Ultrasound treatment: physiotherapy


  • 1How is ultrasound treated with electrophoresis of the knee joints?
    • 1.1What are the physiotherapy procedures?
    • 1.2Ultrasound
    • 1.3Indications
    • 1.4Benefits
    • 1.5Contraindications
    • 1.6Combination with other methods
  • 2Ultrasonic therapy with the use of medications
    • 2.1The influence of ultrasound on the body
    • 2.2Indications and contraindications to the procedure
    • 2.3Phonophoresis with calcaneal spur
    • 2.4The effectiveness of physiotherapy
  • 3Ultrasound with hydrocortisone for joint disease: result and indications
    • 3.1About ultrasound and hydrocortisone
    • 3.2Indications and contraindications
    • 3.3How is treatment on different parts of the body
  • 4Ultrasound treatment
    • 4.1Technique and technique of procedures
    • 4.2Indications
    • 4.3Contraindications
  • 5Methods of physiotherapeutic treatment in dentistry
    • 5.1Methods of treatment
    • 5.2Electrotherapy
    • 5.3Electromagnetic fields
    • 5.4Phototherapy
    • 5.5Magnetotherapy
    • 5.6Ultrasound therapy
    • 5.7Thermotherapy
    • 5.8Massage
    • 5.9Therapeutic effects of physiotherapy
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.10Indications and contraindications
    • 5.11Advantages and disadvantages
    • 5.12Opinions of dentists about physiotherapy
  • 6Treatment of joints with ultrasound with hydrocortisone: ultrasound physiotherapy
    • 6.1Basics of the treatment of joint diseases
    • 6.2Ultrasound - some techniques
    • 6.3Effects of ultrasound on the shoulder joint
    • 6.4Ultrasonic sounding on the hip joint
    • 6.5Balm Artro-active
    • 6.6Summing up

How is ultrasound treated with electrophoresis of the knee joints?

Methods of physiotherapy in modern medical practice have been widely used in the treatment of joint diseases. Application in complex treatment procedures that improve metabolism, promote microcirculation, relieve edema, positively affects the prognosis of the disease.

The medicamentous effect is combined with physical stimulation of the affected tissue and the effect is repeatedly amplified.

The medicinal substances most often used together with physiotherapy belong to the group of glucocorticosteroids. These hormonal drugs are analogues of our own biological substances produced in the adrenal glands.

One of the most effective means is hydrocortisone.

The drug is used in ophthalmology, dermatovenereology, ambulance, rheumatology and traumatology.

The advantage of the tool is its high efficiency and the breadth of the release forms. Hydrocortisone can be used in tablets, injections, gels, eye ointment.

The advantage of using ultrasound and electrophoresis for the administration of hydrocortisone is minimization of the side effects of the drug. The agent acts only at the injection site, for example, in the region of the knee joint. The gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys are not affected.

What are the physiotherapy procedures?

Methods of physiotherapy in combination with the introduction of medications are widely used in various fields of medicine. Electrophoresis with solutions of iodine, bromine, potassium, calcium is used to treat cardiovascular diseases.

In a chronic inflammatory process, UZT and electrophoresis can be used to administer antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs.

When there are postoperative scars, finger contracture of the hand, burns, containing hyaluronic acid (lidase, ronidase), which has a reparative (healing) Effect.

In neurology and rheumatology, physiotherapy in combination with novocaine is widely used, which has an effective analgesic effect.


What is the effect of ultrasound therapy (UVT)? For the treatment apparatuses are used which, in a limited area of ​​the body, for example, the knee joint, create a vibratory effect. This leads to the following impacts:

  1. The oscillation of the tissues under the device is similar in effect to the massage: in response to stimulation, the vessels are activated, the edema is removed, the muscle fibers are relaxed.
  2. Intensive circulation in the area of ​​the affected knee joint leads to the maximum delivery of oxygen and nutrients in the tissue. The increased metabolism causes healing of the joint elements.
  3. Increased venous tone contributes to the outflow of stagnant blood, lymph, tissue fluid. As a result, in the application of ultrasound, edematous syndrome is eliminated. Massage of muscle tissue with short-wave action leads to a relaxation of the fibers, the disappearance of reflex spasm.

A special and most effective variety of UVT is phonophoresis - the administration of hydrocortisone by ultrasound.

Directly under the operating apparatus, the external form of the drug, in a low dosage, penetrates through the integumentary tissues into the joint region and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Another way to effectively affect the affected knee joint is the use of hydrocortisone with electrophoresis. Source of electrical impact - the apparatus for the procedure creates a flow of particles that pass through the skin and muscle structures into the joint region:

  1. If a drug substance (hydrocortisone) is applied to the field of application of electrophoresis, then the ions, created by the device, will capture the molecules of the drug and transfer them to the affected tissues.
  2. Thanks to the action of charged particles, a relaxing, anti-inflammatory effect is achieved. Under the place of the procedure, the vessels are dilated, the metabolism is normalized.
  3. But the most powerful action is delivered to the knee joint with hydrocortisone. The drug removes swelling, reduces pain, promotes the healing of inflamed tissues. The agent is delivered to the site of action in the active form due to the preliminary action of ions on hydrocortisone molecules.


In what cases treatment of pathology of the knee joint may require the use of ultrasound and electrophoresis with hydrocortisone? There are a number of indications for using the procedure:

  • Osteoarthritis (deforming arthrosis) of the knee joint.
  • Rheumatic, autoimmune arthritis.
  • Bursitis.
  • Tendinosis, including in the calcifying stage.
  • Stretchings, tears of knee ligaments.
  • Arthritic articular attack, tofusi in the region of the knee joint.
  • Restoration of articulation after trauma, surgery.
  • Meniscopathy, cartilage damage.

All of the above indications are not absolute. There are other methods for correcting them. However, in severe inflammatory syndrome hydrocortisone, introduced by electrophoresis and ultrasound, will have a strong therapeutic effect and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.


Hormonal preparations are available in a variety of dosage forms. Why use hydrocortisone with physiotherapy, when can I use tablets or ointments? Precisely electrophoresis and ultrasound have several advantages that make the techniques indispensable:

  • A minimum of side effects.
  • Low dosage of hormones.
  • Combined influence of UST and charged ions.
  • Delivery of the substance directly into the scope.
  • The remedy is not destroyed in the stomach and liver.
  • The drug accumulates in the tissues of the articulation and acts even after the procedure.

These and other effects should draw the doctor's and patient's attention to physiotherapy procedures. When a specialist appoints these methods, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for achieving therapeutic effect.


Like any other physiotherapy, electrophoresis and ultrasound have contraindications. Certain conditions of the body can cause deterioration of the patient's condition during such procedures. Contraindications include:

  1. Acute period of purulent diseases. Infectious arthritis caused by pyogenic bacteria, with the use of physiotherapy procedures, is generalized and worsens the prognosis for the knee joint.
  2. Wounds, inflammation of the skin in places where electrodes are applied or the sensor of an ultrasound device.
  3. Fever, intoxication syndrome, colds in the acute stage.
  4. Tumors of any localization.
  5. Heart failure, hypertension, severe course of bronchial asthma.
  6. Thrombophlebitis.
  7. Diseases of the nervous system.
  8. Pregnancy.

From the above, we can conclude that physiotherapy has a wide range of contraindications, so the doctor must assess the patient's condition and prescribe an individual course of treatment.

Combination with other methods

The use of hydrocortisone along with electrophoresis and ultrasound certainly has a number of positive effects. But the use of only physiotherapy in the treatment of the knee joint may not be effective enough.

Supplement physiotherapy is worth the therapeutic exercises (LFK).

Gymnastics and physical education will positively affect the condition of the knee joint, strengthen the ligaments and muscle fibers.

To agree complex ЛФК costs with the attending physician, to carry out exercises it is necessary gradually, not allowing amplification of a symptomatology.

A source: http://MedOtvet.com/vosstanovlenie-sustavov/kak-lechit-ultrazvukom-elektroforezom-kolennye-sustavy.html

Ultrasonic therapy with the use of medications

Ultrasound with Hydrocortisone is called the action of ultrasonic waves, which promote the absorption through the skin of the body of drugs.

During this procedure, the healing effect is given by both the drug and ultrasound. Ultrasonic waves improve the permeability of pores, which improves the absorption of ointments and gels.

To conduct phonophoresis, as a rule, use painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, with diseases of the spine and joints used Hydrocortisone or Analgin).

But such procedure has both indications and contraindications.

The influence of ultrasound on the body

If a similar procedure is prescribed for the appearance of joint and organ ailments, then it is necessary to go through it.

Since when exposed to the body, ultrasound provokes a number of complex reactions, such as:

  • increased patency of cell membranes;
  • increased sensitivity of nerve receptors;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • activation of leukocytes.

Ultrasound therapy affects blood, changing its pH, improving blood flow and creating new cells.

In other words, ultrasound treatment is a kind of massage of the body cells, due to which the resorption of the consequences of apoplexy (hemorrhages) is accelerated.

This procedure has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. For example, in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the shoulder joint or arthrosis, the movement of liquids improves after the procedure and the pain syndrome decreases.


For phonophoresis of arthrosis of joints and other ailments, two modes of operation are usually used: permanent and pulsed. During pulsed sound, fluctuations occur in small doses.


This mode is considered sparing, because it requires a smaller value of the thermal components.

To ensure that the body is exposed to pronounced thermal components, continuous ultrasound is used.

For the best effect, ultrasound treatment is carried out in conjunction with preparations (eg, ointment based on bee or snake venom, ointment with Hydrocortisone and so on). An exception are some enzymes and Novocaine, because ultrasound acts on them negatively.

At the end of the procedure, the drug is left on the skin for a while. This is due to the fact that the permeability of pores is maintained for several hours, and, therefore, the medicine can act even better.

It should be noted that treatment with phonophoresis with Hydrocortisone and other drugs has the right to appoint only a specialist who takes into account the characteristics of the body and contraindications.

Indications and contraindications to the procedure

Phonophoresis with Hydrocortisone, like any other procedure, has indications. This method is used when:

  • Disease of the joints (osteochondrosis of the shoulder joint, etc.).
  • Disease of ENT - organs.
  • Treatment of scars after surgery.
  • Sjogren's disease.
  • The deforming and rheumatoid form of arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Disturbances of the nervous system.
  • Treating the calcaneal spur.
  • Asthma in children and adolescents and so on.
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Treatment of joint diseases, as a rule, is carried out in a complex manner. That is, in addition to physiotherapeutic procedures, the patient also undergoes medical treatment.

In addition, treatment with phonophoresis with Hydrocortisone is used in diseases of the digestive system (chronic gastritis), fractures of tubular bones, as well as in urology and gynecology.

For carrying out ultrasound, there are also contraindications, such as:

  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • the last stage of diabetes;
  • nephritis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • acute form of tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • Pregnancy early and late;
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • purulent neoplasms on the skin;
  • neuralgia (including lesions of the facial nerve);
  • personal intolerance of preparations for ultrasound (for example, an allergy to Hydrocortisone);
  • poor blood clotting;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Phonophoresis with calcaneal spur

Treating the calcaneal spur with phonophoresis is "young but it is quite a popular procedure. After exposure to ultrasonic waves, the heel spurs cease to cause acute pain in the affected area of ​​the sole.

Phonophoresis with a calcaneal spur is aimed at the source of the disease. Due to this, inflammation disappears, puffiness and pain decrease.

The tissues of the affected area of ​​the sole begin to regenerate, and the process of recovery is accelerated. The advantages of ultrasound therapy with a calcaneal spur consist in the effectiveness of this method.

Phonophoresis with a calcaneal spur gives the opportunity to avoid surgical intervention and to perform outpatient treatment.

Usually, physiotherapy with a calcaneal spur is prescribed in conjunction with medication.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy

The effectiveness of treatment of calcaneal spur by ultrasonic waves is determined by the degree of pain syndrome removal. If treatment occurs in combination with other methods, the effectiveness is more than 80%.

Physiotherapy helps reduce inflammation, relieve swelling and pain, but it does not affect bone growth (if it has time to form).For this reason, there is a chance of returning the symptoms.

Therefore, if a specialist prescribes complex treatment, then it is not necessary to neglect recommendations.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/lechenie/illic/physiotherapy/ultrazvuk-s-gidrokortizonom.html

Ultrasound with hydrocortisone for joint disease: result and indications

When treating joints and backs, the most complex approach is needed. Ultrasonic treatment with hydrocortisone is only part of the complex therapy of joints and spine, but this part is no less important than other procedures.

About ultrasound and hydrocortisone

The basis of ultrasound treatment is the specificity of the interaction of ultrasound waves and biological tissues. The basis of the physiological effect of ultrasound is its physico-chemical, thermal and mechanical effects.

Ultrasound is capable of much:

  • increases the permeability of cell membranes;
  • enhances the sensitivity of nerve receptors;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • delivers the maximum of nutrients and oxygen in injured or diseased tissues;
  • activates leukocytes;
  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • loosens connective tissues;
  • starts joint regeneration processes;
  • activates the formation of collagen;
  • relieves edema due to getting rid of stagnation of lymph;
  • changes the blood pH and improves blood flow, thereby creating new blood cells.

This is how a unique massage of the cells is carried out, due to which hemorrhages, inflammatory processes and pain come to naught.

In the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, two modes of ultrasound are used:

  1. Pulsed.The body is affected by fluctuations in small doses, and treatment is gentle.
  2. Constant.Ultrasound continuous is needed in order for the body to act on the thermal components are pronounced. The combination of ultrasound with drugs is called phonophoresis. Ultrasound activates and intensifies the action of drugs.

It does not combine only with enzymes and novocaine. For the treatment of joints in conjunction with ultrasound, such agents as chondroxide, ketoprofen, caripain and hydrocortisone are used.

Ultrasonic treatment with hydrocortisone is used not only for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also for skin diseases and gynecological ailments. How does this hormone work in diseases of the back and joints?

Ointment hydrocortisone refers to glucocorticoids. Hydrocortisone ointment removes inflammation in the joints, relieves pain and swelling, and also activates the cells of the immune system.


But since the agent is hormonal, it should be applied even externally with extreme caution.


The main advantage of the combination of ultrasound with hydrocortisone ointment is the reduction of side effects from the hormonal agent to the minimum. But there are other advantages:

  • therapy of medicamentous and physiotherapy potentiates the work of each other, which increases the effectiveness of both types of treatment;
  • the combination of ultrasound and hydrocortisone improves protein and carbohydrate metabolism in tissues;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment with this therapy is also a conductor of ultrasound signal;
  • ultrasound increases the permeability of cell membranes, so the glucocorticoid is delivered to the target;

The procedure itself is as follows:

  • the skin is treated with an antibacterial agent;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment is applied to the problem site and distributed using a spatula;
  • ultrasound with a power of up to 1 W / sq. cm and a frequency of at most 500 kHz (minimum 16);
  • the procedure lasts up to half an hour, all of them need from 10 to 14.

Indications and contraindications

This type of therapy is most effective in diseases of the knee joint.

The most frequent indications are:

  • Gonarthrosis, that is, marked degeneration of the cartilaginous and bony tissues of the knees;
  • osteoarthritis, autoimmune and rheumatic arthritis;
  • inflammatory processes inside the articular bags (bursitis);
  • any kinds of arthrosis;
  • tendiosis, that is, pronounced dystrophic lesion of tendons and its infringement between articular cartilages and bones;
  • any knee injury;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • heel spurs;
  • gout;
  • after any operations on the joints.

Contraindications are:

  • Problems with blood coagulability and any of its diseases;
  • diabetes at the last stage;
  • kidney ailments;
  • hypertension;
  • tuberculosis in acute form;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy (especially late and early);
  • any viruses and bacterial infections;
  • asthma;
  • abscesses on the skin and any diseases with the formation of pus (phlegmon, abscess, gangrene);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • neuralgia any, incl. affecting the facial nerve;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • an allergic reaction to hydrocortisone (as a side effect).

How is treatment on different parts of the body

The treatment of different parts of the body with ultrasound with hydrocortisone has its own characteristics.

In the treatment of the hip joint, the patient needs to lie on his side. Around the joint is affected by the radiator. This is done in a continuous mode and in a contact mode.

The intensity of the wave is from, and up to, W / cm2. The device treats the groin, subacodial folds and buttocks (upper outer quadrants thereof). With bursitis, the neck of the hip is also treated.

Usually appoint 15 procedures:

The shoulder joint is treated continuously and in a contact mode. The intensity of the wave is up to, W. The duration of one procedure - up to 12 minutes, is carried out daily. The course consists of approximately 15 procedures.

The frequency of the wave in the treatment of this joint should be up to three megahertz, the wavelength - up to, mm. It is done daily for 15 minutes. Course - 15 procedures.

The number of sessions can be 8 and 12, can be conducted every day or every other day. The duration of phonophoresis is up to 10 minutes. The ointment is applied to the heel.

Treatment with ultrasound with hydrocortisone joints - only one of the procedures for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But it greatly facilitates the course of the disease.

Also, you can find out by watching this video how to rationally use physiotherapy, which are advantages of this method, and also you can learn how to use physiotherapy to get rid of the heel spurs.


How does ultrasound with hydrocortisone treat joint disease? Link to the main publication


A source: http://prosustav.ru/treatment/physiotherapy/ultrazvuk-s-gidrokortizonom-pri-zabolevanii-sustavov.html

Ultrasound treatment

When ultrasound is applied to the skin, there is a rapidly passing mild inflammation, hyperemia, metabolic processes are stimulated, skin gland activity is increased, reactive properties of the skin.

The nervous system is highly sensitive to ultrasound. It reduces receptor sensitivity, affects the speed of nerve impulses, normalizes the functional state of the autonomic nervous system.

The effect of ultrasound on the area of ​​the dermal projections of the endocrine glands causes the activation of hormonopoiesis and the release into the blood of increased amounts free forms of hormones, increased activity of hormone-dependent processes at the periphery, an increase in overall nonspecific resistance organism.

The effect of ultrasound on the cardiovascular system is manifested in improving peripheral circulation and microcirculation, a small decrease in blood pressure, stimulation of cardiohemodynamics, activities. Simultaneously, ultrasound positively affects the micro- and microrheology of blood, the functional activity of erythrocytes and leukocytes.

Ultrasound accelerates the processes of regeneration and repair, restoration of conduction of nerve fibers in injuries to peripheral nerves, resorption infiltrates, traumatic edema, exudates and hemorrhages, has anti-inflammatory (secondary effect), analgesic, spasmolytic, metabolic, hypotensive and bactericidal action, increases the adsorption properties of the skin and enhances adaptive-trophic processes in the body and blood flow.

Technique and technique of procedures

Before the appointment of ultrasound, it is desirable to sanitize the foci of chronic purulent infection.

To ensure acoustic contact with the ultrasonic head of the apparatus, the skin in the area of ​​exposure is lubricated with a contact material (petrolatum, lanolin, their 50% mixture) before the procedure.

Impact UZT is carried out necessarily through a contact medium, excluding the presence of air between the working surface of the head of the vibrator and the surface of the impact.

The ultrasonic nozzle is moved around the skin at a speed of 1 cm per 1 s, and it is necessary to stay up to 30-40 seconds in places of pain).

Application of ultrasound

In traumatology and orthopedics, ultrasound. widely used in the complex treatment of the consequences of injuries of the organs of the musculoskeletal system, as well as in the recovery period after reconstructive operations on the joints, muscles, tendons.

Inpatient ultrasound therapy in pulsed mode and small doses is used for hematomas and hemarthrosis, starting from the 3rd-4th day after trauma. In this case, the effect is directed directly at the affected joints, muscles, tendons, nerves.

In dermatology, ultrasound therapy. used for various neurodermatitis, trophic skin changes, scarring and adhesions.

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The effect of ultrasound is carried out in the area of ​​the lesion.

For the treatment of skin diseases, ultrasound of low intensity is usually used, with the exception of cicatricial-adhesive processes, in which ultrasound of intensity up to 1 W / cm2 is used.

In diseases of the ear, throat and nose, a labile or stable technique is used. Ultrasonic exposure by labile technique is carried out on the skin of the affected area.

In dentistry, ultrasound therapy is performed for arthritis and arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint, sinusitis, contracture of the chewing muscles, periodontitis, periodontitis, and also for the treatment of simple and purulent wounds.


The course of treatment consists of 10-12 procedures that are performed daily or every other day. Repeated courses of treatment can be given to children 3-4 months later, adults after 2-3 months.


The possibility of increasing the radiosensitivity of the tumor tissue as a result of preliminary processing by ultrasound of the required intensity is shown.

The use of focused ultrasound, which allows locally destroying pathologically altered structures lying in the depths of healthy tissues, irritate skin and deep receptive neural structures and other


- neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine (root, radicular-vascular syndrome, myelopathy, etc.);

- consequences of diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system, neuropathies, neuralgia, ganglionitis, sciatica, trauma spine and spinal cord, multiple sclerosis, Raynaud's disease, diseases and injuries of the joints, muscles, tendons, a bag-and-ligament apparatus;

- chronic nonspecific inflammatory diseases of bronchi and lungs (bronchoobstructive syndrome, respiratory insufficiency, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia), occupational lung diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis;

- Diseases of the digestive system (chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, chronic colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, dyskinesia of the intestine);

- Skin diseases (scleroderma, allergic processes, gynoid lipodystrophy);

- diseases of the ENT organs, diseases and consequences of operations and eye injuries, oral mucosa in patients against a background of decreased reactivity of the organism, dental diseases;

- gynecological and urological diseases (infertility, adnexitis, mastitis, prostatitis);

- surgical pathology (keloid scars, adhesions, infiltrates);


It is not recommended to apply ultrasound to the area of ​​the heart, the brain, to sensitive growth zones of bones in children and protruding bone surfaces.

Along with general contraindications, UST is not indicated in the following syndromes of inflammatory changes (purulent) violations of heart rhythm, jaundice; hepatic and renal colic, vegetovascular dystonia.

Diseases: arterial hypertension III st.

, arterial hypotension, ischemic heart disease with frequent attacks of angina and cardiac rhythm disturbances, angina pectoris of III-IV FC, pronounced atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, cardiac aneurysm, complicated peptic ulcer, diabetes mellitus; acute and chronic purulent inflammatory processes, the presence of abscesses, pronounced endocrine disorders (thyrotoxicosis); osteoporosis; expressed dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, psychoneurosis, vegetovascular dystonia; bronchiectatic disease, complicated myopia, as well as general contraindications for use physiotherapeutic factors.

It is advisablecombine UZTwith high-frequency electrotherapy, magneto- and vacuum therapy, or heat treatment conducted before ultrasound. When combined with electrophoresis, ultrasound is carried out before it.

ChildrenUltrasound can be started at preschool age. Persons under 20 years of age and over 60 doses and the duration of the procedure are reduced.

A source: http://mz-clinik.ru/fizioterapiya/lechenie-ultrazvukom/

Methods of physiotherapeutic treatment in dentistry

Physiotherapy is actively used to treat many diseases. It is prescribed for the treatment of joints, blood vessels, injuries and colds. With the achievements of science and technology, new methods and methods of physiological treatment are emerging, and the already existing ones are being improved.

Therapy of dental diseases is specific, but the use of physiotherapy is also successful here. Such therapy is mainly aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the underlying disease and thus contributes to a speedy recovery.

Physiotherapy implies a curative effect with the help of currents, light, ultrasound and other methods to accelerate the healing process.

A variety of methods for the impact of physiological treatment allow faster and more effective cope with serious dental diseases.

The main application of physiotherapy concerns various inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, as well as restorative treatment after surgical interventions. It can serve as an additional treatment for accelerating the healing process, and as a separate therapy for certain pathologies.

Methods of treatment

In dentistry, various methods of physiological therapy are used. Each of them is good in its own way and can help in one way or another. The choice of funds depends on the severity of the disease, its symptoms and the required degree of exposure to the source of the disease.


Electrotherapy has been used in dentistry relatively recently.

There are several types of electrotherapy:

  • exposure to a direct electric current of low voltage (galvanization, electrophoresis);
  • Impact with pulsed currents of low frequency and low voltage (diadynamic, sinusoidal, fluctuating and pulsed currents);
  • exposure to alternating high-frequency currents (darsonvalization, diathermocoagulation);

Such a procedure is carried out with the help of a device from which current flows through special electrodes.

Electrodes are applied to the location of the pathology.

Between the electrode and the skin lay gaskets, which, depending on the type of electrotherapy, are wetted with water or some medicinal solution.

Electrotherapy can be conducted in such areas:

  • language;
  • cheeks;
  • lips;
  • gums;
  • joint of lower jaw;
  • sinuses of the upper jaw.

When the current is applied to different sites, the blood supply and lymph drainage improves, tissue regeneration is accelerated. The additional use of drugs accelerates the process of removing inflammation and healing of the oral cavity.

Electromagnetic fields

In stomatology, the heating of pathological zones with the help of electromagnetic fields is often used. Basically two types are used:

  • an ultrahigh-frequency electric field (UHF);
  • electric field of ultrahigh frequency (microwave).

In the first variant, the heating is carried out with the aid of condenser plates of small size. The plates are attached along the skin covers and leave a small distance of 1-2 cm. Warming passes in small doses, when the heat is felt weakly.

Microwave heating is performed with a shorter distance from the patient's skin to 1 cm and in a larger range, when the heat is felt well, and the tissues warm to a depth of several centimeters.

In the process of such impact on the areas of the disease is an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood supply, accelerates the healing process of tissues, increases local immunity.

Warming up with electromagnetic fields is prescribed for frostbite, acute inflammatory processes and sinusitis. Sometimes it can be prescribed to activate a sluggish current inflammatory process.


Phototherapy has been widely used in dentistry. This method consists in using light of a certain frequency to treat pathology.

There are several areas of phototherapy:

  1. Laser therapy - the effect of infrared and red light range on the shell of the mouth and skin of a person. The laser procedure is very effective for ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa and lips.
  2. Infrared radiation is used for frostbite and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  3. Ultraviolet therapy has basically an antibacterial effect, therefore it is used for ulcers and purulent lesions of the oral mucosa.


Magnetotherapy consists in the action of a constant or alternating low-frequency magnetic field on the lesion.

During therapy, special inducers are applied to the site of the lesion, between which a magnetic field is formed.

The strength of the field and its mode of administration are regulated depending on the purpose of therapy.

This method of therapy is used in dentistry with gingivitis, periodontitis, inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, facial bones fractures and in the postoperative period.

The magnetic field has such effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • decongestant;
  • regenerating.

Ultrasound therapy

A very effective method is ultrasound therapy. Such a procedure consists in using for therapeutic purposes mechanical vibrations of particles of an elastic medium, which propagate in the form of waves in the inaudible range and cause the compression and tension variables substances.

Ultrasound has the following effect:

  • slight heating of tissues;
  • bringing the vessels into tone and increasing blood flow;
  • improvement of metabolism and oxygen saturation;
  • acceleration of the process of tissue regeneration.

The use of ultrasound makes it possible to use medicines. This method is called phonophoresis. In general, oily solutions of such agents as iodine, calcium, phosphorus, analgin, hydrocortisone and others are used.

Ultrasonic therapy is used for such diseases:

  • chronic inflammation of the mouth;
  • periodontitis;
  • cheilitis.


Thermotherapy has also proved effective in the treatment of dental diseases. This method of treatment is the thermal, chemical and biological effects of heat carriers on the lesion.

The most common types of thermal therapy:

  1. Paraffinotherapy. The method of applying warm paraffin to the lesions in the form of application or spraying.
  2. Mud mixtures. Warming of affected areas by means of mud application.
  3. Cryotherapy. Use cooling individual parts of the mouth or face.

Thermotherapy is carried out in courses, each procedure lasts about 15-20 minutes. With applications or aerosol spray, the medication is applied in a small layer and covered with a special film to create a greater thermal effect.

Treatment with heat helps to relieve pain, improve blood supply and speed up the regeneration of tissues. Cryotherapy also has an anti-edematous effect.


To improve blood supply and accelerate the healing process of wounds and scars on the gums in dentistry apply massage. It helps well in the initial stages of the disease or in the postoperative period.

Types of massage:

  • manual;
  • toothbrush;
  • boron-machine;
  • hydromassage.

In dentistry, massage is used for periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis. During the procedure, all types of kneading, stroking, rubbing, vibrating, etc., are used, except for effleurage.

The choice of technique and duration of the procedure depends on the severity of the disease, its location and the nature of the course.

Therapeutic effects of physiotherapy

Physiological treatment in dentistry has a positive effect on the course of the disease. This procedure reduces the time for treatment and the recovery period after it.

The main therapeutic effects of physiotherapy:

  • positive health-improving effect;
  • antibacterial and disinfecting action;
  • anesthesia;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration and healing of affected areas;
  • positive dynamics even in chronic and stagnant processes.

After the first sessions of physiotherapy, positive changes are seen. After a full course of therapy, doctors note a firm result.

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Indications and contraindications

Physiological therapy is a method of medical treatment. She, as well as all methods of therapy, have their own indications and contraindications.

Indications for the use of physiotherapy indicate that this method will help to cope with the disease more quickly and help to restore affected areas of the skin and mucosa.

Physiotherapy can be used for almost all dental pathologies, but the form method and duration of procedures are chosen by the attending physician depending on the nature and severity disease.

Indications for physiotherapy in dentistry:

  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • defeat of the trigeminal nerve;
  • pain after the installation of seals;
  • periodontitis and parodontosis;
  • alveolitis;
  • hematomas;
  • frostbite;
  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • pathology of the nerves of the face;
  • paralysis of facial tissues;
  • lesions of the oral mucosa.

There are also a number of contraindications. But they basically refer to a particular kind of physiological treatment, which can only worsen the condition. In this case, specialist consultation and choice of another method of therapy are required.

Contraindications for physiotherapy in dentistry:

  • malignant formations in the oral cavity;
  • open wounds or severe bleeding;
  • uncommitted fractures;
  • cardiac, respiratory or renal insufficiency;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • the presence of metal structures at the site of therapy;
  • acute inflammatory processes with purulent clusters;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • mental illness;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance.

Observance of safety measures and consideration of all contraindications in the appointment of physiological treatment to avoid complications and achieve success in the therapy of dental diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of physiological therapy in dentistry has many positive aspects.

Advantages of physiotherapy:

  • improvement of the process of blood supply of tissues;
  • acceleration of metabolism in cells;
  • anesthesia;
  • preparation of tissues for surgical intervention;
  • restoration of the oral mucosa and skin after surgery;
  • rapid elimination of bruising and inflammation;
  • smoothing or complete removal of scars;
  • increased muscle tone and nerve fibers.

But physiotherapy is not a unique remedy for all pathologies. She also has her own shortcomings:

  1. Physiotherapy can not be the main treatment. Therapy should be used only in an integrated approach with other means. When used alone has low efficiency.
  2. Such therapy is carried out with the help of special equipment, the price of which is very high. Not all dental clinics can afford expensive equipment, from this the cost of the procedures of physiotherapeutic treatment will increase even more.
  3. Before starting treatment with physiotherapy methods, all contraindications must be considered, otherwise the patient's condition may worsen.

Opinions of dentists about physiotherapy

Dentists are convinced that the use of physiological therapy is positive. They were convinced on their own experience that the use of physiotherapy makes it possible to obtain the desired treatment effect in a short time and to minimize all the consequences and complications of the dental disease.

Physiological therapy has no serious side effects. At the initial stage of the disease, sometimes the effect can be achieved only by physiotherapy, i.e. without affecting the body medicamental drugs.

Modern development of technology and technology is constantly improving the methods of physiotherapy.

Sometimes dentists do not keep up with these updates and apply old methods of treatment.


And sometimes they do not understand the specific features of the application of physiological treatment in individual areas of the face and oral cavity.


To avoid various misunderstandings and possible complications from the incorrect use of physiotherapy, all factors should be considered and refer to qualified specialists.

Physiological therapy in dentistry is applied relatively recently. But during this time it has established itself as an effective method of treatment and recovery of many diseases.

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A source: http://dentazone.ru/uhod/obshie-voprosy/fizioterapiya-v-stomatologii.html

Treatment of joints with ultrasound with hydrocortisone: ultrasound physiotherapy

Diseases of the joint often occur in those people who have crossed a significant age line.

This is explained by the physiological involutionary processes of aging, thinning of the cartilaginous tissue, sclerosis and thickening synovial membranes, violation of the articular circulation, a decrease in the formation of synovial fluid, worsening of general metabolic processes.

Important! Hypodinamy and obesity due to lower lympho blood flow and increased stress on the joints aggravate these age-related pathological changes. From non-physiological load and excess weight on the joint, cartilage tissue is deformed.

Similarly, replacement of cartilaginous tissue with spines and bone outgrowth occurs, especially in places of inflammation and trauma. Gradually, this leads to irreversible pathological changes in the joints.

The most common age-related joint diseases include arthrosis and arthritis of the hands, hip, ankle and knee joints.

Basics of the treatment of joint diseases

To reduce the severity of inflammatory processes, improve local blood flow and stop the pain syndrome directed drug therapy. It should be borne in mind that today no drug can completely reverse the course of the disease or stop it.

To increase the amount of movement in the joint and to stop the symptoms, symptomatic therapy is applied, which is represented by a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with a lot of limitations and side effects effects. Most contraindications are intended for the elderly.

In addition to these medicines, chondroprotectors are used that improve the cartilage structure and slow the progression of arthrosis. The course of therapy with chondoprotectors is quite long - from 2 to 6 months.

In severe illness, doctors prescribe hormonal therapy, which is also accompanied, sometimes by quite serious, adverse reactions.

Ultrasound is almost always shown in the complex treatment of arthritis and joint arthrosis. Against the backdrop of correctly selected physical therapy, heat treatment methods, massages and mud baths, ultrasonic therapy is used much more often.

With joint disease, the effects that ultrasound provides are most relevant:

  • ability to enhance skin permeability for local use of medications (phonophoresis with hydrocortisone);
  • micro-massage effect;
  • stimulation of lympho- and blood flow processes;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • ability to loosen connective tissue structures;
  • influence on regenerative processes;
  • Activation of collagen formation.

These and other effects are due to the complex biological effects of ultrasonic waves mechanical, thermal and physicochemical.

In case of joint disease, various methods of ultrasound treatment are used. The action of the waves is directed directly to the affected areas of the joint and the paravertebral zones of the spine (for legs at the level of segments T10 - L1, for hands - C5 - T10).

Ultrasound - some techniques

  1. Ultraphonophoresis with hydrocortisone has a significant anti-inflammatory effect. This method is used when the activity of the process is not higher than the 2 nd degree, the time of exposure is no more than 15 minutes.
  2. The method of ultrasound with the preparation Chondroxide, which includes chondroitin sulfate (chondroprotector), which facilitates the acceleration of recovery processes and inhibition of degenerative processes in the cartilaginous tissue.

    Another component of Chondroxide is the anti-inflammatory drug dimethylsulfoxide, which easily penetrates biological barriers and stimulates the penetration of chondroitin sulfate through the skin cover.

    This technique is successfully used for osteoarthritis (I, II, III stage) of knee joints. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the chondroxide is applied to the surface of the damaged joint, after which the contact is ultimately affected by ultrasound (pulse mode is continuous).

    The intensity of the waves is from, to, W / cm2. To affect one joint, 5 minutes are enough. The procedure should be carried out daily. The course of treatment - 10 sessions.

    This method ensures the deep penetration of chondrakside into the joint tissue, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.

  3. Ultraphonophoresis with caripain cream. This technique consists in applying a small amount of cream to the affected joint and ultrasound.

    The intensity of the waves is, W / cm2. The course of therapy - 10 sessions.

  4. Gel Ketoprofen ("Fastum-gel") quickly relieves pain. The session is conducted at a frequency of 880 kHz. The intensity of exposure should be, W / cm2. In this technique, a pulsed or continuous wave mode is used.

Effects of ultrasound on the shoulder joint

Processing is performed by circular slow movements of the radiator in the area of ​​the affected joint.

The intensity of ultrasonic waves is W / cm2. The technique is labile, continuous, contact mode.

The duration of the daily session is 10-12 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 15 procedures.

Ultrasonic soundingon the hip joint

During the procedure, the patient lies on his side. The preparation "Fastum gel" is applied to the region of the hip joint.

The ultrasound radiator is applied around the hip joint. The intensity of ultrasonic waves is W / cm2.

The technique is labile, continuous, contact mode. Zones of scoring:

  • outer upper quadrant buttocks;
  • Podyagodic fold;
  • groin area.

Balm Artro-active

New technologies for the treatment of gonarthrosis based on local therapy with the Arthro-active drug have been developed. This method extends the possibilities of providing effective care to patients with gonarthrosis.

The intensity of ultrasonic waves in this technique is, W / cm2 with a frequency of 880 kHz. The physico-chemical characteristics of the preparation remain the same.

Indications for the use of this method of treatment is gonarthrosis:

  • posttraumatic
  • primary
  • one- and two-sided (I-III X-ray stage of the disease).

Contraindicated this technique when:

  1. treatment with glucocorticoids (last 30 days);
  2. IV X-ray stage of arthrosis of the knee joint;
  3. II and III degree of activity of inflammation;
  4. severe kidney and liver disease;
  5. diseases of the hematopoietic and cardiovascular system;
  6. reactive arthritis;
  7. systemic lupus erythematosus;
  8. rheumatoid arthritis.

Summing up

It must be remembered that physiotherapy is only a component of extensive complex treatment of joint diseases. To achieve good results, the patient must follow the basic rules:

  • follow the body weight;
  • Regularly perform gymnastics for the joints and muscles;
  • balance your diet;
  • consume a lot of fluids;
  • use corrective orthopedic insoles;
  • Do not overload the sick joints;
  • when the disease worsens, use when walking a cane, knee pads, bandages, longs.

A source: http://sustav.info/analizy/ultrazvuk/ultrazvuk-s-gidrokortizonom-pri-zabolevanii-sustavov.html