Are they taken to the army with scoliosis (curvature of the spine)?

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  • 1Are they taken to the army with scoliosis?
    • 1.1What is scoliosis?
    • 1.2Degrees of disease
    • 1.31 degree
    • 1.42 degree
    • 1.53 degree
    • 1.64 degree
    • 1.7Are they taking in the army with a scoliosis of 1 degree
    • 1.8Are they taking in the army with scoliosis of 2 degrees
    • 1.9Are they taking in the army with scoliosis 3 and 4 degrees
    • 1.10When you can expect to delay
  • 2Whether take in army with a scoliosis and a platypodia
    • 2.1Are they taken to the army with scoliosis?
    • 2.21 degree of scoliosis
    • 2.3Is the second degree of scoliosis taken into the army?
    • 2.43 degree of disease
    • 2.5Whether take with 4 degree of a scoliosis
    • 2.6Flatfoot groups
    • 2.7Complications of flatfoot
    • 2.8Who will put all the dots over the "and"
  • 3Which scoliosis is not taken into the army?
    • 3.1Categories of shelf life
    • 3.2Fixed and non-fixed curvature of the spine
    • 3.3The decision of disputable situations
    • 3.4Violation of the functions of the spine
    • 3.5Summarizing
  • 4Liberation from the army by scoliosis: military tricks and tricks
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1How to confirm the diagnosis in the military enlistment office?
    • 4.2Getting a military ticket for scoliosis
    • 4.3How to resolve disputed issues at 1 and 2 degrees of scoliosis
  • 5Will they take a young man suffering from scoliosis into the army?
    • 5.1Deferment from conscription
    • 5.2Types of scoliosis
    • 5.3Fixed scoliosis
    • 5.4Classification of the disease according to Cobb
    • 5.5S-shaped scoliosis deformation 1-4 degrees
  • 6Will they take in the army with scoliosis and flat feet?
    • 6.1Is the army taking scoliosis: practice
    • 6.2What to do?
    • 6.3Categories
    • 6.4Signs of scoliosis
    • 6.5The initial stage of the disease
    • 6.6Complications in the definition of the scoliosis group
    • 6.7Is the army taking scoliosis with 3 degrees?
    • 6.8In what cases do they give a "white ticket"?
    • 6.9Flat-footedness
    • 6.10How can a conscript uphold his rights?
    • 6.11When the service is needed

Are they taken to the army with scoliosis?

Curvature of the spine can be diagnosed not only in children, similar anomalies occur in young people. Young men, who are preparing for military service, are increasingly interested in whether they are taking to the army with scoliosis. Much here depends on the stage and type of the disease.

What is scoliosis?

Normally, the human cervical and lumbar region of the back has a slight curvature.

Any deviation from these parameters refers to the manifestations of scoliosis.

When the spine is deformed, lateral curvature occurs in the right or left side, and sometimes in both. The causes of pathology are:

  • tumors;
  • trauma and fractures of the spine;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • long stay in one position;
  • malnutrition;
  • various diseases (radiculitis, rickets, tuberculosis, rheumatism, etc.).

Scoliosis is a dangerous disease that can cause intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis, and also make a person disabled. Without quality treatment, the disease progresses and greatly reduces the quality of life.

Scoliosis and the passage of the army service are not always compatible, because in this disease contraindicated sharp movements, a strong load on the back, flips, long-term presence in one pose. The spine is under severe strain, and the organs of other departments may be damaged.

Degrees of disease

Depending on the magnitude of deformation of the spinal column in one direction or another, it is customary to select 4 degrees of scoliosis:

1 degree

Absolutely every person has a difference between the left and right sides of the body. Scoliosis of the first degree is practically considered the norm.

The curvature of the spine is minimal, it is less than 10 degrees and almost invisible to the eye. Such a disease can be easily treated with gymnastics and corsets.

The patient has a lowered head and a slight stoop.

2 degree

The deviation of the main part of the axial skeleton is 11-25 degrees. This pathology should already be treated with special gymnastics, so that the disease does not progress.

It appears as a protrusion in the thoracic region, asymmetric contours of the neck. Externally, the disease of 2 degrees can be seen quite well, especially if the patient leans forward.

3 degree

Scoliosis of the third degree is a complex pathology, in which the spinal column deviates to the left or to the right by 26-50 degrees.

The patient is observed bulging rib arch, weakening of the abdominal muscles, a pronounced hump behind. Deformity of the vertebrae can cause neurological pathologies, and there are problems with blood circulation and breathing.

The patient can become an invalid, therefore it is important to make a timely decision about an operative intervention.

4 degree

A severe degree of the disease is characterized by a curvature of the spine by more than 50 degrees. It is not easily amenable to therapy.

The patient has a pronounced hump behind, the ribs sink to the side of the concavity. The started stage of scoliosis occurs in less than 10 percent of patients.

Without treatment, the patient will remain disabled, so in this case, mandatory surgical intervention is necessary.

Are they taking in the army with a scoliosis of 1 degree

The primary stage of curvature is not a contraindication for the service. The guy is recognized as healthy and is given the category "A".

This includes young men, whose scoliosis was diagnosed in childhood and is now successfully cured.

This category includes healthy young people, who can be sent to the service in any part.

In some cases, the young person is assigned the category "B" and then he is fit to serve in the army with some restrictions in sports training or will serve in certain troops.

Are they taking in the army with scoliosis of 2 degrees

Guys with a spinal column deviation of 11 to 25 degrees from the axis are not able to withstand heavy physical exertion. They are experiencing rapid fatigue, improper breathing. This only aggravates the situation and threatens with the fact that the disease will go to grade 3.

A young man with a diagnosis of "grade 2 scoliosis" can expect that he will not be called up for military service, he will receive a military ticket with a category "B". This means that it is limited in scope. A young man will not serve in peacetime.

In case there are no visual changes of the spine, the medical commission can assign a category "B" to the patient. This also includes situations where the angle of curvature is between 1 and 2 degrees of scoliosis. Then the young man has no restrictions to the call.

In some cases, you may need to take a second picture in the prone position. After that, the images are compared, and the board determines the degree of curvature. This is necessary to identify the fixed changes and the exact assignment of the patient to a particular category of fitness.

The angle can decrease in the supine position, when there is a decrease in the load on the spine. Then scoliosis is considered unstable, and the recruit is fit.

If there is a fixed scoliosis, in which the angles of resistance coincide in two pictures, this fact is the reason for the release from the service and the departure of the young man into the reserve.

Are they taking in the army with scoliosis 3 and 4 degrees

Conscripts with stage 3 scoliosis are also classified as "B". This means that he is discharged from military duty, but in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, he can be called to the service. With serious pathological disorders in the spine, he can be assigned the category "D".

A strong curvature of the spine of the 4th degree makes the patient unsuitable for military service. He was given the category "D" and issued a military ticket. This means that he is released from the service. As in the case of the 2nd and 3rd degree, there is no need to prove the presence of pathology in the future.

When you can expect to delay

Postponement from the army is issued when the category "G" is assigned. Its term ranges from 6 months to a year. Therefore, this category is not entirely suitable for young men with a similar diagnosis, because during this period it is impossible to cure the curvature of the spine.

Thus, the draftee is considered fit with a 1 degree curvature, with a disease of the 2nd degree in some cases give a respite from the service, and the 3rd and 4th stage of pathology lead to complete exemption from the military duties. Usually a young man is considered unfit due to severe disorders in the spine, scoliosis is required to be fixed.

In order to get the category "B" or "D you must provide the result of the radiograph, which is performed in the lateral and direct surface.

It should clearly show the angle of curvature, according to which the degree of scoliosis is exposed. For medical examination, a medical history, documents confirming the diagnosis, other certificates will also be required.

X-ray photographs should be taken no earlier than 6 months before the survey.

The only option for getting rid of the army is the relevant conclusion of the military commissariat commission.

No other medical institution can exempt from service.

The medical commission has the right to question the results of the roentgenogram, it is also easy to identify attempts to deceive the spine during a roentgenogram in a fraudulent way.

If the draftee does not agree with the conclusion of the commission, he can write an appropriate application to the local military registration and enlistment office. For this, it is necessary to draw up a statement of disagreement with the result of the commission. It must be registered with the secretariat of the military registration and enlistment office.

A copy of the radiograph and other necessary medical certificates should be submitted to the application. All originals must be kept with the draftee at the same time. If the medical commission refused to re-examine, it is possible to file a claim with the judicial authorities.

A source:

Whether take in army with a scoliosis and a platypodia

Most modern guys do not really want to serve in the army. Therefore, they are interested in what diseases will help "slough" from the call.

In particular, one of the most common questions is: "Are they taken to the army with scoliosis and flat feet?" Moreover, these two diseases are very common.

Are they taken to the army with scoliosis?

Scoliosis is taken to the army, but not always. Most often it depends on the degree of deformation of the spine. If you are wondering whether the army is taking scoliosis with 2 degrees, then the answer may not be very pleasing to you.

Not wishing to get into the army with scoliosis, you need to provide a medical history, as well as an X-ray, during the medical examination. It is also better to make a conclusion by an outside doctor, not from the military registration and enlistment office.

After all, they need to send to the army as many people as possible, so the conclusion can be done incorrectly. But only in the military enlistment office they will determine whether a guy will go into the army or not.

It depends on what category it falls into.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to get into the army with scoliosis, then it is necessary to consider the following: only those recruits who fall under the category "A" are eligible. In category "B duty stations are limited, but you can not get release.

That is, even with this category in the army take. If you fall under the category "G then you will be given a respite for six months, and then you will be forced to go through a medical commission again.

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After identifying the angle of deviation, doctors decide which category to include the patient.

1 degree of scoliosis

Some are wondering whether they are taking an army with scoliosis 1 degree. In this case, it will not be possible to get liberation from the army, since this disease is not serious. Although if you do not treat it, it can progress.

Symptoms: worse posture, pain in the neck. In this case, you can use gentle methods of treatment, after which the body is restored very quickly.

This LFK, manual therapy, complex exercises, corrector posture. All this can be done at home.

Daily army exercises are conducted in the army, which will help to correct the posture.

Is the second degree of scoliosis taken into the army?

At a scoliosis of 2 degrees the category "B" is given, that is young men admit suitable, but they can not serve in each company.

If doctors have suspicions of right-sided scoliosis, they send the patient to the X-ray, deciding whether the patient will go to the army.

Symptoms: there is an asymmetry of the body, which increases after a long stay in a standing position.

After the appearance of asymmetry, scoliosis of the 2nd degree progresses rapidly to grade 3. Treatment is performed with the help of exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises). Also positively affects massage, exercise complex, manual therapy, posture corrector.

3 degree of disease

If you are interested in whether the army is taking scoliosis with 3 degrees, then the answer will be negative. Although in rare cases, even with such a disease, young people can get under the call.

Symptoms: the curvature of the spine is very strong, a hump appears, the thorax moves. This leads to disruption of the activity of some internal organs (heart, lungs).

Whether take with 4 degree of a scoliosis

Symptoms: the functions of the spine and organ systems are violated, the heart is displaced, there are problems with breathing, endurance, edema appear.

The army does not exactly take guys under 25, which fall under the category "D". They are given a "white" military ticket.

The army is not taken with scoliosis 4 degrees, giving the patient a release from service.

Flatfoot groups

Many do not know whether they are taking to the army with scoliosis or flat feet. With the first disease we have already figured out, so we move on to the second. Flattening is divided into 4 groups:

  • "A". This is a very serious violation of the foot, in which the young man does not exactly fall into the army. He will receive the category "D" and will be declared unfit for service.
  • "B". It is also a fairly serious violation, but in this case the recruit will be considered to be limitedly fit. That is, in peacetime it will not be called, but in the event of war it will happen.
  • "AT". The conscript also receives category "B but is recognized as fit for service. However, it can only be sent to places with favorable conditions.
  • "G" - violations of foot functions are not revealed. A guy is considered fit for service in all companies.

Complications of flatfoot

Now the question of whether the army is taken with scoliosis or flat feet is quite urgent, since these two ailments are the most common. Sometimes they can be accompanied by some complications, in which the service is strictly prohibited.

After all, flat feet almost always flow together with arthrosis. If the draftee has arthrosis and 3 degree of flatfoot, then according to the law he can not be taken to the service. But with a second degree of flatfoot from the army to slope is unlikely to work, if there is no arthrosis.

Otherwise it is also forbidden to serve.

If, despite the diagnosis, you are forced to go into the army, then you can file a suit against the military enlistment office, because the law is violated. Do not believe everything that is said in the military enlistment office.

The aim of its employees is to call as many people as possible.

Do not leave originals of medical data in the military commissariat (doctor's conclusions, certificates, medical records, X-rays), as here they may be lost.

Who will put all the dots over the "and"

If you are wondering whether you are taking into the army with scoliosis or flat feet, it depends on the degree of the disease, the form, its course. It is impossible to determine this independently. Decision on the suitability for the army should put an orthopedic trauma specialist.

If there is no such specialist, then a surgeon can diagnose him, but he does not determine whether to take a guy into the army or not. The conscript must necessarily undergo an x-ray, after which the radiologist will also draw his conclusions.

The final decision is taken in the military enlistment office.

Not everyone knows whether they are taking the scoliosis with the army, since this does not happen in all cases. Usually, boys who suffer from scoliosis of grade 3 and 4 are not sent to the service.

But if the doctor intentionally wants to reduce the degree of the disease, to send a young man to the army, then you can complain to him in writing to his boss. Find out what the doctor diagnosed wrong, will help x-ray.

If you are sure of the wrong diagnosis, it is better to be examined in another clinic.

Thus, most often the army is taken with scoliosis and flat feet. Heavy degrees and forms of the disease are much less common. In this case, you can "slice" from the service. If, despite the severe form of the disease, you are sent to the army, you have the right to file a complaint with the military enlistment office.

A source: http://.ru/article/222545/berut-li-v-armiyu-so-skoliozom-i-ploskostopiem

Which scoliosis is not taken into the army?

If there is a scoliosis in the recruit, the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office should be provided X-ray photographs, on the basis of which the final verdict will be passed: he is fit to serve in the army or not is good. Of particular importance in this case is the degree of the disease, its features (fixed or non-fixed curvature), as well as the presence or absence of violations of the spine.

Categories of shelf life

After the announcement of the medical verdict, all conscripts are divided into 5 categories. Given the 66th article in general and scoliosis in particular, these categories look like this:

  1. "A"- absolutely healthy recruits, suitable for service without restrictions (young people with scoliosis in childhood and adolescence, corrected before the passage of the medical commission).
  2. "B"- young men fit for service, but with restrictions on the occupation (1 degree of curvature of the spinal column, scoliosis not fixed 2 degrees).
  3. "AT"- Young people are released from service in the armed forces under peace conditions, but are called upon to complete the military units of the second stage. Such recruits receive a military ticket and are listed in stock (men who have a fixed curvature in 2 stages with a deviation angle of more than 17 degrees; men who have a fixed curvature of the vertebral column of the 2nd degree and a deflection angle of less than 17 degrees, but with functional changes in the vertebral column pillar).
  4. "G"- conscripts who are released from military duties for six months or a year, with a repeated passage of the commission after the expiry of the term postponement (with scoliosis in this category are rare, because the disease can not be adjusted for such a short period time).
  5. "D"- young men, are not enlisted in the armed forces (fixed scoliosis in 2 stages or non-fixed pathology with minor functional disorders, scoliosis of 3-4 degrees. The corresponding entry is entered in the military ticket, and the passport is stamped.

Fixed and non-fixed curvature of the spine

During the meeting of the medical board, all invited young men should be provided with a snapshot of the spine, performed on the radiology unit in a standing position.

If scoliosis is detected in 2 stages (for distribution in the military registration and enlistment office by categories of fitness, fixity curvature affects only at this stage of the disease), the young man needs to take a second shot, in the lying down.

Based on the results of the comparison of images, the type of curvature is determined (fixed or non-fixed changes in the spinal column).

Fixed scoliosis is confirmed by both X-rays (angles of deviation of the spine from the axis are preserved and are within 11-25 degrees). With this form of curvature, the young man is given the category "B" and he is released from military duties in conditions of peace.

Not a fixed curvature of the second degree is confirmed only in the presence of a picture in the vertical position of the trunk, a lower degree of curvature is noted in the horizontal position.

The results do not influence the degree of scoliosis: for example, if a 13-degree deviation is set in the vertical position, and in horizontal position is 9 degrees, then in conclusion 2 degree of the disease is indicated, but not fixed changes and taken to service.

The decision of disputable situations

For conscripts, the only possible option for obtaining exemption from service is the conclusion of the commission of the military commissariat (the conclusions of any other doctors or medical commissions are not considered).

The most frequently disputed questions arise in the diagnosis of the first and second degree of scoliosis in borderline values ​​(curvature of 9-12 degrees).

Dishonest boys can influence the results of x-ray research, slightly bending to the side. That is why the commission makes a verdict on the basis of x-ray photographs of the draftee in both planes.

If a young person does not agree with the conclusion of doctors, he should adhere to the following scheme to protect his interests:

  1. In the commission to provide copies of all references and photographs, the originals will be needed for a second meeting. This is not prohibited by law, but representatives of the commission sometimes insist on the provision of originals, copies in this case are sent by mail with a notification.
  2. On their disagreement must be stated immediately and in writing. 2 copies of the application are written (one is left for the secretary, the other is for himself: with the signature on receipt, the name and the post received, the date and registration number).
  3. They refuse to accept the application in the local military registration and enlistment office - safely send it to the regional commission on conscription.
  4. Do not come to a compromise in the regional commission - file a lawsuit in court. This is the last instance that can change the decision of the conscription commission.
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Violation of the functions of the spine

Another criteria for eligibility of conscripts: the presence of violations of the functions of the spinal column. Depending on the degree of pathology, young people can be assigned the following categories of validity:

  • Minor pathologies - "D" -category.
  • Moderate changes are "В" -category.
  • Minor dysfunction in the background of 1 degree of disease - "B" -category.
  • Minor dysfunction in the background of 2 degrees - "B" -category.

For minor functional pathologies are characteristic:

  • Partial loss of sensitivity in a segment of one segment of the spinal cord.
  • Decrease or absence of tendon reflex.
  • The fall of the tone of an individual limb muscle, provided that other muscles compensate for the pathology.


  1. Scoliosis with an angle of deviation from the axis of less than 10 degrees inclusive does not relieve from military duties.
  2. At a scoliosis of 2 degrees are enlisted on military preparation of the youth with not fixed curvature.
  3. In the first or second case mentioned above, the young men are placed at the disposal of the armed forces with restrictions.
  4. In other cases, a military ticket is awarded without service (which does not relieve certain categories of citizens from their duties in the conditions of war).

A source:

Liberation from the army by scoliosis: military tricks and tricks

Scoliosis - a fairly common disease, expressed in the curvature of the spine.

Most often young people are exposed to him, so it is not surprising that recruits are interested in whether it is possible to get liberation from the army by scoliosis.

You can get a military ticket for scoliosis, but the release from conscription is accompanied by a number of complexities and nuances. Especially often the category of validity in the document is overstated through the fault of the military commissariat, which is striving to fulfill the plans for the draft. Therefore, in this article, we will consider how the degrees of scoliosis (kyphoscoliosis) and the army correlate, what are the requirements for diagnosis for release from service, and also answer the question how to avoid the traps of the military commissariat with confirmation diagnosis.

How to confirm the diagnosis in the military enlistment office?

X-rays are the first thing to look for when deciding whether they are taking to the army with scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis.

Since the category of fitness for service depends on the degree of the disease, the military registration and enlistment office must send the conscript for an additional examination to determine the angle of curvature of the spine.

On an additional survey from the military registration and enlistment office, a recruit can be assigned a list of various medical studies, including must necessarily include radiography in two projections: in the standing position - to determine the degree of scoliosis, and lying - to clarify it fixation.

The most common violation leading to the establishment of an incorrect category of fitness is due to the fact that sometimes in medical institutions recruits are sent to the X-ray only in the prone position. Such diagnostics is incomplete and inaccurate, because shows a smaller angle of curvature.

Getting a military ticket for scoliosis

Survey of conscripts occurs according to Article 66 of the Schedule of Diseases. In accordance with this document, the expiration category "B" is exposed for the diagnosis of scoliosis of the 1st degree.

Whether the 2nd stage is taken into the army with the curvature of the spine, it is more difficult to answer. In this case, the probability of conscription depends on the angle of curvature and the presence of functional disorders.

From service in the army persons are released:

  • with a fixed scoliosis of the 2nd degree;
  • angle of curvature of the spine of which exceeds 17 degrees;
  • which have significant disorders of the spine.

To minor violations in the spine include:

  1. pain syndrome;
  2. limiting the amplitude of motion in the cervical and lumbar regions;
  3. certain sensitive disorders;
  4. a certain decrease in muscle strength.

The presence of functional disorders must necessarily be confirmed by medical documents from a neurologist, otherwise the conscript can be recognized as fit for military service.

The conscript with a 2 degree of scoliosis with an angle of curvature of the spine of 11-17 degrees in the absence of functional disorders is recognized as fit for service with the category of validity "B-3".

How to resolve disputed issues at 1 and 2 degrees of scoliosis

  • As we said earlier, conscripts with 1 degree of scoliosis are subject to conscription for military service. However, often the first degree in a medical chart means incorrectly performed examinations and, as a result, an incorrectly defined degree of bending. Therefore, during the passage of conscription activities, special attention should be given to diagnosing the disease in the direction of the military commissariat.
  • You do not need to submit original documents to the military commissariat, as they can be lost - better stock up their copies. Representatives of the commission have no right to refuse them. If this problem arises, then it is worth sending copies by registered mail.
  • Actual shots are those that are not more than 6 months old. If they are "older then they will have to make new ones.
  • Disagreement with the decision of the conscription commission should be stated in writing. It is necessary to do this until the moment of being sent to the army.
  • Originals of medical reports with stamps should be attached to a personal file. If the military commission refuses to put seals, then one must demand that they check the conclusion of copies and originals and attach them to a personal case.

Liberation from the army by scoliosis is not an easy process.

Military commissariats go to numerous tricks to recognize a young man fit for service, although for the conscript such a decision can result in complications with health.

If during medical examinations the doctors of the medical board refuse to recognize the diagnosis, it is worth think about appealing to lawyers who will help appeal the decision of the military commissariat and get a military ticket.

A source:

Will they take a young man suffering from scoliosis into the army?

The young men are wondering whether they are taking scoliosis with the army and what difficulties arise when they go through a medical commission. Often they have to confirm the diagnosis in the military registration and enlistment office and resolve disputable issues.

With deformation of the spine of 1 and 2 degrees, a young man can be considered fit for military service. In this case, he must appeal the decision of the commission. The young person often deteriorates health due to the presence of scoliosis, and military service becomes a big test.

Deferment from conscription

Three-plane deformation of the spine in humans refers to the diseases specified in the law of the Russian Federation, excluding the possibility of serving in the Armed Forces. Do not enlist young men suffering from 1, 2 and 3 degrees of curvature of the spine.

During the passage of the commission, the following symptoms are observed:

  • displacement of the main part of the axial skeleton of a person to the left or to the right,
  • compression of vertebral bodies;
  • violation of physiological curves.

The congenital form of the disease is rare. Diagnosis of the displacement of the axial part is carried out using an x-ray machine. Snapshots make it possible to draw a preliminary conclusion about the degree of the disease.

The draftee is obliged to submit to the military enlistment office an image of the spinal column, made in two projections, standing and lying down. When establishing the diagnosis, the doctor is guided by Art. 66 Timetables, items a, b, c.

The angle of deformation from 11 ° to 17 ° and the violation of the function of the spine serve as the basis for postponement.

Curvature of the 2nd degree affects the following departments:

  1. cervicothoracic;
  2. lumbar;
  3. sacral.

There is a rotation of the vertebra around its axis without changing its structure.

Types of scoliosis

There are 2 types of deformation:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

During the examination, the doctor notes the presence of underdeveloped musculature, a rounded back, a hollow thorax. Sometimes a young man complains of a nervous system disorder.

There are the following forms of deformation of the spinal column:

  1. C-shaped;
  2. S-shaped;
  3. Z-shaped.

Each of them has one or more arcs of curvature. Scoliosis of the 1st degree is not determined visually. To establish a curvature of a backbone it is possible only by means of a roentgen. The lateral deviation angle is 10 °.

Deformation of the 2nd degree is characterized by characteristic changes in the bodies of the vertebrae, and it is impossible to restore their shape. Shoulders and shoulders of the patient are asymmetrical, and the angle of deflection exceeds 25 °.

In the army, a young man will have to engage in intensive physical training, but it is counter-indicative exercises for stretching and flexibility. Young people do not recommend a horizontal bar and a Swedish wall.

His motor activity decreases, a rib hump appears. 70% of future warriors have deviations in the musculoskeletal system, so the doctor must pay careful attention to the complaints of the young man, if his back hurts.

Fixed scoliosis

Deformation of the spine is accompanied by a violation of its function. According to Art. 66 Schedule of illnesses, the doctor can issue exemption from the call if he establishes a fixed scoliosis of the 2nd degree with a curvature angle of 11-17 °.

If the disease lasts for a long time, the patient complains of the symptoms of static disorders that occur 6 hours after the body is in an upright position.

In this case, the doctor notes the appearance of motor disorders, changes in tendon reflexes, and a decrease in muscle strength. The patient can hardly make slopes back and forth.

Fixed deformation is completely preserved if the patient lies on a hard surface. Curvature of the spine of the 2nd degree is determined visually.

Excess body weight sometimes hinders to consider signs of fixed curvature due to the thick layer of subcutaneous fat.

A young man will be commissar if an S-shaped fixed left-sided curvature of the lumbar spine is detected with a left rotation at L1-L4.

The patient is determined by the decrease in the height of the discs.

Classification of the disease according to Cobb

Deformation of the spine in a young person is dangerous to health, because there is a pinched nerve, a violation of blood circulation. If the young man will serve in the army with scoliosis of the third degree, he may develop diseases of the internal organs:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • colitis.

The doctor uses Cobb's classification to determine the type of disease. Deformation of the spine is divided into the following types:

  1. myopathic;
  2. neurogenic;
  3. idiopathic.

With the neurogenic nature of the disease, the vegetative nervous system is affected, and bone marrow inflammation, myopathy, often develops.

When examined at the young man determine the violation of the tone of the muscles of the abdomen and back. A young man can not engage in football, tennis, volleyball.

He hardly manages to carry weights with one hand.

Given the classification of the disease, it is not difficult to understand whether in the army with a scoliosis of 1 degree and more serious disorders that arise in the work of the spine. In any case, it is necessary to take into account the features of the pathological process.

S-shaped scoliosis deformation 1-4 degrees

Speaking about scoliosis and service in the army, it is necessary to pay attention to the degree of damage to the spine.

If a corner of curvature, equal to 1-10 °, is found during the X-ray study, the young man is to be summoned to the RF Armed Forces.

At stage 1 of the disease, asymmetry of the shoulder and shoulder blades is observed in young people, the angle of deformation is from 5 ° to 10 °.

A more pronounced spinal injury is characteristic of grade 2 disease, and the presence of a compensatory arch and a pronounced deformity of the chest point to the third stage of scoliosis. The arc angle increases to 149-120 °.

S-shaped deformation of the 4th stage is accompanied by pain, the patient suffers from dyspnea, increased pressure, numbness of the extremities. During the inspection, a rib hump is found.

A young man with scoliosis is taken into the army only in the event that there is no deformation of the spine. This form of the disease can be corrected with the help of special procedures in the hospital or in therapeutic gymnastics.

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S-shaped type of deformation in the lateral projection is treated operatively or conservatively. Sharp movements threaten the patient with serious complications or irreparable consequences.

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Will they take in the army with scoliosis and flat feet?

The desire to give their debt to the motherland and serve an "urgent" does not come from everyone. Most of the men of military age tend to seek to "bite" the army.

During the recruitment among such a category of youth, the question becomes especially topical whether they are taking to the army with scoliosis and flat feet.

Is the army taking scoliosis: practice

As practice showed, guys with this problem of the spine are mostly called. However, there are exceptions to the rules. Everything depends on how much the spine has a deformed spine.

Those who are interested in whether the army is taken with scoliosis of 2 degrees, the answer will not please. Such a draftee military doctors often put a tick "good".

This decision is explained by the fact that physicians in the military registration and enlistment office are primarily interested in sending the largest number of people to the army.

What to do?

For those who want to "zakosit" and those who wonder whether they are taking into the army with scoliosis, the military registration and enlistment office is not the best place for a final medical conclusion.

If there are problems with the spine, it is advisable for a young person to immediately consult an independent specialist. The main thing is that the doctor had nothing to do with the military enlistment office and was a disinterested person.

It is recommended that this doctor conduct medical examinations and at the end make his conclusion.

It is very important that in the military enlistment office the conscript to the local doctors provide all the X-rays and the medical history.

In this case, those who are interested in whether they are taking scoliosis with the army are more likely to "bite" from the service.

If there is a medical record, the further fate of the recruit will depend on what category of the disease he is assigned.


To whom it is interesting, whether it is taken to army with a scoliosis, it will be useful to learn, what categories can be appropriated to conscripts:

  • "A". Young people with this category are fit for service in the army. It is possible that during school years they had scoliosis in the initial stage, but thanks to timely intervention it was managed to be cured.
  • "B". This category also does not always exempt from "urgent". However, it provides for certain restrictions.
  • "G". Having received this category, a young man may not wonder whether they are taking him into the army with scoliosis, within six months. From the call he gets a respite. For six months a young man should be passed a medical commission. In conclusion, the doctor indicates the angle of deviation in the spine, according to which the military commissariat will decide which category to recruit the conscript. Advantageously, the angle of curvature of the vertebrae within the range of 11-12 degrees is considered by many physicians to be questionable. Half a year is considered the optimal period during which by means of special exercises the skeleton column can be brought to a satisfactory condition. The extent to which the therapy is effective in six months will be demonstrated by an X-ray.
  • "D". The category is assigned to those conscripts who have a curvature angle of over 25 degrees during the medical examination. Since such damage to the spine can not be remedied, young people with such defects do not receive a delay, but immediately recognized as unfit for service in the army.

Signs of scoliosis

In the period from 22 to 24 years, vertebral structures develop most actively.

If a young man has a congenital or acquired weakness of the muscular system, the growth of the vertebrae can lead to deformation of the axis of the skeleton.

The lateral curvatures of the vertebrae occur in every third person on earth.

Scoliosis can be detected by the following signs:

  • Curvature of the spine in the frontal plane.
  • The presence of asymmetry of vertebrae.
  • Increases vertebral bends.
  • Twisting of vertebrae.
  • Visual curvature of the hull.

The initial stage of the disease

Many people are wondering whether they take the first degree in the army with scoliosis. Conscripts who have noted the initial phase of deformity of the spine, to evade the "urgent" will not work. It is due to the fact that the first stage of scoliosis is not considered a serious disease.

However, in the absence of proper treatment, the disease progresses rapidly. Deterioration of posture and the appearance of pain in the neck indicate that there are problems with the spine.

Treatment is carried out with the help of manual therapy, posture corrector, special exercise complex exercise therapy (therapeutic physical culture).

You can be treated at home. In the army, this problem is solved by performing drill exercises.

Complications in the definition of the scoliosis group

Often, young people are worried whether they are taking into the army with scoliosis 2 or 3 degrees. For those with a second grade, there is a category "B".

This means that the recruit is fit for military service, but he is recommended some physical restrictions. Namely: it can serve, but not in any company. The disease manifests itself in a noticeable asymmetry of the body.

Visually, the curvatures become even more noticeable if such a person is long standing in a standing position.

Since this stage is characterized by rapid progression to the 3rd, it is very important to start therapy in time. The curvature is also treated with the help of massages, manual therapy, posture corrector and exercises of exercise therapy.

Having vertebral infringements of 2 nd degree and having x-ray images pointing to right-sided scoliosis, the conscript may no longer have to worry about whether they are taking scoliosis of 20 degrees.

For the 2nd degree, vertebrae curvatures of 10 to 25 degrees are characteristic, a high index indicates that the disease is progressing.

Consequently, the chances of avoiding military service in a young person with such health problems are quite high.

Is the army taking scoliosis with 3 degrees?

In this case, the recruit will receive an unambiguously negative answer. Symptoms of the disease are:

  • Very strong curvature of the spine.
  • Education hump.
  • Shift of the chest.

In this degree of scoliosis in humans, the heart and lungs function with impairments.

In what cases do they give a "white ticket"?

For the army are not suitable for those young people who are 25 years old medics assigned category "D". These guys especially noticeable problems with the whole system of organs. Symptoms:

  1. Displacement of the heart.
  2. Problem breathing.
  3. Lack of endurance.
  4. Noticeable puffiness.

Having received a "white ticket these young people are completely exempt from military service.


Foot disorders, as well as problems with the spinal column, can be the basis for recognizing the worthlessness of a draftee for military service. In the case of flatfoot, as in the case of scoliosis, it all depends on which category of the disease will be attributed to the draftee.

There are the following categories of flatfoot:

  • "A". No deformities were observed during the examination. A person is fit to serve in the army in any company.
  • "B". It is a minor disturbance of the foot. With this category, the young man will not be able to "bite".
  • "AT". Conscript is fit for military service, but only under favorable conditions.
  • "G". This category indicates serious abnormalities of the foot. Such a young man as a doctor in a military registration and enlistment office is recognized as having limited access to military service. This means that in peacetime it can not be invoked, but can be mobilized in case of martial law.
  • "D". This category indicates that the patient is completely unfit for army service. It is considered the basis for obtaining a "white ticket".

This ailment is very common. Often, in the absence of proper treatment, it leads to concomitant complications. One of these diseases is arthrosis. If a young man has flat feet and arthrosis, then call him to "urgent" by law do not have the right.

How can a conscript uphold his rights?

On the suitability of a person for military service can be judged by an orthopedic trauma specialist after a medical examination.

If there is no specialist in the military enlistment office, the draftee can be examined by a surgeon. However, according to the law, he has no right to make a definitive diagnosis.

Conclusions on the degree of scoliosis are made only by an x-ray on the basis of an X-ray.

As practice shows, cases when a doctor in a military registration and enlistment office, wishing to send a young man to serve, deliberately underestimates the degree of his illness. The conscript has the right to apply in writing to the head of the military commissariat or to the military commission.

In support of his words, he must provide an X-ray, which is preferably done in another clinic and the medical history (the original and a copy). Judging by the numerous reviews, most young people are afraid to provide originals.

In this case it is recommended to send them by registered mail. This will help a person defend his rights and confirm the incorrectness of the diagnosis set in the military registration and enlistment office.

If, despite all the documents provided, the conscript is still sent to serve, then he has the right to appeal against this decision. The protest is made in writing in two copies. One is for the secretary of the military commissariat, and the second is for the members of the admissions committee.

It is very important that the person who receives the appeal assures him with a signature or seal. If this did not help, and the draftee with scoliosis is sent to serve, he can apply to the regional court.

When the service is needed

There is also a category of conscripts that do not perceive the presence of scoliosis and flat feet as an excuse to "zakosit" from the service. Mostly they are young people who are going to work in the law enforcement system.

The conscript who wants to serve needs to be re-examined from other specialists. Then, two copies of the medical report are sent to the military commissariat, which state that the degree of deformation of the spine or stop of the draftee is insignificant.

As practice shows, those young people who have a degree of lesion of the spine no more than 9 degrees are more likely to succeed.

Such people, despite their great desire to serve in the army, it is necessary to remember that significant physical exertion can negatively affect their health.

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