Eye Drops Okutiarz

Drops of Okutiarz are now widely used in ophthalmology for both treatment and prevention of various non-infectious diseases. The drug is considered safe and easy to use, so people can freely be assigned to different ages. So that you can also apply it without any problems, let's see what kind of preparation it is, and what indications and contraindications to use it has.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Okutiarz - eye drops that mimic the natural tear of a person.They represent a usual colorless solution, having an average viscosity. The drug is produced in standard bottles-droppers, intended for individual use. The main active substance of this drug is the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid.

Since there are no preservatives in the formulation, the patient who uses such drops should strictly observe the conditions for their storage and further use. If this remedy is misused, a person may experience various side effects.

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Pharmacological action and group

This drug by type of action refers to keratoprotectors.It provides a pronounced moisturizing of the mucous eye, as well as protecting the cornea from any unfavorable external factors. By their composition, as well as the main optical characteristics, such drops are identical to natural tear.

Indications and contraindications in use

Presented eye drops may be administered to patients in various clinical cases, in which there is a lack of natural tear production.To such it is possible to carry:

  • regular wearing of contact lenses;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis;
  • hormonal disorders observed in women during menopause;
  • exposure to mucous adverse environmental factors, including wind, smoke, sand, chlorinated water;
  • violation of the integrity of the cornea, including erosive changes;
  • fatigue and increased dryness of the eyes, which can occur when working long hours at the computer or performing other tasks that require high concentration from a person.

Also, this drug can be used in general therapy with eye microsurgery. This means protects the cornea from external factors and avoids the ingress of a mucous infection to the affected area.

Of course, like any other medicine, this drug has its own contraindications to the use. To such it is fair to carry:

  • presence of infectious eye diseases in the patient;
  • individual intolerance to a person of any component included in the composition of drops.

With special caution, you can prescribe this remedy to people who are taking therapy with the use of other drops. It should be remembered that such medications can not be used at the same time, otherwise a person may encounter various side effects from such an application. Between the introduction of one and the second drug should always make an interval of at least 15 minutes.

In pregnancy

Pregnant women can take the drug on the recommendation of a doctor.In order not to interfere with the use of this drug with any side effects from it, you need strictly follow the instructions received from the physician and carefully treat your condition after applying medicines. If you suddenly feel a strong discomfort, taking drops is best to stop.

The presented drug can be combined with other medicines that you can be prescribed during pregnancy. It is important only to comply with the compatibility of drugs, and then no problems with them will not arise.

To small children

There are no contraindications to the use of such drops by small children. However, taking into account the age of patients, it is desirable that the decision on the appointment of this remedy is made by the attending physician. He must also determine the optimal dosage of the drug for a small patient.


Eye drops Okumed with instructions

Antiviral drops for the eyes Okokferon are described here.

Horizontal Nystagmus http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/redkie-bolezni/nistagm-prichiny-vozniknoveniya-i-lechenie.html


Possible complications caused by the drug

The presented drug rarely gives any side effects when applied.In rare cases, such uncomfortable symptoms as temporary loss of visual acuity and uncomfortable sensations can occur: slight itching or burning.Normally, such symptoms pass just a few minutes after the administration of the drug.

If you have such symptoms stay after the introduction of drops for more than an hour or do not pass after the end of the drug, you should definitely contact a doctor about this. He will determine why in your case the medicine worked that way, and will prescribe the necessary therapy for you to remove such side effects.



As you can see, Okutiarz - simple and safe to use eye drops that can be used by patients of any age. In order not to face any unpleasant effects in their application, a person suffices carefully read the recommendations for taking the medication and consult on this doctor. If you follow all the instructions strictly, you will not have any problems during the treatment.

Also read about the effectiveness of the application of drops from redness and about how to choose the right baby eye drops.