Which doctor treats arthrosis and arthritis of various joints?


  • 1What doctors treat arthrosis and joint arthritis and diagnose them?
    • 1.1What is arthrosis?
    • 1.2What is characterized and how is diagnosed with arthrosis?
    • 1.3Diagnosis of arthrosis
    • 1.4Specialists who are engaged in the treatment of arthrosis
    • 1.5Rheumatologist
    • 1.6Arthrologist
    • 1.7Orthopedist
    • 1.8When should I see a doctor?
    • 1.9First to the therapist
    • 1.10Interview
    • 1.11Inspection
    • 1.12Referral for consultation with a specialist
    • 1.13Diagnosis
    • 1.14Treatment
    • 1.15The result
  • 2To what doctor to address for arthrosis and arthritis of joints?
    • 2.1Characteristics of arthritis
    • 2.2Selection of an expert in arthritis
    • 2.3Osteoarthritis and its characteristic
    • 2.4What kind of doctor is needed for arthrosis?
  • 3Which doctor treats arthritis
    • 3.1Symptoms and Causes
    • 3.2Which doctor to consult for the treatment of arthritis
    • 3.3Treatment
    • 3.4Folk remedies
    • 3.5Preventive measures
  • 4What kind of doctor prescribes treatment for arthritis?
    • 4.1How to distinguish arthrosis from joint arthritis
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Causes of the disease
    • 4.3Treatment
    • 4.4Medication Therapy
    • 4.5Exercise therapy and physiotherapy
    • 4.6Orthopedic aids
    • 4.7Diet
    • 4.8Folk remedies
  • 5Which doctor treats arthrosis?
    • 5.1What is arthrosis?
    • 5.2Symptoms of osteoarthritis
    • 5.3Which doctor treats osteoarthritis
    • 5.4Treatment of osteoarthritis

What doctors treat arthrosis and joint arthritis and diagnose them?

If the doctor finds out the true cause of the disease. Then the treatment can only apply the right, and therefore effective. The patient's recovery will accelerate.

What is arthrosis?

Osteoarthritis - a serious disease of the joints, not an inflammatory nature, leading eventually to dystrophic lesions of cartilaginous tissue. Further, there is a destruction of ligamentous, synovial, and even bone tissue.

Initially, the person will experience pain, then the mobility of the joint will be substantially limited and will acquire complete immobility.

What is characterized and how is diagnosed with arthrosis?

Characterized by severe tissue damage: swelling, crunching, especially in the morning, constant pain during movement. Suffer from this, not only large joints, but small ones. The main thing is not to miss the first signs of the disease: pain under heavy load, and at rest the pain subsides a little.

Mobility is not the same, muscles are tense. Sometimes there is swelling of the affected joint. If you do not start treatment, deformation will begin, the joint will become more painful and almost immobile.

The inflammatory process will develop into a chronic form. The decay products will accumulate in the joint cavity. A person will not only experience painful pains with the slightest movement, but now even peace, will bring suffering.

The gait of a person will change, there will be a redistribution of the load on the musculoskeletal system. And this inevitably pulls for itself and other changes in the body: the spine, other joints.

Diagnosis of arthrosis

Should not be based on a single patient survey. Because often enough, this disease can be provoked by infectious diseases, cardiovascular, etc. It is necessary first of all to find out the cause of the disease in order to prescribe an adequate treatment.

If the patient often complains of pain, poor health. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, the doctor will select the necessary studies:

  • is going to anamnesis to understand whether there were earlier injuries, what diseases he suffered, and so on.
  • a general blood test, and other laboratory tests;
  • ultrasound diagnosis of MRI, ultrasound;
  • X-ray examination;
  • computed tomography.

Causes of arthrosis:

  1. Osteoarthritis can begin, even from a banal metabolic disorder.
  2. With unbearable static loads.Joints will be constantly injured. Cartilage will lose its natural amortization, and will gradually "wear off".
  3. Some people from birth, have a certain feature in the structure of the joints.They are simply not naturally designed for intensive workloads. And if professionally engaged in dancing, for example, eventually it will necessarily lead to arthrosis of the ankle. This is explained simply - the same type of load on the joint. The muscles of all people are different, one will be weaker, the other is stronger.
  4. Degeneration of cartilage begins very often, because of the curvature of the joints.And the reason for this is the weakness of the retaining muscles. It is all called non-optimal statics. The load for any movement will be incorrectly redistributed, and go on the wrong axis. Therefore, the joints, which by nature must be in the same position, will be in another, uncharacteristic of them, so they will prematurely wear out and collapse.
  5. The cause of arthrosis is associated with nervous overstrain,incorrect metabolism, etc.
  6. Another reason is the wrong movement when walking.Some at a step, a leg or foot in the beginning put on a sock, and only then on a heel. Although the congenital structure of the bone system, provides for a different sequence, the reverse. As a result, we are invisible, destroying joints for ourselves. When the muscles can not hold the joints properly, then their thickening begins. The cartilage is thinner, the body begins to compensate for the shortage - "gypsum" its salts. The consequence of arthrosis is the deposition of salts.
  7. Flattening is one of the reasons.This is not only a hereditary factor, the reasons are different. The foot curls inward or outward, respectively, and the joints of the fingers will suffer.
  8. Diseases of the large intestine and stomach,especially if there was a failure in the assimilation of nutrients, and the excretion of waste of life.
  9. Dysbiosis - affects our joints.
  10. Immunity - some people form antibodies to their joints,and they attack and destroy them.

Specialists who are engaged in the treatment of arthrosis

Sometimes people do not even know which doctor should practice arthrosis.

With what to begin? Visit a family doctor, or better go directly to a specialized specialist.

This may depend on, many factors: the course of the disease, its characteristics, concomitant diseases.

Treatment should only take place with the participation of various specialists. The chief doctor for small settlements is a rheumatologist. But in cities you can find an arthrologist.

It is he who deals with problems of arthrosis. The main thing is not to postpone visiting a doctor, because without treatment, the disease will only progress.


If you notice the first symptoms of the disease, contact a rheumatologist for a stasis. The doctor will examine, diagnose, determine the degree of joint damage.

Assign all available and necessary diagnostics to date:

  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound, CT;
  • densitometry, and so on.

And based on all the data, the specialist will find out what stage you are in, what treatment will be required.

But he will apply only conservative methods of treatment:


An arthrologist is a doctor of a narrow medical specialty with a surgical bias, ideally he should do it. But such a doctor does not even accept in all cities. What to say about small towns or villages. And to get to the reception to him can not all.

It would be nice if the patient could visit the arthrologist at the first indispositions.

His superiority is that he has a richer experience and a diagnosis he can establish even at the earliest stage.

He has only the most advanced methods of treatment.

In addition to recommendations, he can:

  • to conduct manual therapy;
  • prescribe the necessary medication;
  • massage;
  • insist on consulting a geneticist, rheumatologist, nutritionist;
  • advise to do exercise therapy;
  • make an injection of hyaluronic acid and anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.


Orthopedists also have a surgical bias. Accept patients only with the latest forms of arthrosis. When the joint is almost destroyed, and a person can already be disabled.

The main advantage of an orthopedist, in the prospective treatment - is the permissibility of using surgical intervention.

And even modern - endoprosthetics. Especially shown, with arthrosis of the knee and hip joints.

You can perform the operation in two ways:

  1. Conservation- this is an operative intervention, it can resume lost functions, take away the pain.
  2. Endoprosthetics- when the joint can not be saved, a decision is made to completely replace the damaged area. The patient will be able to live again and move painlessly.

When should I see a doctor?

It is necessary to address with the following symptoms:

  1. Discomfort or mild joint pain,especially at the end of the day, even with a little physical exertion. It increases and in the course of time acquires a daily character.
  2. Crunchwhen walking,squats, shooting.
  3. At night, you often wake up in pain,you can not find a sick limb in a comfortable position.
  4. Sometimes a sharp pain pierces,or pestering constant dull, movements are difficult.
  5. Normal walking up the stairs turned into torture.
  6. A deformation of the joint,even by eye.
  7. The joint began to swell.
  8. The skin over the affected area changed color,became red or crimson

First to the therapist

Patients with the first signs of malaise, usually turn to the therapist. But the specialization of his profession is such that he can not understand and solve the problem alone. He after the initial examination will give direction to the right narrow-profile specialist.

As a result, valuable time will be wasted, because in the beginning you need to make an appointment, wait for the turn, get tests, which the therapist will appoint you. Only then you will receive a referral to the right specialist.

He will already establish a diagnosis and make the necessary appointments. Deciding of course where you go, everything will depend on your ability and desire.

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Upon examination, the therapist will specify:

  • nature of pain;
  • how long this continues;
  • that could provoke;
  • whether there are bad habits;
  • what are hereditary diseases;
  • learns your profession;
  • will analyze the way of life.

This data will allow the therapist to assess your health so far only visually.


Upon examination, the therapist will establish:

  1. Whether the form of a joint has changed, if so, how far it has gone.
  2. Check the body temperature, measure the pressure.
  3. Clarify how painful this is for you.
  4. Examines the joint for the degree of its change, mobility.

Will help determine:

  • whether there is an inflammatory process in the body;
  • as it is characterized.

When in your hospital a rheumatologist and an arthrologist temporarily do not take the device, for whatever reason, or simply does not. Then the therapist's doctor will be able to give directions, for radiography.

Referral for consultation with a specialist

It is considered mandatory, and urgent in the last stages of arthrosis:

  1. When mobility is completely lost and this is irreversible.
  2. The quality of life of the patient leaves much to be desired.
  3. There is a question about registration of disability.


The doctor is obliged to establish a real diagnosis and indicate what degree of damage to the patient's arthrosis at this stage. It takes the decision based on the database (analyzes).


The number of medicines used for arthrosis is increasing all the time. But all of them can have only symptomatic treatment.

There is no panacea yet, no drug can restore the former mobility to the joint.

If the diagnosis is made, then you need to start treatment.

First of all, adjust the correct metabolism, improve nutrition, drink vitamins and mineral preparations, and do exercises. Various methods of treatment are applied depending on the stage, the symptoms.

First, relieve the pain, especially in the second and third stages of the disease.

If necessary, will carry out anti-inflammatory therapy, treatment regimen:

  1. NPVS - Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulid.They eliminate the inflammatory process, dull the pain.
  2. Chondroprotectors- they have chondroitin necessary for the organism.
  3. If the disease is neglected, the following preparations-corticosteroids - Diprospan, Hydrocortisone - will be needed. Ethen intra-articular drugs, remove inflammation and restore the mobility of the joint.
  4. You may need - injections of hyaluronic acid.It is a lubricant that will prevent the friction of the joints. The pain will disappear, the mobility will improve, the body's reserves will become active, and their own hyaluronite will be produced.

At the last stage of the disease, only a surgical operation to replace the joint will help.

You can do this in three ways:

  1. Arthroplasty- This is the replacement of articular cartilage, a synthetic gasket. The pain will go away, the mobility will increase.
  2. Arthroscopy- prevents the further destruction of the joint, the recovery period is small. Remove with a special probe, the affected areas. There are no age restrictions for this operation.
  3. Endoprosthetics- complete replacement of the joint, to its artificial analog. Make it from a special material that is not torn away by the body. Can serve up to eight years. Patients can lead a habitual way of life. But the load should be adequate, it is better not to raise the gravity.

The doctor can prescribe the use of distractions: various flavors, herbal infusions, gels, ointments.

Good results can give:

  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • during the remission is shown - sanatorium treatment, where they will conduct and treatment with mud.

The result

What doctors will treat arthrosis, will show only the presence of concomitant diseases and the root cause of the disease. When there was a failure in the endocrine system, it means that an endocrinologist will need consultation.

If the push to develop the disease served as an excess weight, it means, among other things, you need - a nutritionist. Neurological problems are a neurologist.

The main thing is to strictly follow all the prescriptions of doctors and be healthy!

A source: http://SpinaSpina.com/lechenie/vrachi-lechat-artroz.html

To what doctor to address for arthrosis and arthritis of joints?

Determine which doctor treats arthritis and arthrosis, sometimes it is difficult for a person who has never experienced this.

Both that, and another - diseases of a joint, but one of them inflammatory, and another has character of degenerative-dystrophic changes.

Earlier it was believed that these ailments are affected by different age groups, both diseases began to amaze and young people.

It is necessary to consult a doctor in any case, because both joint changes lead to significant inconveniences and painful sensations.

But you need to contact different specialists.

But with arthritis the joint becomes inflamed under the influence of various provocators, and with arthrosis it is deformed due to degenerative changes of the articular cartilage.

Depending on the course of the processes and their stage of development, patients sometimes have to turn to the same specialist, but the main treatment is done by different doctors. Find out what kind of doctor to turn to, you can in the registry or at a reception with the therapist.

Characteristics of arthritis

Arthritis is translated from Latin - an ache in the joints, a disease characterized by lesions of the most mobile joints. Most often with arthritis involved:

  • fingers;
  • elbows;
  • knees;
  • hip joints;
  • joints of the spine.

More than a hundred varieties of rheumatoid pathologies are characterized by the term arthritis, and the etiology of joint diseases is extremely variable.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 10 million people suffer from the disease, and a significant the number of patients changes in the normal state occurred after the onset of a certain age.


But every year the age limit of the sick falls, and this leads to a modern way of life. Arthritis can affect both one joint and several, and develop under the influence of a variety of negative provocateurs.


Rheumatoid arthritis occurs under the influence of infectious and allergic processes, reactive - under the influence of a strong infection, usually obtained by sexual by way of, infectious - due to an infection transmitted by the blood current, or when pathogenic microorganisms get into the wound obtained by traumatizing joints. Until now, the reliable cause of arthritis has not been determined, and among the provocateurs there are listed the possible negative consequences that caused the inflammation of the joints:

  • allergy;
  • infection;
  • Nervous pathologies;
  • malfunctions of immunity;
  • pathological abnormalities in the body's natural metabolism.

Ideal option in this case - profile doctor - arthrologist.

But this doctor is not even in every elite clinic, therefore, with the slightest signs of joint changes that have occurred, contact a therapist who, after collecting anamnesis and prescribing appropriate tests, will suggest the most appropriate specialist.

Selection of an expert in arthritis

It is customary to say that rheumatologist treats arthritis, however - this is too categorical statement. Even if you can find an arthrologist, he can also refer to other doctors.

A variety of pathology leads to the fact that the specialist needs consultation professionals in another industry or the nature of pathology requires the intervention of representatives of other medical professions:

  • a surgeon if the stage of the disease has reached such a development that surgery is required;
  • orthopedist, if measures are required to restore the mobility of the joint with the use of specialized means;
  • Physiotherapist if rehabilitation is required through an exercise system;
  • nutritionist, because changes in the body require and correction of the nutritional diet;
  • infectiologist if the nature of the infectious disease that caused joint inflammation is outside the area of ​​knowledge of a rheumatologist or arthrologist.

With arthritis there is no unequivocal answer to the question of who is treating the disease, because the disease has the character of a chronic pathology that occurs against the background of disorders in the body. Consultation or the implementation of a treatment process with the participation of one doctor is impossible because of the complex nature of the disease.

Osteoarthritis and its characteristic

Arthrosis, unlike arthritis, is characterized by the gradual destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint. This is a long process, which was the result of irreversible degenerative changes in the body, which led to a violation of cartilage nutrition.

With arthrosis of the knee joint, a person constantly senses a manifestation of pain, which increases with greater intensity of physical exertion. The more developed the process of dystrophic changes, the stronger the pain syndrome.

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint leads not only to the depletion of cartilage and loss of its functionality, but also to the proliferation of bone tissue in a kind of spike-shaped processes that reduce the mobility of the joints to a minimum, and the pain manifests itself even at night and sometimes becomes intolerable.

In multidisciplinary elite clinics, patients are also referred to an arthrologist, but in practice, when determining who treats arthrosis, the patient is usually referred to an orthopedist or orthopedist traumatologist, and from him - to a surgeon, if there is already a need for surgical intervention or correction of joints. In this case, the joints disease of the extremities requires the intervention of an orthopedic surgeon, and the spine disease is a neurosurgeon.

With coxarthrosis, intensive and accelerated destruction of the articular surface occurs, which is accompanied not only by deformation and loss of motor activity, but also a violation of the natural process of regeneration of bone and cartilaginous segments.

Such pathology requires a comprehensive method of treatment, and the question of who treats coxarthrosis of the hip joint may sound in response to the name of several medical specialties. Coxarthrosis in any variant of development is accompanied by intense pain, at first insignificant and pulling, with time - unbearable, accompanying neglected condition.

The deforming process locates the pain in the groin and the anterior and inner surfaces of the thigh. People who do not know what arthrosis of the hip joint is, what kind of doctor treats such pains, turn to the urologist, the venereologist, and even the nephrologist.

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What kind of doctor is needed for arthrosis?

An unequivocal answer to the question of which doctor treats osteoarthritis and its attendant complications does not exist. In the process of treatment you will have to contact the following doctors:

  • Traumatologist-orthopedist, to solve the problems of joint functionality;
  • a therapist who will monitor the medication and adjust it as needed;
  • to the surgeon, if there was a need for surgical intervention;
  • physiotherapist, while the disease allows you to access his services;
  • dietician for the appointment of a therapeutic diet for the purpose of correcting disturbed metabolic processes.

On closer examination, it may seem that the list is almost identical: with the arthrosis and arthritis working the same number of specialists.

But in fact, the treatment, which is carried out with inflammation of the joint and adjacent soft tissue, several is different both on the applied methods of influence, and on the sequence of involvement of specialized specialists.


Diseases of the joints - a complex and extensive area of ​​medicine, which includes hundreds of different diseases.


The increased frequency of such pathologies is a natural consequence of physical and static loads, which do not alternate with a change in motor activity, harmful products that contribute to the occurrence of disturbances in the process of natural metabolism, and the lack of nutrient components. Recently, gonarthrosis of the knee joint is often diagnosed.

This is the absence of bad habits, fractional and frequent meals with a full content of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal life of the organism, sleep on a comfortable bed in due time and in sufficient duration, fresh air and motor activity.

Only under such conditions it will not be necessary to find out which treating doctor is engaged in joint diseases and how to regain lost health.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/artroz/k-kakomu-vrachu-obrashatsya.html

Which doctor treats arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that affects the joints. The inflammatory process of the joints is expressed in swelling of the joints, redness of the skin and the appearance of severe pain, often appearing at night.

Because of the illness, the whole body suffers, the heart, liver or kidneys are often affected.

Therefore, you need to know which doctor treats arthritis so that when primary symptoms occur, you should consult him for appropriate treatment.

Symptoms and Causes

The disease most often can progress in two forms: in the chronic and acute phase. The cause can be any pathological disease. At the initial stage, arthritis is easier to treat than in a neglected form. Therefore it is important to seek help from a medical institution.


  • swells the location of the joints;
  • pain syndrome;
  • temperature increase;
  • it is difficult to make motion sick joint.

To suspect the onset of the disease is not difficult, during a certain period joints begin to hurt, it can be difficult to make any movements with your hand or foot. Feels like a breakdown, the temperature can rise.

The reasons for arthritis:

  • supercooling;
  • infection;
  • various injuries;
  • hereditary factors;
  • gout;
  • lesions of the joint tissue.

It is necessary to find out the cause of the disease in order to stop the inflammatory process and take measures to restore the motor function.

Which doctor to consult for the treatment of arthritis

Few know which doctor treats arthritis and arthrosis (read the difference between the diseases), so do not go to a medical facility.

When there are symptoms of the disease you need to make an appointment with a doctor - arthrologist. His competence includes diagnostics, treatment and prevention of joint diseases.

At the address the doctor studies a case history and appoints requiring survey:

  • X-ray;
  • Ultrasound;
  • revmoproby;
  • blood tests, urine tests.

But here there can be a problem, in fact not in each out-patient department there is an expert of such qualification. Therefore, it is recommended to consult your therapist for advice.

If the signs of arthritis have appeared in the child, the pediatrician will help.

After examining the general condition of the patient, the therapist (pediatrician for the child) will give directions to other doctors so that they confirm the diagnosis according to their qualifications.

Usually in hospitals, three doctors are involved in the treatment of joints:

  • rheumatologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • surgeon.

With a mild form, when the joint pains are short, they immediately turn to the rheumatologist. When diagnosing arthritis, he will prescribe a systematic treatment. If there is acute and severe pain, which is of a lasting nature, they turn to the surgeon.

In some cases, the treatment of an illness requires surgery. Using the operation, synthetic lubricant is injected into the affected area, and prostheses can also be inserted.

In this case, consultation and treatment will be required not only for the surgeon, but also for the traumatologist, the physiotherapist.

With prolonged pain syndromes, they turn to the orthopedist. This specialist will help to choose special means for wearing. With their help, it will be easier to move around and reduce the burden on sick joints.

What kind of doctor should I consult with rheumatoid arthritis? This disease is treated by a doctor - a rheumatologist. And also consultation of the doctor - the immunologist is necessary because the illness affects autoimmune reactions.

Disease can affect other organs and cause their pathology. If there is pain in the heart, then a consultation of the cardiologist is needed.


To assess the condition of the affected joints, the doctor-radiologist or ultrasound specialist will help.


They will give a transcript of the pictures that will make it easier for doctors who have the competence to treat arthritis.


The doctor who treats arthritis after the examination of the patient prescribes a comprehensive treatment. Often after appropriate treatment, there is remission and recovery.

Methods of treatment of arthritis:

  • medicines;
  • diet;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • orthopedic means;
  • physiotherapy;
  • reception of vitamins.

Anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics are prescribed to relieve the inflammatory process and alleviate the condition of the patient.

Also, with arthritis used therapeutic ointments, gels that have a cooling effect. They relieve painful symptoms. At the advanced stage of the disease, they turn to the surgeon.

If treatment is not possible, the patient's joint is replaced from artificial materials.

When joint disease is important to eat properly. In the diet should be present fruits, vegetables, cereals, cottage cheese, dairy products. Exclude from food acute, fatty, salty foods, meat and offal.

The doctor can prescribe electrophoresis, treatment with mud and paraffin. If the knee joint has become inflamed, the doctor will recommend wearing orthopedic adaptations: a cane, a knee joint, a bandage. To enhance immunity, vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Folk remedies

Along with medicamental treatment, folk remedies are used. They will help to choose an arthropod or rheumatologist. Usually it is warming baths with salt, compresses and reception of broths from medicinal herbs.

Before using folk remedies, you need to consult your doctor.

Preventive measures

Diseases of the joints, lead to the restriction of movement and the performance of certain actions. Therefore, with the appearance of discomfort and pain, you need to know with arthritis, to which doctor to go. Correctly selected complex treatment, will help to defeat the disease and prevent the development of complications.

In addition, to prevent the disease you need to control your weight, exercise and eat right.

If the arthritis has passed into a chronic form, then to cope with the disease will help to swim, fast walking, simulators without stress on the spine and joints.

Massage and therapeutic exercises will help get rid of the disease.

A source: http://systavu.ru/artrit/kakoj-vrach-lechit-artrit.html

What kind of doctor prescribes treatment for arthritis?

→ Home treatment → Diseases of the musculoskeletal system → Arthritis

When the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a specialist who can correctly diagnose and prescribe a therapy.

First you need to decide which doctor treats arthritis and who to go to, to help. If you are experiencing this problem for the first time, you should contact your therapist.

The specialist will appoint a comprehensive medical examination and the delivery of tests, the results of which will send a narrower profile to the doctor.

Differential diagnosis includes:

  • blood chemistry;
  • X - rays of the joints and sacroiliac joints;
  • UAC;
  • analyzes on rheumatic test;
  • MRI and CT;

Depending on the symptoms and results of diagnosis, the patient is referred to a rheumatologist, a nutritionist, an orthopedist, a surgeon, a traumatologist or a doctor - an arthrologist.

How to distinguish arthrosis from joint arthritis

Arthrosis is an age-related disease, expressed in the deformation of the joints. The disease affects only the articular membrane, the rest of the body does not suffer from this disease.

Most often with arthrosis affects the hip and knee joints, as well as the joints of the thumbs on the legs. Pain sensations are not strong and manifest after exercise or movement.

Therefore, patients do not hurry to the doctor, and begin to engage in self-medication. Very often the disease is neglected arthritis.


Arthritis is an inflammatory disease in which not only the joints are affected, but the whole body as a whole. The kidneys, heart, liver most often suffer. The disease can begin to manifest itself at a fairly young age - after 30 years.


Inflammation is expressed in the swelling of the joints, redness and severe pain, which are worse at night. This inflammatory process is explained by the presence of infection or a malfunction of the immune system, which directs all forces against its own organism.

Among the varieties of arthritis most often isolated: rheumatoid arthritis of the lower extremities, in particular, arthritis of the knee and foot, as well as arthritis of the fingers. Arthritis and arthrosis can be distinguished by a doctor who treats these diseases.

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Causes of the disease

The disease can develop very slowly (chronic form) or quickly and unexpectedly (acute phase). The cause can be any pathological process in our body. That is why it is very important to seek help from a specialist and find out which doctor is treating the disease.

Medical research distinguishes several main causes of arthritis:

  • infectious diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • injuries of limbs;
  • specific lesions of the joint tissue;
  • gout;
  • a violation of the immune system;
  • heredity.


The main therapy is aimed at the removal of pain syndrome, inflammation, restoration of motor function, as well as revealing the cause of the disease. Often after the treatment of the underlying disease, a remission and complete recovery occurs.

The classical scheme of treatment of arthritis of any etiology includes:

  1. Medicamentous therapy.
  2. Exercise therapy.
  3. Diet.
  4. Orthopedic aids.
  5. Physiotherapy.
  6. Admission of vitamin complexes.

Medication Therapy

In the treatment of arthritis, non-steroidal drugs, antibiotics, chondroprotectors are used. Anti-inflammatory drugs relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and pain.

If necessary, the puncture of the inflamed area is performed, and antibiotics and steroid hormones (Dexamethasone, Kenalog) are injected into the articular cavity. Affected cartilaginous tissue is restored with the help of chondroprotectors.

Arthritis of the foot and fingers is successfully treated with ointments, gels, creams with anti-inflammatory and cooling effect.

In advanced cases, surgical intervention is possible with the replacement of a sick joint of artificial materials. So, with arthritis of the knee joint, replantation or reconstructive surgery will help restore the joint and prevent the further development of the disease.

Exercise therapy and physiotherapy

Medical treatment should be carried out in conjunction with physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

Physiotherapeutic procedures include:

  • diadynamic;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • mud - and paraffin treatment.

Orthopedic aids

Treatment of arthritis of the knee joint and stop never passes without auxiliary orthopedic adaptations and footwear. Normal cane, knee, tight bandage will help reduce the load on the inflamed place and reduce pain.

Special energy-absorbing shoes should be on a rigid or convex sole.


An important aspect of treating arthritis is proper nutrition. Nutritionist will help to make the right daily diet, which will include vegetables, fruits, cereals, cooked on the water, as well as foods rich in calcium. It is better to refuse from consumption of fatty, salty foods, meat, and sub-products.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods allow the use of traditional methods of treatment. At home, you can apply warming applications, baths with a solution of iodized salt, ingestion of herbs.

Conducting a comprehensive survey, establishing the correct diagnosis will help determine which The doctor treats arthritis and arthrosis in order to start treatment as soon as possible and exclude operative intervention.

A source: http://www.lechim-prosto.ru/kakoj-vrach-lechit-artrit.html

Which doctor treats arthrosis?

To understand which doctor to treat with arthrosis, you need to understand what the disease is.

What is arthrosis?

Osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the joints, which have manifestations both clinical and morphological [1].

They are based on the defeat of all the components of the joint, although the reasons may be different.

First of all, cartilage suffers, then the inner joint (synovial) membrane, capsule, ligaments, periarticular muscles and adjacent bone surfaces.

Most often suffer knee (gonarthrosis), hip (coxarthrosis) joints. Women are more often affected by small interphalangeal joints on their hands.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that gradually progresses and can significantly reduce the quality of life. In Russia, as well as around the world, osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The annual incidence is continuously growing, even 5 years ago in our country there were more than one million patients [2].


All this entails not only medical problems, but also economic problems, since people of working age suffer.


With age, the incidence increases, which is associated with changes in cartilage tissue with aging and natural wear of the articular surfaces.

So, after 50 years, signs of osteoarthritis can be detected already in 50% of the population, and after 70 years - in 80-90% [3].

Women suffer almost 3 times more often than men, and hip joint damage in women is found 7 times more often [4]. This is due to a decrease in the level of hormones during menopause.

In addition to sex and age, the following [,] include risk factors for arthrosis.


  • overweight or obesity: the load on the knees is greatly increased;
  • injuries and surgical interventions: the risk increases with trauma and in occupations associated with a significant load on the knee joint;


  • developmental defects: for example, congenital hip dysplasia (dysplasia), which was not diagnosed in time by orthopedists;
  • heredity: the predisposition to the disease is increased if one of the relatives suffered from osteoarthritis or there are certain genetic defects.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis

The main manifestations of osteoarthrosis are associated with a violation of the structure of the cartilage, a change in the properties of the synovial fluid, the proliferation of bone tissue in the form of bone outgrowths - osteophytes:

  • growing pain - first appears during movement and ceases at rest, then becomes constant, disturbs even at night;
  • deformation and swelling of the joint;
  • stiffness and limitation of mobility, especially in the morning or after a long stay at rest;
  • a crunch when moving [2].

If you have these symptoms, it's best to see a doctor. Depending on the stage of the illness, the tactics of treatment and its effectiveness will differ. Early diagnosis will help slow the course of the disease.

Specialists distinguish 4 stages of osteoarthritis from mild to severe [1]. The diagnosis is confirmed radiologically.

Which doctor treats osteoarthritis

Most often, pain in the joint is addressed to a general practitioner - a therapist or family doctor. He conducts a primary examination, assigns basic studies and decides which specialist to direct.

To establish an accurate diagnosis and identify the nature of the disease, patients are referred to a rheumatologist. It is he who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of joint diseases, especially if signs of inflammation or other rheumatic disease are added to the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

According to statistics, if a therapist has such patients for a day 2-5, and for surgeons 3-8, then a rheumatologist consults 12-15 people [5].


If the disease is associated with congenital pathology or requires surgical treatment, then the patient is engaged in an orthopedic surgeon. He, if necessary, carries out intra-articular manipulation.


To treat an osteoarthritis it is necessary and to the neurologist as sometimes painful sensations are connected not only with the joint itself. Sometimes the swelling compresses the neurovascular bundle, which causes additional neurological symptoms [1, 1].

Treatment of osteoarthritis

Treatment of osteoarthritis should be complex [,]. Its main tasks are:

  • reduce pain manifestations;
  • slow the progression of the disease;
  • reduce the risk of exacerbations;
  • improve the quality of life;
  • prevent disability.

How are specialists offered to treat osteoarthritis?

For non-drug treatment appoint:

  • exercise therapy;
  • weight correction with diet and moderate exercise;
  • physiotherapy, massage, self-massage, warm baths and other methods to relieve pain, reduce muscle tension [,];
  • orthopedic correction - special knee pads, insoles and other devices to reduce the load on the joints [9].

Groups of drugs that are used to treat osteoarthritis [6]:

Surgical treatment or endoprosthetics. To surgical intervention, as a rule, resorted to the advanced stage of osteoarthritis.

The decision about this or that kind of therapy is accepted by the attending physician after consultation with adjacent specialists, including the rehabilitologist.

To treat and to be observed with an osteoarthritis it is necessary during all life. Observance of all medical recommendations will help to preserve the quality of life and prevent complications.


  • 1. Rheumatology: national leadership / ed. E.N. Nasonova, V. A. Nasonova. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2008. - 720 sec.
  • 2. Pilipovich A.A. Osteoarthritis: an integrated approach to treatment / / BC. 2014. №11. FROM. 835.
  • 3. Diseases of the joints. Manual for doctors / ed. V.I. Mazurova. - St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2008. - 408 sec.
  • 4. Shostak N.A. Osteoarthrosis: topical issues of diagnosis and treatment / / BC. 2014. №4. FROM. 278.
  • 5. Olyunin Yu.A. Osteoarthritis of knee joints. Features of diagnostics and modern principles of treatment // RMJ. 2015. №7. FROM. 404.
  • 6. Buryak IS, Volkov K.Yu. Osteoarthritis as a complex problem: the view of a practicing rheumatologist // RMJ. 2015. №25. FROM. 1487-1490.
  • 7. Nasonova VA, Muravev Yu.V., Tsvetkova ES, Belenky AG Osteoarthrosis of the knee joint. Reference book of the polyclinic doctor. 2003; 06: 13-20.
  • 8. Kotova O.V. The strategy of treatment of osteoarthritis. A district therapist. 2016; 03: 13.
  • 9. Dydykina IS, Kovalenko PS What it is necessary for the practitioner to know about new possibilities of therapy of osteoarthritis. Reference book of the polyclinic doctor. 2016; 3: 14-18.
  • 10. Filatova ES, Turovskaya EF, Alekseeva LI, Erdes Sh. F., Filatova EG Features of chronic pain syndrome of various rheumatic diseases. Neurology and rheumatology. (Adj.) 2016; 02: 22-25.
  • 11. Drozdov V.N. Osteoarthritis (Osteoarthritis). Reference book of the polyclinic doctor. 2004; 06: 29-33.

A source: https://shagbezboli.ru/treatment/artroz/