Rickets in adults

Disease, a characteristic feature of which is the lack of calcium and phosphorus salts in the human body, is called rickets.

In the case of the disease, bone tissue is damaged, its softening and systemic disorder in the body.

Adults who have had rickets in childhood may not have consequences, but can carry pathologies through life.

Rickets in adults - the disease is not frequent, but extremely dangerous and in medical practice is called osteomalacia.


  • 1The causes and prerequisites leading to rickets
  • 2Forms and degrees of disease
  • 3Clinical Features
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
      • 4.0.1X-ray examination
      • 4.0.2Laboratory research
  • 5Features in treatment
      • 5.0.1Vitaminotherapy
      • 5.0.2Gymnastics, massage and diet
  • 6Serious consequences
  • 7How to prevent rickets?

The causes and prerequisites leading to rickets

The occurrence of the disease is due to:

  • malnutrition;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • insufficient quantity of vitamin D, micro- and macro elements;
  • decrease or absence of protein food in the diet;
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  • lack of oxygen in the blood;
  • frequent diseases of the viral etiology.
  • impaired ability of the intestine to conduct a sufficient amount of absorption;
  • increased renal filtration;
  • endocrine disorders.
As a result, the total amount of bone substance increases and the bone mineralization decreases (depletion). More often the disease affects women.

Forms and degrees of disease

This disease is subdivided in adults, depending on the time of origin and the location of its localization.

Allocate such forms:

  • late rickets, which occurs in the puberty period;
  • climacteric osteomalacia(rickets), which appears in women only during menopause;
  • old age rickets, which is caused in the bone tissue by irreversible decay processes;
  • excretory form of osteomalacia, resulting from hormonal imbalance and as a result of pathological excretion of large amounts of calcium in prolonged renal diseases.

According to the severity of the current, three degrees are distinguished:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.
In an easy form, the disease often passes like latent rickets, can go unnoticed for a long time and can be identified by accident when taking tests and doing X-rays.

In phase, the disease is divided into:

  • the initial period of the disease;
  • the period of the height of the illness;
  • period of recovery;
  • period of residual phenomena.
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By the nature of the course of the disease distinguish:

  • acute;
  • subacute;
  • recurrent rickets.

Clinical Features

The typical clinical manifestations of the disease are:

  • deformation of the skeleton, curvature of the legs;
  • undefined bone pain in the back, pelvis, waist, hips and chest;
  • hypotension and weakness of muscle and bone tissue;
  • muscular hypotrophy;
  • change gait;
  • anemia and whiteness of skin;
  • decrease in the level of immune defense, which contributes to the emergence of viral and infectious diseases;
  • with climacteric form of the disease - pronounced kyphosis and changes (deformation) of the pelvis;
  • tendency to frequent fractures;
  • disorders of the nervous system.
As a complication in the lack, absence or poor digestibility of vitamin D, adults develop osteomalacia.

The cause of the occurrence is hereditary predisposition, renal failure, a violation of the metabolism of vitamin D, a rare stay in the sun.

Experts consider the main form of osteomalacia to be a puerperal form. Women aged 20-45 years are exposed to the disease, especially often during a repeated pregnancy, less often in the postpartum period or in the period of prolonged breastfeeding, it is at this time that the body needs a large number of women vitamin D.

The bones of the pelvis, the lower parts of the skeleton, femurs are also affected. The development of the disease is accompanied by increased fatigue, softening of the bones with their unstable form, deformation of the pelvis, muscular contractions of the hips, difficulty walking (duck walk), decreased growth, the onset of paralysis and paresis.

The disease develops in a chronic form with an increased pain syndrome, gradual exhaustion, has undulating course and depends on concomitant diseases. A characteristic feature in the diagnosis is the appearance of the osteomalacic pelvis (a decrease in the pelvic diameter and the formation of the beak symphysis) and the soreness of the pelvic bones.

Differentiate osteomalacia is necessary with neuralgia, rheumatism, ostitis. Avoid the disease is possible with a high-grade diet rich in vitamins, salts and phosphates. Treatment is carried out as in adult rickets.

Diagnostic Methods

X-ray examination

When carrying out this type of diagnosis in rickets, the change in epiphyseal growth plates is noticeable.

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They have the shape of a bowl, thickened, unclear outlines due to low calcification and weak mineralization of the affected area, the cortical part of the diaphysis is thinned, and the bone is bent.

In osteomalacia, a specific feature is the presence of X-ray permeable bands located perpendicular to the bone surface.

Laboratory research

The main indicators give a biochemical blood test. With insufficient amount of vitamin D, the level of calcium in the blood test is kept at a normal level, and the amount of phosphorus decreases.

Hypocalcemia in the severe form of an insufficient amount of vitamin D reaches a degree when tetany occurs.

In the diagnosis of rickets, computed tomography of bones is performed.

Features in treatment

The main method of treatment during the height of the disease is a conservative method of treatment.


To this end, the appointment of vitamins D, A, C, Group B and mineral complex, promoting their full assimilation.

Selection of a therapeutic dose of vitamin D is carried out individually and depends on the severity of the disease and its degree. To treat a mild form, the daily dose of the drug is up to 2000 IU. The average degree of the disease requires an increase in the dose to 4000 IU.

The course of treatment is carried out for 5-8 weeks. Widely used medications: Cholecalciferol, Minisan Vitamin D3, Multifort, Ergocalciferol, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Akvadetrim.

Obligatory is the use of physiotherapeutic procedures: ultraviolet irradiation, which contributes to the removal of inflammatory processes, the assimilation of vitamin D.

Gymnastics, massage and diet

Therapeutic gymnastics is used to keep muscles in shape, promotes the regeneration of bone tissue.

Massage - with it, the tone and tension of muscles are removed, blood circulation is normalized.

Diet - the diet includes: cottage cheese, sea fish, milk, vegetable and fruit purees and juices.

In the absence of effective treatment or complete deformation of various bones, an operative method of treatment is applied, when the bones are brought to the correct position by artificial means.

The duration of treatment for rickets depends on the degree of neglect of the disease.

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In the treatment of rickets, popular methods recommend the use of decoctions of the roots of burdock, marsh aura, herbs of oregano, take baths with decoctions of walnut leaves, wheat grass.

Serious consequences

In adults, among the consequences of the disease (especially after a second degree of rickets), astigmatism, nearsightedness, and narrowed pelvis are the most frequent (in pregnancy this is direct indication for caesarean section, and in the postpartum period, breastfeeding is excluded), incorrect bite, osteoporosis, flat feet, dental disease (caries, periodontitis, gingivitis).

After the transfer of rickets, it is necessary to prevent its reappearance, observe the rules full nutrition, the implementation of all the doctor's recommendations, physical education, walks under the sun.

How to prevent rickets?

To prevent the disease or alleviate its course will help psychological balance, emotional harmony, correct and healthy diet, daily walks in the fresh air, normalization and stabilization of the exchange processes in organism.

It must be remembered that rickets are chronic and can not be cured completely.