Exercises to correct posture: complex


  • 1Complex exercises for correcting posture
    • 1.1The importance of correct posture
    • 1.2Why can posture deteriorate?
    • 1.3Gymnastics - the best way to correct your posture
    • 1.4Warm up
    • 1.5The main gymnastic complex
  • 2Exercises for correcting posture
    • 2.1Align the posture, we remove the pain in the back:
    • 2.21. Stretch the hamstrings
    • 2.32. Exercise "Cat and camel"
    • 2.43. Exercise "Crossroads"
    • 2.54. Pelvic lift
    • 2.65. Partial lifting
    • 2.76. Stretching of gluteus muscles
    • 2.87. Exercise for stretching the back
    • 2.98. Side lath
    • 2.109. Stretching of the upper part of pectoral muscles
    • 2.11Recommendations for implementation
    • 2.1210. Stretching back on the stool
    • 2.1311. Rises of hands in the plane of the wall
    • 2.1412. Blade cutting
    • 2.1513. Exercise "Airplane"
    • 2.1614. Slopes down from sitting position
    • 2.1715. Rowing Back Exercise
    • 2.1816. Knees aside
    • 2.1917. "One-legged frog"
    • 2.2018. "Puppet"
    • 2.2119. Longitudinal fold
    • 2.22Simple exercises for back and posture
  • 3Correction of posture: a set of exercises, efficiency
    instagram viewer
    • 3.1Formation of the habit of keeping posture
    • 3.2Physiotherapy
    • 3.3Yoga exercises
    • 3.4Exercises for home
    • 3.5Exercises with weighting
    • 3.6Fitness programs
  • 4Exercises to correct posture in children
    • 4.1Correct posture
    • 4.2Formation and correction of posture
    • 4.3Exercises to correct posture
    • 4.4Exercise # 2
    • 4.5Exercise 3
    • 4.6Exercise 4
    • 4.7Exercise 5
    • 4.8Exercise number 6
    • 4.9Exercise # 7
    • 4.10Exercise # 8
    • 4.11Exercise number 9
    • 4.12Exercise # 10
    • 4.13Exercise # 11
    • 4.14Exercise # 12
    • 4.15Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back
    • 4.16Exercises to correct posture for children under 4 years old
  • 5How to correct posture
    • 5.1Criteria for correct posture

Complex exercises for correcting posture

Back and joint health »Miscellaneous

To meet a person in our time with a correct and perfect posture is very difficult.

Household cares, hard work, long pastime at the computer make us bend our heads or lower our shoulders.

But the correct posture is not only a part of the image, but a pledge of human health, because in the process of evolution nature has not just invented it.

If your posture is broken, then this is not an excuse to give up. A little time, a little more patience and effective exercises for straightening up your posture will help you acquire an aristocratic attitude of the body.

The importance of correct posture

Posture is a position of the body that is familiar to a person in space during movement and at rest.

At the heart of the formation of posture is the motor stereotype, which each person develops individually, in the following the relationship is regulated at the unconscious level. Posture can be right and wrong (pathological types).

Signs of correct posture:

  • the vertical and direct position of the head and the entire line of the spine, both at rest and during movement;
  • the line that connects both clavicles is horizontal;
  • the scapula and buttocks are located absolutely symmetrically;
  • physiological vertebral bends are within normal limits;
  • the length of both legs is the same when the feet are in position, when they fully touch the inner edge.

If you have a question about what exactly gives this posture, then a few answers:

  1. protects the spine from excessive loads and injuries by evenly distributing the load to its departments;
  2. performs a very important utilitarian function - so that the support of equilibrium and the various movements do not cause difficulties;
  3. thanks to the correct posture, the maximum amplitude of movements in all joints of the body is ensured;
  4. performs an aesthetic function;
  5. has an impact on the character of a person, his mental characteristics.

Why can posture deteriorate?

The reasons for which a person's posture is disturbed are innate and acquired throughout life.

Congenital etiological factors of pathological forms of posture include defects in the development of individual components of the spine. For example, the absence of some vertebrae, their pathological forms, underdevelopment of muscles or ligaments, etc.

Such violations are rare, and they can only be corrected through surgical intervention.

The most common reasons for violation of posture:

  • spinal column overvoltage during its intensive growth and final formation (incorrect working posture at the desk, computer);
  • traumatic back injury;
  • various diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system (for example, osteochondrosis, bone tumors, tuberculosis, rickets);
  • weak muscular skeleton;
  • progressive decline in vision, which causes a person to constantly squint and stretch their necks forward to better view what is happening;
  • feature of the work (long stay in the nonphysiological position).

Wrong working posture at the computer is a very common cause of impaired posture and other problems with the spine

Gymnastics - the best way to correct your posture

If you decide to become the owner of a flat back, a beautiful gait with a raised head, with widely spread shoulders and a smile on your face, you can certainly do it. A special and at the same time a simple set of exercises will help you achieve your goal, but only on the condition of regular and long training.

The whole gymnastics for correction of posture consists of two stages:

  1. Warm-up exercises.
  2. The main gymnastic complex.

Warm up

The complex of warm-up exercises you can choose to your taste. Suitable for any warm-up movements, which lead to tonus the main muscle groups. Do not forget about stretching. Warm-up will minimize the risk of injury, performing basic exercises, and increase their effectiveness.

The main gymnastic complex

  1. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and hug them with your own hands, straighten your back, try to bring your shoulder blades to each other. During an inspiration, tilt your head back, with a strong neck. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  2. Starting position - sit down in Turkish. Straighten your back, grasp your upper legs or your toes with your hands. Count to four: at a time turn your head to the right, two and three more to the right, four smoothly return it to its place. Similarly, do all the moves to the left. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. Be on your knees, sprinkle on the palm of your hands, which are placed on the width of the shoulders. Perform in this position the rotation head. Repeat 10 times.
  4. The starting position is lying on your stomach, fold your hands in the lock at the back of your head. On inhalation, raise your head from the floor, and with your hands, prevent it. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  5. Lie on your back, bend your knees, push your feet as close as possible to your hips. Put your hands apart. Leaning on the back of the head and arms, arch your back in an arc. Repeat 10 times.
  6. Wearing a book on your head.
  7. Standing at the wall. It is necessary to become so that you touch the wall with heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head. Wait as long as you can. This is a very effective exercise for such a process as straightening posture.
  8. Exercise "bar". Take the next position - facing the floor, leaning only on the socks and palms of the hands, the back line should be flat, the belly drawn. Hold for 30-40 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise "bar" will not only give you a beautiful posture, but also give a strong press

Such a simple and at the same time effective set of exercises will help you to achieve success after several months of regular classes. But do not forget about your posture never, try to constantly think about the correct position of your body, wherever you are.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/raznoe/kompleks-uprazhneniy-dlya-ispravleniya-osanki

Exercises for correcting posture

Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle leads to problems with the back, neck, spine, posture. If you sit all day, most likely, you have problems with your back.

Even if you have a very good chair - it will not save you from pain and discomfort. More effective methods are needed here.

Especially for you, we picked up several complexes that will help bring your back into tonus, straighten and adjust your posture, improve your well-being.

Some of them can be performed directly in the workplace without even getting up from the chair, or standing, the rest can be performed at home, lying down, on a special rug. We hope that you will be able to pick up something from the below listed for yourself.

During the exercise, listen to yourself.If somewhere you will feel pain, severe discomfort, then the training should be stopped, and of course, it would be advisable to visit a good doctor for a consultation.

Align the posture, we remove the pain in the back:

Try to do 8-10 repetitions and 2-3 approaches for each exercise. If this load seems to be big, especially at the initial stage - lower it to a comfortable value.

1. Stretch the hamstrings

Put one leg on a low stool or stand (you can use any object whose height is not more than 15 cm). The main emphasis is on the heel, a little pull on the sock.

Start slowly tilt to the straight leg until you feel tension in the back of the thigh. Hold in this position for 15-30 seconds, then change your legs.

During the tilt, you should make sure that the foot you are bending to was straight, there were no deflections in the lower back and the shoulders were not hunched. Do 3 repetitions per foot.

If stretching allows, then exercise can be done without a stand. Try to reach the toe of your straightened leg, grasp the toes with your hands.

2. Exercise "Cat and camel"

Go down on all fours so that your hands are right under your shoulders. Completely relax the back and stomach, even if it "sags" a bit. Hold in this position for 5 seconds. Then curl the back up and again hold for 5 seconds. Perform 10 repetitions.

3. Exercise "Crossroads"

Its main essence is the simultaneous raising of the opposite arm and leg. In addition, what it teaches is to keep balance, it also stretches the lower back.

Stand on all fours, pointing at straightened hands, palms right under your shoulders. The muscles of the abdomen and back are tense. Pull forward your left arm and simultaneously raise your right leg.

Try to keep the arm and leg on the same level. Hold in this position for 5 seconds, return to the starting position. Then repeat with the opposite hand and foot. Perform 10 repetitions of the exercise on each side.

4. Pelvic lift

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Press the lower back to the floor and stretch the muscles of the press.

Hold in this position for 5 seconds and relax.

Do 3 sets of 10 times. After this exercise, the muscles of the press may be sick the next day.

5. Partial lifting

Lie on your back, bend your knees about 90 degrees. Hands stretch along the body, press the chin to the chest, and start to rise up and forward until your shoulders come off the floor.

Next, you do not need to climb. Hold in this position for 3 seconds and relax. The hands must be at the same level with the body. You seem to reach out with your hands to your feet. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Do not hold your breath during the exercise.

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6. Stretching of gluteus muscles

Lying on your back, throw your right foot on your left leg so that your ankle lies on your knee. Put your hands behind the knee of your left leg and gently pull it towards your chest.

You will feel a stretch in the gluteus muscles, and also, probably, in the outer surface of the thigh. Hold in this position for 15-30 seconds and return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets per foot.

How close to your chest you can pull up your leg depends on your stretching. Therefore, if you have not done sports before, it's best to do it carefully and do not overdo it.

7. Exercise for stretching the back

Lie down on the floor with your stomach down and relax for 5 minutes. If at rest you will feel pain in the back, then it is better to abandon it. If there is no pain, then you can proceed.

In itself, the exercise resembles a pose of a cobra and a lion.

Do not bend very strongly, lift the upper part of the body on the arms, bent at the elbows. In this case, the forearm can remain on the floor.

Hold in this position for 5 minutes. Then again just lie down and relax for one minute.

Second time rise slightly higher, tearing your elbows off the floor, and again sink. Do 4 sets of 10 such lifts. Between the approaches rest, lying on your stomach, for 2 minutes. During the exercise, make sure that the hips are pressed against the floor.

8. Side lath

Lie on the floor so that the shoulders, legs and thighs are on the same line. Raise your body, leaning on your elbow.

It should be clearly under the shoulder. Raise the hips above the floor and try to hold the balance in this position for 15 seconds.

Then go back to the starting position.

Repeat the same thing, turning over to the other side. Try to gradually increase the time, bringing it to 1 minute.

If doing an exercise with straight legs is difficult, flex your knees. The angle between the thighs and the bent knees should be approximately 45 degrees.

Make sure that the body and the pelvis remain in line with the hips and legs.

9. Stretching of the upper part of pectoral muscles

All you need to do is get out of the chair, go to the doorway, put your hands slightly above your head in door jamb, and begin to bend forward until you feel the tension of the muscles in front of your shoulders.

Hold in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Recommendations for implementation

  • Stretching the muscles of the chest and front of the shoulder, do not apply too much force.
  • Breathe freely, without holding your breath.
  • Do not take your shoulders in front, spread your chest and lower your shoulder blades.
  • The angle of the arm fold in the elbow joint should be more than about 10 degrees straight.

10. Stretching back on the stool

It can be performed without even getting up from the chair. True chair should be without a high back, otherwise it will not work. Just put your hands behind your head and clasp your hands in the lock.

Begin to withdraw your elbows back, bending at the same time in the upper back, and look at the ceiling. Repeat the exercise 10 times. It is recommended to perform several times a day.

Many make it intuitively - in the process of prolonged sedentary work they put their hands behind their heads and sweetly stretch, at the end they unclasp their hands and spread their hands in the sides.

11. Rises of hands in the plane of the wall

Become your back to the wall, spread your arms to the sides so that your elbows and wrists touch the wall.

Begin slowly to raise your arms up and to the sides as high as you can, and just as slowly lower them.

The most important thing is to make sure that your elbows and wrists do not come off the wall. It is recommended to perform 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions.

If, during the exercise, you feel pain or discomfort in the upper back, stop and go to the next.

12. Blade cutting

This is a simple blading, which can be performed both standing and sitting. Hands should be lowered and relaxed. Move the blades, hold them in this position for 5 seconds, and relax again.

13. Exercise "Airplane"

Helps to get rid of unpleasant sensations in the back, but also strengthens the back well. Lie down on the floor with your belly down, put a small pillow under your chest (folded towel) and spread your arms around, elbows straightened, and the hands are clenched into a fist with thumbs exposed to the top.

Slowly start lifting your hands upwards, squeezing the blades together, and also slowly lower them down. In this case, you must keep your head so that it is one straight with the whole body.

Do not bully your chin and do not rest your head against the floor. When the performance of this exercise is no longer a difficult task for you, you can take light weight.

Pay attention, you must work your back muscles, not your hands! This means that the tension should only be felt between your shoulder blades. The wrists, elbows and shoulders should be on the same level.

14. Slopes down from sitting position

In this case, our goal is to stretch the muscles of the upper back. Sit on the floor, legs straightened.

Put your hands in the middle of your legs, tilt your head and neck down towards your navel.

Count in this position to 15 and return to the starting position.

15. Rowing Back Exercise

To do this you will need an expander or any other elastic rope.

Secure the expander for a stationary object (for example, by the handle of the closed door), sit on a chair and pick up the free ends of the expander.

Keep your forearms upright in front of you.

Elbows should be at the same level with the shoulders, the angle between the shoulders and forearms should be ~ 90 degrees.

Pull the ends of the expander, spreading your arms to the sides and squeezing the muscles between the shoulder blades. Return to the starting position.

16. Knees aside

Lie down on the floor and bend your knees, pushing your feet to the basin. Take your left knee down and away as if you are trying to put it on the floor. Return the leg to its original position. Repeat this 3 times out of 8 and switch to the right foot.

During this exercise, you should feel how the inner thigh and gluteal muscles are stretched. This will relieve tension from the muscles, including the lower back.

17. "One-legged frog"

Lay down on your back, knees bent, feet completely on the floor. Pull one knee to your chest and describe it with a semicircle, returning it to its original position. Do three sets of 8 and do the same with the second leg.

This exercise also stretches the outside of the thigh and removes tension from the joints of the legs and lower backbone.

18. "Puppet"

Sit straight, legs connect the foot to the foot and pull them closer to the pelvis, knees spread apart.

Embrace the feet with your hands behind your fingers, press your chin to your chest and stretch your forehead towards your feet. Hold on.

In this position, you have a rounded back and you should feel a stretch in the lower part of the spine.

19. Longitudinal fold

Sit flat, legs straightened, knees blocked. If possible, grasp the toes of your feet and gently stretch your forehead towards your knees.

In this case, the knees should be straightened, the hamstrings back relaxed. The slope is due to the work of the hip joints, not the legs.

Such a simple complex of exercises on the strengths of each of us, is not it? Let's take up our posture, not postponing the lessons of the next day, then tomorrow we will be able to admire the fruits of our efforts!

Simple exercises for back and posture

  1. Press your chin to your chest and bring the scapula together, wait 1-2 minutes in this position. Such a stance will help relieve tension and stretch the cervical spine.
  2. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, relax your arms and a little distance from the torso, stretch the crown to the ceiling, without lifting your chin. So you will stretch the cervical spine.
  3. Stand up straight, put your feet to the width of your shoulders and make rotational movements with straight arms, as when swimming with a crawl. This exercise is a great way to develop the shoulder muscles that support the correct position of the neck.
  4. Get up in the starting position: the back is even, shoulders spread, legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly, without sharp movements, lean forward and try to press your head to your knees, clasping them with your hands. So you straighten the spine and pull the back muscles.
  5. To help stretch the spine and strengthen the muscles will come and exercise, familiar from childhood: a bridge and a cat. The first is performed from the supine position on the back, you need to use your hands and feet to tear the body off the floor and stay in this position, even for a few seconds and do 3-4 repetitions. "Cat" is performed from the position on all fours, kneeling and straightened arms, the girl arches and bends her back, make 5-6 repetitions.
  6. Place a chair next to the mirror, so that you can see your reflection from the side. Sit on a chair and pick up your legs, sit on your heels, straighten your back (behind the position you can follow in the mirror), put your hands on your knees. Quit for 3-4 minutes. This exercise is great for strengthening the muscles of the back and training muscle memory.

6 minutes, which will allow you to strengthen the muscles of the back, the press, and hands:

Try to sit less in the workplace, or do intermittent breaks for a warm-up. If possible, equip yourself with a standing workstation. Use exercises for back and posture. And of course,Do not spend the weekend lying on the couch.

A source: http://www.spinaiosanka.ru/page/uprazhnenija-dlja-korrekcii-osanki

Correction of posture: a set of exercises, efficiency

Incorrect posture cardinally changes the appearance of a person.

In addition, when the anatomical position of the body is broken, the skeleton is deformed, the work of the respiratory, digestive, circulatory and genitourinary systems worsens.

If the problem has not been prevented for up to 25 years, it is important to focus on correcting posture.

There are not so many reliable ways to correct posture. In most cases, they are reduced to strengthening the muscles supporting the spinal column.

However, for children and adolescents under the age of 20, self-monitoring or control of posture by parents may be sufficient.

After 20-25 years of posture disorders, as a rule, become stable.

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Formation of the habit of keeping posture

  • prevent bending easier than fix it - watch the posture of children from 7 years;
  • at school age, choose a backpack for your child, not a bag over your shoulder;
  • children are not advised to carry weights - if possible, leave second copies of textbooks in the classroom;
  • reduce the height of the heel, on your casual shoes it should not be above 4-5 cm (heels above 2 cm are undesirable on children's shoes up to 12-14 years);
  • replace the mattress with orthopedic mattress or at least to a more rigid one than you are used to;
  • the workplace should be comfortable - when working on a computer, adjust the height and tilt of the screen, so that you have to stretch, not stoop; also adjust the position of the monitor for children;
  • if you spend a lot of time sitting at your computer at home, replace the chair with a fitball - it's harder to sit hunched over;
  • belts, correctors, corsets and other devices for correcting posture, unfortunately, give only a cosmetic effect - their wearing can aggravate the situation, since the muscles that support posture relax and cease to fulfill their function.


After a special diagnosis, in the absence of contraindications, the specialist will pick up a set of exercises of physiotherapy exercises. This technique will help to correct posture in adults and children. It is important to remember, to correct the posture and not to harm the back, you can not perform exercises too quickly.

LFK methodologists say that there is a relationship between the position of our body and the emotional state. Therefore, it is necessary to begin classes with the achievement of relaxation and psychological comfort. The following exercises will help in this.

  1. On inhalation, we plant straight arms to the sides, maximally opening the thorax and cutting the shoulder blades. With an exhalation slowly we return hands in front of us, embracing ourselves. Embrace yourself as the closest and beloved person - this will help you tune in to the right way. Exercise should not deliver pain - work in its amplitude.
  2. Pull your arms above your head, then draw your palms backwards and lower them to your head. Try not to change the position of the hands, shake them. Your elbows should describe a semicircle above your head.
  3. Blend your palms in front of your chest, pulling your elbows to the sides in a straight line. Move your elbows parallel to the floor, alternately pressing one palm on the other. Use the other hand to resist lightly. This exercise also strengthens the muscles of the chest.
  4. Stand facing the wall at arm's length. Put your hands on the wall as high as you can. Taking the pelvis back, bend in the lower back. Relax in this position.

Yoga exercises

Yoga in the absence of contraindications is an excellent way to correct posture and restore the flexibility lost by the body with age. For children and adolescents under the age of 20, these exercises are also suitable for correcting posture. Exercises Birch and Kitties are borrowed from yoga, and very like children.

Stand on all fours, slowly bend, stretch your loins up as much as possible. At the same time, lower the head downward, turn the pelvis upward.

Stay at this point for 5-10 seconds. Then slowly bend the spine down while lifting your head. Also, stay at this point.

Gradually increase the number of repetitions up to 20 times.

Sit on a flat solid surface in the lotus position. To do this, pull your legs to yourself and cross them. Keep your back straight, imagine that someone is pulling you over the top of your head.

On inhalation, the hands entangled in the lock extend over your head. At the same time shoulders strive to land. Fix the body for 3-5 seconds, then lower your arms and quickly exhale all the air.

Start with 5 repetitions, gradually increase them to 15-20 times.

The next exercise is known as Birch. From the position of lying on your back, raise your straight legs up, tear off the pelvis from the floor, supporting it with your hands.

To complicate this exercise, slowly lower your legs down to your head. Ideally, you should touch the socks of the floor behind your head.

Relax in this position for 15-20 seconds, then very carefully, alternately lowering the vertebrae, return to the starting position.

Exercises for home

To correct the posture in strengthening, the muscles of the upper back are mainly needed.

There are ways to do this without additional equipment and simulators.

  1. It is necessary to lie on a flat, hard surface face down. Connect your hands behind the back to the castle. At the inspiration, at the same time caving in, we raise the straight legs and arms. Strive to tear your shoulders and chest from the floor as high as possible. On exhalation, take the initial position. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  2. Another modification of the first exercise - the arms are extended forward, the thumbs look at the ceiling. On inhalation we raise the straight arms and legs upwards. Bring the number of repetitions up to 20 times.
  3. Push-ups also perfectly strengthen muscles that support proper posture. To facilitate the task, you can press away from the sofa or make emphasis not on your toes, but on your knees, bending your legs.

Exercises with weighting

Excellent help on the way to a beautiful posture - classes on the simulators.

A qualified coach will help to choose a set of exercises to correct posture.

If you are doing yourself, you know the simulators and safety measures while working with them, you can choose one or several exercises.

On the simulator for the vertical traction of the unit, set the weight corresponding to your physical form. Fix your feet under a special roller.

Pulling the block on outstretched arms, feel the tension of the muscles of the back. It is important to pull the unit not with hands, the basis of the correct execution is the blades at the beginning of the exercise.

The elbows are directed strictly downward, the block is pulled by the head, opening the thoracic area.

In the hyperextension simulator, we fix the legs under the rollers. Hips should rest on the platform.

Pulling your stomach up and bringing the shoulder blades together, do 15-20 slow slopes of the hull to the floor.

It is important not to bend at the top, lifting the body up to a straight line with the legs, lock the position for a few seconds.

When lordosis it is necessary to train straight and oblique abdominal muscles. For this, various static strips and twists are suitable. You can do them both in the simulator and on the floor.

With a stoop fit exercises with dumbbells on an incline bench. Move the shoulder blades, raise your hands with dumbbells in front of you at the chest level. On inhalation, dumbbells are pulled aside until the muscles of the chest are stretched. On exhalation - return to the starting position.

Fitness programs

In fitness clubs, there are group sessions specifically aimed at correcting posture in adults and children.

Choosing classes in the group, give preference to yoga or pilates. These directions perfectly cope with the problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Dances form a correct posture in children engaged in several years.

If there are contraindications for training with weight or in static, to correct your posture fit pool. Even a simple swim on your back will help keep your back muscles toned with cool water.

To strengthen the muscles of the back - swim brace, crochet or butterfly style. In any way accessible to you - it is almost impossible to damage the posture in the water.

Swimming is one of the best ways to maintain the posture in children from an early age.

A source: http://pozvonochnikok.ru/lechenie/ispravlenie-narushenij-osanki/

Exercises to correct posture in children

Hello, dear readers of the blog! Today we will discuss a very important topic - exercises to correct posture in children.

What is the correct posture? How to choose the right set of exercises? What preventive exercises will help to avoid serious violations in the health of children? All these questions are of great concern to many parents, and today we will try to find answers to them. Let's understand.

In the 21st century, in connection with the development of modern transport, the creation of new machines that facilitated the work of man both in production and at home, the image of our life with you has radically changed.

We sit more than 15 hours a day, and at this time our musculoskeletal system is inactive, which leads to weakening of the muscles and skeleton of our body.

Hence, there is a violation of posture, diseases such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and many others begin to develop.

What is proper posture and why is it so important?

Correct posture

To save your child's health, it is necessary to strengthen and support it in every way. The same applies to posture.

So, the correct posture is the position of the body when the head is slightly raised, shoulders are deployed, and the shoulder blades are close to the spine and do not protrude, while the abdominal line does not extend beyond the thoracic line cells.

Correct posture is rightly considered the guarantee of your baby's health in a future life. And it's not just beautiful words! Take it seriously.

After all, violations of the back muscles, as well as curvature of the spine can lead to serious disruption of the internal organs.

A child with a curved back is more often exposed to bronchitis, colds, suffers from gastritis and constipation. Such problems threaten the abnormal development of the lungs or heart.

Begin to follow the spine of your baby from the very young age.

Explain to the child in simple words that if he does not sit properly, keep his back uneven, then he may get sick.

Take the rule of doing light preventive exercises with your child - this you will avoid many troubles.

Violation of posture is often manifested from school age.

After all, students have long enough to be in one position, and from constant tension, the muscles of the back become tired, which leads to pain.

The child, in order to relieve tension, has to change his position, arch his spine and deviate to the side.

If your child has symptoms such as clumsiness, frequent fatigue, neck pain and headaches, he refuses moving games, complains of pain in the limbs, joint crunching during movement, be sure to refer to the doctor. Do not self-medicate. This can harm the child. Only a doctor is able to determine the degree of violation of posture and advise you what procedures should be used.

Formation and correction of posture

The formation of posture is a rather long process, which lasts from birth to 25 years. Particular attention should be paid to posture during the period of rapid growth of children - in 5-6 years in preschool children, in 11-13 years in adolescent girls and in 13-15 years in boys.

To avoid violations of posture in children, it is necessary to adhere to such principles:

  1. Proper organization of the bed - use a hard mattress and an orthopedic pillow, which will ensure correct operation of the cervical spine of the child. Keep your baby more likely to sleep on his back.
  2. Elimination of low mobility - try to keep your baby active way of life, walk more and play active games.
  3. The right choice of shoes - buy shoes with insteps, in order to form a correct posture when walking. Do not allow the baby to bend his feet while walking.
  4. Control of loads on the spine - you need to monitor the uniform load on your baby's spine. Do not allow too heavy portfolios to be worn.
  5. Refusal from the wrong stereotypes of walking - the habit of standing, leaning on one leg, provokes an oblique position of the body, and, as a consequence, an incorrect bending of the spine.
  6. The right choice of furniture - choose furniture, given the age and individual characteristics of your child. Teach your child to sit properly at the table (the perfect distance between the eyes and the table is 30-35 centimeters). In this position, the posture is correct, and the spine is unloaded. Choose chairs with back. Do not allow the baby to lie down on the table. If he has a tired back, let him take a break - he runs or lies on his back.
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Exercises to correct posture

We have selected for you a set of basic exercises for the correct formation of posture. This complex can be performed both for children and adults, both for correcting violations, so simple for prevention.

Walking in place. The name is eloquent - you have to walk on the spot. The main thing is to keep the posture flat for 10-15 minutes.

Exercise # 2

Squatting. Do 10 sit-ups, stretching out your arms in front of you and keeping your back straight.

Exercise 3

Standing steadily, alternately relax all the muscles of the body, and, after this, strain them, without bending your back.

Exercise 4

Sit on the floor or on a chair. Close the shoulder blades as much as possible to each other, and then relax. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 5

The starting position is lying on the stomach. Take turns lifting your legs, holding them for 5 seconds in a suspended state. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise number 6

The starting position is standing evenly. Put your feet on the width of your shoulders, hands on your waist. Inhale - dilute your elbows until your shoulder blades meet. Exhalation - return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise # 7

Put your hands behind your back, make 5 inclines to the sides. Breathe freely.

Exercise # 8

Take the gymnastic stick in your hands, stretch your arms in front of you. On exhalation, sit down, on inhalation - return to the starting position.

Exercise number 9

Lie on your stomach, pull your hands forward. At the same time lift up your legs and arms, slightly bend in the lower back. Do 5 repetitions.

Exercise # 10

Walking on toes with a book on his head. Arrange a competition with the child. Put him and a book on his head. Conditions - it is necessary to walk on socks for as long as possible, so that the book does not fall. At whom the book falls, he lost.

Exercise # 11

Another great exercise is called "cat". Standing on his knees, the child rests his hands on the floor, his head is lowered. You tell him: "A cat sees a mouse!".

The child must then bend his back with the bridge.

You say: "The cat looks at my mother!" - the child bends his back, raises his head high, arching in the opposite direction.

Exercise # 12

Sit with the baby on the floor in Turkish. Hold the backrest straight, and stretch your arms above your head and stretch as high as you can. Do 2-3 repetitions.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

In the training complexes, it is also necessary to include exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back. The time for doing such exercises is 30 seconds. - 3 minutes. Let's see what they are:

  1. Sit on the floor and pull your knees up to them, wrapping them around your arms. Ride on the floor on your back. Try to return to the starting position.
  2. The starting position is lying on the back. Make circular motions with your legs, depicting riding a bicycle.
  3. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the trunk, bend your legs in your knees. Tear off the pelvis as high as possible from the floor, hold it for 5 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
  4. The kid needs to rest on the floor with his hands, and take his mother to his ankles. Walking on hands 2-3 minutes.
  5. Walk alternately on the heels, toes, the outer edges of the feet for 30 seconds. Then stand on all fours, alternately pull out your left arm and right leg, then vice versa.

Exercises to correct posture for children under 4 years old

For the youngest, we picked up a set of exercises for a beautiful posture in the form of a game. For example, these are:

  1. Walking on the floor on a rope, as a tightrope walker.
  2. Crawl on the floor under a tight rope.
  3. Exercise "crocodile". To do this, the child needs to lie on the floor on his stomach, stretch his arms forward. Then you have to raise your head slowly upwards, bending at the same time the waist, I do not tear my hands from the floor. Then return to the starting position. Repeat several times.
  4. Exercise "woodcutter". Let the baby perform slopes, as if "chopping wood".

For the correct formation of the posture, the child is very useful in such sports as volleyball, swimming, basketball, skiing and holding small physical education every half hour.

Perform the above exercises and complexes best after an hour before or after meals in the morning or evening.

A source: http://vmeste-rastem.ru/uprazhneniya-dlya-ispravleniya-osanki-u-detey/

How to correct posture

Timely correction of posture can prevent the formation of diseases of the orthopedic system and internal organs. Violation of posture is a common symptom, which, with early diagnosis, can be successfully treated.

Important is the joint work of an orthopedic doctor and a patient who performs all the doctor's appointments responsibly and regularly.

In the prevention and correction of posture in a child, it is necessary to form a conscious attitude towards one's health and to strengthen the habit of the correct position of the body.

Parents need to provide children with a healthy regime of the day, organize a comfortable orthopedic workplace with the correct lighting and corresponding to growth; eliminate uncomfortable clothing; motivate to do special exercises, strengthening the muscular corset and fixing correct posture.

Criteria for correct posture

The human spine has four natural bends. Lordosis - the bend of the cervical and lumbar region forward. Kyphosis - bending of the thoracic and sacrococcygeal region back. This is necessary for the cushioning function.

With a correct posture, a person standing upright - supported by natural bends of the spine and retains a symmetrical arrangement of scapula, collarbone, and pelvis contours. The dropped brushes are at the same height.

Lower limbs are the same length.

An important indicator is the correct position of the feet, their internal surfaces must completely touch.

In adults, chronic and acute diseases, unbalanced diet and even emotional problems.

Wrong posture at work, flat feet, various length of lower limbs, systemic diseases, paralysis - all these diseases, as well as trauma and infectious lesions of the vertebrae, are acquired reasons.

Depending on the plane (sagittal or frontal), the following types of disturbances are distinguished:

  1. Round back - thoracic kyphosis is strengthened and lumbar lordosis is smoothed. The head tilt slightly forward, the shoulders are brought together and raised, the shoulder blades are divorced. The upper limbs are somewhat in front, and the lower limbs are slightly bent.
  2. Rounded back - all bends of the spine are strengthened. The head is tilted forward, the shoulders raised, the shoulder blades are divorced. The lower limbs are bent.
  3. Flat back - all bends of the spine are reduced. The abdomen is slightly protruding, the thorax is shifted forward. The blades are diluted.
  4. Flat-bent back - the thoracic kyphosis is smoothed. The lower extremities are slightly bent, there is an option of re-opening, the shoulder blades are dilated. Pelvic shift back.
  5. Scoliotic posture. Disorders occur in the frontal plane and are expressed by the asymmetry of the trunk. The level of the shoulder blades, ribs and lower limbs becomes different.

In time to notice signs of disturbance is extremely important for timely therapy.

Continued disregard for such symptoms may contribute to the onset of scoliosis, osteochondrosis, the development of pathology of internal organs, diseases of the nervous system, fatigue, chronic pain.

All this is often possible to prevent with regular compliance with the recommendations and appointments of a doctor. This correction is especially successful in childhood.

The first stage for correct correction of posture is examination by a specialist who, if necessary, will assign an X-ray, CT or MRI examination of the necessary spine department.

Also, posture correction is often impossible without diagnosing the state of the feet. Plain foot is often the cause of changes in the spine.

Flat-footedness can develop due to the trauma, diseases (poliomyelitis, rickets).

It is worth noting the static flat feet arising from excess weight, wearing uncomfortable shoes (high heels - more than 4 cm, incorrectly sized shoes), long loads on the legs.

Thanks to the gymnastics, the muscular corset of the back and the press are strengthened. Correct habit of the body in space is fixed. There are many types of such exercises.

For example, hyperextensions - exercises aimed at unbending the rectifiers of the back and muscles of the buttocks. This helps to strengthen the tendons and muscles of the spine, with minimal risk of trauma. When correcting the posture in children, a key role is played by the massage several times a year.

In addition, as an adult and a child will be useful swimming. Water contributes to strengthening the tone of the muscles, the muscles of the spine operate symmetrically, the spine is unloaded and flatfoot is prevented.

Before the beginning of gymnastics it is recommended to take a shower and do a warm-up. For individual selection of the complex of exercises it is better to consult a doctor.

Complex of basic exercises for correction of posture:

  1. Training muscles of the shoulder girdle. Standing straight, circular movements are made with outstretched arms.
  2. For the cervical spine. Bring your chin to your chest, while pulling your shoulder blades back.
  3. For the cervical spine. With your hands down, pull up the crown of your head, while bringing your chin to your chest.
  4. For the thoracic spine. Lying on his back, his hands behind his head. Raise the lower part of the trunk.
  5. For the thoracic spine. Putting his hands on his shoulders, one by one we lower one and lift the other shoulder.
  6. For the lumbar spine. Lying clinging to his chest, rolling on his back.
  7. For the lumbar spine. Hanging on the crossbar or gymnastic wall, bringing the legs to the trunk.
  8. Bring your hands to your feet. A few minutes to stay in this position.
  9. Squatting with a straight back, hands on his knees. Stay in this position for a few minutes.

Correctors (corsets), recliners and orthoses - are also used to correct posture, reducing the load and supporting the thoracic and the humerus of the spine in anatomically correct position, due to the normalization of muscle tone and a decrease in the load with the spine. There is a reduction of the scapula and dilution of the clavicles. There are different types of corsets - rigid, semi-rigid, elastic.

Corsets or proof-readers are used for:

  • violation of posture;
  • scoliotic changes (primary and secondary degree);
  • after a massage session, to preserve the effect;
  • during prolonged sedentary work;
  • prevention of long standing;
  • osteoporosis;
  • rehabilitation after trauma.

Despite the fact that recliners are more often used for conservative treatment of fractures of clavicles, they are also used in correcting posture. The effect of recliners is slightly softer than that of corsets, it is suitable for minor violations and prevention, in addition, they are less noticeable under clothing.

Reclining machines are used for violation of posture in the cervical and thoracic areas, conservative treatment of collarbone injuries, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, osteoporosis.

A source: http://ortopedia03.ru/pozvonochnik/korrekciya-osanki.html

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