Common osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Common osteochondrosis of the spine: symptoms, treatment, therapeutic gymnastics
    • 1.1What is the common osteochondrosis of the spine?
    • 1.2The main causes of the disease
    • 1.3Symptoms - repetitive back pain
    • 1.4Neck department: signs of illness
    • 1.5Manifestations in the thoracic region
    • 1.6In the lumbar
    • 1.7Diagnostic measures
    • 1.8Anamnesis
    • 1.9X-ray studies
    • 1.10Complications
    • 1.11Treatment in the period of exacerbation and remission
    • 1.12One of the schemes used in the restoration
    • 1.13Some differences
    • 1.14Physiotherapy
  • 2How to treat common osteochondrosis
    • 2.1Symptoms and signs
    • 2.2Treatment after diagnosis
    • 2.3Therapy
    • 2.4Gymnastics
    • 2.5Nutrition and diet
  • 3Common osteochondrosis of the spine: what you need to know
    • 3.1Causes of the disease
    • 3.2Manifestation of symptoms
    • 3.3Therapy of a common spinal osteochondrosis
    • 3.4Procedure for assigning a disability group
    • 3.5Third group
    • 3.6The second group
    • 3.7First group
    • 3.8Denial of responsibility
  • 4Common osteochondrosis of the spine
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Causes of appearance
    • 4.2Main symptoms
    • 4.3Diagnostic measures
    • 4.4Complex treatment
  • 5Common osteochondrosis of the spine
  • 6Harmful and common osteochondrosis: treatment of ailment
    • 6.1Reflexology
    • 6.2Other methods

Common osteochondrosis of the spine: symptoms, treatment, therapeutic gymnastics

Human health is in direct connection with the state of the spine.

Knowledge of the diseases of the column, the causes of their occurrence, prevention, treatment will help improve the spine.

And, therefore, to improve the quality of life.

The spine performs three main functions:

  1. Reference- the axis of the human body, the foundation on which "all constructions" are based, as compared with the building.
  2. Protective- creates a reliable shelter for the spinal cord.
  3. Amortization- occurs due to "pads" - intervertebral discs. Their structure allows you to mitigate dynamic and static loads on the pole.

What is the common osteochondrosis of the spine?

Intervertebral discs age and age with age. Violations in the tissues of the discs are also caused by sharp loads on the spine, an incorrect way of life. Changes in the condition of the discs, the location of the vertebrae relative to each other provokes osteochondrosis.

This form of the disease is considered severe. According to statistics from the number of patients with osteochondrosis, about thirteen per cent has this diagnosis. More often, the defeat of this disease is observed after forty years, Specialists note that the disease "is younger".

The main causes of the disease

Vertebrae and intercostal disks, like other tissues of the body, constantly renew themselves. To ensure that new cells are healthy and ready for full loads, they must receive proper nutrition.

The discs do not have blood vessels and are fed from neighboring tissues. To make it sufficient, it is necessary to improve blood circulation in the tissues around the disk through muscle activity. Sufficient physical activity is mandatory for the health of the spine.

The appearance of painful manifestations in the spine is caused by the following factors:

  • age changes,
  • muscular dystrophy of the corset,
  • spine trauma,
  • insufficient physical activity,
  • transferred operations,
  • excessive physical activity,
  • food with a disturbed balance of essential substances,
  • osteochondrosis of one part of the spine loads other departments and provokes disorders in them, the origin of the rheumatoid factor.

Symptoms - repetitive back pain

The set of symptoms can be varied, it depends which areas of the spine are affected by the disease. The first signal can be repeated back pain. Their appearance often comes from sudden movement, falling or when lifting the gravity.

The nature of pain can be:

  1. a slight feeling of discomfort,
  2. blunt pulling pain signals,
  3. lumbago with intensive pain loading.

Neck department: signs of illness

It is expressed by discomfort in the area of ​​the interlacing area, shoulders. Painful sensations can be in the chest, upper part and in the hands. In these places there is numbness and tingling.


  • the timbre of the voice changes,
  • frequent headaches,
  • hypertension or hypotension,
  • dizziness,
  • violations of coordination of movement,
  • deterioration of dental health,
  • impaired vision and hearing.

Manifestations in the thoracic region

  1. Pain when the chest moves due to sneezing, deep breathing, laughter.
  2. Limited movement of the neck, arms, trunk.
  3. Disturbs of intercostal neuralgia.
  4. Functional disorders of internal organs.

In the lumbar

  • Feeling pain when walking.
  • Difficulty urinating and defecating.
  • In the field of legs and back, sensation of tingling and burning.
  • Sometimes spontaneous muscle spasms, weakness in them
  • Disturb sexual dysfunction.

Diagnostic measures


To clarify the diagnosis of anamnesis. An attentive analysis of the patient's complaints is made. This takes into account the age of the patient.

X-ray studies

Such a study on the degree of complexity and accuracy is of several kinds

  1. Radiography of the spine - shows whether there is damage to the intervertebral discs, changes in the vertebrae. Perform an x-ray of the entire vertebral column or segment, where pain is disturbed.
  2. Myelography - the condition of the spinal canal is determined, hernias are diagnosed. At inspection in the channel enter contrast substance. This method is dangerous for a possible reaction of the organism to a contrast agent and in the fact that it is possible that some damage to the spinal cord may occur upon its administration.
  3. Computer tomography is the most safe, modern method of diagnosis. At inspection receive the full detailed information on a condition of a backbone that allows to establish the exact diagnosis, and it is important.

If there is a hernia, the patient in some cases can determine its location and then always seek medical help:

  • Numbness of the little finger and the fourth finger indicates a problem in the eighth segment.
  • If the third and index fingers become numb, then the hernia is at the level of the sixth and seventh vertebrae.
  • Numbness of the thumb and forefinger - the hernia is diagnosed at the level of the fifth and sixth vertebrae.


  1. As a result of aging disks, they are modified. The space between adjacent vertebrae is shortened and they are displaced. The role of holding them in the right position is assumed by the muscles and, as a result, they are in tension.
  2. The body, in order to protect the vertebrae with a thin and insufficiently flexible gasket from deformations, increases at their edges thickenings - osteophytes. These formations fix the vertebrae, partially immobilizing them in varying degrees.
  3. The displaced vertebrae in the cervical region can transmit vertebral arteries and thereby worsen cerebral circulation. As a result, a whole bunch of diseases arise, because the brain controls many processes.
  4. A modified disk may be a hernia when squashed. If this trouble happened on the thoracic and cervical spine - painful sensations in the hands, their weakness. The exact movements of the arms will be more difficult.
  5. Lumbar hernia can cause the lower limbs to become paralyzed, urinary problems and sexual disorders.
  6. Nerve compression due to a change in the lumen between the vertebrae causes its inflammation. This leads to a painful syndrome and a worsening of the functions of the organ for which the injured nerve is responsible

Treatment in the period of exacerbation and remission

This diagnosis indicates that treatment is indispensable and the earlier, the better. With the perseverance of the doctor and the patient, success is possible.

Conservative treatment is indicated if there are no complications in the state of health.

It includes:

  1. Compliance with diet
  2. Drug treatment, use drugs:
  3. Therapeutic physical training
  4. Complex therapy, which can consist of the following procedures, appointed by a doctor:
  5. Surgical operation - if there are complications from the disease, for example, hernia or sciatica. Often surgical intervention is used for late referral to a doctor.

One of the schemes used in the restoration

  • Purpose of the correct motor mode.
  • Inspection - mandatory tomography.
  • Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Immobilization - immobilization of problem areas, for example, the use of the neck collar.
  • Manual therapy is used.

If the doctor's appointment was timely, a complete cure is possible.

In any case, as a result of treatment, it is possible to stop the pathological changes in the spine and the removal of pain.

Some differences

During an exacerbation:

  1. Medication removal of pain and acute inflammation.
  2. An immobilization of a site with a problem is a corset, a collar.
  3. Conduct a Novocaine blockade.


The doctor appoints a patient a set of special exercises.

They are aimed at strengthening the entire spine, strengthening the spine supporting the spine of the muscle corset, are of a gentle nature and should be performed under the supervision of an experienced instructor.During exacerbations, exercise therapy is not prescribed.

Exercises reduce pain, improve blood circulation in the tissues near the vertebrae and have a general health-improving focus. The course is designed for a month of classes.

The instructor will explain what exercises can be performed only on a solid foundation. There are movements that are recommended to be made in bed on waking.

Exercises are supplemented with the recommendation to sleep only on a firm mattress and, if possible, to go swimming. Especially the style of "breaststroke" and swimming on the back is shown.

At the end of the course of treatment should lead a healthy lifestyle and diet. It is necessary to create on the spine the useful loads permitted by the doctor. A common osteochondrosis requires careful attention to one's health.

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How to treat common osteochondrosis

The pathological process associated with a dystrophic disorder of several parts of the spine is called a common osteochondrosis.

The disease is aggravated by the fact that it affects several parts of the bone system, and the symptoms are so diverse, that diagnosis is possible only with a thorough medical examination in clinic.

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It is commonly believed that common osteochondrosis is a disease of middle and older people.

But in recent years, a sedentary lifestyle and a significant decrease in immunity in young people has dramatically increased the number of patients aged 25-35 years.

In general, pathology affects the lumbar and cervical spine, which affects negatively the quality of life, causing over the years irreparable consequences associated with severe chronic diseases.

Table of contents

  • Symptoms and signs
  • Treatment
    • Therapy
    • Gymnastics
    • Nutrition and diet

Symptoms and signs

Pathology has certain characteristics that are significantly different from those that are characteristic of the degradation of bone tissues of individual zones and divisions. The set of symptoms of common osteochondrosis, which characterizes the general clinical picture, is as follows:

  • Significant sharp deterioration of eyesight and hearing;
  • Dizziness, impaired coordination of movements;
  • Diseases of the mouth, loss of teeth, skin hyperemia;
  • General weakness, fast fatigue of the body even at the lowest physical exertion;
  • Painful sensations in the area of ​​the chest stand, under the shoulder blade, in the shoulder joints, giving to the upper limbs.

A common osteochondrosis can be localized in one area of ​​the spinal column, hitting several joints and cartilages.

The signs of such pathologies are individual, and clearly characterize the area of ​​the lesion.

For example, the disease in the thoracic region has pronounced symptoms:

  1. Pain and shortness of breath in the heart, associated with the development of intercostal neuralgia;
  2. Restrictions on the movements of the neck and hands;
  3. Strong painful sensations with sudden movements of hands and torso, sneezing and coughing;
  4. Diseases of internal organs.

Symptoms of lumbar common osteochondrosis:

  • Numbness in the lower limbs and lumbar region;
  • Pain sensations in the pelvic region, passing into the buttocks and legs;
  • Spasmodic seizures in the localization of osteochondrosis;
  • Diseases of internal organs of the pelvis, associated with difficulty urinating, difficult bowel movements, or, on the contrary, incontinence of urine and feces.

Given that the widespread osteochondrosis of the spine manifests itself in each specific case in different ways, and provokes exacerbations associated not only with the bone system, but also with internal organs, can diagnose the disease only specialist. During the examination, the doctor will necessarily appoint an MRI, which allows to identify pathological processes in the entire spine, and will prescribe an effective treatment.

Treatment after diagnosis

Information that the neurologist receives after the examination, will give him a clear and clear information picture in order to draw a diagram, according to which the treatment will be carried out. To do this, the doctor should definitely understand whether the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs is damaged, whether a hernia or prothesis has appeared during the course of the disease.

Treatment of a common osteochondrosis is a long process, requiring the patient to have special perseverance and patience.

The complex of procedures includes pain relief, the appointment of manual, medicinal therapy, physiotherapy, massage and therapeutic gymnastics. Only the implementation of all medical recommendations can give a quick and positive result.

If the specialist has identified a threat associated with certain risks to life and health, the patient may be shown surgery.


Since degenerative processes have already affected several areas and zones of the spine, therapeutic treatment will have several directions, in particular, it will affect the main problem areas. Doctors recommend treating common osteochondrosis in the same way as usual, with one significant difference - the number of measures to eliminate the problem will be much greater.

Therapy also includes medical treatment associated with the administration of drugs of such groups as analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, relaxants, hondoprotectors.The duration of treatment depends on the degree of damage to the spine or its individual parts.

In case of exacerbations or severe clinical manifestations, the doctor may recommend placement of the patient in a hospital.

Such measures are connected with the fact that during the process of pain relief by injections and blockades, the patient should be supervised by specialists.

In addition, the clinic will conduct a course of treatment for inflammatory processes with the support of muscle relaxants.


The obligatory complex of gymnastic exercises is appointed only after the patient's condition has become stable, it is not disturbed by muscle spasms and pains.

Gymnastics can be performed, both at home and in specially equipped rooms for this purpose under the supervision of an instructor.

The complex of exercises is prescribed individually, and is intended for the work of those areas of muscles and joints that are affected by pathology.

Nutrition and diet

A common osteochondrosis occurs in 55% of cases of overweight people.

Proper nutrition and diet - one of the mandatory items of the complex of measures, which allows to relieve the spine from excessive load during treatment.

A prerequisite for changing the diet is the rejection of fatty and flour foods, while minimizing the content of salt and sugar in the remaining dishes.

To prevent the development of pathology of the spine, you can, paying sufficient attention to your lifestyle.

Regular gymnastics, the correct position of the body and a comfortable chair with sedentary work, a mattress and a pillow sufficient height and rigidity - excellent preventive measures to prevent osteochondrosis.

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Common osteochondrosis of the spine: what you need to know

Osteochondrosis is a dangerous disease of the spine, often manifested in one of its departments.

But with widespread osteochondrosis, pathologic changes of a dystrophic character are recorded in two or more parts of the spinal column, and in severe cases the whole spine can be affected.

Osteochondrosis belongs to the group of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine (DZP), which also includes spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis.

Most common osteochondrosis of the spine is noted in patients after 40 years, but there is a tendency of its gradual "rejuvenation".

As a rule, the pathological process captures the cervical spine. When they are joined, it also significantly increases the symptoms and treatment.

Causes of the disease

Doctors say that the reason for the appearance of osteochondrosis is in the very upright. The human spine is constantly experiencing high loads in the bending zones, especially with a sedentary lifestyle and a constant uncomfortable posture.

In addition, there are additional factors contributing to the development of dystrophic pathology and deformation of intervertebral discs of the spinal column:

  • suffered physical trauma of the spine;
  • surgical operations with a long recovery phase;
  • heavy physical activities, or associated with professional activities;
  • weakness of skeletal muscles;
  • curvature of the spine, any violation of posture
  • incorrect metabolism;
  • burdened heredity;
  • all kinds of stress (physical and psychological);
  • unbalanced, overweight.

Manifestation of symptoms

With a common osteochondrosis, symptoms manifest themselves in a different combination, since each part of the spine adds to the general picture of the disease a characteristic symptomatology.

The disease is characterized by:

  1. The emergence of spontaneous (with a sharp movement, a long stay in one position).
  2. Pain from the waist region "gives" to the buttock or leg.
  3. Feeling tingling, crawling "creepy.
  4. There is general muscle weakness.
  5. Any movement is difficult.
  6. There may be problems with urination and bowel movement.

With cervical disease:

  • , appear, unstable.
  • Pain from the neck region moves to the shoulders, the area, then the upper chest.
  • There may be a violation of vision, hearing, vestibular apparatus.
  • There is a toothache, skin itch, suffering ligamentous ligaments.
  • The muscle tone in the neck and hands changes.
  • Tingling and numbness in the humerus are felt.

In case of thoracic disease:

  1. There are symptoms of intercostal neuralgia, similar to those.
  2. Severe pain can make breathing difficult.
  3. The mobility of the upper body, including the neck and hands, is significantly limited.
  4. Even with small movements (sneezing, sigh) the pain intensifies.
  5. The functions of the internal organs of the chest are also violated.

Therapy of a common spinal osteochondrosis

The treatment is aimed at those responsible for the onset of pain syndrome, and strengthening of peripheral circulation, which allows reducing in the lesions.

For this, a comprehensive approach is used, including manual therapy, curative gymnastics (), and application. A special one is also chosen.

In extreme cases, if there are irreversible changes in the spine, surgical intervention may be recommended.

The impact of manual therapy is aimed at restoring the normal spacing between vertebrae, in order to relieve deforming pressure on nerve fibers. The displaced vertebrae are "put in place" and cease to injure the intervertebral discs.

Complexes fix manual influences, helping to relax spasmodic muscles, and then to strengthen the muscular skeleton protecting the spine.

To relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process, the patient can be appointed, which is often combined with the use of traditional based and minerals. Official medicine offers 4 types of drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Protectors of articular cartilage;
  • drugs for pain relief;
  • all kinds of antidepressants.

How else can I treat a common osteochondrosis? Doctors-vertebrologists offer different ones using special simulators. These programs operate in specialized medical institutions.

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Well-proven massage, which ensures the resolution of edema and the removal of muscle spasms. In some clinics it is also used.

Wearing a fixative can not be called an effective method of treating osteochondrosis. It helps to maintain posture, but promotes gradual muscle atrophy.

Optimum use of it only during an exacerbation and wear only a few hours daily.

But to warm a sore spot during an attack is completely unacceptable!

Vacuum massage, the application of leeches and similar classical procedures that normalize blood circulation, can also be used in an integrated approach. You do not need to give up, either, especially if it involves various water procedures.

Procedure for assigning a disability group

If the patient's condition does not stabilize, the attending physician may appoint an examination of work capacity, which involves an additional examination.

Which group of disability awaits the patient in this case depends on the severity of the symptoms of a common dysplastic osteochondrosis.

Third group

Pain syndrome has a pronounced character, accompanied by motor and vestibular disorders. There is a periodicity of exacerbation of symptoms. Despite this, the patient retains the ability to self-service.

The second group

The periods of exacerbation of the disease become more frequent, they become longer. In this case, surgical treatment for some reason is not expected or could not bring the desired result. The patient can move with someone's help and perform simple household duties.

First group

Functional capabilities of the spine are significantly reduced or completely lost, which leads to the inability to move. As a result, the patient is not able to provide his own existence.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Common osteochondrosis of the spine

Common osteochondrosis is the most severe form of this disease, in which several parts of the spine are affected at once.

Often the disease grasps the hip and knee joints.

If all the departments of the spine are involved in the pathological process, this disease is called generalized.

Causes of appearance

A common osteochondrosis is common, about 12% of patients have exactly this diagnosis. It, as a rule, develops because of an incorrect distribution of load on the spine, especially with a weak muscular corset.

The presence of one part of the spine in a person with osteochondrosis can provoke the appearance of degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs in other departments, as the load increases.

Another reason for its occurrence is the presence of large osteoarthrosis in a person.

The following reasons can provoke the development of the disease:

  • A sedentary lifestyle, a weak muscular corset;
  • Various injuries, bruises;
  • Excessive prolonged physical exertion;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Inadequate nutrition, lack of vitamins and trace elements, excess weight;
  • Age changes;
  • Operations on the spine;
  • Unfavorable meteorological conditions: low air temperature and high humidity;
  • Stressful conditions, depression, which lead to narrowing of the vessels.

Main symptoms

Symptomatics can be quite wide, as the disease covers several areas at the same time. Symptoms may vary throughout the day. Common osteochondrosis has the following main symptoms (depending on the affected area):

  1. Pain in the back and joints;
  2. Difficulty breathing, deterioration of blood supply.
  3. Displacement of one or more vertebrae;
  4. Stiffness, severe pain during movement;
  5. Disorders of the genitourinary system;
  6. Nervous tension, depression, nervous tic, anxiety;
  7. Metabolic disease;
  8. Hearing and vision reduction, loss of coordination of movements;
  9. Headache, dizziness, lowering or elevation of blood pressure;
  10. Intercostal neuralgia;
  11. Pathology of internal organs
  12. Spontaneous spasms in the muscles and others.

Osteochondrosis spread very much reduces the quality of life, restricts movement, very often there are exacerbations.

Diagnostic measures

A common osteochondrosis is a chronic pathology, its treatment must necessarily be under the control of doctors.

Do not ignore the disease, because the pathological process can move to healthy areas.

It is very important to have a correct and accurate diagnosis of the disease in the early stages.

When symptoms appear that are characteristic of this disease, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • Radiography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Spondylography;
  • CT scan;
  • Myelography.

The main diagnostic method is radiography, which allows to evaluate changes in the anatomical structure, displacement of the vertebrae, flattening, etc.

Myelography is based on the use of a special contrast drug, which is injected into the spinal canal by a needle.

After that the myelogram (pictures) of vertebra or vertebrae, nerve roots, cavities is done.

Complex treatment

Treatment of a common osteochondrosis will be effective only if it is complex. Complex treatment includes:

  1. Drug treatment;
  2. Therapeutic physical training;
  3. A certain diet;
  4. Surgical intervention if necessary.

The complex of therapeutic measures should be developed on the basis of diagnostic data, in accordance with the course of the disease and the area of ​​the pathological process.

Surgical intervention is required for complications - radiculitis, hernia, advanced stage of the disease. Non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed.

The main medicines for treatment are: Diclofenac, Indomethcin, various chondroprotectors (Artra, Protekon), analgesics for pain reduction, antidepressants.

Medical massage can reduce pain, normalizes blood circulation. Often appoint wearing orthopedic corsets.

It is very useful to regularly do therapeutic gymnastics, visit a chiropractor, do a hydromassage, swim in the pool.

Proper treatment in the complex will help cope with a serious illness.

However, getting rid of the symptoms, you can not relax, because it is possible to relapse.

It is necessary to comply with all the doctor's recommendations, visit the chiropractor, lead a healthy lifestyle, exclude excessive physical activity.

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Common osteochondrosis of the spine

If a person ignores the signals of his own organism,pathology of the spine takes the form of a common osteochondrosis of the spine.

In this case, degenerative disorders of cartilage tissues occur in several areas, while cervicothoracic or thoracolumbar common form of the disease affects both joints (ulnar, hip, knee).

What are the reasons for this? What are the symptoms of this stage of osteochondrosis? How to treat it and what to do for prevention?

Severe pathological changes with a common osteochondrosis can begin in the thoracic region and gradually grab the neck, shoulders, loin, sacrum. The patient's condition worsens considerably, so doctors have to act without delay.

The main reasons for a fairly rapid and large-scale development of the disease are joint osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis in one of the departments, which begins to progress and affect adjacent sites and the spine, and weakened by osteoarthritis joints.

Among the main causes of the development of the disease are the following:

  • age changes;
  • previous operations on the spine and his injuries;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • insufficient muscle tone;
  • weak ligamentous apparatus;
  • metabolic disease;
  • overweight;
  • same and irregular meals.

According to statistics, in about 15% of cases, patients with suspected osteochondrosis are diagnosed with a common form.

Let's remind, that occurs at an osteochondrosis.

Disturbance of metabolism and sedentary lifestyle lead to the gradual destruction of cartilaginous tissues in interdisk space, because untrained muscles are not able to support the spine in the right position. With excessive loads, the disks are deformed and shifted, clamping blood vessels and nerve endings.

Blood circulation malfunctions, tissues do not get enough nutrition, oxygen starvation begins, which especially dangerous in cervical osteochondrosis, as it can lead to the death of certain areas of the head the brain. Metabolic disorders also cause swelling. As a result, in the areas of displaced vertebrae, there are hernias that can no longer be ignored.

Symptoms of a common osteochondrosis of the spine are very different: from passing from one site to another, to violations in the work of internal organs.

Let's groupthe most common symptoms:

  1. malfunctions in the work of vegetative and endocrine systems: severe sweating or, on the contrary, chills, breathing disorders, poor blood circulation, problem urination;
  2. Orthopedics: from the inability to accept the habitual situation, turn your head or bend your back in the lower back to stiffness, displacement of individual vertebrae and almost complete immobilization (temporary paralysis);
  3. disorders in the work of internal organs: problems can appear in the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems;
  4. neuralgia: irritability, a sense of fear and anxiety, a nervous tic, depression, insomnia;
  5. pain: can appear in one of the departments of the spine, and in several, and also go into headaches and affect the joints.

Launched osteochondrosis, which has several foci of inflammation, leads to malfunctions in the work of the nervous system, vegetative disorders, serious lesions of internal organs, and then gives the ability to move to a new level - generalized osteochondrosis, in which all departments are affected the spine.

That is why it is important to start treatment of osteochondrosis in time. Of course, you can not get rid of such a serious illness quickly. It will take a lot of time and effort. But a positive result is possible, if strictly follow the recommendations of a neurologist.

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In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), a common osteochondrosis of the spine has a code for the ICD 10.

At the first stageit is extremely important to identify problem areas and prevent further spread of osteochondrosis. For the diagnosis is carried out a thorough examination, during which the following studies are performed:

  • radiography;
  • blood chemistry;
  • computer and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • spondylography (the condition of intervertebral discs is determined);
  • myelography: investigation of spinal cord tumors and pathological processes in discs.

After the doctor diagnosed, an individual program of treatment of a common osteochondrosis of the spine is being developed. Its technique is mostly similar to that used in the treatment of osteochondrosis of one of the departments of the spine - cervical, thoracic, lumbar.

At the first stage the neurologist prescribes medications to the patient, which help to relieve inflammation, eliminate the pain syndrome, and then improve the work of individual body systems in which fixed failures. The course of drug exposure may be long-lasting if the degenerative disorders are too global.

To restore metabolic processes, a balanced diet is introduced, and if with the help of products nutrition can not fill the missing vitamins and trace elements, they use their synthetic Analogues.

Taking into account which parts of the spine are affected, an individual complex of physiotherapy exercises is being developed. It is performed during 3, months, while during periods of exacerbation of the disease, the intensity of the exercise is significantly reduced (or stopped altogether).

During the exercisethe spine is stretched, the lumens between the deformed discs increase, the clamped vessels and nerves are gradually restored, resulting in a person getting rid of pain.

A similar effect is provided by manual therapy and massage, moreover, massage procedures, plus everything, help to relax, relieve tension, get emotional balance and get rid of stress.

With exacerbations that occur at this stage of the disease, medications (painkillers, antispasmodics, diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.) are prescribed. If the medicines do not have the proper effect, a new-cell blockade is practiced, which allows to stop the pain for 2 days.

To fix the spine, protect from further displacement of the vertebrae and reduce the load on the spinal column, bandages and cervical collars are used.

In 93% of cases, the widespread osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which affects other areas, can be defeated without surgical intervention. Operations are rarely used, because they are complex and not always successful.

Toto stop the common osteochondrosis of the lumbar spineor a disease that started in another department (cervical or thoracic), and reduce the number of relapses, simple recommendations should be followed:

  1. try to move more, make daily walks, go swimming, be sure to do morning exercises (you can perform the complex half an hour before bedtime). In charging, you need to include special exercises to prevent osteochondrosis, taking into account which part of the spine is damaged;
  2. eliminate excessive physical strain. Do not sharply lift weights, try not to be in the same position for more than half an hour, if it is impossible due to labor specifics, do warm-up for the neck, shoulders, chest, waist, legs;
  3. follow the weight and metabolism, observe the diet (5-6 times a day) and include in the diet only healthy foods. About smoked products, fast food, white bread, alcoholic beverages will have to be forgotten. Salt food is minimal, do not eat sugar. Maintain the body with vitamins, especially group B, and calcium, which is extremely important for the formation of cartilaginous tissues.

It is necessary to be attuned to long-term treatment of a widespread osteochondrosis of a backbone, after all, according to statistics, the effect is shown at least in one and a half year.

Especially the process is delayed in the elderly. A healthy lifestyle combined with proper nutrition and observance of the doctor's recommendations will have to be maintained at all times.

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Harmful and common osteochondrosis: treatment of ailment

Among the many ailments of back, the most common osteochondrosis of the spine, the treatment of which is a long and painstaking affair.This disease is associated with damage to the tissues of the spine, leading to deformation and dystrophy of the intervertebral discs.

According to observations, osteochondrosis, common among people, is inherent in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, regardless of age.

It has the following symptoms: discomfort and soreness in the spine, numbness of hands, feet, headaches, decreased skin sensitivity.


  • Ways of treatment
  • Reflexology
  • Other methods

Surgery is necessary in the case of a serious and neglected disease, when other methods of treatment are not appropriate and must act quickly. After the operation, a long rehabilitation is required.

Conservative methods of treatment are less radical than operational ones, help to eliminate painful muscle spasms, strengthen muscles, improve metabolism and regenerate processes in the affected area.

The most common methods of conservative treatment are: medicamental therapy, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, reflexology, manual therapy.

High efficiency is achieved by combining several methods simultaneously. This allows you to comprehensively approach the problem.

Conservative treatment, conditionally, is divided into two ways: drug therapy and hardware therapy. Medicinal methods are more accessible than hardware.

Medication therapy is designed to solve the following problems:

  1. Relieve pain. For this, local anesthetics are used.
  2. Remove the inflammation of the nerve roots with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Relax the clenched tight muscles with spasmolytic drugs.
  4. Stop the development of osteochondrosis with the help of antioxidants.
  5. Improve blood microcirculation, accelerate metabolism, prevent the change of cartilaginous tissue.

In order for the drugs to function as efficiently as possible, they should be taken concurrently (tablets, injections), and applied locally to the sore spot (ointments, creams, compresses).


Reflexotherapy is designed to affect the biologically active points on the human body with the aim of: increasing the body's resistance to disease, arresting pain, improving the condition patient. It includes:

  1. Acupuncture (acupuncture) - the introduction of very thin needles into the patient's skin at acupuncture points. This helps to reduce pain, to activate the regenerative forces of the body.
  • Vacuum therapy - with the help of vacuum cans, which are placed on the patient back area, it is possible quickly remove the pain, adjust the microcirculation of liquids, which contributes to the restoration of damaged tissues.
  • Acupressure. With gentle pressure of the fingers on the sore spot, it is possible to eliminate the pain and correct the curvature of the vertebrae.
  • Thermoacupuncture - the impact on acupuncture points by heat sources, which is divided into mosquito therapy (using sagebrush cigarettes), laser puncture (similar to acupuncture, is produced by a weak laser beam without damage to the skin).
  • Pharmacopuncture - drugs are introduced at acupuncture points, which increases their effectiveness. This method combines the advantages of the drug method and acupuncture: it improves the cartilage spinal tissues, normalizes metabolism, restores muscle tone, reduces rehabilitative period.
  • Magnetopuncture - the impact of magnetic waves on acupuncture points. Reflexotherapy allows you to eliminate pain after 3 sessions, and to get more serious results you need at least 15 procedures. For maximum effect, it is recommended to combine this innovative method with other treatments.

Other methods

Physiotherapy works locally on a sore spot, improves metabolism, eliminates swelling and pain. Distinguish:

  1. Electrotherapy: electrostimulation - the effect of electric current on the muscles and nerves of the back in order to stimulate them activities; electrophoresis - under the influence of electrocurrent drug substances better affect the patient plot.
  2. Detensor therapy, decompression therapy. Methods of non-surgical stretching of the spine.
  3. Magnetotherapy, laser therapy - exposure to magnetic fields and laser directly to the diseased area. Allow to penetrate deep into tissues without damaging them.
  4. Balneotherapy - the use of beneficial mineral water (swimming, therapeutic mud).
  5. Shockwave therapy is an alternative to surgical intervention. The affected areas are affected by acoustic infrasonic waves that penetrate into the tissues without damaging them, and break down the growths that cause painful sensations.

Physiotherapy has contraindications to the use: wounds, injuries, problems of the cardiovascular system.

The most common osteochondrosis is the cervical and lumbosacral spine. This is due to the maximum mobility of these sites.

Beneficial effect on them exercise exercise and swimming.

Gentle physical exertion can strengthen the back muscles that support the vertebrae and prevent them from shifting.

Excellent methods in the fight against osteochondrosis are: massage, manual therapy, osteopathy. They allow you to eliminate pain, beneficially affect diseased tissues, help the vertebrae to become in place.

The best treatment is prevention, and since usually common osteochondrosis occurs in inactive individuals, it is recommended to do light gymnastics every day. This will help prevent the appearance of osteochondrosis, align the posture and keep the back muscles in tone.

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