When used eye drops Dexamethasone

Corticosteroids are a fairly large group of medicinal preparations, having both natural and synthetic origin and related to hormonal agents. They play an important role in most metabolic processes occurring in the body, and are used to normalize the functioning of many organs and tissues. Eye drops Dexamethasone belong to this group of medicines.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications for use
    • 3.1Contraindications
    • 3.2In pregnancy
    • 3.3To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Drops of eye Dexamethasone are available in plastic bottles of 5 ml, equipped with a dropper. The preparation is a suspension of white color, which after shaking for 15 seconds. remains homogeneous for at least 2 minutes.The concentration of the solution is,%. Each bottle is packed in a cardboard box with instructions.

The main active substance is dexamethasone, in 1 ml of its solution contains 1 mg.There are also auxiliary substances, including 96% ethanol and purified water.

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Storage of the medicinal product is carried out in accordance with the instructions in the package, inaccessible to small children and without direct sunlight. After opening the vial the drug can be used only for 1 month.

Pharmacological action and group

Since the main active ingredient is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, the main therapeutic effect that is produced drops Dexamethasone - anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive (suppression of the production of some immune cells).

The drug is very quickly absorbed by the eye tissues, especially the surface layers. This is especially true in the presence of trauma and inflammatory processes. Therefore, the concentration of dexamethasone can be significantly increased in such circumstances, which should be taken into account in each individual case.

The greatest effect from the application can be observed after 4 hours after the first instillation. The effect of drops can persist for up to 8 hours. In the systemic blood flow almost does not penetrate, and most of the dexamethasone that enters the blood does not possess biological activity and is excreted by the kidneys after metabolic changes under the action of liver enzymes during 3 hours.

Indications for use

The drug is used to treat both acute and chronic ocular inflammatory and allergic diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye of an allergenic or infectious nature;
  • Keratoconjunctivitis- simultaneous inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea;
  • Deep keratitis- lesions of the inner layers of the cornea, more often of an infectious nature;
  • Irit- inflammation of the iris and ciliary body;
  • Sclerite- Acute inflammation of the deep layers of the sclera of the eye;
  • Episcleritis- inflammation of the episcleral tissue located between the conjunctiva and sclera;
  • Sympathetic uveitis- inflammation of the second eye after trauma or surgery on the first;
  • Inflammation of the posterior segment of the eye.

The drug can be used as an anti-allergic agent for various kinds of allergic diseases, which caused reddening and irritation of the eyes as additional symptoms. Effective use of eye drops Dexamethasone in the post-traumatic or postoperative period, when inflammation in the restoration of tissues can especially interfere with drug therapy.

Use of any hormonal medication is permissible only with the permission of the doctor. As Dexamethasone has a hormonal nature, it is only possible to predict its effect on the body only to a qualified a specialist with theoretical and practical knowledge of the medicinal action of the drug and its interaction with other preparations.

If the disease has strong symptoms, then the treatment is carried out in the first 2 days with instillation of 1-2 drops between 5 and 6 times, in the following days the frequency of treatment is almost halved (3-4).If the disease is chronic, then instillation is carried out in the morning and evening for 30 days.

Children from 6 to 12 years of age, the dose of the drug is reduced to a minimum - 1 drop 2-3 times during 1 weeks.In the post-operation period, the course and dosage is appointed by the attending physician individually.


The main point in the prohibitions on the drug is the individual intolerance of its constituent components, mainly dexamethasone.

Other contraindications include:

  • Various types of herpetic infection, chicken pox;
  • Inflammations and lesions of the eyes, which proceed with the formation of purulent discharge;
  • Fungal pathology of the eyes;
  • Infection of the eye with mycobacteria;
  • Increased intraocular pressure.

Since the period of pregnancy and lactation, like many other drugs, has not been studied, it is recommended that use only under the supervision of a doctor.

In pregnancy

Although most eye drops (and Dexamethasone including) have a low systemic absorption, however, it is still present. And the main active substance also has the ability to penetrate the placenta.

This means that even with the doctor's recommendation to use these eye drops a woman "in an interesting position" should once again assess the risks associated with the use of this hormonal drug.

Never use medicines on someone's advice, because each person has an individual organism, a set of their own diseases and a unique reaction to each drug.You can take into account only the advice of an ophthalmologist who can most reliably assess the benefits for you and the possible harm for the unborn child.

To small children

In the treatment of children, eye drops Dexamethasone is allowed to use from the age of 6 years. The maximum duration of treatment is 7-10 days. The instillation is carried out twice a day, one drop in each eye.

If you need to extend the treatment to 10 days, a fluorescein test is performed to rule out the possibility of damage to the cornea.

Dosage and duration of treatment can vary in one direction or another - depending on the condition of the patient and in accordance with the advice of the pediatrician.

Possible complications caused by the drug

When using eye drops Dexamethasone, the appearance of mild allergic manifestations of a local nature is possible: mild burning, lacrimation, reddening of the conjunctiva. All side effects quickly pass.Prolonged use of the drug requires constant monitoring of intraocular pressure, since there is a risk of developing serious eye pathologies.When wearing contact lenses they are removed in 15 minutes. before the procedure and are put in place no earlier than 15 minutes. after instillation.

The drug does not affect the ability to perform actions that require increased attention, but in During the procedure, vision may become clouded, and the outlines of objects may become blurred, which must be taken into account when treatment.

There are a number of drugs (phenytoin, barbiturates, warfarin), the action of which dexamethasone strengthens, on other medicines it can act in the opposite way. Therefore, if the patient takes any medications, the doctor should be informed of this.


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Eye drops Dexamethasone is an effective tool for the treatment of inflammatory and allergic processes, both acute and chronic.

However, the drug is a corticosteroid drug and affects the most delicate mechanisms of the immune system, as well as metabolic processes of a different nature. Therefore, its use must always be justified by a qualified diagnosis and recommendation of an ophthalmologist.

Everything about antihistamine drops for the eyes is described here. Also read about thorns and cataracts - how they differ and what approaches to treatment for these diseases.

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