Proper stimulation of ovulation by Klostilbegit

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Unfortunately, the absence of ovulation is a very common female diagnosis today. However, medicine does not stand still and now there are many methods of treatment and stimulation of ovulation. In this article we will consider one of them - with the help of Klostilbegit.

  • What is Klostilbegit
  • In which cases is applied
  • Stimulation scheme
  • Before ovulation
  • After ovulation
  • When does ovulation occur?
  • What to do if ovulation does not occur
  • Stimulation of ovulation by Klostilbegit and Proginova
  • Application of Klostilbegit for men
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects and effects of stimulation of ovulation with clostilbegite
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What is Klostilbegit

Klostilbegit (or Clomifen) is a medicinal product that is used to treat disorders of function and to stimulate the ovulation of a woman. The essence of the action is that the active substances of the drug activate the growth of the follicle and the maturation of the egg.

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Important!You can not prescribe the drug yourself! You can hurt your health.

In which cases is applied

The decision to prescribe the drug can only be taken by a doctor after collecting all the tests and conducting the necessary examinations. Clostilbegit is used to treat infertility only if the cause is the absence of ovulation in a woman.

What tests and examinations are needed:

  1. Spermogram for the spouse.
  2. Examination for patency of the fallopian tubes.
  3. Checking the compatibility of partners.
  4. Investigation of the state of the mucous membrane of the uterus.
  5. Analyzes for sexual infections.

The reasons for the absence of ovulation, in which stimulation with the drug will not yield results:

  1. Thyroid gland disorders.
  2. Increased prolactin levels.

The drug can also be administered with natural ovulation if a woman is diagnosed with Chiari-Frommel or Stein-Leventhal syndrome.
Klostilbegit for the stimulation of ovulation

Stimulation scheme

Scheme of reception of Klostilbegit is assigned to each patient individually, based on the characteristics of her body. As a rule, stimulation is carried out in several stages. Let's consider the most widespread scheme of application.

Before ovulation

It is applied on 1 tablet with a dosage of 50 mg for five days. The course begins in the first week of the cycle (the day is appointed by the doctor). After a week and a half after the start of the drug, ultrasound monitoring starts (observe the growth of the follicle, etc.). After the size of the follicle has reached the required parameters, injections of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) are prescribed. Usually for hCG injections Prophase, Ovitrel is used. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor, on average, it can be 5000-1000 IU. Ovulation occurs within 24 hours after the injection. Also, the doctor recommends observing a certain frequency of sexual acts (most often 1 time in 2 days).

After ovulation

After ovulation has been confirmed with ultrasound, supportive gestagens (Utrozhestan, Progesterone) are used. After 2 weeks, take a blood test for HCG, the result of which allows you to determine whether a pregnancy has occurred or not.
Use the pregnancy test is recommended not earlier than two weeks after ovulation.

When does ovulation occur?

As a rule, ovulation occurs on the 10-15 day from the beginning of taking Klostilbegit. Sometimes ovulation may occur earlier.

What to do if ovulation does not occur

If the boil did not reach the required values ​​and ovulation did not occur, it is recommended to increase the dosage of the drug to 100 mg. In case, and this method has not brought results, reception of other preparations on the basis of gonadotropin is appointed.

The main thing - do not panic if ovulation has not occurred in the expected time. Many patients experience such a phenomenon as late ovulation after Clostilbegit.

Stimulation of ovulation by Klostilbegit and Proginova

Often, the main course of stimulation is supplemented with Proginova preparation in order to suppress estrogen production. Tablets are taken from 5 to 21 days of ovulation.

Application of Klostilbegit for men

In order to increase the concentration of spermatozoa, the drug can be used by men. Before the start of the treatment, you need to pass the spermatogram twice at intervals of 14 days.

Important!When taking Klostilbegita in men, the risk of ruptured testicles increases. To prevent this, it is recommended that ultrasound be monitored for stimulation.


Unfortunately, the drug is contraindicated when:

  • hepatic or renal insufficiency;
  • adrenal diseases;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • pregnancy;
  • some visual impairment;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • intolerance to galactose;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects and effects of stimulation of ovulation with clostilbegite

One of the complications after using the drug is ovarian hyperstimulation. Also increases the risk of ectopic or multiple pregnancy, the appearance of cystic lesions, rupture of the ovary, weight gain, early menopause, violations of the GIT robot, etc. Some women noted the development of a frozen pregnancy.