Qigong for the spine: exercises


  • 1Gymnastics Qigong for the spine
    • 1.1Wellness system
    • 1.2Therapeutic system
    • 1.3Exercises for the neck
  • 2Qigong Gymnastics for the Spine: Alternative Medicine
    • 2.1Chronic diseases
    • 2.2Diseases of the spine
    • 2.3Alternative Medicine
    • 2.4Qigong Gymnastics
    • 2.5Qigong system in the treatment of the spine and joints
    • 2.6The principle of gymnastics
    • 2.7Indications
    • 2.8Qigong Exercises
    • 2.9Breathing equipment
  • 3Complex of gymnastics "Qigong" for treatment of the spine and joints
    • 3.1Benefit or harm?
    • 3.2Indications and contraindications
    • 3.3Examples of Qigong exercises
    • 3.4Exercises for the spine
    • 3.5"Qigong Morning Exercise Complex"
  • 4Chinese gymnastics Qigong for healing the spine
    • 4.1Qigong for the health of the spine and joints
    • 4.2How does qigong gymnastics affect the spine?
    • 4.3How Qigong Works
    • 4.4The basic provisions of Qigong
    • 4.5Who needs Qigong gymnastics?
    • 4.6Features of therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the spine
    • 4.7Exercise 1
    • 4.8Exercise 2
    • 4.9Exercise 3
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.10Qigong for the spine of Dr. Butrimov
    • 4.11Pulling out the chin
    • 4.12Inclination
    • 4.13Looking back
    • 4.14Head incline with stretching
    • 4.15Head tilting
    • 4.16Head incline with turns
    • 4.17Complex for back
    • 4.18Qigong exercises for the spine
    • 4.19Air pressure
    • 4.20Raining the Rainbow
    • 4.21Slopes aside
    • 4.22Exercises for acute pain in the joints of the hands
    • 4.23Rotations
    • 4.24Exercises lying on the floor
  • 5Performing gymnastics Qigong for the spine and joints
    • 5.1Principles of gymnastics
    • 5.2Complex of exercises
    • 5.3Terms of fulfillment

Gymnastics Qigong for the spine

The term "qigong" refers to the Chinese systems of healing, hardening, improving the spirit and body, the ability to control the human mind.

The word is made up of two parts. Qi - energy, gun - work, movement. There are several directions of qigong: health, healing, combat and others.

Wellness system

According to the Chinese health system, the life energy of Qi moves along the channels (meridians) of the human body.

In the East, these meridians are also called rivers directed to various organs to supply them with vital energy.

If the channels are clean, the person is healthy, if they become clogged, blocked, cut off, the person starts to get sick.

Qigong - philosophy, medicine, religion

It is believed that this energy can be influenced, it can be controlled with the help of special gymnastic exercises. The body reacts to energy flows and heals. What gives qigong for the spine, the body as a whole:

  • flexibility of the joints increases;
  • improves, the posture is restored;
  • increases the general tone of the body, fatigue disappears;
  • blood supply of all organs and systems is activated;
  • improves metabolism, immunity;
  • systematic training contributes to the cure of chronic chronic diseases;
  • there is no need to use medicines.

Qigong helps where traditional methods of treatment do not work. The system has advantages over other types of health gymnastics:

  1. Do exercises without special physical training;
  2. are engaged in gymnastics at any age;
  3. classes are held in a quiet, slow pace, do not harm sick people.

The concept of qigong differs from traditional representations of medicine. All joints are considered the input gate of Qi energy, they must always be open.

It is through the joints that energy flows circulate. The spine is considered as a chain, a series of gates, on which the treatment of the whole organism depends.

Sequential changes in the spine with osteochondrosis

Therapeutic system

How important is a healthy spine and what role it plays in the human body, of course, understood the Chinese practices. Therefore, all medical, health-improving systems and techniques are aimed at stretching, straightening the spine. Recall that the vertebral column is:

  • the main organ of motion;
  • support of the human skeleton;
  • all organs are attached to the spinal column;
  • the spine can withstand great physical exertion;
  • it protects internal organs from damage - lungs, heart, liver, etc.

The therapeutic qigong is one of many directions of the Chinese system, built in a certain way. Qigong consists of several consecutive levels.

Each level is designed for a year and consists of 5 cycles. The cycle includes a set of specific exercises (practices) affecting the different parts of the spine: the lower back, the back, the neck.

The first level is the simplest, aimed at:

  1. breath control;
  2. Relaxation (relaxation) of the joints;
  3. opening - easy tension of the vertebrae in the back area;
  4. strengthening of tendons.

For Qigong gymnastics there are no age restrictions

During training, a person is in a relaxed state. Constantly watching his emotional state and what is happening in the body. The focus is on working with energy. What do qigong classes do if you do not take energy into account:

  • the emotional and general physical condition of a person is significantly improved;
  • the body calmly reacts to changes in external factors, meteorological dependence disappears;
  • Joints in the zone of the back and neck are gradually rejuvenated;
  • their mobility and flexibility are improved.

Performing mechanically separate exercises does not make sense. Training system should be consistent. And the practices themselves are not very similar to gymnastics in our understanding.

Rather, these are certain poses that resemble asanas in yoga.

Classes for the spine of Qigong are considered completely safe, but before you start learning, you should still consult a doctor.

Exercises for the neck

The cervical spine takes a special place. It is directly connected to the brain. Through the sixth cervical vertebra, a large blood vessel - the vertebral artery - enters the vertebral canal. Out of the orifices of the processes of the vertebrae, spinal nerves come out.

Exercise number 6, "look into the sky after turning the head followed by pulling the neck up

It must be said that the symptoms of neck disease are also unusual. When the osteochondrosis of the cervical region is not only constantly headache, when turning in the sides all around starts to rotate.

Before the eyes flashed "flies". Possible such formidable complications, as a violation of cerebral circulation, intervertebral hernia, infringement of nerves.

That is why the healthy condition of the spine is so important.

Dr. Butrimov is a follower of the Qigong system. Being an instructor in therapeutic gymnastics, he has been studying and selecting effective methods and exercises for improving the body for many years.

But the main subject of his work is the gymnastics of Qigong for the spine. He developed a set of exercises for the prevention and treatment of the neck.

When carrying out Butrimov's exercises, the following conditions must be observed:

  • fully focus on the cervical spine;
  • if there is no certainty in performing one of the exercises, it is better not to do it;
  • stretching exercises should not be accompanied by the appearance of even mild soreness;
  • All slopes are carried out calmly, carefully, without tension;
  • during classes a person should feel comfortable.

Shown are the basic positions of the neck - tilting, retraction, pulling forward, backward

Stretching muscles in different planes in combination with relaxation has a beneficial effect on intervertebral discs. Between the vertebrae, the distance increases.

If there is a hernia of the spine in the cervical region, the discs are gently released from pressure, their trophicity improves.

  1. Pulling the chin forward, returning back and pulling the neck into the shoulders.
  2. Alternate head inclinations to the right and left shoulders with stretching in the horizontal plane.
  3. The inclination of the head forward with the extension of the neck to the sternum is replaced by a shallow tilt backward, with the crown stretched upward.
  4. Turning the head first into one, then to the other side with an attempt to turn your head back and look behind your back.
  5. Alternate turn of the head to the sides with the extension of the neck.
  6. Tilting the head down, turning left and pulling up, the same is done the other way.
  7. The head is drawn into the shoulders, then stretches forward and moves in a circle from one shoulder to the other, is again retracted, etc.
  8. Tilt the head to the shoulder, then down and move the neck in a circle to the other shoulder.

During practicing gymnastics Qigong thoughts focus on the diseased organ. Exercises are carried out quietly, gently, without tension. Important point: during the stretching of the muscles can not tolerate the appearance of pain.

Eastern medicine has accumulated a lot of health products. Gymnastics Qigong - one of them. Someone will find the system strange, unusual. But, indisputably, it is useful for the spine and joints. Borrowing some exercises, you can try to influence the course of the disease.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/raznoe/gimnastika-cigun-pozvonochnika

Qigong Gymnastics for the Spine: Alternative Medicine

Not always traditional medicine can completely cure the disease. It eliminates pain, copes with inflammation, effectively fights microbes, but chronic diseases usually hard to treat. Why is this happening?

Chronic diseases

Chronic diseases are a sign of an unsolved problem, sometimes an unidentified diagnosis. Often such pathologies are evidence of a person's internal conflict, a reflection of psychological difficulties. No wonder there is the term "psychosomatic illnesses".

Sometimes chronic processes progress because a person can not force himself to focus on health. This is a drawback of traditional medicine.

All its measures are aimed at obtaining a quick result, but it rarely teaches patients to fight for long-term results.

Especially well it is visible on an example of chronic diseases of a backbone.

Diseases of the spine

What diseases most often affect the spine? It is degenerative-degenerative processes. Initially, they are a reflection of the wrong way of life:

  1. Unreasonable nutrition. Food, poor in calcium, leads to premature bone damage. Obesity increases the weight load on the spine, which adversely affects its condition.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle. The absence of an elementary physical culture in the mode of modern man leads to weakness of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the back. And, hence, the supporting function of the spinal column worsens.
  3. Harmful working conditions. Monotonous physical exertion in the same position, constant standing or sitting work promote degeneration of the spine.
  4. Pathological motor stereotypes. They lead to disruption of posture and development of increased kyphosis, hyperlordosis, scoliosis.
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Alternative Medicine

In modern alternative medicine, there are many effective techniques for improving physical health.

Some of them are used as a therapeutic method, but many have a preventive effect.

Most alternative techniques involve not only the body, but also the spirit, uses the internal reserve capabilities of the body to promote health.

To cure the spine, it is not necessary to resort to exhausting training, to build a weighty muscular corset in the chest and back. Alternative medicine allows you to achieve good results without training for wear.

The most well-known alternative methods of treatment of the spine are represented by the following practices:

  • kinesiotherapy;
  • yoga;
  • gymnastics Qigong.

And if kinesiotherapy and yoga are widely known and popular methods, qigong gymnastics in modern realities is a comparative young practical direction of therapy of spine diseases. What is it?

Qigong Gymnastics

Qigong health gymnastics originates in China. There it is known for many centuries. This practice has 4 directions:

  1. therapeutic;
  2. preventive;
  3. meditative;
  4. combat training.

Qigong health gymnastics is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, circulatory system.

It is also shown to healthy people to strengthen not only physical, but also mental health. Exercises on the Qigong system are possible at any age, even advanced.

In the case of problems with the spine and joints, the first two directions of this gymnastics are actively used.

Qigong system in the treatment of the spine and joints

What is the advantage of the Qigong system in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system? It is based on exercises, as in physical therapy. But unlike standard complexes, Qigong for the spine offers a set of relaxing exercises.

Muscular hypertonia, local spasm is an important component of pathological processes in the spinal column and joints. The back muscles perform an important function - they help the spine to be the support, are its corset.

With muscle spasms at the same level, violations occur on all others, because these structures are closely related. The pronounced muscular tension leads to abnormal posture and scoliosis.

In addition, hypertonic muscle leads to pain syndrome. In this condition, the blood circulation in the affected area worsens, inflammation can increase. And this, in turn, causes an even greater spasm. There is a vicious circle, which is not easy to break with the usual exercises LFK.

If you perform a power complex, stretch the damaged muscles, most likely, the situation will only worsen. To treat the diseases of the spine and joints was effective, the muscles need to relax. It is to achieve relaxation and directed gymnastics Qigong for the spine.

The principle of gymnastics

As in most Chinese medicine techniques, Qigong is based on the notion of the human body as a system of energy channels. The second name is the meridian.

It is for them that the qi energy spreads, which is responsible for the health and functioning of the organism as a whole. The meridians can be influenced from without, improving or worsening the flow of qi.

The task of Qigong is to restore the normal energy flow.

To get the best result from practical exercises, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Exercises should be performed regularly. This does not mean that gymnastics should be practiced daily. She can be given time two or three times a week, but do not skip a single lesson. Regularity is the key to the effectiveness of qigong.
  2. All the components of the complex exercises are carried out in strict sequence. This is an important point in the qigong system. You can not start gymnastics with the third exercise, but finish first.
  3. First, the simplest complex is mastered. It is necessary to concentrate on the correct execution of the elements of the exercise. When the technique is perfected, go on to learning the right breathing during gymnastics.
  4. In the case of preventive focus, with a healthy spine you can perform elements of any complexity. But in the presence of diseases - osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia - exercises are selected by the instructor after the conclusion of the doctor. The same applies to the elderly.


There are many indications for practicing gymnastics of Qigong for the spine.

Contraindicated, it is extremely rare - in case of severe exhaustion, when any stress is undesirable, with a weakened organism, acute inflammation of the joints, serious trauma. In which situations is the qigong system preferred?

Indications for exercises by the Chinese method:

  • Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system - among all ages.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Protrusion and intervertebral hernia. The complex of exercises in this case must be coordinated with the attending physician, which takes into account the localization and size of the hernia.
  • Different curvature of posture - from flat back to scoliosis.
  • Injuries of the spinal column and the associated weakening of the musculature of the back.
  • Age changes in the spine and joints.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, monotonous loads.

Qigong Exercises

In this gym there are various sets of exercises. They perform different tasks and are directed at restoring the work of certain systems. For the spine and joints the following exercises are optimal:

  1. Standing position, legs together. The hands must be raised and folded over the head to the castle. Slowly pull your arms, head up, rising on your socks. It should feel like the spine is stretching.
  2. The situation is the same, but the arms folded into the castle are bent at the elbows. It is necessary to tilt in different directions, like a pendulum - to slowly wiggle. In the extreme left and right positions stay for 2-5 seconds.
  3. The same pendulum, but the legs are somewhat bent at the knees.
  4. From the standing position the back is smoothly and slowly tilted. It's important not to tear your chin from the chest. The exercise can not be performed in jerks.
  5. Standing position, hands are apart. The shoulder turns first in one direction, then in the other. The spine is still. Turns are slow.
  6. In a standing position, but hands are not divorced, but are raised. The torso is tilted forward, up to an angle of 90 °. In the extreme position, it is necessary to linger for 5-7 seconds.
  7. In the standing position, hands are bred in the sides. Smooth feet are performed. You have to try to touch your toes with your fingers. Legs alternate.

Breathing equipment

According to Qigong philosophy, the breathing technique is extremely important in performing any set of exercises. It does not matter what efforts are aimed at - slimming, healing joints or strengthening the muscle corset - breathing should correspond to the elements being performed.

In the qigong system, there are about eight types of respiration. Each of them is called to fulfill its function. The most common are two types:

  • For dynamic gymnastics - the breath of fire. Respiration is rhythmic and sharp, performed by the diaphragm. The exhalation is active due to the inhalation of the stomach, the breath is passive.
  • For static gymnastics - slow and deep breathing. The inspiratory and escape phases are equal in this case. Produces a relaxing effect.

Qigong gymnastics is possible not only in special centers under the guidance of an instructor. Of course, this is the best option. But if necessary, you can easily do it at home.

The main thing is to introduce qigong exercises into the system, do not skip and do not change them. Thanks to the modern possibilities of the Internet, the lessons of Chinese gymnastics are available online, as well as the advice of experienced instructors.

It is important to begin to heal your body, and then the qigong system will become an indispensable element of life.

A source: http://MedOtvet.com/drugie-zabolevaniya-pozvonochnika/gimnastika-cigun-dlya-pozvonochnika.html

Complex of gymnastics "Qigong" for treatment of the spine and joints

Gymnastics "Qigong" for the spine is one of the popular Chinese techniques for hardening and improving self-control. Qi translates as energy. Gong means movement. There are several varieties of this technique.

  • Wellness gymnastics for the spine.
  • Combat technique.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics "Qigong" for joints and other parts of the body.

As the Chinese gymnastics for the spine says, the energy of life circulates in the human body. She has many names. When the channels through which the energy circulates clean - a person does not suffer from any diseases. When they become clogged, a person can get sick.

Benefit or harm?

The most important feature of gymnastics Qigong for the joints of the hands or other parts of the body is the lack of exercise, they are somewhat different from exercise therapy.

The gymnastics itself allows you to control individual muscle groups, which allows them to intentionally relax or strain them.

With the help of "Qigong it is possible to significantly improve the dynamics of many joints, to correct posture, to remove pinched nerves, to get rid of painful sensations.

The complex of exercises is recommended not only for people who suffer from back problems, but also healthy, for the purpose of prevention and general recovery of the body. The advantages of this technique are obvious:

  1. To perform these exercises, you do not need a high level of physical fitness.
  2. They can be performed by both weak children and athletes with a developed muscular system.
  3. People in old age with the help of this gymnastics will be able to restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system and slow the aging process.

Indications and contraindications

There are a lot of indications for starting a class by this method:

  • "Qigong" is recommended for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not engage in physical culture.
  • The technique of exercises is perfect for people who suffer from pain syndrome or joint deformity.
  • After injury, there is a need to restore the locomotor system or part of it. "Qigong" will do this without risk of overstressing the injured area.
  • With the help of this complex, you can correct posture and any diseases associated with it.
  • The technique allows to prevent the further development of osteochondrosis and other degenerative pathologies.
  • After physical exertion or after a long rest using this technique, you can remove stiffness in the back.
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As mentioned above, there are no restrictions. However, in some situations, it is highly recommended that a medical specialist be monitored. In the cases described below, a doctor's consultation is required:

  1. If the vertebrae behave unstably or their abnormal mobility is observed.
  2. With the displacement of organs.
  3. Lack of physical development also requires the attention of a medical specialist.
  4. Elderly people should perform gymnastics in advance by consulting with a doctor.

It is worth noting that even with serious diseases in the technique of "Qigong" there are suitable exercises. All of them differ in intensity and degree of influence on the body.

Examples of Qigong exercises

The most popular complex is designed to restore the spinal column.

This is easily explained by the fact that the health of the spine determines the further functioning of other internal organs.

Before you start doing exercises, you need to prepare your body:

  • Before the implementation of the complex, you must take food.
  • Should be practiced in a well-ventilated room or on the street. The body needs a sufficient amount of oxygen.
  • It is advisable to be in free clothes, which will not limit mobility.

Exercises for the spine

  1. It is necessary to stand in a straight line, keeping the feet together and holding your hands in the lock, slowly raise your hands. Then gradually it is required to return to the initial rack.
  2. The arms must be bent in the elbows by half, the body must be tilted in different directions. In each position, you must stay at least 2 seconds. Follow this exercise for 3 minutes.
  3. It is required to stand up straight, bringing the feet together. Hands must be locked in the lock. Further, the hands are slowly withdrawn in different directions, but they do not need to be raised. Brushes should be located at the height of the hip. Perform the exercise smoothly, without jerking.
  4. In the rack it is directly required to place the legs as far as possible from each other, however there should not be a strong strain of the muscle tissue. Further it is necessary to make a torso inclination to the right, leaning with the right hand on a femur, the left should be directed upwards.
  5. In the stance straight and folding your feet, you need to raise your chin before stress occurs. In this position, it is necessary to linger for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
  6. It is required to arrange the legs in proportion to the shoulders and slightly bend them in the knees. Then the head moves in a semicircle through the chest. However, people suffering from pathologies of the cervical department should monitor their health. Dizziness may occur.
  7. It is necessary to stand upright and, having lowered your feet, slowly take your right foot back. In this case, the body leans forward. It is necessary to fix the body in the position in which there is a stable balance, for 5 seconds.

"Qigong Morning Exercise Complex"

From this video you will learn what exercises to do in the morning.

A source: https://prospinu.com/lfk/cigun-dlja-pozvonochnika.html

Chinese gymnastics Qigong for healing the spine

Qigong is more ancient than writing, for several millennia the method is used to increase efficiency, heal from illnesses, prolong life, achieve longevity.

The word "qigong" includes "qi meaning "spirit "life energy and "gun" - "manage "achieve the goal".

The unification of these hieroglyphs forms the word qigong, meaning the perfection of the management of the streams of life force.

The source of the vital force of chi is nature itself, spilled around a person, concentrated within it. The lack of qi leads to illness, aging, death.

In the ability to manage energy, increase it and harmonize, lies the secret of a long happy life, happy, active old age. A significant part of the technique is breathing.

Managing breathing, slowing it down, you can prolong life, learn to control consciousness.

Qigong for the health of the spine and joints

The state of health of a person depends on the flow of qi in the body. To ensure the free movement of vital force through the canal of the spine is called the system of exercises, eliminating all internal blocks and imbalance, improving the spirit.

The principles of qigong are set forth in the treatise of the Yellow Emperor "On the Inner" (2600 BC). e.). Already then the technique was used for achieving active longevity. Chinese masters treat diseases,Considered incurable in Western medicine. Known complexes of ancient techniques:

  • Qigong of the Great Reach;
  • "10 pieces of brocade."

How does qigong gymnastics affect the spine?

Violation of the movement of qi, the disease of even one joint, muscle spasm leads to a lack of energy, causes violations in the organs. Qigong replenishes the lack of vitality, restores the movement of qi in the spine. Gymnastics Qigong causes positive changes in the body.

  1. Improves blood circulation in the muscles surrounding the spine.
  2. Restores the structure of intervertebral discs.
  3. Improves the flexibility of the joints and spine.
  4. Relaxes muscles, eliminates blocks that impede the free flow of blood and vital energy.

How Qigong Works

Causes of inflammation of the joints are capable of colds, metabolic disorders, blood stasis. Therapeutic exercises can help in all cases.

Pain receptors are located in the muscles, tendons, ligaments. It is they, and not the bones, that signal pain.

Influencing the muscles, forcing them to work, it is possible to increase blood circulation in the muscle tissues surrounding the joint.

Qigong not only preserves health, but alsoheals joints and spine diseases.

Gymnastics is used and in acute stages of the disease, observing caution, making sure that there are no muscle or ligament ruptures.

It is important to make the muscles work, you may have to suffer a little pain in order to prevent the strong. Each exercise complex for joints is performed 10-20 times.

The basic provisions of Qigong

  1. Man is fueled by the energy of qi from the surrounding nature.
  2. By concentrating the vital energy of chi, cultivating it, the master is able to find harmony with the world, to conquer any disease.
  3. By acting with certain movements on the active points, you can achieve complete control over the distribution of vital energy.

Who needs Qigong gymnastics?

Qigong Wellness Systemhas no age restrictions, and each person finds in it something special for themselves. Unique methods of Chinese gymnastics, numbering more than 5 thousand.

years, allows you to achieve longevity, taking advantage of all the benefits of good health - clear mind, flexible joints, strong muscles. Beginning with classes, begin with simple movements. All movements are slow, smooth.

Focusing on his inner "qi the master patiently hones every movement, eliminating all obstacles to free circulation of energy through the body.

Doing chi kung medicinal gymnastics is useful.:

  • students, students, mental workers who lack physical activity;
  • workers who are connected in their professional activities with long, monotonous static loads, heavy lifting, great physical stress;
  • patients suffering from diseases of the back and joints;
  • people recovering from spinal injuries, limbs, joints, tendons.

Features of therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the spine

The hernia of the spine appears as a result of strong muscular overstrain.

The intervertebral hernia is accompanied by severe pain, which serves as an obstacle for the patients to perform the exercises.

To alleviate the condition and cure the hernia helps exercise in combination with drug therapy. Effectivemodern methods of treatment:

  1. gymnastics of Bubnovsky;
  2. Dikul's exercises;
  3. method Pilyuiko.

The Chinese qigong method successfully competes with modern developments, exceeding their simplicity and availability of movements that do not require complex simulators, the presence of an instructor. All qigong exercises with a spinal hernia are performed lying on the back or stomach. The hernia often suffers from a lumbar spine.

Exercise 1

  • Lying on my back.
  • Pull to the breast the knee of a healthy leg.
  • Straighten the leg, hold it in the balance.
  • Lower.
  • Repeat for the sick leg.

Exercise 2

  1. Lying on my stomach, put my hands on the mat.
  2. Raise the shoulders on elongated arms, bending in the chest, to stay for 5-10 seconds.
  3. return to the starting position, relax.

Exercise 3

  • Lying on my stomach.
  • Raise your legs and shoulders with your hands, imitating a swallow.
  • Hold in position for 1 minute.
  • Relax.

Qigong for the spine of Dr. Butrimov

Dr. Butrimov developed a special complex aimed at increasing the flexibility, elasticity of muscles and ligaments. To achieve the effect, all exercises are carried out calmly, relaxed, with free breathing.

Each movement is stretched in time, smoothly passes into the next movement. All exercises are carried out gently and accurately, not allowing discomfort. Pain and discomfort during the performance of the complex should not occur completely.

It is impossible to tolerate tension, enslavement of muscles.

Completing the movement, at the stress point, you need not to strain the muscles, but stretching, trying to maximally stretch the spine and muscles, pulling the crown up.

An important rule in the Butrimov method is to work with pleasure, do not do the exercise if you have doubts about your abilities. Particular care should be taken when examining the cervical spine.

Exercises are performed standing, with slightly bent legs. The feet are located on the width of the shoulders, the shoulders are lowered. Hands - on the belt.

Pulling out the chin

Pull the chin forward, then slowly draw it back.


Head tilted down, stretching all the muscles, trying to reach his chest. Then, tilt back, not trying to tilt the head, pulling the crown. With pain, you need to do with a smaller amplitude, not allowing much pain.

Looking back

Head to turn to the right and left, trying to prolong the movement, look back. At the extreme point of the movement, the effort is added, not straining, but stretching the muscles a little.

Head incline with stretching

A good exercise, relieving tension from the muscles. The movement to the shoulder is performed without pressure on the muscles, slightly tilting the head, trying to pull yourself over the crown, stretching the muscles, not forgetting to control the position of the shoulders.

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Head tilting

Head a little back up, turn your head, trying to see the floor on the right and left.

Head incline with turns

To concentrate attention on the vertex, trying to pull it up, stretching the working muscles of the neck. The slopes should be carried first to the right shoulder, then to the chest, then to the left shoulder. At the extreme point, try to pull the muscles, slightly increase the stretching.

Complex for back

1. Tilting to do standing, not at full strength, relaxed.

  1. Clasped hands in the lock to lift above the crown, bend to the right.
  2. Hold in the slope for 5 seconds, relax, let the gravity act, stretch the muscles additionally.

2. Clasped hands in the lock stretch above the crown, letting the whole body up.

3. In standing position, put your feet together, fix the pelvis, trying to keep it still while performing exercises. Raising the linked hands over his head, turn the body, stretching the spine.

4. Standing, do slopes. When tilting to the right, the left side stretches, stay in position for 5 seconds, then tilt to the other side.

5. Stretching of the trunk in the semicircle with hands clasped in the lock, stretched over the head. Tilt to the right and left slowly.

Qigong exercises for the spine

Qigong Gymnasticsrelaxes the deep muscles of the back, relieves muscular overstrain, returns the spine and joints flexibility, restores the full volume and amplitude of movement in the joints. Performing qigong exercises it is important to observe the following conditions:

  1. Do exercises every day 1-2 times a day.
  2. Movement should be smooth, flowing, without pain.
  3. Always concentrate on your sensations, feel the energy of qi in the form of spilling heat in the muscles.

Air pressure

  • Legs - on the width of the shoulders, hands - along the trunk.
  • He lifts his hands to his shoulders on inspiration.
  • Lower, as if pushing the air.
  • At the abdominal level, fold, palms to yourself.

Raining the Rainbow

  1. Raise your hands above your head.
  2. To transfer weight to the right leg, to remove the left heel from the ground, to rest on the floor with the toe.
  3. With arms outstretched, make a tilt to the left.
  4. The described movements are performed on inspiration.
  5. To transfer the center of gravity to the left leg, to bend to the right on exhalation.
  6. Return to the starting position.

Slopes aside

  • Standing with a straight back, put your feet to the width of your shoulders.
  • Hands knit in the lock, put on the back of the head.
  • Do the slopes to the right and left, without bending your legs.

Exercises for acute pain in the joints of the hands

  1. Lean forward, hang your arms, do hand movements back and forth.
  2. With a healthy hand, slap on the aching joint. Then vice versa.
  3. A healthy hand to pull the patient over his head.
  4. Hands lie in the castle on the back of the head. A healthy limb to pull the patient.


  • Standing straight, feet shoulder width apart, hands on waist with thumb forward.
  • The left elbow should be directed back, the body should be deployed following the elbow.
  • The right hand, opening the palm, push forward, breathing out the air.

Exercises lying on the floor

  1. Lie down face, lift your feet 3 minutes.
  2. Clasped in the lock of his hands behind his back, pull up with his shoulders.
  3. Extend arms and legs simultaneously while holding for 5 seconds.
  4. Brushes of hands under the chin, stretch your knee to the elbow.

Chinese qigong technique allows you to maintain a good posture and a healthy spine until old age.

Exercises successfully counteract the destructive effect of gravity and time. Doing qigong is never too late.

Human muscles are able to recover throughout life, normalizing the movement of blood and life-giving qi energy in the body, activating the vital centers of the spine, eliminating obstacles and blocks.

A source: http://ialive.ru/zdorovie/ozdorovlenie/gimnastika-cigun-dlya-pozvonochnika.html

Performing gymnastics Qigong for the spine and joints

Gymnastics qigong for the joints and spine - a popular method of recovery from the eastern healers. In the East, traditional medicine has always been at a high level. Recipes healers for centuries passed down from generation to generation and were highly valued by descendants.

Principles of gymnastics

Qigong is an effective ancient technique against arthrosis.

It was invented in China more than 7 thousand years ago to restore human health and prolong life.

Healing gymnastics has won great popularity around the world due to the simplicity of exercises, which even elderly people can fulfill.

Gymnastics Qigong is similar to exercise therapy, but its complex includes exercises that are aimed not only at physical stress, but also at relaxation and concentration of internal energy. The methodology covers 4 directions:

  • therapeutic;
  • meditative;
  • preventive;
  • fighting.

The complex of exercises can be performed both for the prevention of diseases, and during illness, in order to maintain the performance of the spine and joints.

In addition, therapeutic gymnastics is aimed at normalizing blood pressure and circulation, cleaning the vessels, increasing immunity, relieving nervous tension, fatigue, and headache.

Smooth unhurried movements and even breathing relax the muscles, increase their elasticity, increase the tone.

The complex of exercises does not require a person to be physically stressed.

Gymnastics is performed in a comfortable pace with the amplitude of movements that a person is capable of, which leads to a state of complete peace of mind and harmony of body and spirit.

Exercises are suitable for the treatment of many diseases. But what is the effectiveness of qigong gymnastics for the spine and joints? The spine is the core of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Without a full-fledged work of joints, a person could not move at all. They are closely related to the spine of the muscles.

Muscle spasms and hypertonia are important components of any processes occurring in the joints and spine.

Complex of exercises

With pain in the spine and joints for practicing Chinese gymnastics, there are practically no contraindications.

Qigong will not bring results with severe exhaustion of the body, serious trauma or inflammation of the joints of the legs or hands.

But the exercises are effective in osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, problems with posture, protrusion, light spinal injuries, muscle weakness.

In addition, Qigong will help to strengthen health for the elderly, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, move little or engage in heavy physical labor.

Qigong has 18 health-improving exercises aimed at improving various internal organs. However, for the treatment of the spine and joints, the following types of exercises that are performed in a standing position will be optimal:

  1. Tilt the head so that the chin touches the jugular cavity. Put your hands down, put your feet together and do not bend at the knees. Lean slowly and slowly forward as low as you can. Unbend too smoothly, jerks and sharp movements can injure a back.
  2. Spread your arms out to the sides. Slowly unfold the shoulder girdle then to the right, then to the left.
  3. Put your feet together, raise your hands above your head. Brushes can be interlocked in the lock and twist palms up. Gently tilt the body forward at a right angle. Hold in a bent position for a few seconds.
  4. Pull your arms forward perpendicular to the body. Slowly lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingertips. If flexibility allows, then when tilting, you can rest on the floor with your hands. You can not bend your legs. In the starting position, you should return smoothly and slowly.
  5. Stand up straight, legs bring together. One leg bend in the knee and pull it up, trying to bring the knee to the level of the chest or touch the chin. Then smoothly unbend your leg. When performing this exercise, the leg can be held with hands.
  6. Spread your arms out to the sides. Raise your legs in turn, trying to reach the palm of your hand with your toes. Knees try not to bend.
  7. Arm your head, bend at the elbows and close your fingers in the lock. Lift yourself up on your toes and try to slowly pull the entire body up until you feel a feeling of stretching in your spine.
  8. Again, put your hands behind your head and close your fingers in the lock. Slowly tilt the trunk to the right and left, slightly swinging. The legs should remain straight. Linger in the tilt position for 2-3 seconds.

Terms of fulfillment

To achieve positive results in a short time, you should follow certain rules when practicing gymnastics Qigong:

  • Exercises are performed regularly at least 3-4 times a week. Then within a month the pain sensations will decrease in the area of ​​the spine, elbows and knee joints.
  • The complex of exercises is carried out completely, it is impossible to arrange selective trainings.
  • You need to start with simple exercises, and finish with the most difficult. It is better not to change their consistency throughout the entire training complex.
  • When compiling a set of exercises, it is necessary to take into account the presence of various diseases. If you can not find the exercises yourself, you can consult a specialist.

Proper breathing during exercise provides a constant supply of oxygen to the internal organs.

Whereas without breathing techniques a person uses only 1/3 of the volume of his lungs, and Qigong turns into ordinary aerobics, after which one feels tired instead of relaxing.

With pains in the joints and spine, slow breathing approaches, when inhaling and exhaling are performed with equal intensity.

You need to breathe your belly, not your chest. The body is in a straight position, the inhalation of the abdomen is forward, it is blown out in the exhalation.

Air enters the lungs through the nose.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/drugoe/tsigun-uprazhneniya.html

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