Why does a brown coating appear on the tongue?

Brown coating on the tongueMost people underestimate their language. Due to the presence of taste receptors on the surface of the tongue, we can feel different tastes.

Moreover, the language has one more important function, which can not be this function, in the strict sense of the word, but can be very useful.

The point is that language is considered an indicator of the health of the whole organism. Changes in its shape, surface and color indicate the malfunctioning of any of the systems or individual organs. One of the symptoms of something wrong in the body is the brown coating on the tongue, the reasons for this phenomenon in adults we will consider in this article.

Causes of brown plaque in the tongue

The factors leading to the appearance of a brown coating on the tongue are very diverse. This is the use of products capable of staining the rough surface of the tongue, and the pitches released during smoking, and some hidden diseases.

Here are common reasons whyto appear plaque in the language of brown:
  • smoking;
  • instagram viewer
  • poor hygiene of the oral cavity;
  • excessive consumption of coffee or tea;
  • dehydration;
  • inadequate production of saliva;
  • hypokorticism or Addison's disease;
  • deficiency in the body niacin - vitamin B3 (or PP);
  • Started mycosis or mucous candidiasis in the oral cavity;
  • taking medicines that contain chemical bismuth (for example, Pepto-Bismol from diarrhea);
  • antibiotics (they can disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in the mouth;
  • regular use of mouthwashes that contain peroxide, witch hazel or menthol.

To properly determine the reason for the appearance of a brown plaque in an adult's language, attention should be paid to its features, in particular the location and thickness, saturation and period of the day when the raid appears. If it is more pronounced in the morning and after brushing your teeth and the tongue does not pass, then for sure its cause is chronic diseases of the body.

A brown coating is characterized by the following criteria:

  1. Chronic alcohol dependence, diseases of the digestive system, lung and bronchial diseases, poisoning with chemicals and medicines canaccompanied by a touch of a yellowish brown hue. If the color is light brown, this indicates a disease of the joints, upper respiratory tract, violation of lymph drainage.
  2. Dark brown colorindicates liver disease, gallbladder, severe lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, dehydration of the body or viral infections.
  3. Localization of the deposit. The plaque can be either diffuse or local. Diffusive plaque completely covers the tongue, and local - in small areas spreads on separate parts of the tongue.
  4. Plate Thickness. If it is thin, then most likely, your diseases only develop and are in the initial stage. Also, a thin layer of plaque is characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the viral nature. A thick layer of brown plaque is evidence of chronic diseases and infectious processes in the body.
  5. Consistency. Yellow and brown coating on the tongue can be bold, too dry, slightly moist. In most cases, the consistency indicates the nature of the course of the disease.
  6. Easy removal from the tongue. If you remove the plaque hard, it means that internal diseases have worsened and, most likely, have passed into the stage of chronic ones. If the raid is easily removed, then for sure you have nothing to worry about.

If the brown plaque persists for 4 days, it is necessary to immediately call a specialist, because serious intoxication is possible. In some cases, the lagging of the tongue appears due to stomatitis. At first, the film has a white tint, but after a few weeks it darkens and turns brown.

Problems with the digestive tract

The encased tongue, that is, the brown coating revealed in the morning, is a layer accumulated on its surface from the dead cells of the epithelium, the smallest remains of food, bacteria and microbes. Such a coating can be of different thickness, density and degree of mechanical stability, but in any case, its permanent presence is considered a clear sign of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Specialists in the field of gastroenterology distinguish the following causes of brown plaque in the language:

  • peptic ulcer of stomach with alcoholism;
  • enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestine);
  • granulomatous enteritis (Crohn's disease);
  • dysbacteriosis (violation of obligate intestinal microflora), including after the application of antibiotics;
  • gastritis is corrosive (inflammation of the gastric mucosa due to ingestion of alkaline or acid solutions of high concentration or radioactive substances into its cavity);
  • gastritis fibrinous (observed with measles, scarlet fever, sepsis, typhoid fever).

Yellow-brown, as well as a dark brown plaque in the tongue can appear due to chronic inflammation of the duodenum (duodenitis) - with reflux (throwing) of bile into the stomach and esophagus; with insufficiency of motility (dyskinesia) of bile ducts; with cholecystitis and hepatitis, as well as in the case of dehydration (dehydration of the body) with prolonged vomiting or profuse diarrhea.

A photo

In the presented photos you can see how the plaque looks in the language of various shades of brown.


In order to find out exactly why a brown coating appears on the tongue, you need to consult a therapist. Recommendations for examination:

  • make ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • do a fluorography or a snapshot of the lungs;
  • to pass clinical analyzes and the analysis on a dysbacteriosis.

Diagnostics exclusively on a brown plaque in the language is impossible, because too large a list of possible diseases.

How to treat brown plaque in tongue

Brown plaque on tongue treatmentIn order to remove the plaque on the tongue and prevent its further appearance, a person should consult a therapist or gastroenterologist.

First of all, you need to know exactly the cause of such manifestations, for this, the patient is assigned a detailed blood test, endoscopic examination of the digestive canal, stool analysis. Based on the results obtained, the patient is given adequate treatment.

The occurrence of a brown or yellow coating on the tongue is cause for concern, since such a plaque may indicate an asymptomatic course of diseases abdominal cavity organs, respiratory and digestive system, etc. When it is detected, try to remove it yourself with the help of a toothpaste and a brush. If after a while it appears again or does not disappear at all - you can not do without medical assistance.


There are general preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of brown plaque and get rid of it, if it is not a consequence of the pathology of any organ or organ systems.

They include the following:

  • eat healthy food;
  • maintain immunity;
  • include in your diet fiber;
  • Do not drink coffee and black tea, replacing them with herbal teas;
  • conduct daily oral hygiene;
  • refrain from smoking tobacco;
  • take B vitamins;
  • maintain intestinal microflora;
  • limit fried, salted, spicy dishes and alcohol;
  • consume natural dairy products.

All these measures will prevent the occurrence of a brown coating on the tongue.

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