Treatment of hip dysplasia in newborns

Dysplasia is a congenital inferior development of hip joints in infants.

This phenomenon is very common in the modern world.

The extreme severity of the disorder is a hip dislocation. If the disease is not diagnosed in time and the dysplasia is not treated in newborns, then later it will cause lameness of the child.

Dysplasia or violation of hip joint formation is the main form of disorders of the anatomical structure of the musculoskeletal system in children under the age of one year.Dysplasia in newborns occurs at a frequency of approximately 20 cases per 100 children.

In places with poor ecology, the rate of injury to children increases several times.

Dysplasia is an inferior development during the formation and formation of the embryo, namely, the formation of cartilage, ligaments, bones, muscles and nerve structures.


  • 1Degrees of severity of injury
  • 2Causes of a child's defeat pathology
  • 3Symptoms of the onset and progression of the disease
  • 4Treatment processes for the prevention and rapid treatment of violations
  • 5Massage and methods of its conduct with dysplasia
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Degrees of severity of injury

In medicine, there are three main degrees of severity in the development of a newborn dysplasia:

  1. Dysplasia of the first degreein the newborn - it is pre-exertion, when the osteochondral cartilage develops inadequately, and the musculoskeletal device is not affected, and so far there is no head deflection in thigh bone.
  2. Dysplasia of the second degreeor subluxation - is accompanied by a slight deviation of the head in the femur to the outer part or upwards.
  3. Dysplasia of the 3rd degree- severe forms, when the head of the femur does not touch the acetabulum at all, and therefore there is no contact between the articular surfaces.

Causes of a child's defeat pathology

The causes of the manifestation of the disease in a newborn are based on several theories:

  1. Hereditary- when the disease occurs as a result of genetic disorders.
  2. Hormonal- manifestation of dysplasia due to an increase in the concentration of progesterone at the end of the gestation period - thus, the muscle tone decreases, causing instability of the hip joint of the baby.
  3. Exogenous- the effect on the body of the mother and the future child of toxins, some groups of drugs that disrupt the process of bone formation.
  4. Multifactorial- dysplasia, developing with the simultaneous influence of several factors already mentioned.
It is forbidden to apply any vertical loads to the lower limbs of a newborn, provided that suspicions of dysplasia have been confirmed.

Symptoms of the onset and progression of the disease

The disease in a newborn is characterized by five standard manifestations, which allow doctors to diagnose the disease.

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Each feature has its own confidence limits:

  1. Asymmetry of the folds of the skin, which is checked when the child lies on his back with the legs maximally unbent and, conversely, with bent legs. So, on the inner surface of the thigh clearly visible three folds. If the dislocation of the hip joint in newborns is present, the folds are slightly higher, and their number can vary in a larger direction.
  2. Manifestations and signs of deviation in infants are almost always characterized by slipping.
  3. Limited movement in the process of hip withdrawal. In order to determine this symptom in infants, the bent knees of the child lying on his back are carefully bred. In the normal state, they can be diluted effortlessly to a 90 degree angle.
  4. The relative shortening of the injured limb is revealed when the hip is underdeveloped in newborns only on one side. Shortening of the limb is noticeable due to the different height of the knees.
  5. External rotation of the thigh. This feature has a minimal diagnostic value among other symptoms. As a rule, such a symptom is revealed in the course of a child's sleep by his parents. At times, external limb rotation is observed in perfectly healthy children.

Treatment processes for the prevention and rapid treatment of violations

Each infant is necessarily examined by an orthopedic doctor at a very young age.

The subluxation of the hip joint in newborns is treated by fixing the baby's legs in a dilute position through a wide swaddling.

It will be required to simultaneously implement special gymnastics for dysplasia in newborns. Besides, massage is absolutely necessary, it is allowed to be carried out in the polyclinic and at home.

It is necessary to properly carry the child in his arms, holding his back, pressing him to himself, it is forbidden to keep him behind the buttocks.

Treatment of dislocation of the hip bone in newborns involves the use of tires that fix the legs of the child in a convenient breeding position. It is forbidden to take very rigid structures for these purposes. Correctly selected design should be worn constantly and removed for a short period of time.

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Any treatment is well complemented with physiotherapy procedures to relax the muscles that prevent hip dilatation - these can be applied to the lesion focus. It's good when the child's legs are locked together with freedom of movement and physical activity.

It is recommended to combine the fixation of the legs with the realization of physical exercises, which can be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Physiotherapy is also an effective treatment for newborns, which can be used already in the first stages of a child's life.It not only strengthens the muscles, but also ensures the full value of the child's mental and physical development.

Any treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, and parents should always monitor the implementation of any advice and recipes.

Massage and methods of its conduct with dysplasia

Massage for infants is acceptable starting from the very beginning of the baby's life, since this method will help to prevent secondary dystrophy in the muscles, improves the blood filling of the affected limb and accelerates the final recovery.

There are several basic rules and the sequence of how to do massage with dysplasia:

  1. During the massage of the baby with the development of dysplasia of the hip joint, the impact is classified into general and local. General - prepares the child for the procedure, this is the so-called tactile massage, which helps him relax. The session itself should not take more than 20 minutes, 5 of which are allocated for a general massage.
  2. The child is put on his tummy and, slowly stroking, rubbing his back, buttocks and hands, then you can go to the tummy, chest, arms and legs.As a rule, children react positively to such preparation for massage.
  3. Later, more intense grinding begins, when the force of pressure increases. In this case, the main impact is on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. After this, circular movements should be massaged in the region of the thigh.
  4. The child turns on his back, fixing the affected joint with one hand, and the second pulling the leg away.
  5. Gently and gently, you must perform the driving movement.
  6. They proceed to flexion movements in the hip joint and knee of each leg with simultaneous slight shaking.
When a massage is given to a baby, it is very important to monitor the child's reaction to manipulation. With a lot of worry, crying is better to stop the procedure, and after restoring it again, because regularity is the key to success in therapy.

Timely diagnosed illness in the child does not pose any danger for his future life.But when time was missed, it would affect the entire musculoskeletal system - scoliosis progresses, osteochondrosis, there is a deformation.

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In addition, knowing how dangerous dysplasia of hip joints in newborns, do not forget about the displacement of internal organs. The described processes are quickly supplemented by lameness, pain and eventually lead to the need for surgery.

Untreated pathology provokes early arthrosis of the affected joint and lameness.

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