Elbow joint: diseases


  • 1Diseases of the elbow joints
    • 1.1What diseases affect the elbow
    • 1.2What is epicondylitis?
    • 1.3Inflammatory diseases of the elbow joint
    • 1.4What is tunnel ulnar syndrome
    • 1.5What other diseases affect the elbow joint
    • 1.6Injuries to the joint
    • 1.7Treatment: compresses, ointments, medicines
    • 1.8Traditional methods of treatment
  • 2Diseases of the elbow joint
    • 2.1Diseases
    • 2.2Treatment complex
  • 3Elbow joints hurt: causes and methods of treatment
    • 3.1Causes of pain in the elbow joint
    • 3.2When bending and unbending
    • 3.3With physical activity and lifting weights
    • 3.4When the fist is compressed
    • 3.5It's a dull pain
    • 3.6Sharp pain when pressed
    • 3.7What surveys are needed
    • 3.8Methods of treatment of elbow joints
    • 3.9Medicated
    • 3.10Orthopedic
    • 3.11Physiotherapeutic
    • 3.12Folk recipes
    • 3.13Surgical intervention
  • 4The elbow hurts in the joint: what to do? Than to treat?
    • 4.1How is the elbow joint?
    • 4.2Causes of pain in the elbow joint
    • 4.3What are the diseases of the elbow joint?
    • instagram viewer
      4.4The elbow hurts in the joint: what to do? Ointment and compresses as a way to reduce pain syndrome
    • 4.5The elbow hurts in a joint: than to treat?
    • 4.6What examinations can the doctor prescribe for pain in the elbow?
    • 4.7Surgical treatment of the joint
    • 4.8Traditional methods of treatment
    • 4.9Prevention of pain in the joint

Diseases of the elbow joints

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Elbow - a complex joint, which is a combination of three bones.

Because of this, and also because it is often subjected to a heavy load, there are many diseases that affect it.

Diseases of the elbow joint are not a danger to the life of the patient, but can cause him a lot of inconvenience and suffering.

What diseases affect the elbow

Many people are concerned about pain in the elbow joint area. Some try to take them off with pills or folk remedies, believing that they just overworked.

But there are diseases that, without proper treatment, lead to serious complications. Therefore it is advisable, if it hurts the elbow, to see a doctor for the correct diagnosis.

In this area, such diseases can be observed:

  • due to degenerative changes in cartilage and bone tissue, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, gout, chondrocalcinosis develops;
  • inflammatory diseases (arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, epicondylitis, fasciitis);
  • tunnel ulnar syndrome, neuritis and nerve root damage due to other diseases;
  • various injuries of the elbow joint.

What is epicondylitis?

It is an inflammatory disease that occurs due to intense physical exertion. It occurs in athletes, in those who perform monotonous hard work.

This disease is most often in people older than 35 years old, but young people can suffer from it, for example, after trauma.

And old people and patients with osteoporosis encounter epicondylitis even after small loads.

Inflammation and pain in the elbow may occur in representatives of such professions:

  1. masseurs;
  2. carpenters;
  3. athletes, tennis players, golfers, weightlifters and others;
  4. artists and painters;
  5. agricultural workers.

Inflammation and pain in the elbow may occur due to damage to the muscles and ligaments

Epicondylitis is characterized by the defeat of muscles and ligaments, usually on one arm, which is subjected to high loads. In contrast to other diseases of the elbow joint, it is characterized by the following features:

  • elbow hurts only with the load; at rest, the patient does not bother;
  • In general, pain occurs when the joint is bent or unbent;
  • the muscle tone decreases, the hand can not hold some objects;
  • the appearance of the joint does not change;
  • at night the pain appears rarely.

Inflammatory diseases of the elbow joint

If the inflammation develops in the joint or near it, it can be understood by such symptoms:

  1. swelling and redness of soft tissues;
  2. severe aching pain, independent of physical activity and often occurs at night;
  3. limitation of the mobility of the hand.

Bursitis - inflammation of the elbow process, it can be recognized by the formation of cones on the elbow

Depending on where the inflammation is localized, several diseases of the elbow joint can be identified.

  • Bursitis of the ulnar process occurs most often on one arm. Its cause can be a traumatic effect on the outer part of the joint. After bruises, constant pressure on the elbow inflammation synovial bag of the joint. Recognize the disease can be the formation of a painful tumor in this place.
  • Arthritis affects most often both elbow joints. The disease usually develops suddenly, edema develops, pain appears. It intensifies in the morning. Most often this place is affected by rheumatoid arthritis, associated with a violation of the immune system. At the same time the disease develops gradually and acquires a chronic form.
  • Elbow tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons. It occurs often as a complication of other diseases.

What is tunnel ulnar syndrome

The main ulnar nerve passes through the joint cavity. Sometimes it is jammed between the tissues of bones and ligaments. This is due to injury or after periodic nerve compression during exercise.

Symptoms of the disease are "shooting" pain, which often extends to the entire forearm, numbness and tingling in the fingers. Often there is weakness or atrophy of the muscles of the hand.

The patient can not hold objects, clench his fingers in a fist. Numbness and paresis can affect almost half of the brush from the little finger.

In some cases, the hand resembles a clawed paw, because the fingers are forced to spread out.

It is difficult to treat a disease, it often requires surgical intervention. Conservative therapy is possible in the early stages, when sensitivity is not yet impaired.

Apply NSAIDs, remedies that reduce edema, improve metabolism and blood circulation.

An important component of the treatment is exercise therapy, you must avoid unnecessary strain on the joint.

Often, the tunnel syndrome leads to a complete loss of efficiency of the hand. Therefore, it is important to follow measures to prevent nerve infringement: do not allow prolonged exposure of objects to the elbow area, perform regular exercises to strengthen the muscles.

Pain in the elbow may occur due to damage to the muscles, ligaments or ulnar nerve

What other diseases affect the elbow joint

Another advise to read:Symptoms of epicondylitis of elbow

  1. Very rarely, the elbow is affected by arthrosis, only if the degenerative processes in the late stage affected all the joints of the body. This often happens in old age. With arthrosis, the volume of synovial fluid decreases, ligaments and cartilaginous tissue are affected. Therefore, during movement, there is pain, stiffness, a noticeable deformation, a crunch is heard.
  2. Chondrocalcinosis is characterized by the deposition of calcium salts in the joint. The usual treatment with such a disease is ineffective, it can only relieve the symptoms. You can remove crystals only by rinsing the joint cavity.
  3. Gout rarely affects the elbows, but it does happen. This is a disease of the deposition of uric acid salts, which cause severe pain, swelling and redness.
  4. Pain in the joints of the hands can be caused by diseases and injuries of the spine, in which nerve fibers are damaged. It can be fractures, hernia, osteochondrosis. As a result of these diseases, the biceps muscle is atrophied and mobility in the elbow joint is impaired.

Injuries to the joint

This is the heaviest lesion of the elbow. They are often accompanied by damage to nerves and blood vessels.

These can be bruises, dislocations of the elbow joint, fractures of the bones that make up it, rupture or stretching of the tendons, muscles.

All diseases associated with injuries cause severe pain, especially when moving, often there are joint deformities, swelling of the tissues, hematoma.

According to statistics, the most common injury of the upper limbs is the dislocation of the elbow joint.

It happens due to the fact that this is the most complex compound, formed by three bones.

They are all rather thin, so a dislocation is always accompanied by a fracture of one of them. In this case, ligaments, muscles and nerves are often damaged.

Injuries to the elbow joint cause severe pain, swelling and bruising

Treatment: compresses, ointments, medicines

Common symptoms of all diseases of the elbow joint are pain, stiffness in movement, and sometimes swelling. Therefore, the treatment is basically the same.

It should be aimed at reducing inflammation and pain, restoring mobility and regenerating damaged tissues.

Elbow diseases can be treated by such methods:

  • Cold compress or ice will help relieve pain and swelling. Apply it for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Ensuring the immovability of the joint. If this is difficult to do, you need to use an elastic bandage or a special orthosis.
  • Use of ointments and creams with anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective action. It can be "Nyz "Voltaren "Diclofenac "Nimesulid." NSAIDs can also be taken orally.
  • At many diseases appoint reception of the agents improving blood supply, restoring a bone fabric, normalizing a metabolism. Injections of B vitamins are made, preparations containing calcium are taken.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures are also effective. Ultrasound, Bernard currents, phonophoresis, UHF, paraffin applications, massage, exercise therapy are used. Usually a course of 10 procedures is prescribed, in complex cases an individual treatment program is prepared.

In addition to these methods of therapy, a special treatment for elbow disease, which was diagnosed in the patient, is mandatory.

In case of trauma it is immobilization, with inflammations - NSAIDs, antibiotics, other drugs are also prescribed.

Treatment is selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient's condition.

Ointment with anti-inflammatory action will help relieve pain in the elbow joint

Traditional methods of treatment

You can remove pain in the joint and with the help of folk recipes. But they can be used only in addition to the basic treatment prescribed by the doctor. Which methods are the most effective:

  1. You can make baths with sea salt or coniferous broth;
  2. rub the joint with tinctures of propolis, Kalanchoe or elecampane;
  3. do compresses with blue clay;
  4. rub the elbow with a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar;
  5. impose applications with celandine juice;
  6. take in the broths of dandelion, calendula, sabelnik, St. John's wort, chamomile;
  7. well relieves the pain of a pack of grated potatoes.
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Diseases of the elbow joint cause serious inconvenience, as they hinder movement and cause pain. To avoid this, you need to eat right, protect the elbow from injury and in time to treat inflammation.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/raznoe/zabolevaniya-loktevyh-sustavov

Diseases of the elbow joint

In the elbow joint are joined several bones (ulnar, brachial and radial), which makes it difficult. Each of them has a separate structure and performs a certain function.

The bony surface of the joint is covered with hyaline cartilage, giving the joint movements softness and smoothness.

Diseases of the elbow joint affect the cartilage, the adjacent muscles and bone tissue, causing joint inflammation with concomitant pain syndrome and joint loss of mobility. Depending on the etiology of the disease, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Diagnosis of pathologies of the elbow joint complications, as a rule, does not cause, since it is readily available for examination and diagnostic studies, which can be supplemented by various types of functional testing.

The causes of ulnar inflammation may be as follows:

  • defeat of articular cartilage and adjacent bones;
  • defeat of tendons, muscles and articular ligaments;
  • Cardiovascular diseases and lesions of the nervous system.


Common articular diseases are:

  1. osteochondrosis,
  2. rheumatoid arthritis,
  3. gout,
  4. tumor,
  5. osteoarthritis,
  6. chondrocalcinosis,
  7. tendinitis.

Most often found epicondylitis of different types - lateral (external) epicondylitis, having the name "tennis player's elbow or the medial (internal) epicondylitis, nicknamed "the player's elbow golf".

External epicondylitis affects the muscles and tendons involved in the extension of the hand, as well as the shoulder-ray muscle in the place of attachment to the bone. Muscles are weak flexors of the forearm, so that when they are injured, the elbow joint does not suffer much.

This disease, as a rule, affects people aged 35 years.

Because of excessive physical stress on the joint (garden work, the resumption of sports after a long break, etc.) there is pain in the location of the outer supracondylar brachial bones. Pain can spread from the forearm to the hand, especially with intensive extension in the wrist joint.

Internal epicondylitis is a lesion of the muscle tendons that attach to the medial epicondyle. The pain is felt in the place of attachment of the muscles during palpation and can spread along the forearm from the elbow to the hand.

With bursitis inflammation of the ulnar periarticular bag occurs due to chronic injury of the elbow. Bursitus is often subject to motorists resting their elbows on the door. He also often meets with arthritis and gout.

The disease is an oval, slightly painful, soft to the touch formation at the site of the ulnar process. With the arm extended in the elbow, it is clearly visible (it can reach the size of a chicken egg).

With the isolated form of bursitis, the functioning of the elbow is not significantly affected.

Treatment complex

As for epicondylitis, its treatment is carried out in a complex way, depending on how much the disease is started and disrupted functioning of the elbow joint, as well as on what changes occurred with muscles and tendons in the areas of the forearm and brushes. The purposes of therapy: to remove the pain syndrome, normalize the peripheral circulation, restore mobility of the elbow joint, avoid atrophy of the muscles of the forearm.

As for the lateral epicondylitis in acute form, treatment is performed by immobilizing the limb within a week with the elbow bent.

If the disease has passed into a chronic stage, the elbow joint and the forearm should be fixed with an elastic bandage, which must be removed at night.

Anesthesia and local improvement of cell nutrition are provided by both novocaine or lidocaine blockades (often in combination with hydrocortisone). Treatment includes warming compresses with camphor alcohol, petroleum jelly, or ordinary vodka.

To improve blood circulation in the affected area, use ultrahigh frequencies (UHF) and electrophoresis with potassium iodide or acetylcholine. Along with this, the appointment of such medications as aspirin and nikoshpan.

To improve the cellular nutrition in the attachment of tendons make blockades using bidistilled water. If the pathology passes into a chronic form, injections of vitamins B1, B2 and B12 are made.

Prevention and treatment of muscular atrophy, as well as restoring the functions of the elbow joint is carried out by means of massage of the muscles of the hand, mud therapy, physiotherapy exercises and air-dry baths.

If these conservative methods have not had an effect for 4 months, they resort to surgical intervention.

Treatment of osteochondrosis, representing the dystrophy of articular cartilage and adjacent bone, implies a balanced diet with consumption in a large quantity of calcium, microelements and vitamins, including vitamin D (aquadetrim, calcium D-3-nikomed, calcemin) and multivitamin complexes: vitrum, duovit, multi-tabs.

The affected joint should be kept in a gentle mode, the load on it should be completely excluded, since they can lead to severe destruction.

Assign calcium containing and stimulating blood circulation drugs (sulodexide, actovegin, pentoxifylline).

The complex of physiotherapeutic measures includes: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, electro-pulse therapy, paraffin-ozocerite applications, exercise therapy, gymnastics and massage.

Complex treatment of the elbow joint requires arthritis, which denotes a number of pathologies that cause joint inflammation, pain and swelling (purulent arthritis, tubercular, psoriatic).

These symptoms are medically treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including aspirin, ibuprofen, and diclofenac. They can be in the form of tablets, injections or ointments.

Inflammatory process can also remove steroid drugs.

Along with them, chondroprotectors, restoring the structure of the cartilaginous tissue, as well as preparations that improve blood flow and cellular metabolism in the affected elbow are prescribed.

After the removal of acute symptoms of arthritis, other procedures are used:

  • magnetotherapy,
  • mud treatment,
  • phonophoresis,
  • exercise therapy, etc.

Physical exercises during exercise should be gentle with a gradual increase in the volume of movements. They will strengthen atrophied muscles and ligaments.

But if you do not remove the liquid that accumulates in the sick joint to unload it, any methods will be ineffective. Pumping fluid must be done exclusively by a specialist.

If conservative therapy does not bring fruit, and also in advanced stages of the disease resort to surgery. The joint is corrected or replaced.

Treatment of the elbow tendonitis, which is an inflammation of the tendon tissues and their dystrophy, begins with immobilization of the sick arm for complete unloading. To do this, use a medical bandage or elastic bandage.

In this case, it is recommended to apply cold to the affected joint in the form of ice wrapped in tissue. The primary goals of therapy are to relieve pain and inflammation.

For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used, including Nimesulide. If the pain is too strong, anesthetics can be injected parenterally in combination with steroid hormones.

If the tendonitis is caused by an infection, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs. A good therapeutic result is provided by physiotherapy. After the pain has ceased, prescribe therapeutic exercise, a special place in it is given to stretch marks.

Conservative therapy can sometimes not bring the desired effect, then an operation is performed to excise the affected tendon.

Another ulnar disease is chondrocalcinosis. It is characterized by gradually occurring in the joint and progressive deposition in the articular cartilage of crystals of calcium pyrophosphate salts.

Pain accompanying in this case is removed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A puncture of the joint is performed, its cavity is washed, removing the deposits together with the accumulation of synovial fluid, and corticosteroids are administered.

After that, they prescribe a course of physiotherapy and massage, which helps to restore the joint and adjacent tissues.

Diseases of the elbow joints can be treated with folk remedies.

You can do this only as a supplement to the basic, traditional therapy, after consulting with the attending physician, since they do not give effective results for the quick result.

In folk medicine for the treatment of elbows, herbal infusions and herbal extracts such as St. John's wort, leaves of cranberries, calendula and others are widely used, which take for many months.

Good results are provided by honey massage, a bath with buttercup (here one must be very careful and strictly observe the proportions, since buttercup is very toxic), pine needles, sea salt. Compresses from juice celandine, Kalanchoe, birch leaves can help. Well proven urinotherapy.

A source: http://MoiSustavy.ru/drugie/diagnostika-i-lechenie-boleznej-loktya.html

Elbow joints hurt: causes and methods of treatment

The life of modern man is a movement, and the ability to move is ensured by healthy joints.

An important role in the human body is played by elbows, but because of the superficial location, they are subject to high loads and frequent injuries.

When the ulnar joints ache, than to treat them everyone thinks, after all the problem is actual not only among usual people, but also among professional sportsmen. But before you look for medication for a disease, you need to identify its cause.

Causes of pain in the elbow joint

The reasons for which the right or left elbow joint can hurt, there are many. This includes injuries, occupational diseases, and various inflammatory processes. Doctors complain of pain in the elbow often face the following pathologies:

  1. Arthritis. There is a degenerative lesion due to infection, allergy or autoimmune disease.
  2. Osteoarthritis. The cartilage is damaged with the subsequent destruction of all its anatomical structures.
  3. Epicondylitis. There is an inflammatory process in the place of attachment of ligaments to the epicondyle of the humerus.
  4. Injury. Inflammation of an old fracture, dislocation or bruise.
  5. Bursitis. The accumulation in the bags of the joint capsule is of an aseptic or inflammatory nature.
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If the arm hurts on the bend from the inside of the elbow - this is the main sign of epicondylitis, when the muscles of the forearm become inflamed.

This ailment often occurs in professional tennis players and golfers.

Ordinary movements of the elbow joint do not cause unpleasant sensations, but with increased loads or monotonous repetitive movements, there is a decrease in strength in the hand, weakness and aching pain.

Most people are affected by this disease after 40 years of age, who are of a professional nature activities constantly load hands - drivers, artists, programmers, painters, typists, weightlifters. From overstrain of the muscles from the inside of the hand, microdamages and inflammations are possible, which leads to the growth of scar tissue, the deposition of salts and spasms.

When bending and unbending

Pain during flexion and extension of the hand - this may be a symptom of bursitis of the elbow joint.

If the elbow is damaged, the cells of the synovium immediately begin to produce intra-articular fluid that accumulates in the joint bags.

When the amount of fluid increases, there is inflammation of the synovial cavities - there is burning pain, swelling, cones, tumors, the body temperature rises, the skin on the elbow blushes.

Bursitis can be of two stages: chronic and acute. In acute disease, the joint hurts heavily, and the diameter of the inflamed area sometimes reaches 10 cm.

Chronic bursitis does not create acute pains, only a slight burning sensation in the elbow is felt, but it lasts much longer. Although the hand retains mobility - the inflamed area looks very dense in formation.

To establish the type of bursitis, doctors take a puncture of the joint bag.

With physical activity and lifting weights

Pain in the elbow under load "says" that the person develops arthrosis. The cause of degenerative-dystrophic disease is the destruction of cartilaginous tissue in the articular surfaces.

At the moment of the movements of the hands, the patient can hear even a crunch, but the touch is painless to the touch, since there is no intensive inflammatory process.

If arthrosis of the elbow joint is not treated - it starts to progress, while gradually it is lost the mobility of the hand, the amplitude of the available movements decreases, and the pathology spreads to other joints.

When the fist is compressed

If the elbow hurts when clenching the fist, then this may be the cause of developing osteochondrosis. The disease begins because of endocrine pathologies, metabolic disorders, after surgery, injuries or bruises.

In the late stages of osteochondrosis of the elbow joint, numbness of the fingers develops, a change in shape elbow, gradual limitation of the mobility of the hand, so it is important at the first symptoms to refer to the doctor.

Getting rid of this insidious disease is considered the most difficult task.

It's a dull pain

Developing arthritis can give not acute, but aching pain. The cause of this disease is infection or disruption of the immune system.

Also, frequent injury to the elbow or hand, rupture of ligaments and tendons eventually leads to arthritis. If it is not treated, then the elbow will increase in volume over time, become dense and hot to the touch.

The illness will be accompanied by weakness, fever, lack of appetite, a constant headache.

Sharp pain when pressed

If at pressing there is a sharp pain in the elbow, then this may be a consequence of a severe injury or fracture. Another reason is the rupture of ligaments, muscles or a crack in the bone.

But if there were no bruises, and sharp pain occurs when the load and pressing the elbow, it can be reflected, that is, the source is not the joint, but the spine.

With irradiating (reflected) pain, the joint is not deformed and its mobility remains the same, and the cause is the infringement of the nerve roots with the intervertebral hernia.

If there is a different kind of pain in the elbow, you should refer to several specialists, because it can be caused by a variety of reasons.

When the reason lies in the disorder of the cervical spine, it is advisable to go to the neurosurgeon and neurologist to confirm or exclude the diagnosis.

But the disease often occurs on the basis of inflammatory changes, and this is diagnosed only by a rheumatologist. In case if after an impact the elbow is swollen and it hurts, then immediately it is necessary to go to the reception to the traumatologist.

What surveys are needed

To avoid serious consequences for your health, you need to undergo a thorough diagnosis. An experienced specialist can also diagnose a visual examination, but for confirmation the patient is still sent for examination. The main diagnostic methods are:

  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound;
  • laboratory tests for blood and urine tests.

Methods of treatment of elbow joints

Treatment can take place traditionally, unconventional and with the help of folk remedies.

Often, doctors prescribe complex therapy to quickly relieve pain, restore mobility of the elbow, avoid muscle atrophy and normalize peripheral circulation.

Anesthesia occurs with the help of drug treatment, electrophoresis and warming compresses. And with inflammatory processes, traditional medicine fights well.


Treatment of diseases of the elbow joint medication can be performed externally (ointments, creams, gels), with the help of injections (injections) and tablets. The main drugs that effectively relieve pain and inflammation:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These are painkillers, from which the treatment of any disease of the elbow joint begins. They have a pronounced antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect and are applied orally in the form of capsules or tablets, and externally with the help of ointments. In rare cases, intramuscular injections are administered if the patient has liver or GI problems. Popular drugs include: Diclofenac, Diklovit, Arthrosan, Mobilak, Naklofen.
  • Glucocorticoid hormones. They are similar in many respects to NSAIDs, but they are used in the most severe clinical situations, because they have more serious side effects. Hormones quickly suppress all phases of inflammation, regardless of the cause, and have an immunomodulatory effect. They do not treat diseases of the elbow joint, but facilitate their flow. The most popular drugs: Metizred, Dipomedrol, Flosteron, Midokalm, Kenalog, Diprospan.
  • Chondroprotective agents. These are joint protectors, made on the basis of natural materials. Their purpose is to restore the destroyed cartilaginous tissue. But the effect of chondroprotectors is very long: some patients take treatment up to 6 months. Popular chondroprotective agents: Chondroxide, Teraflex, Artra, Structum, Hondrolon, Noltrex, Alflutop.
  • Hyaluronic acid preparations. They play a huge role in the formation of cartilage, because the natural hyaluronic is the main constituent of cells that produce cartilaginous tissue. These drugs are injected with injections, improving its cushioning and sliding during movements. Hyaluronic acid has a positive effect from 3 to 12 months. The best means: "Sinocrome "Synvisc "Ostenil".


If there was pain in the elbow during exercise, during training or after trauma, orthopedic treatment comes to the fore.

Orthopedist-traumatologist, depending on the type of damage to the elbow, prescribes wearing a tight bandage, gypsum, longi, a special otterza, which help fixing the arm in a stationary state.

For the duration of treatment, they are applied from the base of the wrist to the upper third of the shoulder.


Treatment of the elbow with the help of physiotherapy always takes place in a complex, together with drug therapy. With proper and regular application, this combination gives an excellent result. The most effective methods of physiotherapeutic treatment:

  1. Cryotherapy. With significant inflammatory changes to remove swelling and improve blood circulation, cold treatment is performed: dry cryosauna, in which the air is strongly cooled or the affected area is exposed to liquid nitrogen, which leads to its instantaneous cooling.
  2. Electrophoresis. This type of treatment helps drugs to penetrate deeper into the area of ​​damage when exposed to magnetic current.
  3. Laser therapy. The elbow joint is exposed to low-energy laser radiation to activate life processes, supply tissues with a large amount of oxygen for rapid recovery articular cartilage.
  4. Chloride-sodium baths. This method of physiotherapy treatment gives an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effect. Due to salt spraying on the affected area, a thermal effect is created, which increases the oxygen consumption of cells, accelerated metabolism, vasodilation.

Folk recipes

To treat diseases of the elbow joint with the help of folk remedies, it is desirable, in combination with drug therapy and physiological procedures, that the positive effect should come soon. Folk recipes:

  • Arthritis. Mix the milk and the dried shell of several eggs to a mushy state. The resulting solution is applied to the gauze bandage, attach to the joint, wrap it with polyethylene film, and on top - with a warm cloth. Hold the whole night, then rinse with water. It is recommended to spend daily for 5 days.
  • Osteoarthritis. Mix in equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and honey. Let the mixture steep for 2 hours, then use for grinding. After the procedure, the elbow should be kept warm for several hours. It is necessary to rub each day for three weeks.
  • Epicondylitis. During periods of exacerbation take 1 hour. l. green tea, pour boiling water, let cool. Pour the tea into the ice molds, then apply the frozen cubes to the diseased joint until they melt. In order to reduce pain, treatment should be conducted for at least 4 consecutive days,
  • Bursitis. Brew in equal proportions chamomile, burdock root, St. John's wort, yarrow. The broth should be infused for several hours, then take 3 times / day half a glass before eating. You need to eat daily for 21 days, after which the pain will be released for a long time.
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Surgical intervention

In advanced cases, a complete removal of the synovial bag or its radical cleaning is required. Such measures are taken with relapsing bursitis or with purulent inflammation of the elbow joint.

Surgical treatment is called bursectomy, in which a small incision is made over the synovial bag, and a purulent liquid is removed through the drainage.

At full operation the bursa is cut out, on the elbow process ridges are removed to avoid relapses, then the skin is layer-by-layer stitched. After surgical treatment, the hand is fixed at an angle of 90 degrees with a special tire.

Pain in the elbow joint is treated in many ways. For example, widely known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders, Dr. Bubnovsky advises doing special gymnastics.

Other doctors say that self-massage and hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) is effective, and still others direct patients to acupuncture. In order to cure the disease, it is necessary to approach the therapy strictly individually and in a complex manner.

A source: http://vrachmedik.ru/52-bolyat-loktevye-sustavy-chem-lechit.html

The elbow hurts in the joint: what to do? Than to treat?

Pain in the elbow joint is a symptom with which every person meets at least once in a lifetime. The causes of the appearance of pain in the elbow are very many, and each of them requires a certain treatment. If the elbow hurts in the joint, even at rest, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How is the elbow joint?

The joint is a movable junction of the bones of the skeleton. The elbow joint is formed by the radial, ulnar and humerus bones.

Vortices pass through the elbow, which supply blood from the elbow to the wrist and phalanges of the fingers.

Also through the joint there are three nerves, which can cause pain in the elbow when flexing or flexing. Strengthened joint four ligaments.

Movement of the elbow joint is carried out with the help of flexor muscles and extensors:

  • from shoulder to elbow - triceps, shoulder biceps, elbow and shoulder muscles;
  • from the elbow to the wrist - square and round pronators, brachial, radial flexor of the fingers, ulnar flexor of the wrist and others.

It is during movement that the elbow in the joint often hurts. What to do to relieve the pain syndrome before visiting a doctor, can be read below.

Causes of pain in the elbow joint

Pain in the elbow can be related:

  • with injuries resulting from injuries;
  • with tumors;
  • with degenerative-dystrophic processes;
  • with pathological changes in blood vessels and nerves;
  • with inflammation of infectious and non-infectious etiology, localized in the joint itself or surrounding tissues;
  • with the peculiarities of the movement of the joint (in some athletes).

The most frequent causes of pain are injury, damage or overload of the joint. If the elbows hurt in the joints of the hands without preliminary damage, this indicates the development of diseases. Each of them has its own symptomatology and treatment features.

What are the diseases of the elbow joint?

The most common disease is epicondylitis - damage to tendons due to trauma or a strong long-term load.

The elbow hurts in the joint under load or when performing rotational movements.

In everyday life or at rest, no painful symptoms appear.

Reflex pain is a disease that arises from changes in the cervicothoracic spine. Externally, the joint does not change. The main difference is the nature of pain - it arises even in a state of rest.

Osteoarthritis is not characterized by a strong pain syndrome. It occurs only when you try to bend or straighten your arm to the limit. In addition to pain when bending, there is a stiffness and a crunch. In the absence of proper treatment, bone deformation occurs after a while.

Arthritis is an inflammatory process in the joint, accompanied by severe pain even in a state of rest, reddening and swelling of the affected area.

Any pain in the elbow joint is an occasion to visit a doctor. Painful symptoms do not pass by themselves, they need treatment - eliminating the root cause of soreness of the joint. Only in this case you can keep your health.

The elbow hurts in the joint: what to do? Ointment and compresses as a way to reduce pain syndrome

If the pain intensifies, and there is no opportunity to visit the doctor right now, you can use simple methods:

  • Fixation of the elbow joint - to significantly reduce the manifestation of the symptom can be with a decrease in the load on it and fixation with an elastic bandage. It is necessary, if possible, to provide complete rest to the joint before revealing the cause of the appearance of pain and the appointment of a correct treatment.
  • Cold compresses allow a little to reduce the pain and swelling of the affected area. Apply such compresses can be no more than half an hour, otherwise you can only hurt the joint and strengthen the pain syndrome.
  • The use of gels or ointments - their main component must be a substance that provides anti-inflammatory action (diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesulide). You need to rub them several times a day.

Do not self-medicate. These methods are used only to relieve unpleasant symptoms. In the event of pain, it is necessary to contact the emergency department in the near future, where an experienced specialist will help to determine the cause of the discomfort in the elbow joint.

The elbow hurts in a joint: than to treat?

The main conservative treatment includes physiotherapy and drug therapy:

  1. Physiotherapy includes physical therapy, reflexology, exercise and massage.
  2. Drug therapy - a course of drugs that provide activation of nerve conduction and improve blood circulation. It is necessary to take additional painkillers and normalize the work of the digestive tract. The most commonly used is "Structum "Chondroxide "Teraflex". For injections use "Flosteron "Diprospan "Metipred".

To appoint an effective and safe treatment, you need to undergo an examination with a doctor and, if necessary, additional examinations. Only if there is a complete picture of the symptoms and changes in the structure of the elbow can you put the right diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

What examinations can the doctor prescribe for pain in the elbow?

If during examination the doctor discovers swelling, swelling and other lesions of the elbow joint area, he appoints the appropriate methods of examination:

  • blood test (biochemical);
  • X-ray of the elbow joint (with suspicion of degenerative changes after injuries and heavy load);
  • CT or MRI of the elbow joint is prescribed when the radiography has not given the desired result either for people who can not take X-rays (pregnant women, patients who recently received radiation at radiography);
  • a biopsy of the elbow joint is prescribed if there is a suspected malignant tumor in the joint or ulnar region, when the elbow in the joint is severely sore.

What to do? To confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis of a doctor, it is necessary to conduct the examinations for the intended purpose and as soon as possible.

Surgical treatment of the joint

It is used only in the absence of effect after a course of conservative medical treatment. One of the most effective and common methods of surgical treatment is the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the joint cavity.

Hyaluronic acid is a protein compound, it is from it that the joint is almost half formed. The injection is made into the joint bag of the affected joint, due to this, the friction between the articular surfaces of the bones decreases, and the process of destruction of the joint tissues slows down.

It is better to monitor your health regularly to prevent the development of joint diseases, which is difficult to cure. Attention to your condition and the appearance of painful syndromes will allow you to quickly eliminate the developing changes in joints.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many people may be bothered by an unpleasant symptom when the elbow in the joint hurts. What to do? Folk remedies allow to reduce the pain syndrome before the appointment of traditional treatment.

In folk medicine, an egg shell is used to treat joints.

It must be dried and crushed into powder, then mixed with sour milk to the state of gruel and applied to the elbow.

For better effect, the joint should be wrapped around with a warm cloth and walk for 1 hour. The course of treatment is 5 days.

You can arrange baths, if the elbow hurts in the joint. What to do? To do this, pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. flowers of the buttercup. The resulting broth diluted with hot water to a volume of 5 liters and within an hour to take "ulnar baths" while maintaining the water temperature.

Any folk remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, incorrect treatment can aggravate the condition of the joints.

Prevention of pain in the joint

Any disease is easier to prevent than to spend a lot of time, effort and money on treatment. The main preventive measures are:

  • protection of joints from excessive and prolonged load;
  • adherence to a healthy lifestyle (proper nutrition and moderate exercise);
  • try not to allow the appearance of excess weight (since it exerts a strong pressure on the joints);
  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations with doctors, especially if the elbow hurts in the joint.

What should I do to prevent joint disease? A responsible attitude towards one's life is a guarantee of health and longevity, especially for joints.

A source: http://.ru/article/223209/bolit-lokot-v-sustave-chto-delat-chem-lechit

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