Is it possible to restore vision

When the level of visual perception begins to decline in the elderly, in most cases this is perceived as a norm.However, the deterioration of vision is increasingly diagnosed at a young age, and no one is surprised by the child wearing glasses. It even ceased to cause negative emotions among peers, and even acquired an intellectual and romantic coloring. However, all the same, glasses and lenses are a source of some inconvenience, and not everyone will be resolved for surgical treatment. Therefore it is important to know how to improve vision at home. The most common methods will be described below.


  • 1Types of deviations
    • 1.1Myopia
    • 1.2Hyperopia
    • 1.3Astigmatism
    • 1.4Peripheral vision disorders
  • 2Recovery Methods
    • 2.1Gymnastics
    • 2.2Vitaminotherapy
    • 2.3Laser correction
    • 2.4Operations to replace the lens
  • 3Video
  • 4conclusions

Types of deviations

Violations of visual perception can be congenital or acquired.If the visual defect is congenital, then there is little that can be changed. However, the use of correction methods allows to prevent the progression of pathology and loss of those visual resources that still exist.

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With regard to acquired eye deviations, in most cases, changes occur through the fault of the person because of non-observance of the banal prevention: lack of vision hygiene, inadequate nutrition, prolonged eye strain, untimely treatment of infections (eye and system).


When the shape of the eyeball is extended horizontally, the focus of the rays entering the retina does not reach it.In this case, a person sees a blurred outline of the image of distant objects with good vision near.Such a visual defect is called nearsightedness or myopia.

There are the following types of myopia:

  • Congenital.It is rare and is caused by various anomalies of the development of the eyes;
  • High.It is stated at the rates above 5 D;
  • Combination.It is characterized by normal indices of optical axis dimensions and refractive force, which, however, in combination do not provide good refraction. With such a violation, a weak degree of myopia is usually diagnosed;
  • False.Occurs when the spasm of accommodation develops and disappears when it normalizes;
  • Night.Appears in low light and completely disappears when it is amplified;
  • Complicated. Characterized by the development of anatomical changes in the eye structures, as a result of which vision can completely disappear.

Depending on the symptoms, myopia is also noted to be axial, progressive, refractive, transient. However, regardless of the type, the visual defect requires constant correction, because only in this way it is possible to prevent its progression.


With farsightedness (hypermetropia), the focus of the rays falling into the eye is outside the eyeball, giving a clear image into the distance and blurred near.However, this does not always happen. With a strong degree of farsightedness, blurred vision also extends to nearby objects.

The reason for the development of hyperopia is the shortened horizontal dimension of the eye or the weak refractive power of its optical system. A short optical axis is found in almost all infants, but with the growth of the child, its eyes, and farsightedness disappears, unless it is due to hereditary factors or anomalies development.

It is quite another matter - age-long farsightedness, when as a result of degenerative changes in tissues The lens of the lens loses the ability to change shape and receive image clarity on various distances.

If correction of age-related hypermetropia has as its goal, mainly, correction of vision to normal parameters, then in childhood, the main thing is not to allow complications (amblyopia and strabismus), which will be fixed much already more difficult.


For good vision, the optical system of the eye must be perfect and have symmetrical dimensions along all axes.With astigmatism, the spherical shape of the cornea (most often) or the lens is broken.Each point of the visible image is transmitted to the retina not as a single point, but two. The result is an unclear and distorted picture.

The visual defect can be complicated by hypermetropia or myopia, and also have a simple or complex form.There are, as with other defects, several degrees of astigmatism:

  • Up to 3 D - weak;
  • 3-6 D - medium;
  • Over 6 D is strong.

Almost all babies are born with a certain degree of astigmatism, which approximately reaches 3 years of life and returns to normal and does not exceed, D.This figure has the majority of the adult population of the planet, and it does not have a significant impact on the quality of sight.

However, if the norm does not stabilize in childhood, it is necessary to begin correction as early as possible, since such a defect can influence the child's mental development.

Peripheral vision disorders

When looking at a certain object, a person, in addition to this object, sees the objects surrounding him, although not so clearly.This is called peripheral vision or fields of vision. This ability of the eyes is very important for orientation in space, although we use, mainly, the central vision.

If the image enters the macula (yellow spot), then the nerve cells (cones) that are located there transmit it to the visual center in the brain, and we clearly see the object. And the image from the periphery of the visual fields enters the lateral parts of the retina, and the sticks (nerve cells) located there provide lateral or peripheral vision. These cells have a lower resolution and provide twilight vision.

In diseases of the retina or loss of sensitivity of nerve cells, peripheral vision is disrupted, and the field of vision is gradually beginning to be limited.This process can be inconspicuous and can only be detected with a preventive examination.

Structure of the eye

Causes of damage to the peripheral vision may be damage to the retina, optic atrophy, increased IOP, glaucoma.

Recovery Methods

To improve vision, the first thing to do is to find out the reasons for its deterioration, as well as the extent of the lesions.Extensive and competent diagnosis in a good clinic is able to determine the cause of the disease and the main efforts to direct it to eliminate it.After this, it is possible to begin recovery procedures, the nature of which will depend on the strength and nature of visual impairment.


On the effectiveness of gymnastics for the eyes there are many different opinions. For example, official medicine did not recognize the method of improving eyesight for Bates.However, for many people this method proved to be effective, as evidenced by its popularity, as well as the emergence of several equally well-known sets of gymnastic exercises for the eyes:

  • Restorative Norbekov technique;
  • Gymnasium Zhdanov;
  • Exercises for the eyes of Avetisov;
  • The methodology of Academician Utekhin;
  • Gymnastics Margaret Corbet;
  • The method of Rosenblum, Matz, Lokhtina.
The Zhdanov method

The authors pay great attention not only to purely physiological training, but also to the psychological attitude that helps them to believe in themselves and try to overcome the violations at the mental level.

With regard to physical training, then any exercise helps to withdraw the eye from a peculiar stupor arising from hard work or excessive fatigue due to attempts to obtain a clear picture.The second positive moment in the performance of any physical exercise is the improvement of blood circulation in the oculomotor muscles and ciliary body.And this, in turn, helps to strengthen the nourishment of the eye tissues.


Everyone knows the importance of the presence of vitamins in the diet.They accelerate chemical reactions in cells, enhance immunity in infections, reduce the negative impact of occupational hazards. Any process in the body is a chain of biochemical reactions, and in most of them vitamins participate.

Therefore, with deterioration of vision without any external causes and systemic diseases, it can be assumed that the metabolism is disturbed, and the eyes do not eat enough food.

There are several vitamins necessary for good vision:

  • A.It functions as a visual pigment and supports the synthesis of collagen;
  • B1.Responsible for the rate of metabolism in nerve cells;
  • B2.It is necessary for normalization of metabolic processes in the cornea and lens;
  • B6.Is a necessary soothing element, with a deficiency develops a nervous tic;
  • B12.Responsible for normal hematopoiesis;
  • C.It is a strong antioxidant, protects cells from aging;
  • E.Participates in the formation of collagen fibers, is an antioxidant;
  • D.Increases the protective function of the eye tissues;
  • F.Maintains a normal drainage function, preventing an increase in IOP;
  • P.Responsible for the strength of the capillary walls and the decrease in their permeability.
Products containing vitamins useful for vision

For the improvement of vision, special vitamin complexes have been developed, which also contain microelements (selenium, copper, zinc) and biologically active substances (lutein and zeaxanthin). However, you should choose the right complex for you only after consulting a doctor.

Laser correction

Conservative methods are not always effective, or the situation requires a rapid response.In this case, the doctor can recommend laser correction of vision, which for today shows up to 98% of the successful cure.

Laser treatment is carried out in patients aged 18-55 years, who are diagnosed with:

  • Farsightedness up to +6 D;
  • Myopia up to -15 D;
  • Astigmatism up to ± 5 D.
Laser surgery for myopia

The operation is carried out in several stages:

  • Formation of the superficial flap of the cornea with the help of a laser or microkeratome. The flap is drawn aside like a book page;
  • According to the individual parameters of the patient, the shape of the cornea is changed by a laser beam;
  • The corneal flap is returned to its initial position, its engraftment passes without seams and does not form scars.

Laser correction is performed according to the LASIK technique and its numerous variations: Super LASIK, Femto LASIK, Femto Super LASIK, Presby LASIK, Epi-LASIK.

Conducting an operation using the LASIK method

Laser surgery is safe, painless and performed on an outpatient basis. After 2 hours, the patient can evaluate the initial results, although the complete restoration of vision occurs after complete healing of the cornea.

Operations to replace the lens

The main reason for the decline in vision in the elderly is the clouding of the lens (cataract).In this case, an ophthalmologist can recommend a lens replacement by surgery.

To date, such an operation is carried out according to two main methods:

  • EECExtracapsular extraction of cataract. The method consists of a small incision at the junction of the sclera and the cornea, through which the clouded lens is removed with a pre-opened capsule. In its place the implant is placed, after which the seams are placed on the place of the incision. This kind of operation is not used very much, since more effective methods have appeared;
  • FEC.Phacoemulsification of cataract. The lens is removed after it is crushed by laser or ultrasound through a special probe. Then, through a microsection, no more than, mm, a flexible intraocular lens is inserted. The operation has minimal trauma and is performed on an outpatient basis.



In case of visual impairment of a weak degree, it is worthwhile to try medical treatment, methods of spectacle correction, and also seriously engage in prevention and revision of one's lifestyle.

However, one should not forget about the constant control of the quality of visual perception and regularly visit an ophthalmologist. With serious and rapidly progressing negative changes, one should not despair - many people have restored sight with operational methods and continue to lead a full life.