Today, a lot of modern and effective methods are used to correct vision. One of them remains laser correction. This is an innovative method that has already gained popularity not only among doctors, but also patients. And here's why, we'll find out later.
1Method definition
2When appointed
3Method of conducting
3.1Preparation of the patient
3.2Execution of the procedure
4Postoperative period
Method definition
Laser vision correction is an effective and safe procedure that allows you to heal a number of diseases, including nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.The result of this therapy is a tremendous improvement in visual acuity.
This procedure allows each patient to forget about all the awkwardness when wearing glasses or uncomfortable contact lenses.
When appointed
Prescribe laser treatment can for the treatment of such pathologies of the organs of vision:
Myopia.This pathological process, which in medical terminology was called myopia. The cause of its development remains the change in the shape of the eyeball. In this case, the focus is not on the retina, but in front of it. Because of this, a person sees the picture blurry. To correct myopia, glasses, lenses, laser and surgical methods can be used.
Hyperopia.This pathology develops by reducing the size of the eyeball, reducing the accommodation of the lens. This leads to the fact that the focus of nearby objects is formed behind the retina, and when they are examined, a fuzzy picture appears. Correction can be performed with the help of glasses, lenses or laser surgery,
Astigmatism.This disease implies a violation of a person's ability to clearly see. This pathology is provoked by a disturbed shape of the eye, lens or cornea. In this case, the focus of the picture is not formed on the retina. Such a disease can supplement the following symptoms: pain in the eyes, rapid fatigue during reading. To adjust, you must use special glasses. But the laser surgery is the most effective.Laser correction
All these diseases can be combined under a common name. Here it is necessary to include diseases in which problems develop when focusing the eye.
Method of conducting
Preparation of the patient
For the operation to yield positive results, the patient must carefully prepare for it:
7 days before the correction, you need to stop wearing the lenses and glasses.Then the cornea will wash away its natural form.
Also, before the operation, the patient needs to take some tests.Each clinic puts forward its list of tests. As a rule, all their are reduced to the definition of infections, the study of blood and urine. The term of the test results is 10-30 days.
For two days you should stop using alcoholic beverages and applying cosmetics.
Before going to the clinic, wash your face and hair.
Before correction, the patient should thoroughly sleep, calm down and not be nervous.
Also, read about the specific procedures of FRC and Lasik, based on the use of a laser in ophthalmology.
When the patient is too excited, the doctor can offer him mild sedatives.
Execution of the procedure
The operation is under local anesthesia. The specialist carries out the treatment of eyelids and eyelids with the help of an antiseptic. He can also drip antibacterial drops to prevent the development of the infectious process. To fix the eye, the eyelid expander is used.
The first stage of the operation involves the removal of the epithelium. For this, a laser is used. Then the process of evaporation of the cornea occurs.
This method requires the residual thickness of the cornea. To ensure that it fully fulfills its functions, its thickness will be 200-300 microns.
There are situations when you can refuse excising the epithelium. Then surgical intervention is faster and with a low risk of complications.
Postoperative period
In the first day after the operation, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and corticosteroids. This helps prevent the development of infection and inflammation. Beta-blockers can be used to prevent intraocular pressure.
Within a few days after correction, the patient should comply with the following recommendations:
To be in a darkened room.If the light is too bright, pain and eye pain may occur. It will irritate the cornea and prevent it from healing.
Do not touch the eye.
Very often, it seems to patients that they have a mote in their eye, do not try to extract it. If you have severe discomfort, you need to see a doctor.
Refuse to shower and wash.Do not allow chemical agents to enter the eye. They will irritate the cornea and have a negative impact.
Refuse alcohol before the end of the course of medication.Antibacterial drugs are incompatible with alcohol.
Limitations on laser vision correction are described here.
Eye drops Polinadym
Gymnastics for the eyes with myopia (myopia) is described in this article.
Barley on the eye - how to treat this article.
Laser vision correction is a safe and effective procedure for improving visual acuity in people with nearsightedness and farsightedness. And although the operation is rather simple and not long, it requires compliance with certain rules during the preparation of the patient. Otherwise, you can not get a positive result.
Also read about such surgical interventions as laser retinal coagulation and laser basal iridectomy.