneration of the corneal cells, and is available in the preparation of "Okovitis".
  • Thiamine or vitamin B 1.It corrects the intraocular pressure, is responsible for the impulses of the nerve endings of the brain to the pupil.
  • Vitamin B2(riboflavin) strengthens the vascular system of the eye, resists the development of many dangerous diseases.
  • Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12stabilizes blood circulation and the state of nerve fibers.
  • Lutein-It serves as a strengthening substance for the retina and lens.

Recommendations for use

Specialists note the high effectiveness of the therapeutic use of vitamin supplements together with medicinal preparations and separately from them.There is a general strengthening of the body, the healing process accelerates, the level of harmful substances in the blood decreases, and lymph purification occurs. However, it should be remembered that an overabundance or misuse of any medications can cause their rejection and, as a result, deterioration of well-being.

Without the appointment of a doctor, do not use vitamin complexes for the eyes. The eye is a rather sensitive organ and there is nothing to irritate them. Only a specialist can determine the duration of the course and the need to take extra nutrition for the eyes.

  • If a person suffers from irritation or heavy loads, he recommends eye drops containing vitamin A"Optocline" or "Vitaglikan".
  • With such ailment asmyopia or hyperopiacan be recommended "Diffrarel "Visioner they contain in their composition blueberries.
  • Whenthe optic nerve is inflamedIt is worth taking "Biofit parsley".

If necessary, different types of medications are prescribed during the treatment of eye diseases.

Vitamin-mineral complexes are required during a period of lowering immunity, during cold and infectious diseases, in the spring when the body experiences vitamin deficiency.

Products containing vitamins

Fresh products have always been preferable to artificial drugs, so you should know what they should be included in the daily diet:

  • Vitamin Cis found in large quantities in citrus, cabbage, black currant, sea-buckthorn, greens and paprika, dog rose, wild berries.
  • A- fish oil, kidneys, liver, sunflower, blueberry, carrots, tomatoes, mountain ash.
  • IN 1- in a flour of a rough grinding, yeast and various groats, a liver and bran.
  • В2, В3, В6, В12- it's dairy products, bananas, corn, apples, liver, yolk, fish of all sorts.
  • Lutein- it's paprika, spinach, cabbage, blueberries.
  • E- especially a lot of it in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils.
  • DAre all kinds of mushrooms.
    Products containing vitamins useful for vision

The correct selection of products for a daily diet is useful both for children and adults, which is why the emphasis is on healthy nutrition enriched with vitamins, especially in the presence of diseases.



Use multivitamins only after the appointment of a doctor.It is not necessary to take independent measures, since an overabundance can have unfortunate consequences, in the form of an allergic reaction, edema or other manifestations of a negative property. Be very vigilant to taking vitamins by children, the best option for them will be eating fresh vegetables and fruits, berries and nuts, but here you should know the measure. Only a balanced diet can ensure the continuity of all functions of the body, and primarily the system of organs of vision.