Scoliosis of the spine in adults: treatment of curvature of the back


  • 1Basic steps and methods of treatment of scoliosis in adults
    • 1.1The main steps in eliminating scoliosis in an adult
    • 1.2Osteoporotic changes and secondary symptoms
    • 1.3Surgery for scoliosis
  • 2Scoliosis: treatment in adults. Features of scoliosis treatment in adults
    • 2.1What kind of problem is this?
    • 2.2The main causes and symptoms of the disease
    • 2.3Basic principles of treatment
    • 2.4Basic methods of getting rid of the problem
    • 2.5Corset treatment
    • 2.6Medication
    • 2.7Physiotherapy
    • 2.8Massages
    • 2.9Therapeutic exercises, yoga
    • 2.10Operative intervention
    • 2.11The main objectives of surgical intervention
    • 2.12Complications of scoliosis
    • 2.13Folk remedies
  • 3Conservative and operative treatment of scoliosis in adults
    • 3.1Types
    • 3.2Degree of severity of the disease
    • 3.3Causes and factors
    • 3.4Idiopathic curvature
    • 3.5Scoliosis secondary
    • 3.6Symptoms - pain syndrome
    • 3.7Symptoms
    • 3.8Risk factors
    • 3.9Conservative treatment
    • 3.10Application of medicines
    • 3.11Wearing corsets
    • 3.12Physiotherapy
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.13Acupuncture
    • 3.14Massage in addition to complex treatment
    • 3.15Yoga - non-traditional treatment
    • 3.16Physiotherapy
    • 3.17Operative intervention
    • 3.18Possible complications
    • 3.19Prevention
  • 4Curvature of the spine: signs and symptoms of deformity, how to straighten the posture and prevent scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis
    • 4.1What is the curvature of the spine?
    • 4.2Causes
    • 4.3Kinds
    • 4.4Than Dangerous
    • 4.5How to determine the curvature of the spine
    • 4.6To which doctor to apply
    • 4.7How to fix
    • 4.8Exercises
    • 4.9Massage
    • 4.10Auxiliary treatment
    • 4.11Prevention of deformity

Basic steps and methods of treatment of scoliosis in adults

Scoliosis is a common disease in any age group. The only difference is that it is much easier to correct the curvature of the spine in childhood and adolescence.

When it comes to how to treat scoliosis in adults, difficulties begin. This is because while the body is growing, its skeleton and spine only develop and have not yet acquired the final form.

Therefore, under such conditions, it is much easier to influence the process.

But in adults, the spine and skeleton are already formed, changes in the structure or position of the vertebrae are caused not by development but by destructive processes.Scoliosis may be residual, untreated at a young age. And maybe already acquired under the influence of external factors.

Medicine identifies such reasons for the development of such a pathology:

  • spine diseases: from protrusions to tumors;
  • untreated children's scoliosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • softening of bone tissue;
  • trauma of the spine;
  • consequences or complications after operations on the spine.

The treatment of scoliosis in adults depends on the cause that caused its development. Before starting treatment, the specialist determines for himself the main tasks in the treatment and the basic methods of eliminating the source. Affect the already formed skeleton is difficult, you need to accumulate a large margin of patience.

Basic, the main stages in the treatment:

  1. improvement of blood circulation;
  2. elimination of the cause provoking changes in the intervertebral space;
  3. relief of degenerative changes in the joints;
  4. strengthening of the whole muscular system;
  5. elimination of the cause, interfering mobility of the vertebrae;
  6. improvement and strengthening of the osseous system;
  7. elimination and prevention of secondary symptoms.

The final scheme of treatment of scoliosis is formed according to the results of the survey. The purpose of the latter is to identify the cause of scoliosis and to determine the degree of the disease. In the material, we will talk about every possible treatment of scoliosis in adults.

The main steps in eliminating scoliosis in an adult

When the curvature progresses, there is a strong pressure on the intervertebral discs.

The space between them changes, the mobility of the vertebrae is impaired, and as a result, the whole spine is affected.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention initially to the state of the disks. Without this, cure is unlikely.

A good assistant and the main "therapist" here - massage and attracting a competent manual.

The specialist should know all the subtleties of how to treat the disease in adults. But beforehand the attending physician should allow manual therapy.

This effect is aimed at improving blood flow and restoring the right muscle tone.

Medicamental treatment is supplemented:

  1. the use of muscle relaxants, more often it's Midokalm;
  2. injections of reparative drugs;
  3. intake of vitamins: D, Ca and R.

The second step is to strengthen the muscular corset and correct pathologies in the gait. A specialist selects exercises or holds gymnastics with the patient himself. the task of gymnastics is to strengthen the muscles, to fix the restored ability to correct tonus and contraction.

As a result, exercise therapy muscles must learn to keep the whole spine in the right position. Extremely difficult moment, more psychologically, because patients can not endure long discomfort in the back.

For them, the curvature has already become a comfortable state and attempts to change it are brought about by uncomfortability and imbalance.

For the effective treatment of scoliosis it is necessary to wear orthopedic adaptations. Usually it is a corset or a soft corrector, depending on the degree of curvature. Corrective corsets should be worn during the day.

It is also prescribed to change the bed and replace it with an orthopedic mattress.

The third step is to stabilize the muscles and eliminate radicular syndromes.

In any disease associated with the spine, muscle spasms occur against the background of pinching of nerve endings. Nerve endings in the spine like small antennae-roots, if one pinch, a person will feel a strong pain.

But if the spasm of muscles can be manipulated with manual methods, then the radicular syndrome will require treatment.

Here, reflexotherapy and acupuncture are prescribed. These techniques will allow to remove spasms and release nerve endings. Medications are taken from Medocals with the addition of sedatives.

Sedation treatment is necessary for the reason that during the time of pain in the brain formed a zone of special excitement.

Such a scheme does not work in one case: if the pinching of the roots is caused by the mobility of the vertebral bodies.

Osteoporotic changes and secondary symptoms

With age and under the influence of external factors, people can develop a disease like osteoporosis.

The disease is complex, when it occurs, bone tissue becomes fragile due to the fact that it can not accumulate calcium.

Treatment of such a disease in an adult requires a careful approach. The patient is shown hormone therapy with the obligatory inclusion of calcium.

When osteoporosis combines such therapy:

  1. desensitizing, at which antihistamines are prescribed in order to improve and speed up the supply of the necessary substances;
  2. applications from Dimexide or novocain to the spine itself;
  3. hormones: Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone for increasing the synthesis of calcium and removing the inflammatory process.

Most often, it is against the background of osteoporosis that secondary disorders occur. Internal organs may be involved in the process. The consequences of this may be different, extremely difficult to treat.

In most cases, the recovery of secondary signs takes much longer than the treatment of scoliosis itself.

Often, conventional therapy does not give the desired result, in such cases it remains only to resort to a surgical solution to the problem.

Surgery for scoliosis

The decision to promptly treat scoliosis is made on the basis of the deviation from the norm. If the angle is up to 50 degrees, then experts are slow to interfere drastically.

It is interesting that such a cautious attitude in medicine only to the spine. Surgeons will until the last seek other methods, if only it does not reach the point of open surgery.

This is due to the fact that the spine is the only one that almost always gives complications and consequences after surgical interventions. And it is impossible to predict the reaction.

Situations where the operation has passed and there were no consequences, some surgeons call "God anointed the patient." By this small detail it is already possible to judge how complex and responsible any operation on the spine is.

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If the angle tends to 80-90 degrees, then this curvature can block the functions of the lungs, bronchi and heart.

For the treatment of scoliosis, doctors often use the design of a corset-implant: a rod with locks that actively move along the axis. In the operation, these fixatives are attached to the vertebrae themselves.

This deprives the spine of normal mobility, but it makes it possible to stop the deformation of the skeleton.

The corset should be worn at all until the bone fusion is completed and the diagnosis does not confirm the presence of pathologies. But the reaction of the body and the complexity of the operation do not give such a luxurious opportunity as lifting the corset. Therefore, the design often remains lifelong.

There are two types of possible operations: ventral and dorsal. The first method cuts the side, then removes the edge. Removal of the rib is necessary, otherwise there will be no access to all necessary vertebrae due to the thorax.

Screws are attached and donor bone implants are inserted. Externally, such a corset is invisible, retains partial mobility for the spine. But such an operation is real only if the scoliosis is in the thoraco-lumbar part of the spine.

Such a curvature is very rare in adults.

The second type of surgery involves the treatment of thoracic curvature. The entire breast is incision, an axle is inserted with details that will allow to maintain spinal traction.

In some cases, implantation is possible only after removal of the intervertebral disc.
Splicing occurs, on average, for 4-6 months. But it can last longer, it all depends on the characteristics of the operation performed and the individuality of the organism.

In the rehabilitation period, auxiliary therapy is prescribed, necessarily therapeutic gymnastics in order to avoid muscle atrophy and teach the body to work in new conditions.

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In general, such operations are carried out successfully, if there is no bleeding or lesions of the spinal cord.

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Scoliosis: treatment in adults. Features of scoliosis treatment in adults

There are many diseases that negatively affect not only the physical condition of a person, but also his self-perception. Scoliosis belongs to such a disease. Treatment in adults, different types and methods - this is what I want to talk about in this article.

What kind of problem is this?

Initially, you need to understand what kind of disease it is. So, scoliosis is the curvature of the spine. It is important to note that some vertebrae can turn around their axis, disrupting the functionality of the thorax. There are 5 main types of this disease:

  1. Cervico-thoracic. In this case, the facial and cervicothoracic spine are curved.
  2. Thoracic. Transformation occurs in the region of 8-9 vertebrae.
  3. Lumbar-thoracic. The curvature occurs in the region of 9-11 vertebrae.
  4. Lumbar. In this case, the first and second lumbar vertebrae are deformed.
  5. Combined. Affects the vertebrae of the lumbar and thoracic areas.

There are also four main degrees of severity of the disease. Depending on this, the healing process will occur.

The main causes and symptoms of the disease

Considering the treatment of scoliosis in adults, the causes, symptoms - this should also be said at least a few words. So, among the causes of the disease physicians call the following:

  • Idiopathic curvature. The reason to install is almost impossible. Most often it is neglected from childhood or in time not cured disease.
  • Secondary scoliosis. In this case, the cause can be various diseases that soften the bones and cause them to deform, inflammatory, degenerative-dystrophic diseases, surgical interventions.

Studying the topic of "scoliosis in adults: treatment signs, symptoms of the disease - this also needs to be learned. What can they be with this problem?

  1. Pain in the back area.
  2. Asymmetry in the shoulders, waist, hips.
  3. Numbness, weakness. After all, in this case, various nerves and the spinal cord can be affected.

Basic principles of treatment

What is the treatment for scoliosis in adults? So, with this disease, the main emphasis will be on:

  1. Elimination of the cause of the disease itself.
  2. Elimination of blocks that interfere with patient mobility.
  3. Kupirovanie all possible changes in the joints, change gait.
  4. Normalization of the bone system, its condition. It is important to strengthen the bone structure.
  5. Getting rid of secondary symptoms.
  6. Improve blood circulation and blood supply to the damaged area of ​​the back.

Basic methods of getting rid of the problem

We further consider the treatment of scoliosis in adults. Features of techniques that are used in this case:

  1. Orthosis. Those. the patient should wear a special corset that helps to cope with the problem.
  2. Physiotherapy. Getting rid of the disease with special exercises and physical exertion.
  3. Manual therapy. Getting rid of the disease with the help of bone-healing (popular name for this method).
  4. Physiotherapy. Those. treatment with the help of natural and artificially created physical factors on the patient's body.
  5. Treatment with medication.
  6. Operative intervention.

Corset treatment

If the patient is diagnosed with "scoliosis treatment in adults may consist in wearing a corset.

The purpose of using this tool is to stop bone transformation and alignment of the arch.

By itself, the corset is designed to hold the spine, greatly facilitating the work of the muscles. The main types of this tool are:

  1. Supportive. It is prescribed most often in the postoperative period, when the arc of curvature is extremely small.
  2. Corrective. Wear it for at least six months. the goal is to correct the curvature.


Conservative treatment of scoliosis in adults is the use of various medications that help fight the problem. It can be such medicines:

  • Vitamins. It is important to take vitamins Ca, P, D.
  • Various creams, liquids, chatterboxes for rubbing into the column of the spine.
  • Desensibilizers (for intramuscular injection).
  • Anesthetics.

If the patient has scoliosis, treatment in adults can not be exclusively medicated. So, with the help of drugs, it is impossible to cope with the problem. Other methods are also important.


Treatment of scoliosis in adults can also be carried out using various means of physiotherapy. However, it is important to note that this is also an auxiliary, but not the main kind of treatment.

  1. Thermotherapy.
  2. Hydrotherapy.
  3. Magnetorapy.
  4. Mud treatment.
  5. Electrostimulation of muscles.


It is also very important to use massages in such a problem as scoliosis.

If a good specialist does it, the process of recovery will come much sooner, and the posture will change only for the better.

The purpose of the massage is to bring the muscles into tone, align the posture, and improve the blood circulation.

Therapeutic exercises, yoga

If a patient has scoliosis, treatment in adults will also be carried out with the help of therapeutic gymnastics. So, it is worth noting that it is very important for any kind of disease, as well as for any degree of disease. The goal of gymnastics is the formation of a muscle corset, their strengthening.

Moreover, such exercises do not allow the disease to develop further, while adjusting the posture. It is worth noting that in the curative gymnastics can include swimming, skiing, as well as correction by position.

All exercises should be selected exclusively by the treating doctor, depending on the type of disease.

Very important is also breathing exercises. It is especially effective in the scoliosis of the thoracic spine.

Operative intervention

Sometimes it happens that it is simply necessary to promptly treat scoliosis in adults. Indication for surgical intervention:

  • Constant, unceasing pain. The main goal of the operation is to fight the pain syndrome. If you get rid of unpleasant sensations with the help of drugs, most often the operation is not carried out.
  • Full inefficiency or low efficiency of all sorts of conservative methods.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Deformation of higher degrees. If the disease is 3 or 4-th degree, the operation is most often shown.
  • Cosmetic defect. In this case, girls aged 25-35 insist on surgical intervention.
  • Cardiopulmonary insufficiency.

It should be noted that it is the operation that makes it possible to rigidly fix the spine in the correct position.

The main objectives of surgical intervention

What are the main objectives of surgical intervention?

  1. Stop the progression of the disease.
  2. Decreased pressure on the spinal cord.
  3. Lowering the pressure on the nerve roots (to avoid neuralgia).

Complications of scoliosis

We further consider the topic of "scoliosis in adults." Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment - all this has already been considered. It is worth noting that very important is the cure itself of the disease. And all because this disease can cause various complications:

  1. The most common complication is a circulatory disorder in the brain. In this regard, the work of multiple internal organs is weakened.
  2. Asymmetry in the area of ​​the scapula directly affects the change in volume and lung function.
  3. In the arterial blood, the oxygen level may drop. The tissues of the body do not breathe properly. And this leads to the emergence of multiple problems and diseases.
  4. Increased risk of various cardiovascular diseases, often increases blood pressure.
  5. If there is a skewing of the pelvis in women, this threatens them with huge problems during labor.
  6. In general, scoliosis can cause problems such as allergies, dysbacteriosis, as well as weakening of immunity.

Folk remedies

It is worth noting that you can also use various folk methods to get rid of the problem.

It can be infusions for ingestion, ointments and chatterboxes for external use.

However, before using them, you should always consult with your doctor and make sure that this will not do any harm to the body.

A source: http://.ru/article/180193/skolioz-lechenie-u-vzroslyih-osobennosti-lecheniya-skolioza-u-vzroslyih

Conservative and operative treatment of scoliosis in adults

Scoliosis is a fairly rare phenomenon in adults, and most often is a consequence of a child's untreated spinal curvature.

Since the risk of developing particularly pronounced types of curvature is great, this pathology affects the quality of the patient's physical life and psychological attitude.

Scoliosis is a disease of the human musculoskeletal system.

Scoliosis is described as the curvature of the spine in the lateral plane, at which the vertebrae around the axis unfold, resulting in disruption of the functionality of the chest.

In addition, cosmetic defects become especially noticeable.


Curvature of the spine have a different place of localization, the poet is divided into the following types:

  • Cervico-thoracic. Curvature in the region of 4-5 thoracic vertebrae. The facial skeleton is deformed, like the chest.
  • Thoracic. Location - 8-9 thoracic vertebra.
  • Lumbosacral. Localization - 10-11 thoracic vertebra.
  • Lumbar. The main focus of the curvature is 1-2 lumbar vertebrae.
  • Combined. Localization in two places - 1-2 lumbar vertebrae and 8-9 in the thoracic region.

Degree of severity of the disease

In terms of severity, there are four degrees of scoliosis:

  • The first- the curvature has an angle of 5-10 °. The shoulders are collapsed, the stoop, the head is down, the asymmetry is at the waist, the shoulder is raised in the area of ​​curvature.
  • The second- The angle of curvature is 11-30 °. Asymmetry of the waist and neck, from the side of the displacement the pelvic bones drop.
  • The third- Curvature at an angle of 31-60 °. All the symptoms of the 2nd degree, the arches of the front ribs bulge, the rotation around the axis of the vertebrae is expressed particularly clearly, there is a sagging on the abdomen of the muscles.
  • Fourth- angle of curvature> 60 °. All the symptoms of grade III scoliosis, a strong muscle strain and curvature, the ribs sag, a rib hump appears.

Causes and factors

Scoliosis in adults is quite common and refers to acquired diseases.

Separate several types of scoliosis, depending on the cause of its occurrence:

Idiopathic curvature

This is a disease of the spine, the cause of which could not be established. It is believed that this is most likely acquired in childhood and not cured curvature of the spine.

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Scoliosis secondary

Secondary such a curvature is considered due to the fact that it is secondary against the background of extraneous pathology affecting the spine. Such pathologies include:

  • osteomalacia (a disease in which the bones soften);
  • inflammatory diseases (tuberculosis spondylitis, osteomyelitis);
  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases (stenosis of spinal canal, hernia of intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis);
  • operative interventions, which led to the disbalance of the masses.

Symptoms - pain syndrome

Scoliosis most often causes pain syndrome.

In addition to pain, there is a cosmetic change - a change in appearance. And:

  • one hip or shoulder above the other;
  • one blade more protruding or higher than the other;
  • when tilting forward, a deformation is visible;
  • the presence of a costal hump (when tilted);
  • One arm visually seems longer than the other, due to the inclination of the body.


Rare are cases of complications from scoliosis in severe form.

But if such complications arise, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

The main symptoms of impairment:

  • increased back pain;
  • asymmetry of the shoulders, hips and waist;
  • weakness, numbness and pain can occur due to deformation, since there is a chance of pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. In difficult cases, gait coordination is lost and movement is difficult;
  • if there are changes in the region of the heart and lungs - this is the cause of deformation in the thoracic spine.

Risk factors

There are a number of factors that can increase the likelihood of scoliosis.

But not all people who have these factors, will get scoliosis.

  1. Cerebral paralysis. With this disease, muscle tone is broken. Scoliosis can develop due to excessive reduction of the cervical and spinal muscles.
  2. Osteochondrosis. Scoliosis in adults can occur with osteochondrosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine.
  3. Female. Women are 7 times more likely to suffer from scoliosis, which needs treatment. Most often, the curvature is caused by weight gain or a large baby during pregnancy.
  4. Muscular dystrophy.
  5. Osteoporosis (weakening and thinning of bones).
  6. Polio. This infectious disease affects the nervous system.
  7. Splitting of the spine (congenital defect, as a result of incomplete formation of the spine and spinal canal).
  8. Spondylosis (spinal degeneration).

Conservative treatment

It should be noted that there is no certain technique that would be very different in the therapeutic effect.

Here are the following ways to treat scoliosis at I and II degrees of the disease, some can be applied in the third degree:

Application of medicines

When there is a painful sensation (most often not because of the curvature, but caused by other problems in the spine), then the patient can take aspirin or other medications:

  • infusions of herbs and powders for use inside;
  • vitamins;
  • cream, chatterbox, emulsion and liquid for rubbing above the column of the spine;
  • desensibilizers;
  • lactotherapy and other drugs.

But it should be remembered that all medications help to only reduce the pain in the back for a while. With the help of drugs to avoid relapse and cure scoliosis will not succeed.

Wearing corsets

The goal of the corset is to stop the progression of the curvature and reduce the arc. The corset keeps the spine in the right position, while facilitating the work of the muscles.

There are two types of corsets:

  • supportive- it is appointed more often after operations and a small angle of curvature;
  • corrective- is assigned to correct the curvature. Wear for half a year.


It is prescribed quite often in scoliosis as an auxiliary. It is combined mainly with therapeutic gymnastics.

The complex of physiotherapy includes:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrostimulation of muscles;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • heat therapy;
  • mud treatment.

This method of treating scoliosis in adults has a general strengthening effect.


It is also called acupuncture. This is one of the main parts of reflexology and is an effective method of treating Eastern medicine.

The essence of the treatment: special stainless steel needles are injected into the patient's skin at certain points that correspond to certain anatomical sites.

Acupuncture in scoliosis is a good way to remove pain.

Massage in addition to complex treatment

This method is a good addition in the complex treatment of scoliosis. With the help of an experienced masseuse, you can accelerate the process of changing your posture for the better.

Good can enhance the effectiveness of therapeutic gymnastics.

During the massage, the tonus of muscles is aligned with both the left and the right side of the back, blood circulation improves.

Yoga - non-traditional treatment

To methods of non-traditional treatment of scoliosis can be attributed hatha yoga. Only it should be remembered that not everyone will admit such a method of treatment.

Yoga treatment is recommended for patients with І and ІІ degrees of scoliosis.

Progression, equalization, reduction of fatigue and back pain are one of the few positive results from practicing yoga.


Assign such gymnastics at all levels of scoliosis. Physical exercises form a muscle corset, strengthen the muscles of the trunk.

In addition, it improves posture, corrects deformation, does not allow the disease to progress.

In the therapeutic gymnastics included a whole complex of exercises, as well as swimming, skiing, position correction and others. All is selected individually by the attending physician.

Operative intervention

There are a number of indications for the use of surgical intervention in scoliosis:

  • Constant pain. 85% of surgical interventions occur to reduce the pain syndrome, which has a continuous effect. If the pain can be removed by another method, then the operation will not be done.
  • Inefficiency of conservative methods.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Cardiopulmonary insufficiency.
  • Strengthening of deformation. Starting with the III and IV degrees of curvature - the operation is almost inevitable.
  • Cosmetic defect. Surgical intervention most often occurs in women aged 25-35 years, as the appearance is of great importance.

Operative intervention is necessary for rigid fixation of the spine in the corrected position.

Thanks to the surgery, the progression of the disease stops, the pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots decreases, which protects them from possible damage.

Possible complications

At first glance it may seem that the curvature of the spine does not affect the occurrence of other diseases.

But this is not so, scoliosis can cause serious complications.

The most frequent problems are the violation of blood circulation in the brain, the activity of internal organs is weakened. The kidneys may differ in size, which will affect their functioning.

Because of the asymmetry of the blades, the volume of the lungs changes and, accordingly, their work.

Breathing becomes worse, as well as tissue respiration functions much worse. In the arterial blood, the concentration of oxygen decreases. Due to these nuances, there is a risk of increased pressure and development in the right half of the heart myocardial hypertrophy.

Weak immunity, allergy and dysbacteriosis are some of the possible complications. Women face problems in labor due to skewed pelvis in scoliosis. Development of osteochondrosis, which leads to a deterioration in overall health.


As we see, the consequences of scoliosis are quite complex.

Scoliosis is not only a cosmetic modification of the body. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to engage in the prevention of this disease.

An active role is played by an active lifestyle and nutrition. If the situation does not allow much movement, for example, because of the sedentary work, then it is necessary to make frequent stops with little physical exercise. If the spine gets used to a weak condition - it threatens scoliosis.

Excessive loads are harmful. It is useful to swim or practice on a bar. In this case, the muscles develop, and the spine is maintained in an even state. You need to be able to find time to relax.

The right way of life is necessary for every adult to avoid problems with their health.

Remember that the spine is a kind of tree that keeps you, like leaves, branches and fruits.

And if something happens to him, then the whole body suffers. Do not forget, a beautiful posture is a guarantee of self-confidence!

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Curvature of the spine: signs and symptoms of deformity, how to straighten the posture and prevent scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis

According to statistics, over the past 20 years, more patients are turning to doctors with severe back pain and incorrect posture.

Curvature of the spine (scoliosis) is a pathology that is characterized by strong bends of the ridge, such a diagnosis requires treatment, and it is easiest to stop the development of curvature at the initial degree.

There are effective methods of solving the problem, they depend on the type of curvature. There are cases when the curvature of the spinal column can lead even to a limitation of working capacity.

What is the curvature of the spine?

A healthy person has small bends in the back area. This is considered the norm for the spine. However, when these bends are very strong, the curvature of the spine is diagnosed.

Such pathological condition can be congenital, it can arise because of abnormal fetal development, when there are pathologies of skeletal development, rickets, poliomyelitis and other diseases.

Deformation of the spine adversely affects the function of the internal organs, because under the pressure of the vertebrae, blood circulation.

Pathology can appear over the course of years, for example, such abnormalities can occur due to trauma, surgical interventions.

Even sedentary work can be the cause of curvature of the spine, and with age such a state only worsens, because a person for a long time is in a hunched position.

For this pathology, there are characteristic features that help to correctly diagnose this disease. By the following external signs it is possible to determine suspicion of scoliosis:

  • severe fatigue of the back;
  • violations of the heart, intestines, stomach, lungs;
  • asymmetry of the shoulders, shoulder blades, pelvis, elbows;
  • violation of gait;
  • irregular structure of the thorax (clearly seen in the photo) - on the one hand it is convex, and on the other hand side too sunken, in a patient lying down, the angle of scoliosis can vary with respect to the position standing.
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These external symptoms can diagnose the curvature of the spine. Also, the patient can feel back pain after wearing a backpack, with long walking, discomfort with prolonged sitting.

All these signs are indicators of a neglected form of the disease. Some patients may have persistent headaches, fatigue.

Some even have a worsening of vision due to circulatory disorders.


For the development of this pathology, there are some prerequisites.There is an innate and acquired change in the spine. Each species has its own reasons.

Congenital physiological curvature of the spine is due to pathologies of intrauterine development such as, for example, development of superfluous or underdeveloped vertebrae, insufficient development of the ridge.

Such a deformity can only be corrected by surgical intervention.

The acquired form of the disease is characterized by gradual development over the course of years. The reasons for this distortion can be:

  • sedentary work;
  • complications after rickets, poliomyelitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, radiculitis;
  • severe spinal injury;
  • pathologies associated with abnormal gait - flat feet, amputation of one of the lower limbs, different size of the limbs;
  • myopia, hyperopia or strabismus - in such diseases a person is forced to take the wrong posture for sitting.

The age category practically does not affect the number of patients with ridge deformation.

However, in children, the situation is aggravated by the fact that the constant growth of the body can become an obstacle to the effective treatment of the disease. From five to fifteen years in children, the curvature of the back is manifested most.

At this age, the treatment of this ailment is very effective, since the final degree of the formation of the skeleton has not yet come.

Classification of the disease in children is the same as in adults - the curvature can be congenital and acquired.

However, in the second case, this type of scoliosis is explained not by a sedentary profession, but by the formation of an incorrect posture in school.

It is often possible to meet such classes where the height of desks, chairs does not correspond to the norms, and the constant work of children at such tables causes the curve of posture and various deformations of the spine.


A healthy person in the spine has small curvatures behind in the sacral, thoracic and in front in the lumbar and cervical divisions.

There is a definite classification of the deformity of the spinal column, which includes three types of curvature that are not included in the norm variant and will be called differently:

  • lordosis - strong bend in front;
  • kyphosis - strong bend behind;
  • scoliosis - lateral distortion of the ridge.

For a better understanding, it is worth considering each species separately. Lordosis is characterized by aching pain in the spine, an incorrect distribution of the load on it.

A strong bend in front can be the result of dislocations of the hip joints. Kyphosis can appear after a rickets has suffered, is characterized by a "rounded back the head and trunk are inclined forward.

Scoliosis - this curvature on the sides, develops due to incorrect posture, wearing heavy bags on one shoulder.

Than Dangerous

Twisted spine at any age brings a lot of discomfort. It manifests itself not only in outwardly incorrect posture, but also is potentially dangerous for the performance of certain organs.

The chest suffers from deformity first. Because of the wrong position of the spine, a shift in the heart, lungs begins, this disrupts their work and worsens the blood circulation.

Another unpleasant consequence may be the development of osteochondrosis - an irreversible degenerative process in the vertebrae.

In the future, with the development of curvature, the patient can feel a constant migraine due to circulatory disorders and the normal supply of cells with oxygen.

There is also a psychological factor when a cosmetic defect creates complexes.

This is particularly affected by adolescents, but also in adulthood can deteriorate relationships with family, friends, colleagues.

How to determine the curvature of the spine

Proper diagnosis of this disease requires competent diagnosis. Identify the curve of the spine and the patient himself on personal feelings and external signs, but it is only the doctor who can determine the type of curvature correctly.

At home, you can learn about the type of deformation. To do this, you should stand in front of the mirror exactly, straighten your shoulders and see which one is higher or lower. If they are the same - there is no curvature, if there is a noticeable asymmetry, then this is a scoliosis.

Often on a shoulder, which is lower, a person wears a bag.

Kyphosis can also be learned by using a mirror. You need to become sideways and see if there is a so-called "hump" behind, if so - it's kyphosis. The lordosis is harder to detect, the radiography can give an accurate result.

As a rule, outwardly a patient with such a diagnosis reveals a hollow thorax, bulging belly and head. The musculoskeletal system does not function correctly.

If there are any first signs of a problem, you should immediately go through the examination.

To which doctor to apply

For correct diagnosis and treatment, the curvature of the spine should be constantly observed by a specialist.

Statistics show that in most cases, patients come to the doctor when the deformity is neglected, and the person begins to feel severe pain and discomfort.

Doctors of different specializations can help in the struggle for a healthy spine:

  • the neuropathologist;
  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist-traumatologist;
  • therapist;
  • vertebrolog.

Such a wide choice of doctors is explained by the fact that the treatment of curvature of the spine can begin with the solution of problems of the central nervous system (neuropathologist), the therapist will make a preliminary examination and, based on the patient's complaints, send him to the appropriate to the doctor. The final decision is made after radiography, which will show the exact problem. With the result of the patient will be sent to a surgeon, orthopedist-traumatologist or vertebrologist, depending on the pathology.

How to fix

The process of treating the deformation of the spine is always complex.

It is worth remembering that the older the patient, the more difficult it is to correct deformation, sometimes doctors recommend adhering to maintenance therapy (massages, exercises, ointments).

Basically, the emphasis is on strengthening the muscles of the back and maintaining an even posture. In rare, neglected cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.

For patients with scoliosis and other types of curvature, regular sessions of medical physical culture, a course of massages, to carry out daily exercises aimed at strengthening the back and maintaining the muscles and vertebrae in tone. For example, when scoliosis on the back is well-acting swimming, during which the muscles of the neck and back are actively working and strengthened.


High efficiency in the treatment of scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis show exercise. They can be done easily at home.

They help not only patients who have a postural curve, but also those who wish to perform them as prevention.

One of the most effective exercises is as follows:

  • take a sitting position;
  • palms to clean behind the head;
  • twist the back to the right, then to the left, the movements are smooth.

Very useful is an exercise that can be done at home several times a day, for example, after awakening and before going to bed.

You need to sit on your knees, bend your head to your legs, stretch your arms forward and pull your back as much as possible.

This will help relax the muscles of the back and vertebrae, such an exercise also helps in pinching the spine or sciatic nerve.


This method of therapy is popular with many patients. Even people with no back problems are very useful massage - it relaxes the body, helps to relieve stress, improve blood circulation.

Massage therapy for patients with curvature of the spine is best done by a competent specialist. At the expense of massage there is a relaxation of muscles of a back, warming up effect can be marked.

Before passing the massage, you need to make sure that the patient has no contraindications, such as:

  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • inflammation on the skin of the back;
  • nausea;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • allergic reactions (angioedema);
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • inflamed lymph nodes;
  • skin diseases.

Auxiliary treatment

Therapy prescribed by a doctor always includes several items. This treatment, which includes the main and auxiliary methods.

Additional recommendations can be: gels, ointments, creams with a cooling effect (they are especially useful in acute degrees of illness), massage, physiotherapy exercises, corset.

Drug therapy as a tool with a fast action appears in the form of vitamins, food additives, minerals, immunostimulants. During inflammation, the temperature may even rise to 39 degrees, then the doctor will prescribe antipyretic agents.

Prevention of deformity

Deformation of the spine refers to such diseases, which are better prevented than cured.

This problem is easiest to solve at a young age of up to 15 years, when the final stage of the formation of the skeleton has not yet come.

To conduct effective prevention for children, you need to adhere to such rules:

  • wear a lightweight backpack on two shoulders;
  • To watch, that the height of a school desk and a chair corresponded to growth;
  • while working at the table to keep a smooth posture.

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