Drug treatment of calcaneal spur

The growth that forms on the sole of the foot, called the calcaneal spur, gives uncomfortable sensations when moving. Previously, the problem was eliminated exclusively through surgical intervention. Modern doctors recommend getting rid of painful education conservatively. In order not to give excess pain to the calcaneal spur, medication treatment should be accompanied by a number of physiotherapeutic procedures, exercises, wearing shoes with orthopedic insoles. For conservative treatment, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic agents, drugs that increase the permeability of drugs are used.

  • What is the discomfort of plantar fasciitis
  • Treatment of the problem with medicines - an overview of the means and their properties
  • Medicamentous treatment - cream, ointments, compresses
  • Troubleshoot problems with injections
  • Practical recommendations on the use of medicines
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What is the discomfort of plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs after the build-up of the calcaneus on the calcaneus. Seeing the definition of a calcaneal spur, that this is guessed, everyone can. The build-up on the bone gives the person uncomfortable sensations due to the fact that he:

  • has an uneven structure, an asymmetric shape;
  • becomes irritable when walking, causing pain because of this;
  • on contact with the ground facilitates the origin of inflammatory processes.

The discomfort is not caused by the build-up itself, but by the pain sensations that arise because of it.

Attention!Plantar fasciitis requires an integrated approach to treatment. Only medications can not neutralize the problem. What exactly means to supplement the treatment, the doctor will tell.

Treatment of the problem with medicines - an overview of the means and their properties

To treat a build-up on the calcaneus, the affected person should follow the methods available to him:

  1. Use of ointments and creams.
  2. Use of medicament for compresses.
  3. Strengthening the capabilities of other drugs, improving their permeability.
  4. Injections of drugs into the heel.

Each technique has its own specifics. Use medicament for treatment is necessary under the supervision of a doctor. It is he who will be able to assess the degree of change in the situation, decide on further actions.

Medicamentous treatment - cream, ointments, compresses

Treatment with medicines of plantar fasciitis is a process that requires patience, time, and insignificant financial investments from the patient. The first stages of getting rid of the problem will be accompanied only by relief of symptoms.

Note!Before applying a specific drug to treat the calcaneal spur is worth reading the instructions. It will determine whether a particular medication is suitable for a person, whether it has intolerance to one of the components, diseases that are included in a number of contraindications.

To eliminate the problem, partially alleviate her symptoms, doctors advise using such medicines:

  1. Ibuprofen.
  2. Dimexide.
  3. Indomethacin.
  4. Dolobien.
  5. Cream "heel spurs".
  6. Hydromethacin.

The products are available in the form of ointments, gels and tablets. The drugs have a number of the following properties:

  • removal of the inflammatory process formed around the built-up edge;
  • elimination of discomfort, painful sensations;
  • increase the permeability of other drugs;
  • produce hormone therapy.

Each individual means must be applied according to a specific instruction. If a person uses ointments, it should be applied exclusively to the affected area, avoiding contact with the skin around it.

It is important!To follow the rules of applying ointments was easier, the patient should paste a patch on the affected area, cutting into it a hole that has dimensions of the inflamed zone. Applying this method, the patient will be able to avoid getting drugs on healthy skin areas.

Troubleshoot problems with injections

More productive will be the treatment of plantar fasciitis, if, in addition to ointments, apply injections for this purpose. Injection of effective medications is constantly introduced into the heel zone. The doctor must supervise the process of exposure of the drug solution to the state of the human body.

For procedures of this kind, specialists use a number of the following drugs:

  1. Hydrocortisone.
  2. Kenalog.
  3. Diprospak.

The doctor prescribes a course of injections, which the patient needs to go through completely. After the introduction of the required amount of the drug, the patient should feel relief, over time the effect of such treatment will be extremely positive. Before using a particular agent, the patient should be offered a sensitivity test, to determine if he has a negative reaction to the constituents.

Note!The course of medical injections, for its greater productivity, should be accompanied by the use of ointments, tablets, creams, special physical exercises. An integrated approach to the problem of plantar fasciitis will help get rid of the heel spur without the need for surgical intervention.

Practical recommendations on the use of medicines

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiviral drugs are relevant for the treatment of the calcaneal spur, are used constantly. In order for the medicines to bring the desired result, they helped to alleviate the symptoms of the problem and eliminate it, the person who encountered the calcaneal spur should:

  • in addition to the use of medicines, to withstand a special diet;
  • constantly engage in physical activity - do only the exercises allowed by the doctor;
  • to check medicinal products for quality before their application;
  • use only the tools recommended by the doctor;
  • Read the instructions for the drug to know how to use it properly;
  • do not skip medical procedures;
  • Do not increase or decrease, prescribed by the doctor's dose alone.

It is important!If a heel has a heel, he must wear shoes with orthopedic insoles, buy only natural, breathable socks. Thus, during the treatment period, the patient will be able to narrow a number of uncomfortable sensations to a minimum.

Medications should be used carefully, ointments should be applied only to the affected area. Than to treat a plantar fasciitis correctly, the doctor only can prompt. In the process of treatment should adhere to the recommendations of a specialist, and if you intend to combine medication with traditional medicine, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

The heel spur is formed irrespective of the person's age, delivers painful sensations, accompanied by inflammatory processes. Previously, doctors preferred to solve this problem exclusively surgically. Now, experts in the field of medicine have revised their decision and offer patients conservative treatment. An important component of this process are medicines, but without the combination with other techniques, a positive result from them will have to wait a long time. The combination of several methods of treatment accelerates the process of recovery. Relieves of discomfort almost completely.