Loss of eyelashes: causes and methods of treatment
The eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but also an indicator of the state of health. If something is wrong with the body, redness, swelling, visual acuity decrease, eyelashes may begin to fall out. In itself, the process of loss of eyelashes is not pathological - in normal hair should be replaced with each other with a certain periodicity. You have to start worrying if your eyelashes become too active, especially if you did not have this problem before. Read more about the possible causes of pathology, how to treat it and prevention in this material.
1Definition of a symptom
3Possible diseases
4Diagnostic Methods
Definition of a symptom
Eyelashes have their own life cycle - like hair on the head, they fall out, replacing each other.If everything is in order, then the fallout volumes are small, and the cilia look dense, long, bulky. Have you constantly "lost" them? There are many reasons for this pathology - from allergies to cosmetics to serious eye and eyelid skin diseases. Some systemic disorders are accompanied not only by active hair loss, but also by itching, dry skin, swelling, discharge from the eyes.
Among the most common reasons for the loss of eyelashes are:
Allergies to cosmetics- eye creams, make-up remedies, mascara, shadows.
Using artificial cilia, building.
Improper diet, lack of vitamins in the diet.
Infectious diseases of the eyes (conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis, blepharitis).
Wrong personal hygiene (ohabitually sleeping with dyed mascara).
Trichotillomania (weakening of hairs as a result of plucking or pulling).
Injuries of the eye.
Constant stress.
Use for washing and removing cosmetics of normal soap.Demodectic - loss of eyelashes
Most often, the cilia fall out in those girls and women who like to sleep with makeup.
Possible diseases
Although in most cases, eyelashes fall out due to lack of vitamins in the diet, non-compliance with personal hygiene or the wrong choice of cosmetics, the problem can be more serious. So the following diseases affect the quality and growth of hairs:
Hypothyroidism- that is, a deficiency of thyroid hormones.
Subcutaneous mite(or demodex) - affects the skin and hair.
BlepharitisViral infectious disease. It is accompanied by redness, swelling, increased sensitivity, thickening of the edge of the eyelids.
Alopecia- in this case, not only lashes fall out, but also eyebrows, hair on the body and head. Alopecia causes a deficiency of autoimmune antibodies.
An accurate diagnosis should be made by a doctor. Infectious diseases require specific antibiotic treatment.
Diagnostic Methods
The main task of diagnosis is to determine the cause of the loss of eyelashes. The following methods are used:
Slit lamp inspection.
Analysis for hormones (primarily thyroid gland).
Microscopic examination for demodicosis.
Investigation of the secretion from the eyes (bacteriological analysis).Conduction of ophthalmoscopy
If necessary, the doctor will refer you to urine and blood tests.
The scheme of treatment depends on the cause that caused the disease. So when demodicosis is appointed exfoliating, antiparasitic agents, adsorbents, antibiotics and drugs to strengthen immunity. Blepharitis is usually treated topically with the use of special drops. The vitamin course for improving hair growth is prescribed regardless of the cause of the loss of eyelashes (the exception is hypervitaminosis - it, like vitamin deficiency, is dangerous for the body).
Fucitalmic is an antibiotic
Additional therapeutic methods:
Diet- from fatty, spicy, salty, fried foods will need to be discarded.
Strict observance of the rules of personal hygiene.
Refusal of decorative cosmeticsuntil complete recovery.
From the decorative cosmetics at the time of treatment will have to be abandoned.
Not bad strengthen the cilia folk remedies:
Olive, castor, almond oil- put them strictly on the hairs, not getting in the eyes.
Vitamin E- it is also used locally.
Compresses with green tea - do from 30 minutes.
Not bad help from falling out massage of eyelashes. Collect water in a bowl (warm), lower the face into it and start to actively blink.
Preventing any disease is much easier than treating it later. To not fall out eyelashes:
Balanced eat;
use high-quality cosmetics;
always remove makeup at night;
do not wash with soap;
regularly visit an ophthalmologist for routine examinations;
treat chronic diseases.
Eyelashes can fall out for various reasons - your main task is to exclude the presence of serious infectious diseases (blepharitis, demodex and so on). Locally improve the growth of hairs capable of oils (olive, almond, castor) - they are applied with a cotton swab before bed. Treatment of eye and eyelid skin diseases should be prescribed only by a specialist.