Most people for many reasons spend a lot of time at the computer. This in turn negatively affects the organs of vision. Irritated state of the eyes, dryness, unpleasant sensations and many other unpleasant problems arises from the constant overexertion of the eyes. On the pharmaceutical market there are many drugs that can correct this situation. In this article, consider one of these eye drops called Defislez.
1Description of the preparation
2pharmachologic effect
3Indications and contraindications in use
3.1Indications for use
3.2Contraindications in use
3.3In pregnancy
3.4To small children
3.5Possible complications caused by the drug
4Features of use
Description of the preparation
DEFISLES is a remedy for relieving eye fatigue after a prolonged visual load, whether it's from a computer or work that requires a lot of attention.
Defislez fights with eye vitality
The composition of the medicament includes: hypromellose, sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid salt, sodium hydrogen sulfate, dinatra phosphate, purified water.
Supplied in either a 5 or 10ml flacon, or in soft plastic containers with a dropper.
In appearance, the deflisle has a transparent or slightly cloudy, colored color.
Analogs of the drug are: Balarpan, VitA-POS, Bestoksol, Slezin.
Analogues of Defislez
These eye drops have quite a few components in the composition, they can be supplied in containers with different volumes.
pharmachologic effect
The medication has the ability to soothe and moisturize the cornea.The active ingredient has a rather high viscosity, due to which it keeps very well on the surface of the eye.
Defisle helps to restore the properties of tear film, improves perception of the surrounding world.Also, the drug eliminates the feeling of dryness of the cornea, its irritation. Its effect is noticeable almost immediately after instillation. Within three or five days, patients notice significant improvements, and after two weeks, the eyes come back to normal.
Defisle moisturizes the eye
Defisleus shows restorative and protective functions relative to the shell of the eyes.
Indications and contraindications in use
Indications for use
Ophthalmologists recommend using the agent in the following cases:
Changes in the cornea,They are bullous dystrophic and trophic.
Small corneal wounds.
Dry eye syndrome.
With keratopathy.
Ectropion of the century.
When the eyelid changes(their deformation).
As auxiliary drops for various procedures.Dry eye syndrome
Specialists can also prescribe this medicine during the postoperative period, as well as in the role of auxiliary preparation with a small secretion of tears, high sensitivity of the eyes, with combined treatment.
Contraindications in use
Ophthalmologists do not recommend using DEFISLES when:
The presence of allergies to the substances that make up its composition.
With such eye injuries, as: a corneal burn and in the presence of toxic substances in it.
In pregnancy
There were no scientific studies on the use of the drug during pregnancy.Therefore, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before use.
To small children
Children are recommended to use this medication only after agreeing all the subtleties with the doctorand in strictly prescribed doses.
A small range of contraindications and many ailments, from which this drug helps, makes it accessible to most people.
Possible complications caused by the drug
Complications and side effects after taking may occur a little.These include aging of the eyelids caused by the high viscosity of the active substance and allergic reactions that are most often of an individual nature and associated with the characteristics of the patient's body.
At the Deafness there are practically no complications, they are individual in nature depending on the human body and do not pose a threat to health.
Features of use
People who wear contact lenses need to be removed before each instillation procedure. If the lens is solid, then install them back is recommended not earlier than in half an hour.
Some people have decreased visual acuity for a short period of time. It is strongly recommended not to drive for the first 15 minutes after taking drops.
Use an opened bottle for no more than a month, and its contents do not apply for a long time.
Observance of all the features of the use of the drug will reduce the likelihood of unpleasant sensations. Drivers are not recommended immediately to drive behind the instillation of drops.
Dysphilis is a good medicine for problems associated with the surface of the eye. They have a moisturizing, soothing effect, they can help with some diseases. Almost have no contraindications. Before taking it, you should consult an ophthalmologist to avoid complications. It is important to remember the features of using the drug, this will speed up the action of the drug.