Osteopathy: what is it?


  • 1Osteopathy - what is it and the difference from manual therapy, indications for the treatment of a child or an adult
    • 1.1Who is an osteopath?
    • 1.2What does the osteopath treat in adults?
    • 1.3Osteopath for the baby
    • 1.4Osteopathy for children
    • 1.5Indications of osteopathy
    • 1.6Osteopathy contraindications for treatment
    • 1.7Methods of treatment with osteopathy
    • 1.8Craniosacral Therapy
    • 1.9Visceral therapy
    • 1.10Structural Therapy
    • 1.11The cost of taking an osteopath
    • 1.12Manual therapist and osteopath - what's the difference
  • 2What is osteopathy? Indications and contraindications to osteopathy
    • 2.1What treats osteopathy?
    • 2.2Advantages of osteopathy
    • 2.3Indications for use
    • 2.4Contraindications for use
    • 2.5Mechanisms of osteopathy
    • 2.6Use in diagnosis and treatment
    • 2.7Manual therapist and osteopath: what's the difference?
  • 3Osteopathy: what is it that cures
    • 3.1What is osteopathy and what does it treat and what is its difference from manual therapy
    • 3.2What kinds of diseases are treated by an osteopathic physician?
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.3Methods of treatment used by doctors osteopaths
    • 3.4Basic contraindications for osteopathic treatment
    • 3.5Recommendations for the use of osteopathy in certain diseases
    • 3.6Choosing a doctor-osteopath
    • 3.7Carrying out a course of osteopathy yourself
  • 4Osteopathy - what is it?
    • 4.1Indications and contraindications of osteopathy
    • 4.2What treats osteopathy?
  • 5Osteopathy: what is it?
    • 5.1Principles of therapy
    • 5.2Basic methods of work
    • 5.3Indications and contraindications
    • 5.4How to calculate the "right" osteopath
  • 6Osteopaths - who is this? The osteopath that heals?
    • 6.1Principles and foundations of osteopathy
    • 6.2What kind of doctor is an osteopath?
    • 6.3Scope of the osteopath
    • 6.4Who is diagnosed with osteopathy?
    • 6.5In what cases is an osteopath necessary?
    • 6.6Required tests for access to the osteopath
    • 6.7The diagnostic methods used by the osteopath
    • 6.8How to avoid health problems

Osteopathy - what is it and the difference from manual therapy, indications for the treatment of a child or an adult

Alternative medicine in modern society is becoming more popular and affordable at a price every day. One such treatment is osteopathy. Every person who follows his health needs to be aware of what this type of therapy is.

Who is an osteopath?

First of all, it should be said that this is a qualified doctor who has a diploma of higher education and all the documents authorizing medical activities.

The osteopath specialist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of complex disorders that occur in the body. He works with his hands, uses different techniques of palpation. The physician should have a comprehensive knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and philosophy of osteopathy, be able to use them.

His duties include determining the mobility of organs, diagnosing different levels, and providing assistance.

So they call the techniques of palpation, which the osteopath does for diagnosis and treatment.

When massage is a gentle effect on the capsules of the internal organs, muscles, ligaments to remove the functional blocks and restore normal circulation of fluids in the body.

Due to this the organism is reconstructed, the maximum effort is directed to self-healing.

The philosophy of osteopathy assumes that the human body will function fully, only if the musculoskeletal, nervous and mental systems are healthy, are in interaction with each other.

The cause of any illness in terms of osteopathy is considered to be a violation of the joint work of the body, spirit and mind.

When doing osteopathic massage, the doctor should always follow the basic principles of this therapy, formulated by its founder:

  • the anatomy and physiology of a person are one;
  • the body is able to self-regulate, defend, recover;
  • structural and functional systems are interrelated;
  • movement is the basis of life.

The list of diseases from which osteopathic treatment will help to get rid of is huge. Osteopathy can be used for patients of varying degrees of maturity: infants, children, adults, the elderly.

The age factor significantly influences what the osteopath treats, because each period of life is characterized by its own diseases.

It should be understood that osteopathy is a complex therapy, it takes several sessions for complete healing. The price is assigned for each.

What does the osteopath treat in adults?

The spectrum of diseases with which the therapy will help will be very great. It is difficult to describe all that treats osteopathy in adults.

It is effective in problems with joints, spine, neurological disorders. Treatment will help to get rid of diseases of ENT organs, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular systems.

Effective osteopathy for recovery from injuries, surgeries.

Therapy is used to treat genital organs in men and women. Representatives of the weaker sex often turn to the osteopath to prepare for childbirth or recover from them.

Osteopathy is very effective for hormonal failures, disorders of the immune system.

Apply it to stress, nervous tension, problems with sleep, increased sensitivity to weather changes.

Osteopath for the baby

Recently, more and more often young moms who seek to bring their baby to a specialist for an osteopathy session already in the first days of his life.

It is advisable to visit an osteopath when the newborn is not yet two weeks old, especially if it was born as a result of stimulation, caesarean section or premature delivery.

At this age, even the most serious health problems are more easily eliminated by osteopathy. Even if you are sure that the baby is okay, you can show it to the doctor for prevention.

What can help an osteopath for babies? Osteopathy will be very effective when:

  1. birth trauma;
  2. strabismus;
  3. causeless caprice of the child;
  4. trisomy on 21 chromosomes;
  5. abnormal head shape;
  6. epilepsy;
  7. delay in development;
  8. hydrocephalus;
  9. paralysis of half of the body;
  10. ENT diseases;
  11. allergies;
  12. curved;
  13. problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  14. blockage of the lacrimal canal;
  15. perinatal encephalopathy;
  16. dysplasia of the hip joints.

Osteopathy for children

Not only the baby, but also the older child can be shown therapy. A children's osteopath can help with:

  • deviations in development (including if the child does not begin to speak);
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperexcitability of the nervous system;
  • poor vision;
  • headaches of any nature;
  • autism;
  • meteorological sensitivity;
  • lowered immunity;
  • incorrect posture;
  • frequent colds;
  • enuresis;
  • dysbiosis;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • consequences of operations;
  • violations of attention;
  • flat feet;
  • dysfunction of the brain.

Indications of osteopathy

Often a person can not independently determine to which doctor to enroll. Indications of osteopathy:

  1. sinusitis;
  2. postoperative adhesions;
  3. chronic otitis media;
  4. craniocerebral trauma;
  5. sinusitis;
  6. contractures;
  7. tonsillitis;
  8. scoliosis;
  9. prostate adenoma;
  10. spondylosis;
  11. prostatitis;
  12. osteochondrosis;
  13. impotence;
  14. intervertebral hernia;
  15. infertility;
  16. osteoarthritis;
  17. menstrual cycle disorders;
  18. diseases of female genital organs;
  19. arthritis;
  20. intercostal neuralgia;
  21. stomach ulcer;
  22. abnormal intracranial pressure;
  23. cholecystitis;
  24. headache;
  25. gastritis;
  26. migraine;
  27. liver disease;
  28. bronchitis;
  29. hemorrhoids;
  30. asthma;
  31. pancreatitis;
  32. heart rhythm disturbances;
  33. pneumonia;
  34. hepatitis;
  35. omission of internal organs;
  36. biliary dyskinesia;
  37. radiculitis;
  38. gastritis;
  39. vegetovascular dystonia;
  40. muscle pain;
  41. phlebeurysm;
  42. hormonal disorders.

Osteopathy contraindications for treatment

There are a number of diseases and conditions in which therapy is prohibited. Contraindications to osteopathic treatment:

  • any diseases and infections that are treated exclusively in the hospital medically;
  • mental disorders;
  • acute bleeding;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • acute heart failure;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • blood diseases (thrombosis, hemophilia);
  • acute hydrocephalus;
  • severe glaucoma;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • horse tail syndrome;
  • increased brittleness of bones;
  • acute stroke, an attack of hypertension, a heart attack.

Methods of treatment with osteopathy

There are several areas that are classified by application areas and other characteristics. There are such methods of osteopathy:

  1. craniosacral;
  2. visceral osteopathy;
  3. structural.

Craniosacral Therapy

Osteopathy specializes in the brain structure, dysfunctions of the skull bones. It is prescribed for strokes, craniocerebral trauma, intracranial pressure.

It is indicated for violations of the blood circulation of the brain, memory problems, headaches and a variety of other neurological and mental illnesses. Cranial osteopathy is also recognized, which is considered a more delicate branch.

It is based on the recognition of involuntary movements of organs and systems.

Visceral therapy

Osteopathy is directed to the organs of the chest, abdominal cavity, small pelvis. All of them are micro-movable, which is provided by visceral ligaments.

Osteopathy is aimed at restoring the frequency and amplitude of organ movement. At sessions, the osteopath affects the points on the body that are associated with them.

Visceral osteopathy is effective when:

  • kidney pathology;
  • hypertension;
  • ENT diseases;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • bronchitis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enuresis;
  • omission of internal organs;
  • pre-infarction;
  • pancreatitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • adhesive disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • colitis;
  • adenomas;
  • dyskinesia of bile ducts.

Structural Therapy

This osteopathy is the most common and is aimed at treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The osteopath uses the methods of point and vibration massage.

Osteopathy helps to redistribute the load on the joints, the spine. As a result, pain disappears, blood circulation improves. Therapy can be carried out not only for treatment, but also for the purpose of prevention.

Structural osteopathy is effective when:

  1. osteochondrosis;
  2. neuralgia;
  3. radiculitis;
  4. Elimination of consequences of injuries;
  5. intervertebral hernia;
  6. myofascial syndromes;
  7. spondylarthrosis;
  8. arthritis;
  9. curvature of the spine;
  10. arthrosis;
  11. flat feet.

The cost of taking an osteopath

The cost is assigned for one session of osteopathy and depends on a huge number of factors.

The price is influenced by the qualification and reputation of the osteopath, the experience, prestige and rating of the medical clinic where the sessions are held. The cost of taking an osteopath varies from 2500 to 9000 rubles, and consultations - 1000-2000 rubles.

The price of recording a medical consultation is approximately 1, 00 rubles. Departure specialist on osteopathy at home is estimated at about 8000-15000 r.

Choosing an osteopath for recording on a session, do not pursue an inadequately low price. Unfortunately, there are a lot of charlatans who will not only not cure you, but can seriously harm your health.

A good osteopath should have diplomas, licenses and other documents that confirm education and qualifications. Information about him will certainly be present in the register of Russian doctors.

It is advisable to read reviews on the Internet about the person who will be engaged in you.

Manual therapist and osteopath - what's the difference

The opinion that these are two identical doctors is wrong. Manual therapy and osteopathy are interconnected and often complement each other, but they are different.

The first concerns exclusively the locomotor system and problems with it. The directions of osteopathy are significantly expanded.

They affect the entire body as a whole: the skeleton and muscles, internal organs, the brain.

The area of ​​influence is not the only thing that distinguishes an osteopath from a chiropractor. The first will eliminate the cause of the disease, the second will only help to relieve or alleviate its symptoms.

Osteopathy is painless, unlike manual therapy, has no age-related contraindications.

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It implies not only treatment, but also diagnostics, which significantly increases the overall effectiveness of sessions.

A source: http://sovets.net/7961-osteopatiya-chto-eto-takoe.html

What is osteopathy? Indications and contraindications to osteopathy

Osteopathy is a combination of therapeutic and diagnostic techniques of alternative medicine, as the root cause of the disease, the disruption of the relationship between the various bodies and parts of the body.

The so-called "osteopathic damage" is manifested by spasm and a secondary limitation of joint mobility. As a result of spasm of the musculature, there is a violation of hemodynamics, in particular venous. This phenomenon further exacerbates the already existing changes due to the development of edema.

Involvement in the disease of the nerves occurs due to the tunnel mechanism.

The founders of methods of treatment of diseases with the help of manipulation of hands is the school of osteopaths, which was headed by surgeon Andrew Taylor Still (1874), and a school of chiropractors led by Daniel David Palmer (1895). Chiropractic is a method of hard impact, accompanied by a loud "click". On the territory of Russia, bone-smashing was common - using gross methods of correction, which often caused injuries.

Kostopravy did not have a special medical education, and received their knowledge from mentors.

Practically up to the present time, the methods of treatment with osteopathic influences were surrounded by riddles, appeared to be a curative remedy, which only the "enlightened" can master.

In many respects this was due to financial manipulation and competition of various foreign specialists.

The development of pharmacology and surgery led to the fact that the method has moved to a secondary plan.

However, the insufficient effectiveness of pharmacological agents and even surgical methods have caused widespread use of osteopathy around the world since the 1950s.

The experience of its application is described in numerous textbooks, publications, which have become classic manuals. At the present stage of development of this branch of manual therapy there are various schools and directions that do not have a single scientific and philosophical basis.

Not all principles of osteopathy are scientifically substantiated. However, this does not prevent the official use of it by neurologic physicians and manual therapists. In France, osteopathy has been recognized since 2002. In the Russian Federation, the post of osteopathic physician has been approved since March 2013.

What treats osteopathy?

Varieties of osteopathy:

  • visceral - is engaged in the therapy of disorders occurring in internal organs;
  • craniosacral (cranial) osteopathy - deals with the treatment of dysfunction of the skull bones (based on microscopic rhythmic movements the bones of the facial and cerebral cranium that arise as a result of the pulsation of the cerebrospinal fluid, is widely used in the treatment of newborn children - osteopathy);
  • Structural (musculoskeletal) - is engaged in the treatment of osteoarticular disorders.

Advantages of osteopathy

  1. Accurate and fast diagnosis (a good specialist recognizes the disease even with an atypical clinical picture, with ineffectiveness of well-known diagnostic examinations);
  2. painless treatment without surgical manipulation (use of soft and gentle techniques);
  3. full or partial substitution of pharmacological drugs (in a number of patients it is possible to reduce the number of medications taken);
  4. rapid onset of a positive effect (treatment takes 4-8 sessions, taking from 4 weeks).

These features put osteopathy on a more significant place in front of other manual techniques. The organism is perceived as a single system: the three-dimensional unity of the body, mind and spirit. Even the slightest violation in one of these links leads to violations in the rest. As a result, there is an osteopathic lesion - organ, vascular, musculo-skeletal, neurovegetative, mental dysfunction. Therefore, the treatment is directed to the activation of the internal forces of man - self-healing.

Basic principles of osteopathy:

  • unity of anatomy, physiology and function;
  • a constant relationship between structure and function;
  • presence of an active mechanism of self-regulation;
  • movement is the basis of life (biodynamics).

Indications for use

Indications for adults:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • spine diseases (sciatica, intense pain syndrome with spinal hernia and with osteochondrosis, lumbago);
  • inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • neuralgia;
  • muscle pain;
  • metabolic disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • diseases of the urinary tract;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infertility;
  • impotence;
  • rehabilitation after injuries and surgeries.

Indications for children:

  1. birth injury;
  2. encephalopathy;
  3. consequences of operations;
  4. neuroses;
  5. violation of attention;
  6. minor brain dysfunction;
  7. delay in development;
  8. headache;
  9. hydrocephalus;
  10. violation of posture;
  11. torticollis;
  12. flat feet;
  13. chronic diseases.

Osteopathic methods are universal and widely used in the treatment of various organic and functional diseases.

Contraindications for use

  • acute infections;
  • acute circulatory failure;
  • blood diseases;
  • thromboses;
  • the presence of a tumor in the body;
  • acute mental abnormalities.

Mechanisms of osteopathy

At the heart of the described variety of manual therapy are sparing methods of therapy.

Due to its softness it is used in the treatment of newborns, elderly people, pregnant women, with severe pain syndrome in the acute phase of the disease.

Soft treatment is one of the most effective techniques without the risk of complications.

The most commonly used methods are the soft impact on capsules of internal organs, ligaments and muscles, methods of relaxation (normalization of blood and lymph flow, movement of liquor, recovery micro-mobility). The main mechanism is the activation of adaptation mechanisms, which painlessly eliminate the functional blocks and normalize the function of organs.

After the course of osteopathic treatment, the possibility of recurrence of the disease is minimal, since the cause of the disease is eliminated (there is no temporary improvement in the state of health, but a complete cure).

Use in diagnosis and treatment

Osteopaths have a high tactile sensitivity.

Diagnosis is based on the manual determination of the minimum bone bias, muscle tension, disturbance of the rhythms of micro-movement of internal organs.

The reliability of osteopathic diagnostics is easily verified with the help of popular imaging methods: ultrasound, CT, MRI.

Manual therapist and osteopath: what's the difference?

The main difference between an osteopath and a manual therapist is that the second often misses the cause of the disease and eliminates only the appearance of the pathological process.

In the recognition of diseases, traditional and specific methods of palpation diagnostics are used. A number of problems disappear during diagnostic manipulation as a result of improving blood flow, relieving muscle tension.

During the examination there is a feeling of calm and inner balance. The doctor gently and painlessly eliminates problems in the spine and joints.

Unlike other options for manual therapy, osteopathy is directed at the cause, not the manifestations of the disease.

To treat their patients, osteopaths are suitable in a complex way, as joint diseases are often combined with diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems.

Therefore, to achieve the best results, homeopathic remedies, exercise therapy, and massage are prescribed.

The complex approach regulates the work of all body systems, improves blood flow in tissues, normalizes metabolism, activates immunobiological processes, improves the functioning of the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, stabilizes psychoemotional sphere.

Positive effects are improved mood, increased motor activity and physical activity. Regular training and massage eliminate the uneven load on the bones and joints, relieve fatigue, eliminate pain in the muscles.

A source: http://www.infmedserv.ru/stati/chto-takoe-osteopatiya-pokazaniya-i-protivopokazaniya-k-osteopatii

Osteopathy: what is it that cures

Recently, there is a huge number of methods for treating various types of diseases that are considered alternative to official medicine.

One such area is osteopathy, which is a system of methods techniques of massage complex, manual therapy, acupuncture techniques and other non-traditional ways treatment.

Before contacting a doctor for an osteopath, you need to know more about the direction of osteopathy, what it is and what it heals, and what medical theories apply to it.

Osteopathy is a diagnosis on the basis of which the treatment of diseases arising in the internal organs of the body. The type of disease is determined by a specialist with the help of the sensitivity of his fingers.

While for this type of methodology there is no general scientific and medical base, also diagnostics and treatment in this way is not in all countries is recognized as official medicine, although the main methods have already been adopted in their practice neurologists.

But increasingly, this type of medical care is referred to manual practice.

Some refer to this medical area: bioenergetics, reflexology, homeopathy and other types of nontraditional treatment, which is used in Chinese medical practice.

But doctors who use osteopathy in their activity refer to it, to complex medical art, which needs to be trained for several years.

As a rule, an osteopathic doctor is obliged to receive a high-quality medical education and to know at the professional level all the subtleties of the structure of the human body.

Since this method has not been sufficiently studied and is not widely used in widespread traditional medical practice, it has both supporters and opponents.

Many patients can be transformed because of the fact that when they first visited the doctor, there was no relief. After all, light pressure on the patient's body does not apply to massage. The essence of the method is that pressing on certain points of the body can be of greater benefit than the effect of the massage.

Sometimes patients feel relieved by the evening, in some cases, the sensations may not always be pleasant.

But do not worry about this, because it indicates that the mechanism of recovery of the organism is started.

In such cases, doctors very often calm their patients, explaining that with each new session of painful sensations will be much less, as the body begins the healing process.

To throw sessions half-way on the given course of treatment is not necessary, it is necessary to finish the begun to the end, not to cause harm to an organism as a whole.

What is osteopathy and what does it treat and what is its difference from manual therapy

Medical staff consider manual practice as part of osteopathy, since manual therapy is a system of massage effects on the musculoskeletal system of the human body. The task of osteopathy is to raise the patient's health to a certain level, manual therapy, on the contrary, eliminates pain, and determines the root cause of the disease itself.

The main advantage of this treatment is that the massage movements are painless, they can not be used for different patients: from the smallest, the senile elderly. Thanks to this type of treatment, the whole organism is diagnosed in order to reveal the most effective way of treatment.

It must nevertheless be understood that there exists a relationship between manual practice and osteopathy. And in order for a doctor to be an osteopath professional, he must have full knowledge of manual therapy.

What kinds of diseases are treated by an osteopathic physician?

The list of diseases that has the ability to cure an osteopath doctor is quite diverse, including:

  1. ENT disease;
  2. diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  3. diseases associated with nerves;
  4. diseases of respiratory organs;
  5. pathology of internal organs;
  6. female and male diseases;
  7. various types of injuries and surgeries;
  8. back pain during pregnancy and preparation of the patient for childbirth;
  9. diseases of children, which are associated with a decrease in brain activity, with mental retardation and also treatment of cerebral palsy.
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Methods of treatment used by doctors osteopaths

Specialists of osteopathy distinguish the following treatment methods: Ranioxal, Pediatric, Cranial, Visceral.

Craniosal therapy includes the entire system of human brain activity: from the nervous system and ending with the spinal cord in the sacral region.

Usually, such therapy is used to treat strokes, eliminate pathologies in the circulation in the head brain, with severe headaches, memory impairment and other symptoms associated with the area of neurology.

Cranial therapy is used to relieve various types of stress, to establish the emotional state of the human body, which allows you to feel the rapid recovery of forces.

Visceral therapy restores the respiratory system of the body, various types of gynecological diseases, also pancreatitis, cholecystitis, prostate adenoma and many other internal diseases bodies.

Basic contraindications for osteopathic treatment

Some patients believe that osteopathy is a panacea for all diseases, but in fact it is not. There are a number of diseases in which this type of therapy can not be used. These include:

  • various types of intestinal infections;
  • acute bleeding, requiring urgent stopping;
  • various kinds of oncological diseases;
  • heart attacks stroke;
  • blood diseases;
  • strong psychological disorders;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • horse tail syndrome.

Before choosing a doctor from an osteopath, you can view video materials related to contraindications for this type of treatment. The patient should always warn his doctor that he has a certain type of disease before moving on to unconventional treatment.

Recommendations for the use of osteopathy in certain diseases

For help to the osteopath, pregnant women often turn to get rid of toxicosis, ease joint and back pain, eliminate puffiness and reduce the threat of pregnancy breakdown. Some women turn to such doctors after birth injuries.

Very often this type of therapy is used to treat intervertebral discs, but the osteopath always determines the cause of the disease, i.e., why there was a disease, how relaxed the muscles, what degree of nutrition of the vertebral discs.

Choosing a doctor-osteopath

How, then, to find a qualified osteopath physician:

  1. You can interview your friends, find online clinics where such specialists work. In the first place, it is necessary to pay attention to reviews about these doctors.
  2. Be sure to clarify whether the doctor has a medical school diploma and how much, he can provide qualified help for your disease.
  3. Asked his work in this direction, and where he was trained by an osteopath. This information must be sure to find out that the "doctor-charlatan" did not cause harm to the body.
  4. A competent doctor always conducts diagnostics of the treatment of the body before and after the course of treatment of the patient to see how much the patient's condition has improved.

The duration of the session should not exceed 49 minutes. As a rule, the price for one session of a doctor can go up to 3000 rubles. Everything depends on how neglected the disease is and what is the diagnosis of the disease in an adult or child.

Before contacting a doctor for an osteopath, you should consult an ordinary therapist and clarify whether you have any contraindications for this type of treatment.

Carrying out a course of osteopathy yourself

If the patient has a headache or a neck, it is necessary to stretch the occipital mounds slightly, but you can not press on the eyeballs, after taking a contrast shower, alternating cold and hot water.

If the neck is ill after a long work at the computer, then it is best to make a slight pressure on the cervical spine. It is necessary to do this in order to relieve tension from the muscles and as a result of which the pain will gradually decrease.

It should be remembered that with this type of massage, the pressure should be soft, so as not to harm the body.

Drawing conclusions on the above information, it should be said that ostepatia is the most a safe method that can cure a particular type of disease and restore energy reserves organism. Very often, this type of therapy gives a positive result when using a drug treatment, which significantly increases the percentage of a speedy recovery of the patient.

A source: https://medportal.net/osteopatiya-chto-eto-takoe-chto-lechit/

Osteopathy - what is it?

For millennia, caring for one's health, both physical and spiritual, has pushed a huge number of people to find safe and effective ways to treat and restore the body. One such alternative medicine is osteopathy. This method is based on the unity of the interaction of the organs of the body, as well as some psychological aspects.

For brevity, what is this - osteopathy, it can be said that any violation (physical or psychological) necessarily affects the condition of internal organs, leading them to certain diseases. So, for example, depression and irritability are detrimental to liver function, asociality or dissatisfaction with one's position or personal growth leads to problems with the stomach, etc.

Indications and contraindications of osteopathy

It should be specially noted that treatment with osteopathic methods denies the acceptance of medicines. To diagnose abnormalities in the body, the osteopath uses an individual instrument - its hands.

With their help, treatment is also carried out.

Applying hands and making easy manipulations (rubbing, scratching, pressing), the specialist helps the body "Return to the site removes clamps, improves blood flow and promotes activation of self-regulating function organism.

In addition to the regulation of physical functions, the doctor can help relieve the effects of stress, weaken the mental clamps. The effect of the procedure performed by a qualified physician can last for several weeks.

Because osteopathy uses a safe and, most importantly - painless effect on the body, a visit a qualified osteopathic physician can be recommended to both young children and infants, and to elderly people age.

To address to the doctor-osteopath for the help it is possible already from the first days of a life of the child since this is the best time period for correcting cranial anomalies. Also, it is not superfluous to visit the osteopath in a year, at three years, at six years and at 12-14.

What treats osteopathy?

With this method, you can treat the following ailments:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine and other joints and bone systems;
  • ENT diseases;
  • gynecological diseases (infertility, adhesive processes, preparation for pregnancy, its support and recovery in the postpartum period, disability of the pelvic organs);
  • migraine headaches;
  • osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other disorders of posture;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the male genitourinary system (prostatitis, impotence);
  • consequences of birth injuries in children, cerebral palsy;
  • dysfunction of cerebral activity in children (speech disorders, hyperexcitability, hip dysplasia, retardation of development);
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Contraindications for the application of osteopathy are as follows:

  1. acute intestinal infections;
  2. acute heart diseases (heart attack, hypertensive crisis, etc.);
  3. blood diseases (leukemia, thrombophilia, bleeding, etc.);
  4. malignant formations;
  5. mental illness in the acute stage;
  6. trauma, recently received (fractures, dislocations, trauma to the skull and internal organs);
  7. infectious diseases.

The directions of osteopathy

Since 2012, osteopathy in Russia has become an officially recognized direction of medicine and the profession of "osteopath" is included in the nomenclature of posts.

At the moment, osteopathy is divided into three areas:

  1. Structural Osteopathy- when used reminds the work of a manual doctor and helps in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Visceral Osteopathy- work with internal organs.
  3. Cranial osteopathy- work with a micro-rhythm of the bones of the skull.
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A source: http://WomanAdvice.ru/osteopatiya-chto-eto-takoe

Osteopathy: what is it?

Osteopathy - one of the directions of alternative medicine, which offers to treat patients with various manual techniques.

In the US, Canada and a number of European states, osteopathic doctors have been practicing for more than 100 years. In Russia, the alternative industry was officially recognized only in 2003.

What is the essence of osteopathy, and how effective are its methods?

Principles of therapy

The focus of the osteopath is the biomechanics of the human body. It is scientifically established that all the structures of the organism fluctuate relative to each other in a certain rhythm.

These subtle vibrations are caused by the movement of fluid in the body: the blood flow in the vessels, the movements of the lymph, the liquor, etc.

In the theory of osteopathy, this phenomenon is called a craniosacral rhythm.

When a person falls ill, this rhythm is lost. The flow of liquid flows is disturbed. Due to stagnation of blood or lymph, the organs may increase in size, shift, change shape or become denser.

The doctor's task is to find the source of the problem, to eliminate it and to restore the tissues normal mobility. All the diagnostics and treatment the osteopath spends exclusively on hands.

The deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry helps him to establish the cause of the pathology.

Patients compare osteopathy with manual therapy and massage, but all these directions use fundamentally different methods of influence on the body.

The masseur works only with the muscles, the manual therapist - with the bone system, and the osteopath is interested in muscles, bones, and internal organs.

Sensing the entire body of the patient, the specialist discovers and eliminates biomechanical defects.

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Basic methods of work

For each patient, an osteopath selects the individual technique of treatment.

In the process of osteopathic treatment, any jerks and amplitude movements are excluded.

Only sparing point-vibration techniques are applied that act on deep tissues and help to eliminate muscle spasms.

Due to this, blood flow in the organs improves, their normal rhythm of work is restored, self-healing processes are started in the body.

In total, over , 00 manual techniques are practiced in osteopathy. Conditionally they are divided into 6 large groups:

  1. Structural means the impact on the joints, muscles, ligaments. Some of the structural techniques were partially borrowed from manual therapists.
  2. Cranial normalize the work of the nervous and immune systems.
  3. Visceral are intended to stimulate the functions of internal organs.
  4. Liquid restore damaged blood and lymph flow.
  5. Biodynamic are aimed at improving overall well-being.
  6. The fascial helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Each patient is selected an individual set of techniques depending on the disease. On average, in order to put a person on their feet, a specialist needs 10-15 sessions.

Relief comes after the first 3-4 procedures of soft manipulation.

In some cases, a short-term exacerbation of existing symptoms is acceptable, which should completely pass to the completion of the course.

Indications and contraindications

The scope of osteopathy is very wide. The list of her testimony includes:

There are also cosmetic osteopathic techniques that are used to:

  • rejuvenation;
  • fight against cellulite;
  • recovery from liposuction or cosmetic procedures (eg, after administration of botox or hyaluronic acid).

No therapy is prescribed for acute conditions, oncological diseases, thrombosis. Unlike traditional manual therapy, osteopathy is not contraindicated in pregnant women and children.

How to calculate the "right" osteopath

Only neurologists or orthopedists have the right to practice osteopathy. To receive the right to treat with hands, the doctor must undergo a 3-year specialization in the state educational osteopathic center.

In Russia there are only three of them, and all of them are based in St. Petersburg (Institute of Osteopathy at St. Petersburg State University, the Training Center at the St. Mechnikov and the Russian Higher School of Osteopathy).

In the hands of an osteopath, there must be a certificate of special education.

When choosing a specialist, it is also important to make sure that his name is in the official Register of Osteopaths of Russia.

This list is placed on the Internet in public access and is constantly updated.

The enrollment in the list is not a guarantee of successful treatment, but the patient will be able to be sure that communication with the manual does not end with serious complications.

A source: http://physiatrics.ru/10001950-osteopatiya-chto-eto-takoe/

Osteopaths - who is this? The osteopath that heals?

A doctor who relies solely on the technique of the hands in his medical practice is the doctor of the osteopath.

His activity provides for an individual approach to each patient, because precisely because of the uniqueness of each organism, the effectiveness of treatment varies.

Osteopathy, in contrast to drug and invasive methods of treatment, is a softer method, with virtually no undesirable effects and side effects. This is because it is focused on activating and restoring the body's resources.

Principles and foundations of osteopathy

To date, this science is actively developing. In osteopathy, there is a main principle, which says that one organ can not be sick. If it hurts anything, it indicates a disease of the body as a whole.

Therefore, in order to find and eliminate the root cause, you need to completely diagnose it. In this case, the doctor does not use any tools and instruments, and he does not prescribe any prescriptions either.

His method consists in the influence of hands on certain points located on the body, and thus he heals the injured organ.

A very important feature of an osteopath is a complete knowledge of the anatomy of the human body. And thanks to sensitive hands, he can recognize the injured organ and make a correct diagnosis.

What kind of doctor is an osteopath?

Osteopaths - who is this? Most patients think about this issue by deciding to go to a doctor.

First of all, this is a specialist who, with the help of palpation, can determine both the state of the whole organism and its individual organ, as well as muscles and bone structure. Pressing on certain points of the body, he treats the disease. But before proceeding to this activity, the doctor is required to undergo special training.

With the help of his hands, he helps the body, adjusting the work of all systems to the right way, can relieve any pain, including muscle, to relieve stress and tension. His work is not similar to that of other doctors. It is connected, first of all, with the knowledge of physiology and anatomy.

After all, without them it is impossible to eliminate all problems that interfere with the normal life of the organism. Therefore, those osteopaths who are knowingly master of this technique are considered qualified. These are advanced specialists in the field of the nervous system of the body and the functions of the spine.

Scope of the osteopath

Manual techniques of this doctor can help with tachycardia, stress and related disorders of the body.

With the help of the hands of the osteopath, the processes of recovery of the organism are accelerated. Very popular is the osteopathy in women after childbirth.

After all, with its help, you can normalize the hormonal background and the functioning of the body as a whole.

The osteopath is also subject to emotional and mental disorders. People who have persistent headaches, metabolic disorders and sleep are advised to visit this specialist, since the usual therapist is not able to cope with such problems.

Who is diagnosed with osteopathy?

So, having understood the question "Osteopaths - who is this? It is necessary to find out what is in their duties and what they should do.

With the help of manual therapy the doctor conducts absolutely safe diagnostics and treatment. A visit to a specialist is recommended for people with back pain, having problems with the spine, suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis, scoliosis.

In the event that you suffer from frequent dizziness, high or low blood pressure, headaches, a feeling of nausea, you are also shown a visit to this specialist.

Another question "Osteopaths - who is this?" Should interest people who are overweight. This doctor can normalize the metabolism in the body, thereby improving the work of all organs and contributing to weight loss.

In what cases is an osteopath necessary?

There are cases when an appeal to a specialist who conducts diagnostics with the help of hands, that is, a manual therapist, is simply necessary.

If your child is injured at birth or has colic, various kinds of deformations that occurred during childbirth, delayed psychomotor development or lesions of the central nervous system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, scoliosis, problems with the spine, violation of posture, he needs a child osteopath.

As for adult patients, this specialist simply needs treatment for those who have serious problems with the musculoskeletal system.

No less effective will be his help with gynecological problems, unforeseen consequences of operations and various injuries, frequent colds and sinusitis, migraines and headaches, bronchitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases ENT-organs.

Women who wait for a child and have a threat of miscarriage, increased swelling and severe toxicosis, back pain should also be visited by an osteopath. It will also be useful in preparing for childbirth and fetal correction. It is also necessary to visit this specialist after delivery.

Required tests for access to the osteopath

Gathering on reception to the given doctor, it is necessary for you to mean, that he will appoint or nominate the certain analyzes.

With their help, a specialist can make a complete picture of the state of the organism, the problems of its functioning and correctly eliminate the existing problems.

Types of tests depend on what problems you have turned to such a doctor as an osteopath.

Regardless of the diagnosis, general tests of urine, blood from the vein, feces are mandatory. They enable the specialist to identify possible hidden problems that caused the occurrence of a disease.

There are cases when in clinics or medical centers the doctor has the opportunity to independently take the necessary tests.

Thanks to this, the process of obtaining information about the functioning of the patient's body is significantly accelerated.

The diagnostic methods used by the osteopath

Osteopathy is quite an interesting science, because the treatment here is carried out with the help of palpation, hands.

Absolutely every good osteopath has the skill of working with hands.

This method allows to determine anomalies and disturbances in the functioning of the body already at the first examination, and most importantly - to timely eliminate these problems by appointing the right decision. This is facilitated by special signal points located on the body.

Also mandatory are magnetic resonance diagnostics and ultrasound investigation.

When a patient is treated with problems related to the spine or skull bones, craniosacral osteopathy and hardware reflex diagnosis are used.

In people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints that feel pain in the back, diagnosis is performed using the method of structural osteopathy.

The method of visceral osteopathy will help to identify problems related to internal organs.

How to avoid health problems

To maintain health, you need to follow the advice of a doctor, such as an osteopath. What he heals, we know. This is a lot of diseases. A large number of problems with internal organs is associated with an incorrect position of the spine. Therefore, the back should always be kept straight.

The guarantee of normal functioning of the whole organism is a balanced diet and a healthy sleep. If you always get enough sleep, eat right, then you will not experience stress, frustration and nervous exhaustion.

It is necessary to visit the specialist every year for the timely detection of problems and their cure.

This allows you to maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system and the body as a whole, and also quickly recover after various kinds of injuries.

Following such simple advice, you can live for many years and not have serious health problems.

Now you can answer the question: "Osteopaths - who is this?" Knowledge and strength are in the hands of such a specialist as an osteopath. The prices for his services can be found in any medical institution.

A source: http://.ru/article/141866/osteopatyikto-eto-osteopat-chto-lechit-doktor-osteopat

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