Menovazine: instructions for the use of ointment, solution


  • 1What helps with ointment Menovazine?
    • 1.1Form release and composition of ointment Menovazine
    • 1.2What helps ointment: indications for use
    • 1.3Instructions for the use of ointment Menovazine
    • 1.4Contraindications and side effects
    • 1.5Application in pregnancy and lactation
    • 1.6special instructions
    • 1.7Price
    • 1.8Drug analogues
    • 1.9Reviews
  • 2Menovazine - instructions for use, price and analogues of the drug, feedback on the use of the drug
    • 2.1What is Menovasin
    • 2.2Form of issue
    • 2.3Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 2.4Menovazine - for what use
    • 2.5Contraindications
    • 2.6Dosing and Administration
    • 2.7Menouvazine ointment
    • 2.8Solution
    • 2.9special instructions
    • 2.10At pregnancy and thoracal feeding
    • 2.11Drug Interactions
    • 2.12Menovazine for children
    • 2.13Side effects
    • 2.14Overdose
    • 2.15Terms of Sale and Storage
    • 2.16Price Menovazine
    • 2.17Reviews
  • 3Menovazine - what heals and how to use it?
    • 3.1Composition and form of the drug
    • 3.2How does the solution and ointment Menovazine
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.3What is it prescribed for: indications for use
    • 3.4Methods and instructions for the use of the drug
    • 3.5Rasstyrki for colds (from cough and cold)
    • 3.6Menopause Treatment of Hemorrhoids
    • 3.7How to apply for herpes
    • 3.8How to treat sinusitis with menovazine
    • 3.9Application for cervical osteochondrosis
    • 3.10How to apply in the ear for pain
    • 3.11How to use a headache
    • 3.12Contraindications and side effects
    • 3.13Use in pregnancy and lactation
    • 3.14Analogues of Menovazine
    • 3.15Reviews
  • 4Menovazine
    • 4.1Composition of Menovazine
    • 4.2Form of issue
    • 4.3pharmachologic effect
    • 4.4Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 4.5Pharmacodynamics
    • 4.6Pharmacokinetics
    • 4.7Indications for use of Menovazine
    • 4.8A solution of Menovazine, indications for use
    • 4.9Ointment Menovazine, indications for use
    • 4.10Contraindications
    • 4.11Side effects
    • 4.12Instructions for the use of Menovazine (Method and dosage)
    • 4.13Menovazine solution, instructions for use
    • 4.14Instructions for ointment (including Menovasin-vyshfa)
    • 4.15Overdose
    • 4.16Interaction
    • 4.17Terms of sale
    • 4.18Storage conditions
    • 4.19Shelf life
    • 4.20Analogues
    • 4.21Children
    • 4.22With antibiotics
    • 4.23Menovazine during pregnancy and lactation
    • 4.24Reviews about Menovazine
    • 4.25With hemorrhoids
    • 4.26From Acne
    • 4.27Price Menovazine, where to buy
    • 4.28ZdravZona
    • 4.29IFK Pharmacy
    • 4.30Pharmacy24
    • 4.31PaniApoteka
    • 4.32BIOSPHERE
  • 5What helps is Menovasin. Instructions for use
    • 5.1Composition and form of release
    • 5.2Pharmacological properties
    • 5.3Medication Menovazine: what helps
    • 5.4Contraindications
    • 5.5Menovazine: instructions for use
    • 5.6Side effects
    • 5.7Analogues and price
    • 5.8Reviews
    • 5.9With hemorrhoids
    • 5.10From Acne

What helps with ointment Menovazine?

Menovazine ointment is a combined medicinal product, created from several components, the pharmacological action of which provides patients with an anesthetic effect.

The substances are selected in such a way that, perfectly combining, perfectly complement each other, so the drug is widely used in folk medicine.

Advantage of Menovazine is its low price, so it can be purchased by people of different social groups.

Form release and composition of ointment Menovazine

The drug Menovazine is available in two dosage forms: as an ointment and as a solution. Ointment is sold in aluminum tubes of 40 grams, and the solution - in glass bottles of 25, 40, 50 ml.

Active active components of the ointment of menovazine are benzocaine, procaine and menthol. The first two substances block the pain impulses, providing an anesthetic effect.

Menthol irritates nerve endings, promotes vasodilation, helps relieve itching, brings a sense of coolness.

What helps ointment: indications for use

Why use Menovasin ointment? It is convenient to use for hemorrhoids, joint pains, muscle inflammations, sprains. Menovazine helps with fracture of bones, radiculitis, pain, when the neck has blown or a bruise has appeared.

It is a warming agent that successfully heals sinusitis, relaxes muscles after training, quickly removes painful acne, copes well with painful sensations in varicose veins, heals pain in the knee.

Other indications for the use of the medicinal product:

  • Injury of the sciatic nerve.
  • Sprains of ligaments.
  • Spinal hernia.
  • Back pain.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Fungus on the nails.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Superficial burns.
  • Herpes.
  • Heel spur.
  • Psoriasis, eczema.
  • Thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers.
  • Dermatosis, contact dermatitis.

Instructions for the use of ointment Menovazine

The instructions for use say that the ointment should be applied to the painful areas 2-3 times / day. The average course of treatment with the drug can last for 2-3 weeks until the problem is resolved.

Menovazin is used only for external application of affected skin. It should be remembered that the drug, according to the annotation, is not a medicine with therapeutic effect.

Its use is directed only at the elimination of pain symptoms, so the remedy is used in complex treatment to get rid of the disease completely.

Contraindications and side effects

The area of ​​application of the ointment of menopause is broad, but there are contraindications.

Do not apply to the skin of the drug in the presence of increased hypersensitivity to novocaine, if the integrity of the skin or inflammation in the place of the intended application.

For children and adolescents under 18 years of age, the effectiveness of therapy with a drug of various diseases is not established.

Uncontrolled use of Menovazine can cause in the body in the patient various side reactions, for example, allergic manifestations, asthenia, lowering of blood pressure, dizziness. If you have at least one of these symptoms, treatment should be discontinued and consult a doctor to adjust the therapeutic actions.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

Ointment Menovazine during pregnancy with caution should be used, as well as breastfeeding mothers during lactation. Although the drug is not absorbed into the blood, no doctor will guarantee absolute safety for the fetus or baby.

But if, at an early or late date, there is a need to use the drug for various reasons, for example, strong pain in the lower back or joints, the gynecologist should, under strict supervision, prescribe the dosage and duration of treatment drug.

When breastfeeding it is better to transfer the child to artificial nutrition during the application of Menovazine.

special instructions

When applying a warming agent, the norm should be taken into account, otherwise an overdose on the site of application can cause unpleasant irritation or burning.

Do not use ointment with other warming medicines. If necessary, then Menovazine is allowed to be applied to the skin of a child, starting from the age of three.

But the whole process should be under the control of the pediatrician.


How much does Menovasin ointment cost? The price depends on the country of the producer, the remoteness of the region and the price policy of the outlet.

So, ointment Menovazin-vishfa 40 g of production of Ukraine will cost about 60 rubles in Russia. The cost of a drug of Russian origin (St. Tula or

Moscow) varies within 30 rubles. In pharmacies, ointment Menovazine can be bought without a prescription.

Drug analogues

  1. Voltaren emulsifier. The method of application of the analogue is local application. The drug will help with arthritis, bursitis and other forms of rheumatic diseases of soft tissues.

    It is designed to treat sports injuries, swelling, inflammation caused by muscle tears, ligaments.

  2. An apizatron ointment. Has a local analgesic, vasodilating, irritating effect.

    Apply for myalgia, arthralgia, for a warming massage after sports training. Ointment relieves the condition of patients with osteochondrosis

  3. Irikar cream.

    It belongs to the group of homeopathic preparations, it is widely used for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the skin. Assign the cream to rub with dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, after insect bites, after bruises.


Arina, 46 years old: I did not know what is in the composition of Menovazine, until I used ointment to somehow relieve the pain in the area of ​​cones on my legs.

Menthol, which quickly cooled the place of application, and the cones hurt immediately. I smeared cones during the day 3 times, and the next day did not even feel them during the working day.

Now I do not part with a miracle ointment.

Elizabeth, 9 years old: With ointment, Menovazin met when she tipped her leg. Returned the health of the ligaments in just three days and again began to heel, as if nothing had happened.

Due to its unique properties, I now use the drug from cellulite (wraps), herpes (it always overcomes me when the cold comes).

It is useful ointment from bruises and from any pains in the joints.

A source:

Menovazine - instructions for use, price and analogues of the drug, feedback on the use of the drug

Painful sensations, fatigue in the limbs, discomfort during movements cause a lot of inconvenience.

However, there is a substance that can help not only with aching joints, arms, legs, but also with colds.

The following describes the analgesic warming liquid Menovazine - instructions for use, indications to use in the neck, back, other body parts, side effects, analogs of this facilities.

What is Menovasin

Menovazine is a combined drug that is prescribed for external use. It has an anesthetic effect on the lesions.

The local anesthetic has useful actions: it helps to expand the superficial vessels of the skin, causes a feeling of coolness, facilitates itching.

This combination of components causes irritation of the nerve endings, and menthol enhances the anesthetic effect of procaine, benzocaine.The medicine helps to get rid of the pain syndrome: it ensures the elimination of pain in different parts of the body.

The composition of Menovazin includes 1 gram of benzocaine gram of menthol, 1 gram of novocaine. Auxiliary substance of the solution is ethyl alcohol 70%: its content is 100 mg, however it is not an alcohol solution.

Thanks to menthol after the application, there is a slight coolness. Novocaine is a local anesthetic, and benzocaine is considered an anesthetic, that is, an anesthetic.

Ointment and solution have the same composition.

Form of issue

Due to the components of the drug, it is considered safe. It is recommended to consult with a specialist before use. The medicine has the smell of menthol, it is made as an ointment and a clear solution:

  • Release the solution in special bottles of 25, 40 or 50 ml. The container is made of dark glass: so the colorless solution retains its useful properties.
  • Ointment is stored in a special aluminum tube of 40 mg.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Combined drug Menovazin has a local anesthetic effect on the lesion, with external use of components do not enter the systemic bloodstream.

Prokaine blocks the sodium channels of the skin areas, which prevent the occurrence of painful impulses of sensitive nerve endings. Benzocaine prevents the occurrence of pain in nerve fibers, sensitive nerve endings.

Menthol is considered a weak anesthetic, which stimulates skin cold receptors, is an antiseptic.

Menthol, when used irritates the nerve endings, dilates the vessels, which increases the pain medication effect of the previous components, relieves pain in the area of ​​defeat, envelops it in a cool, does not create discomfort. Quickly absorbed by the skin, does not clog pores, does not enter the systemic bloodstream, that is, does not affect the composition of the blood. The pharmacokinetics of this drug has not been studied.

Menovazine - for what use

The instructions detail the use of Menovazine: prescribe externally with different pain sensations, especially the area of ​​myalgia (muscle pain), arthralgia (discomfort in the joints), neuralgia (pain affecting nerves). The drug Menovasin in any form is used for:

  • bruises;
  • sprain;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • joint pain;
  • itching dermatoses;
  • Diseases of the skin with severe skin irritation or itching.


Ointment and solution should not be applied to injured or affected skin with a burn, eczema or dermatitis. Do not apply anti-inflammatory to the inflamed skin area.It is forbidden to use hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

This can cause an allergic reaction.

Do not apply ointment for acute pulmonary tuberculosis, propensity to manifest angiospasm, severe changes functions of the liver or kidneys, abscesses, disorders of coronary and cerebral circulation, pathologies of cutaneous cover.

Dosing and Administration

Let's consider ways of application. Ointment and solution is used only externally. The medicine is applied by the method of rubbing: rubbed on the skin area that is above the affected area.

Do this several times a day to improve the skin condition. However, the medicine can not be used for more than 3-4 weeks.

Therapeutic procedures are repeated after a few days, if necessary.

Menouvazine ointment

The drug can be used in folk medicine with unstable blood pressure. To do this, the solution must be applied to the skin from the ear to the occiput twice per day.

With hemorrhoids, pain in the painful area is also topically applied to menovazine.

However, during application in such a way as a side effect, there is often a slight burning sensation and uncomfortable tingling.


A solution of Menovazine is used to relieve pain in the throat. They lubricate the throat from the outside to the neck. The solution is applied for pains in the joints, radiculitis, rheumatism. To do this, lubricate the lower back, the spine, the back of the neck.

Traditional medicine practices compresses with Menovazin. The course of application of Menovazin is determined by the doctor. The solution is used for insect bites: it will quickly remove swelling, inflammation, and pain. With pain in the joints, muscles use the following tincture.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in equal proportions, rubbed with pain:

  • 4 packs of analgin;
  • 40 mg of camphor alcohol;
  • Menovazine;
  • iodine solution;
  • half a cup of crushed saber;
  • a glass of alcohol (70%).

special instructions

Do not use this product on damaged allergic skin. Do not allow the drug to enter the mucous membranes of the body.

When using this tool, there is no influence on the ability to manage transport means, work that requires increased concentration or rapid psychomotor reaction.

Before use, it is recommended that you read the instructions for use to familiarize yourself with the specific application.

At pregnancy and thoracal feeding

During the development of this drug with the use of the drug during pregnancy, scientists have proven that it is not recommended to use it.

However, if there are joint pains or pain near the waist, then this medicine can be replaced with paracetamol or other drugs that are allowed by your doctor.

During the lactation period the product can be used, but with the permission of the doctor.Menovazin during breastfeeding does not affect the development of the child.

Drug Interactions

This remedy is not recommended for use with other antibiotics. Novocain and anesthesin weaken antibacterial action of drugs from sulfonamides.

It is not recommended to use the place of acting drugs with Menovasin.

To use this drug with other medications, you need to consult a doctor to see if there are any side effects.

Menovazine for children

Often doctors recommend menovazine for colds, especially for children: menthol is in many of the remedies that are used for rubbing the chest with a cold, and the preparation has a warming effect, it is used for coughing or pain in throat.

In the treatment of sinusitis or a cold, menovasin can be used. To do this, compresses are applied to the frontal, maxillary sinuses. Effective way will be rubbing the temples, throat, area behind the ears. It helps to get rid of otitis, headache, nasopharyngeal diseases.

At temperature, this agent is at a high temperature.

Side effects

During testing of this drug, side effects were observed. Basically, they all concern only the skin.

It causes redness, swelling, dermatitis, itching dermatosis, skin irritation, contact dermatitis and asthenia. Other side effects include dizziness, fainting, nausea, lowering blood pressure.

If any of the symptoms occur, we recommend that you stop using this remedy.


To date, when using this tool, no reliable data on overdose have been found, which could lead to undesirable side reactions. However, with the long-term use of this remedy, rash or skin irritation at the place of use of Menovazine was documented.

Terms of Sale and Storage

The drug Menovazine is sold in pharmacies without a special prescription from the treating doctor. After purchase, it must be placed in an inaccessible place for children.

One should be dark, and the temperature should not be above 20 degrees. Avoid any exposure to sunlight.Shelf life of the drug is 2 years.

After the end of the term, we do not recommend using it: there were cases of skin irritation and itching.

Analogues of Menovazine can be treated with exactly the same diseases and used for various bruises. Such means include Bengeay, Bom-Benge and Biofreeze. The use of any of them guarantees safety: they do not contain different toxic substances.

Bengay has analgesic and irritating effects. The composition of this agent consists of racemetol (100 g), methyl salicylate (150 mg).

Auxiliary substances include stearic acid, lanolin anhydrous, purified water, glycerol monostearate, sorbitan trioleate and tristearate, trolamine.


Basically, the drug is used to relieve pain, stitching in the joints and muscles with injuries. Bengay is used before and after training, with muscle pain, and even with low back pain.


Do not use in children under 12 years of age or during pregnancy. Bom-Benge is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. The composition of the ointment includes menthol, methyl salicylate.

Excipients are petrolatum, paraffins. Attributed to:

  • arthralgia;
  • pain syndrome;
  • myalgia;
  • lumbosciatica;
  • radiculitis.

This drug is contraindicated with open wounds, allergies to components, skin irritations, children under 6 years old. Biofreeze is an anesthetic.

It is used for arthritis, polyarthritis, spondyloarthritis, myositis, myalgite, lyubago, rheumatism, stretching of muscles, injuries while playing sports. However, the drug can not be used for allergies to some components of the ointment.

The product contains menthol, camphor, Paraguayan holly extract, carbomer, silica, glyceride, dyes, water.

Price Menovazine

You can order and buy the drug in a regular pharmacy or online store, but before using, consult your doctor. Approximate prices for the anti-inflammatory drug Menovazine and its analogs are listed in the table below:

A drug Price, rubles
Menovazine 270
Bengai 500
Bom-Bengue 100
Biofreeze 130


A source:

Menovazine - what heals and how to use it?

Everyone knows a burning and sometimes even unbearable feeling of pain arising in different parts of the body due to some disease, infection, trauma, etc.

To combat the painful sensations, special analgesic agents are used that can be applied either topically or by injection or orally.

As for the painful sensations that require local effects, it is necessary to pay tribute to Menovasin, which has a pronounced analgesic effect, which is described in more detail in a specific article.

Composition and form of the drug

Menovazine is a modern analgesic drug with a fairly simple composition, but with a pronounced effect.

A specific product is produced in two forms: ointment and solution, which are applied topically for analgesia.

It should be noted that the drug in question does not allow the treatment of any disease - it is a drug used for symptomatic therapy.

Liquid menovazine and in the form of an ointment have a similar composition, but they differ only in that ethyl alcohol is present in the solution to give it the necessary consistency and specific properties. Due to this, liquid medicine can be used as a compound from acne, because alcohol will dry up inflammatory processes.

As for the other components, they are in the ointment and in the solution in equal proportions. The main active element of the composition of Menovazine is menthol, which in turn is obtained by processing mint essential oil.

Also it is necessary to note the presence of novocaine in the preparation under consideration (this component can still be called procaine) and benzocaine.

Both substances belong to the class of analgesics used in most known painkillers.

How does the solution and ointment Menovazine

It should be noted that the described drug is a drug for local anesthesia, the effect of which is determined by the composition. If the product gets on the skin, menthol starts to act in an irritating manner, expanding the surface vessels.

The concrete effect is accompanied by the appearance of a feeling of coolness filling the treated area. Also in the processing area with the extract of mint oil, the conduction of nerve impulses is disrupted, which manifests itself in the form of anesthesia.

Procaine and benzocaine are also tools to combat the pain symptom, enhancing the effect of menthol.

What is it prescribed for: indications for use

As already noted, this drug is an analgesic, which helps alleviate the painful sensations arising at different levels. Thus, according to the manual for the described product, it is used for pain:

  • arising in the muscles (myalgia);
  • joints (arthralgia);
  • as well as arising from damage to the nerve (neuralgia).

Methods and instructions for the use of the drug

Despite the fact that Menovazine is a drug that can be purchased at a pharmacy, it has become a tool of traditional medicine for a long time.

This statement is based on the fact that this medication is not only applied according to the instructions in the manual.


The expediency of such treatment can be questioned, but one must be objective, since therapy is not for its intended purpose with the help of this tool has a high effectiveness.


It should be noted that with the help of Menovazine, many are treated for toothache, and also use the described composition for varicose veins. For this reason, below we will consider the ways of using this drug in non-standard situations.

Rasstyrki for colds (from cough and cold)

Menovazine in liquid form can be used as a solution for rubbing to treat certain symptoms during a cold.

This remedy can be used as a method of treating the disease in the early stages of its development, and as an instrument that depresses the viral activity.

It is applied to the chest and back, quickly rubbing the palms of the skin, as if rubbing the composition into the covers. Also, the alcohol-containing product is applied to gauze folded several times and applied to the neck area in the form of a compress.

Thus, the liquid product is successfully used for pain in the throat, as well as for bronchitis. And since the described drug has no harmful components, it is applied to the chests of children from coughing.

Menopause Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Immediately need to note that Menovazin - this is not a method of treating hemorrhoids, but a tool that allows temporary to minimize painful and uncomfortable sensations.

Also, the solution is used as a means to prevent uncomplicated external inflammation, but in this case the patient may feel burning and soreness due to alcohol on mucous.


With regard to the way the composition is used, it is necessary to do this with the help of cotton wool, on which a small amount of medicine is applied.


Do not allow the medication to enter the inside of the anal opening, as well as those hemorrhoids that are damaged.

How to apply for herpes

This drug is popular as a remedy for herpes. It should be noted that the medication shows fairly good results, defeating the disease almost immediately.

The product is especially effective if the herpes just started to appear. But if the manifestation of the disease is present on the mucosa for a long time, then the treatment measure will need to be repeated again.

To perform the procedure, you need to wind a piece of cotton wool on a match or use an ordinary cotton swab, dipping it in a solution of Menovazine.

Further, the affected area is treated pointwise several times during a single day.

How to treat sinusitis with menovazine

The described medicine has been used for a long time "not for the intended purpose for example, with its help people struggle with sinusitis.

Despite the fact that this drug is not able to cure this chronic disease, it can significantly ease breathing and reduce the amount of exudate purulent and mucous form.


Thus, in order to carry out the treatment, it is necessary to build a structure that allows to fasten the cotton wool soaked in the solution on the nose for the whole night.


Compress should be adjacent to the nostril in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus. It should be noted that the duration of treatment should not exceed two weeks.

Application for cervical osteochondrosis

It is necessary to understand that it is possible to cure osteochondrosis only through complex treatment, including the physiotherapeutic part. When it comes to Menovazine, the medication is used as a local anesthetic.

It is applied to the region of the spine of the cervical region, which causes a slight numbness and a feeling of cold. This remedy is really an important element of treatment, reducing the pain symptom.

To perform analgesic manipulations, you need to rub the solution into a sore spot three times a day for several weeks.

Thus it is necessary to notice this described preparation not only helps to relieve a pain at an osteochondrosis of cervical department, but also with back pain associated with muscle damage, vertebral discs or pinching of the nerve.

How to apply in the ear for pain

If the pain in the ears causes discomfort, you can apply a solution of Menovazine, which according to the practice has a high analgesic effect with painful sensations in the ear.

To perform the procedure, you need to soak the gauze in the solution, and then cut through its center a strip into which the ear would pass. The dressing is dressed in such a way that the product does not get into the auricle.

After half an hour, soreness is significantly reduced - it is possible to repeat the procedure only twice a day for not more than one month.

How to use a headache

Headache is also a common symptom that occurs as one of the manifestations of most known ailments. In order to reduce soreness, you can use Menovasin in the form of tincture.

In order to effect a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to apply the described composition to the temples, forehead and occiput, after which the soreness disappears. You can apply the product on the temples and forehead with a cotton pad.

However, some use compresses for this, which is especially important in cases of severe pain, which requires prompt relief.

Contraindications and side effects

As an adverse reaction to the described drug, an allergy or contact dermatitis may occur.

With prolonged use of the drug, dizziness, fatigue, and low blood pressure are observed.

If any of the resulted pathological reactions of an organism to a preparation has arisen, then it is better to refuse treatment by this method.

Use in pregnancy and lactation

According to the instruction, it is better to refuse therapy with the described drug during breastfeeding, as well as during the bearing of the child.

The use of a solution and ointment containing specific substances can have a negative effect on the fetus.

For this reason, before using a particular drug, you need to consult a doctor and apply the medication according to the instructions, if it has been prescribed.

Analogues of Menovazine

It should be noted that Menovazine in its composition is a unique drug that has no analogues. However, it is possible to select the means having a similar pharmacological group and the principle of action. Thus, the following medicines will help you to replace the described drug:

  • Artifrin;
  • Drill;
  • Otyrerelax;
  • Ubistezin;
  • Folikap and others.


A source:


Composition of Menovazine

  • In the composition of 100 ml of an alcoholic solution for topical administration, gramsmenthol, 1 grambenzocaine, 1 gramprocaine. Additional substances: 70% ethyl alcohol.
  • Menovasin ointment in the amount of 1 gram includes 25 mg of grammenthol, 10 mgbenzocaine, 10 mgprocaine. Additional substances: white paraffin, mineral oil, water, emulsifier T-2.

Form of issue

  • A clear, colorless solution with a smell of menthol. It is intended for external use only - 25, 30, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 or 40 ml in a glass bottle.
  • White ointment with a smell of menthol. 40 grams of ointment in an aluminum tube - 1 tube in a pack of paper.

pharmachologic effect

Locally irritating, antipruritic, distracting, soothing, antiseptic and locally anesthetic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Menovazan - a multicomponent drug, the properties of which are due to the active ingredients present in the composition.

For example,mentholselectively acts on the tropic receptors to a low temperature, from which the drug causes a feeling of cold, and the irritating effect can be replaced by a weak anesthetic.

Mentholreflexively changes the tone of both superficial and deep arteries and veins. Stimulates local anesthetic effectbenzocaineandprocaine.

Procainhas strongly pronounced anesthetic properties, but it does not affect the vascular tone.

Benzocainecauses local anesthesia at the site of application.

It is proved that this combination of these ingredients ensures the ability of the drug to cause reversible inhibition of excitability and conductivity of axons of neurons, to demonstrate a distracting and irritating effect, to suppress the excitation of the walls of the nerve fiber, reduce the magnitude of the action potential, increase the threshold of depolarization of the nerve fiber wall, inhibit the rate of the ascending stage action potential.


The pharmacokinetics of this agent has not been studied.

Indications for use of Menovazine

A solution of Menovazine, indications for use

  • myalgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • itchydermatoses;
  • arthralgia.

Ointment Menovazine, indications for use

Indications for use on the ointment are identical to the above indications for the solution.


Contraindications for use on ointment and solution:

  • injuries of the skin in the area of ​​intended use;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • skin inflammatory diseases in the area of ​​the intended application.

It is recommended to use caution in children, during pregnancy and during lactation.

Side effects

The most commoncontact dermatitisand dermalallergic reactions.

For long-term use on large areas of leather is not excludedasthenia, dizziness, lowering blood pressure (in this case, therapy with the drug is completed).

Instructions for the use of Menovazine (Method and dosage)

Menovazine solution, instructions for use

The solution is used only externally, for which Menovasin is applied to the affected skin. The liquid is rubbed up to three times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the therapeutic effect, but not longer than 4 weeks. If the need arises, the course of treatment is repeated.

Instructions for ointment (including Menovasin-vyshfa)

The medicine in this form of release is applied only externally up to 3 times a day for rubbing into the affected areas of the skin. The duration of treatment depends on the clinic and the form of the disease. The maximum daily dose is 9 grams of ointment.


When using the drug in these dosages, systemic absorption is minimal.

With prolonged treatment, skin allergic reactions such as scaling ordermatitis.

In the event that these symptoms appear, the drug should be immediately withdrawn.


It is not recommended to use the described device at the same time with other topical medications, as this combination stimulates the effects of the latter.

Ingredients of the drug can weaken antibacterial effectssulfanilamide agents.

If you are taking any medications at the same time, you need to notify your doctor.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

Store in a dark place at room temperature. Keep away from children.

Shelf life

Two years.


Below are the most available analogs:Alor, Amprovisol, Algasan, Bainvel, Deep Relief.


The drug should not be prescribed to persons under 18 years of age.

With antibiotics

The drug weakens the antibacterial activity of sulfonamides.

Menovazine during pregnancy and lactation

The instruction provides for the possibility of using the drug Menovazine during pregnancy and lactation only in the presence of indications and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Reviews about Menovazine

Reviews about Menovazine (ointment and triturate) perfectly characterize the drug as a cheap and effective remedy forneuralgiaand itchydermatitis, which has a hypoallergenic composition and rarely causes side effects.

With hemorrhoids

The drug is often used whenhemorrhoids, but this disease is not in the list of indications for use.

With the help of the drug can only alleviate pain, but not cure the disease.

In any case, such a practice is not welcomed by proctologists and patients carrying out it are not immune from side effects not specified in the instructions.

From Acne

Patients using the drug as a remedy for acne expose themselves to a great risk of provoking irreversible changes in sensitive facial skin.

Despite numerous tips on the use of the drug ateels, it should not be used for this pathology.

It is better to seek professional advice from a dermatologist.

Price Menovazine, where to buy

Buy a solution of the drug 40 ml in Russia will cost 16-34 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. In Ukraine, the price of such a form of output can reach, hryvnia.

Ointment 40 grams in Ukraine is an average of 35 hryvnia. The price of ointment Menovazine in rubles is not determinable, as there is no remedy in Russian pharmacies.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Menovasin solution 40ml. Tula Pharmaceutical Factory LLC
  • Menovasin solution 40ml vial Vivan Pharmaceutical Factory
  • Menovasin solution 40ml. factory
  • Menovasin solution 40ml flakSamaramedprom OJSC

IFK Pharmacy

  • MenovazinIvanovskaya FF (city of. Ivanovo), Russia
  • MenovazinEkolab ZAO, Russia


  • MenovazinTernopolskaya FF (Ukraine, Ternopil)
  • MenovazinGESMP (Ukraine, Kiev)
  • Menovazin 40ml Zhitomir FF (Ukraine, Zhitomir)
  • MenovazinViola FF (Ukraine, Zaporozhye)
  • Menovasinphytofarm (Ukraine, Artemivsk)


  • Menovazine 40ml Zhitomir FF
  • Menovazine 40ml Zhitomir FF
  • Menovazine 40ml Zhitomir FF
  • Menovazine 40ml Zhitomir FF
  • Menovazine 40ml Zhitomir FF


  • Menovazine 40 ml of liquid detached. Pharmacy Karaganda (Kazakhstan)
  • Menovasin 50 ml of liquid detached.

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a reference-generalizing, collected from public sources and can not serve as a basis for making a decision about the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Menovazine necessarily consult with your doctor.

A source:

What helps is Menovasin. Instructions for use

The drug used to conduct local anesthesia is Menovazine. What helps this medicine? It has an analgesic effect. Menovazin instructions for use recommend use with myalgia, neuralgia, arthralgia.

Composition and form of release

Produced in the form of a transparent, colorless solution with a smell of menthol. The drug Menovasin is intended, which requires caution, only for external use.

The solution is realized in glass bottles of 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 ml. Also a white ointment with a smell of menthol is made. In 1 aluminum tube contains 40 grams of ointment.

The composition of 100 ml of alcohol solution for topical administration includes, a gram of menthol, 1 gram of benzocaine, 1 gram of procaine. An additional substance is 70% ethyl alcohol.


Menovasin ointment in the amount of 1 gram includes 25 mg of menthol, 10 mg of benzocaine, 10 mg of procaine.


Auxiliary components are white paraffin, mineral oil, water, emulsifier.

Pharmacological properties

Menovazine, which helps with pain, is a combined remedy which, thanks to the menthol, benozocaine and procaine included, has an anesthetic local effect. Procaine (novocaine) is a substance with a moderate anesthetic effect, blocking sodium channels, preventing the occurrence of impulses in sensitive nerve endings.

Benzocaine is a remedy that is used for superficial analgesia and also as procaine interferes with the development of painful impulses in nerve fibers and sensitive nerve endings.

Menthol irritates the nerve endings when applied to the skin, dilates the surface vessels, enhances the analgesic effect of benzocaine and procaine, creates a feeling of coolness, relieves itchy skin.

In the systemic circulation, menovazine does not fall into external application.

Medication Menovazine: what helps

Indications for use of the solution and ointments of Menovazine include:

  • myalgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • itching dermatoses;
  • arthralgia.


Ointment or solution Menovazine instructions for use forbid to apply to damaged skin (injured, affected by a burn, dermatitis, eczema, etc.) and the skin where there is inflammation in the area to be treated. Menovazine is contraindicated in pregnancy.

To eliminate joint pain, back pain, instead of Menovazine, it is better to use paracetamol in pregnancy. With caution appoint an agent for lactating women, children under 18 years. The speed of psychomotor reactions, concentration of attention does not exert a means of influence.

Menovazine: instructions for use

Menovazine should be used exclusively externally. The agent is applied to the area of ​​the skin, located above the affected area, and is rubbed.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of ointment or solution Menovazine should be applied two to three times a day.

Continue the procedure recommended until a marked improvement in the condition.

It is not recommended to use Menovazine for more than three to four weeks. In case of occurrence of such necessity, after a while the therapeutic course can be repeated.

The solution of Menovazine is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of hypertension. The drug in this case, it is recommended to lubricate the skin from the occiput to the ear two times a day.

Side effects

According to reviews and descriptions, Menovazine can cause contact dermatitis, allergic reactions. Prolonged use of the drug may trigger:

  • lowering of arterial pressure;
  • asthenia;
  • dizziness.

According to the instructions, it is recommended to cancel taking the medication if there are problems with blood pressure. Data on overdose, which resulted in undesirable side reactions, is not fixed.

Analogues and price

Similar drugs have drugs: Alor, Amprovisol, Algasan, Bainvel, Deep Relief.

Buy a solution of the drug 40 ml in Russia will cost 20-35 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. In Ukraine, the price of such a form of output can reach, hryvnia. In Belarus the drug costs, 5, white. rubles.

Ointment 40 grams in Ukraine is an average of 40 hryvnia. The price of this form in rubles is not determinable, since the drug is not available in Russian pharmacies. In Belarus, the ointment is white. rubles.


Reviews about Menovazine (ointment and rubbing) perfectly characterize the drug as a cheap and effective a remedy for neuralgia and itchy dermatitis, which has a hypoallergenic composition and rarely causes side effects effects.

With hemorrhoids

The drug is often used for hemorrhoids, but this disease is not in the list of indications for use.

With the help of the drug can only alleviate pain, but not cure the disease.

In any case, such a practice is not welcomed by proctologists and patients carrying out it are not immune from side effects not specified in the instructions.

From Acne

Patients using the drug as a remedy for acne expose themselves to a great risk of provoking irreversible changes in sensitive facial skin.

Despite numerous tips on the use of the drug for acne, it should not be used in this pathology.

It is better to seek professional advice from a dermatologist.

"I use mostly when muscles and joints ache. It's good. Only not always enough to smear one time. Sometimes 2 times I put in after 3 hours and usually I wipe a woolen shawl from above. "

"In my medicine cabinet, he always is! Very much helps with pain in the muscles and joints, it is especially good to put on a shawl on the rubbish bag of the menopause - you can forget about the sore. And I really like his smell. "

"Of course, the drug is cheap and effective, but it is necessary to conduct a test. We have a terrible allergy to menopause: the swelling of the eye, the burn on the palm of your hand. "

A source:

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