We get rid of seborrhea on the head of the house without any difficulties

Because of this disease, like seborrhea, hair falls on the head. If you delay with treatment, you can start the process and lose most of the hair. How to treat seborrhea properly at home, we will tell you in detail.

  • Important General Information
  • Medication
  • Shampoos
  • The use of ointments
  • What will help with oily seborrhea?
  • What will help with dry seborrhea
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Important! There are two forms of this disease - oily and dry. Home treatment directly depends on what kind of disease progresses.

What can cause seborrhea:

  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • problems and disorders of the digestive tract;
  • stress;
  • hormonal instability.

Important General Information

To treat the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home should be integrated. After all, it is important to work not only on the scalp itself, but also to strengthen the body as a whole.

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Important! Seborrhea should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist. But do not worry about using folk methods. Many doctors actively recommend them themselves within the framework of complex therapy.

What methods of treatment are used:

  • drugs that restore the work of the nervous system;
  • funds that treat diseases that cause seborrhea;
  • additional hormone intake;
  • a diet that includes more sour-milk ingredients, beets and any kinds of cabbage, oat flakes in a cured form. To refuse it is necessary from animal fats and spices, and also from tinned, salty, fatty products;
  • additionally take vitamins A, B, E, sulfur and zinc. It is these vitamins and nutrients that are responsible for the body's ability to fight seborrhea alone;
  • physiotherapy procedures: massage, ultraviolet;
  • if seborrhea is in a dry form, sulfuric and salicylic ointments are prescribed. Rarely used in this situation, hormonal ointments.


In addition to the medicines listed below, a strict diet should be followed. Recommended drugs:

  • antifungal (ketonazole, bifonazole, lamilicil);
  • vitamins (Hexavit, Multitabs);
  • preparations based on herbal components;
  • antihistamines (Loratadine, Cetirizine).

Therapy with medicines is 1-2 months. Once every six months, it is necessary to conduct a preventive course of treatment.


To choose the right shampoo, you need to diagnose the type of skin disease: oily, dry, mixed seborrhea, with a thick or liquid secret. Proceeding from this select a shampoo:

  • with antifungal effect, with ketoconazole content;
  • with antibacterial property, the composition includes zinc pyrithione;
  • with exfoliating action, based on salicylic acid;
  • means, including in the composition of tar.

Having made a choice, it is necessary to wash the shampoo for three months, then for prevention use once a half-month. After washing your head, it is recommended to make a mask for hair based on oils at night.

The use of ointments

If you need to treat seborrhea scalp at home in children or adults, then with a dry form often prescribed ointments. The most effective is the usual sulfuric ointment 10%. To rub it correctly, you need to follow the course of the parting. The course of treatment lasts 8 days, and the next day you need to give your head a breather. On the 10th day, wash your head with boiled water, special shampoos with the addition of selenium, tar and zinc.

On the 11th day after rubbing the ointment, begin treatment of the scalp using a solution of boric acid. The solution is made with 150 ml of boiling water, in which a large spoonful of boric acid dissolves. Apply overnight, rewind hair with a towel. Carry out the procedure for three days, then for 7 days a break is made. This course of treatment can be repeated, with interruptions per week, up to three times.

What will help with oily seborrhea?

Best for this diagnosis will help a burdock or burdock. And the root part of these plants is used. Preparations based on burdock and burdock are distinguished by a good chemical composition. They stabilize sebaceous glands, stop inflammation, do not allow fungi to actively develop. What is still important, such drugs provide drainage of pores.

You can also independently prepare mixtures based on burdock. A plant will need a year old. Roots grind and take in the amount of two large spoons, pour 250 ml of water. Cook the ingredients for a quarter of an hour and cool. Two weeks to rub the solution into the roots of hair, and also rinse them with this solution at the end of the main procedure.

Inside you can take a decoction of the root of burdock, nettle leaves and wormwood. Ingredients take in equal doses and drink 30 ml once a day. For rinsing the hair, another decoction of the oak bark is also suitable.

Masks based on eggs with the addition of alcohol, yeast and chamomile infusion are also popular in the treatment of oily seborrhea at home. Wraps are recommended to make a decoction of walnut leaves. In this decoction, you should soak the gauze and put it on your head. It is also possible, when treating seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home, to use aloe juice with the addition of honey and castor oil.

Important! If you consider the use of infusions of herbs, you can pay attention to the kidneys and leaves of the birch, the herb of St. John's wort, tansy, wormwood, chamomile and sage. You just need to wash the broths of these plants head. The number of such procedures is from ten to fifteen.

To strengthen the roots and reduce the fat content of hair, you need to rub various scalings into the scalp. It can be decoctions based on chamomile flowers, birch and nettle leaves, marigolds and horsetail.

What will help with dry seborrhea

This form of the disease is different in that the hair lacks fat. So the main methods of treatment are aimed at replenishing its deficiency. Any creams and oils based on fats are suitable. It is important not to rub the oils intensively, otherwise the hair will break and pull out. Masks should be kept for a quarter of an hour, wrapping the head with a towel.

Folk recipes for the treatment of dry forms:

  1. Oil, which is based on burdock - an effective way to combat hair dryness. Oil should be left on the hair for several hours, putting on the cap.
  2. Roots of parsley, which also need to be soaked in vegetable oil. Proportion 1: 5. Cook for 30 minutes, but only using the water bath method. Then strain and cool, use to rub into the scalp. In total it is necessary to conduct 15 procedures, but to take breaks for one day between rubbing.
  3. Leaves of violets in combination with vegetable oil. One part of the violet takes five parts of the oil. Ingredients to mix, boil on a water bath. To rub two weeks, but with a break in one day.
  4. Mix the juice of one lemon with any kind of vegetable oil. Rub in 10 minutes before the main process of washing the head. It is necessary to do prodrugs, and already on them to spend rubbing, actively massaging a head of a head with pads of fingers.
  5. Buds of poplar black. The plant material of this tree needs to be mixed in a proportion of one to five with bacon. To warm 60 minutes on a water bath, pass through the filter.
  6. The medicinal marshmallow in a proportion of one to twenty is mixed with any kind of vegetable oil. Cook in a water bath for an hour.
  7. You can still rub the gruel from the kernel of the walnut into the skin. Powder diluted with water to make a mixture. Do not rub more than a few times in a dozen days.
  8. Egg yolk dilute with castor oil and apply to hair. Wrap the hair with a towel, leave the mixture for 40 minutes, rinse off thoroughly.
  9. Use the infusion of herbs on the basis of one-tenth of a peel of onions and ten parts of water. Hair wash this infusion, a minimum of ten procedures.
  10. An excellent mask is prepared on the basis of honey and mayonnaise (you can mix vegetable oil and soap). In a warm state, the mixture is rubbed into the scalp, then the hair is combed and left, wrapped in the head, for 40 minutes.

Now it becomes clear how to effectively treat seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home. It is important to correctly determine the exact form of the disease and begin planned, regular procedures to eliminate the causes of the problem.