Effectively remove wen on the eyelid at home

Zhirovik on the century can appear in any person, whether it be a woman or a man. At the very beginning, the skin defect is rather insignificant in its parameters, but if it does not get rid of it in time, it can reach a size of several centimeters. On how to remove the wen eye eyelid at home, we'll talk in the article.

  • A few words about the origin of
  • What is the appearance of a fatty eyelid?
  • Danger of self-treatment
  • Wen eyelids - how to get rid
  • Treatment of Wen's eyelid
  • Infusion of bark of oak
  • Treatment with salt, sour cream and honey
  • Garlic in the fight against adipes
  • Compress from chestnuts
  • Aloe and Kalanchoe
  • Onions - as an effective remedy in the fight against wen on the eyelids
  • How to remove with vinegar and iodine
  • Celandine
  • Garlic and lard
  • Wheat grains
  • Vegetable oil
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Lamb fat
  • Preventive measures
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A few words about the origin of

Wen is a fairly common problem. In medicine they call a lipoma. A small white wen does not pose any danger to human health and does not cause any pain. The only negative is a feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​origin.

Know:Lipoma of large size, which can not be removed in time, can lead to loss of vision.

Where does he come from? Zhirovik is an overgrown fat tissue that does not pose a threat to human life. It can occur both within the century and over the century. Until now, medicine can not figure out what causes the skin defect. There are only a few assumptions on which you can determine the reasons for its appearance.

What is the appearance of a fatty eyelid?

Before considering the methods of treatment of lipoma, consider the most common causes of the appearance:

  • diabetes;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • inactive way of life;
  • heredity;
  • impaired thyroid function;
  • bad ecology;
  • failure in the kidney and urogenital system;
  • irregular and irregular meals;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • improper skin care.

Danger of self-treatment

Zhirovik on the century - a common and unpleasant phenomenon. Many people try to cope with it using the following methods:

  • Extruded or pierced with something sharp;
  • cauterized with iodine or green tea;
  • apply various herbal compresses, wipe the affected area.

Such actions are unsafe and can lead to infection, partial loss of vision or a larger growth of the wen. After self-treatment, scars may remain, from which it is very difficult to get rid of.

Wen eyelids - how to get rid

In order to get rid of zhirovik on the century, you need to go to the beautician, and if there are pain, then the surgeon. Get rid of the problem can without a trace with the help of electrocoagulation or minor surgery, but not at home.

With electrocoagulation, the wen drier is dried and after a few days exfoliates, in its place a healthy skin grows. Healing after the operation is a week.

Treatment of Wen's eyelid

If you notice that the adipes adorn the eye, there is no need to panic, but you should not postpone treatment for later, otherwise the problem can reach more catastrophic consequences (meaning the size).

Know:do not pierce the lipoma on the eyelid by yourself. This procedure should be performed only by a doctor.

On how to remove wen eye eyelids at home, let's talk further.

Infusion of bark of oak

This is one of the most effective methods that helped many get rid of the lipoma. So, you should buy a bark of oak in the pharmacy. 50 g of the product must be filled with a glass of pre-heated vodka. Steep the mixture for 3 days, drain. With the help of an ear wax soak the fatty gum several times a day for a week. Similar effect has a leaf of a golden mustache, which will help cure wen under the eyelid.

Remember:wig on the eyelid is more appropriate to soak the earwax so that the remedy does not fall into the eye.

Treatment with salt, sour cream and honey

These products are also capable of removing adipose tissue. So, take honey, sour cream and salt in equal proportions. Mix everything thoroughly. The eyelid well decoct and apply the prepared mixture with the help of an earwax. Wash off. Carry out the procedure until the wen will not disappear, and it does not matter for treatment: a wen on the left eyelid or on the right.

Garlic in the fight against adipes

Yes, and this useful product is able to remove the white wen on a century in a few weeks. So, a garlic clove is passed through a garlic crush, and add a few drops of vegetable oil to it. Every day, in the morning and at night, apply the mixture to the wen dough for a few minutes.

Remember:rinse thoroughly before use. Clean tools should be used, which are used for the preparation of the medicinal product.

Compress from chestnuts

This method is simply a miracle in the fight, if there was a wen in the lower eyelid. 5 Chestnuts grind with a blender. Add to it a pair of leaves of aloe and 20 ml of honey. Thoroughly mix everything, apply on cotton wool and attach to wen foot for 20 minutes. The procedure should be carried out daily. Ready mix can be stored in the refrigerator.

Aloe and Kalanchoe

Performing the procedure daily several times, you can achieve rapid opening of the wen. So, the aloe or calanchoe juice should be applied to the neoplasm with the help of an earwax. Before using the product, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator.

Onions - as an effective remedy in the fight against wen on the eyelids

Rub onion on a shallow grater. Dampen the fleece in a gruel and attach to the eyelid.

Attention:be careful that the onion juice does not hit the eyes.

Top the adhesive plaster on top. It is desirable to carry out the procedure at night. By the morning the wenewolf must break through. If this does not happen, repeat the procedure.

How to remove with vinegar and iodine

This method is quite effective in combating the lipoma. So, take half a teaspoon of vinegar and the same amount of iodine. Blend the mixture on the wen as a compress. Change it 2 times a day. Be sure to press the tampon well so that the mixture does not hit the eyes.


About this plant a lot was said, because it helped many to get rid of zhirovik on the century. So, every day, drip on the lipoma a drop of celandine juice. After a few uses, a small sore appears on the surface of the formation, which should not frighten you. Gently apply Vivshnevsky ointment on the eyelid. After a while the wen should break through.

Remember:all procedures should be carried out only with clean hands.

Garlic and lard

To get a quick effect, do this procedure at night. So, in a blender, chop a clove of garlic and a piece of fat. Blend the mixture in the form of a compress until the wig completely disappears.

Wheat grains

For this procedure, grind wheat seeds and add a little honey to them. The mixture is applied in the form of a compress, which should be changed several times a day.

Vegetable oil

Preheat the vegetable oil until hot. One teaspoonful would be enough. To him, add a pinch of salt and mix well. Broom into the mixture of an ear wand. When applied to the adipose of this remedy, should feel a slight burning sensation. After several procedures, the lipoma must turn into a crust that will eventually fall off.

Hydrogen peroxide

Acquire in the pharmacy 3% hydrogen peroxide. Apply daily to the adipose. In a few days, the application should break through. It is possible to apply at occurrence of a zhirovik though on the top or a lower eyelid.

Lamb fat

This method has proved itself well. The melted fat of the ram should be gently rubbed into the eyelid. After several procedures, education will decrease and break through.

Preventive measures

  1. Regularly use peelings, masks and scrubs for the skin. They contribute to the rapid purification of pores and the removal of dead cells.
  2. Eat right. Exclude from the diet fried, hot and smoked. Focus on vegetables and fruits.
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Regularly walk in the fresh air and go in for sports.
  4. Observe the basic rules of hygiene.

As can be seen from the article, an insignificant zhirovik on the eyelid is not dangerous. But, treatment should not be postponed. In advanced cases, lipoma may cause blindness for a century, so be cautious and start treatment immediately.