Cough with pneumonia

What is a cough for pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a disease, which is sometimes not easy to recognize. Often patients are concerned about coughing with pneumonia.

What can be caused by a cough?

Coughing is a reflex reaction of the body, which arises in response to the irritating effect of any factors. As irritants are dust, foreign bodies, sputum. Therefore, cough should not be considered an independent disease, it is just a symptom of a disease, including pneumonia.

Many agree that coughing is one of the most unpleasant symptoms. Firstly, it is often accompanied by painful sensations. Secondly, it prevents a person from leading a habitual way of life: a long protracted cough literally exhausts, especially it is felt at night. Thirdly, it causes psychological discomfort. Many people are familiar with the situation when a sudden attack of loud cough in a public place attracts the attention of others. In this situation, a person feels uncomfortable. Therefore, those who suffer from cough, are ready to buy any medicine, just to get rid of this symptom.

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As for the inflammation of the lungs, it rarely flows without a cough. To suspect a person of this ailment, it is important to know what cough is with pneumonia. Usually it is at first dry, obtrusive and constant, often very strong. When the inflammation develops, the cough becomes wet, with the release of phlegm containing mucus, pus, blood veins. It is called productive. Although it is unpleasant, but much more favorable than dry, because it allows you to remove the sputum accumulated during illness from the respiratory tract. Together with the phlegm, all unnecessary is also removed, which accumulated there. It speeds up recovery. In addition, if the sputum is excreted well, this reduces the risk of complications. Therefore, it is not necessary to suppress such a reflex reaction. If the body itself does not cope with the task, then the drugs prescribed by the doctor come to the aid. They dilute sputum and promote its better separation.

As for the dry cough, it is a rather painful and unpleasant symptom. Since sputum is not excreted in this case, relief does not come. Attacks of dry cough are repeated many times, irritate the respiratory tract even more and cause new, more severe attacks. It turns out a vicious circle. Therefore, such a cough should be controlled.As a rule, after a few days it becomes wet.But, if during this time attacks of dry coughing cause a person discomfort, you should appoint him effective bronchodilators such as pectusin, licorice root syrups and Dr. Mom, Bromhexine, Mukaltin. To treat dry paroxysmal cough with pneumonia it is possible and folk remedies: a radish with honey or infusion of nettle.

Although moist cough with pneumonia is productive and contributes to the production of sputum, it must also be treated. First, sputum can be very viscous, especially in children, and it must be diluted. Secondly, if the sputum for a long time will be in the lungs, then it can develop bacteria. To stimulate the process of excretion of sputum, the patient is prescribed expectorants.

Another feature that is characteristic of pneumonia is this: usually a cough after pneumonia does not immediately pass.

It can be observed for a long period. And in adults, cough after pneumonia persists much longer than in children.

This is due to the final clearance of the lungs from phlegm. You need to perform breathing exercises, do chest massage, inflate and blow off the ball, do not swallow phlegm, which clears throat. So, the body will soon recover from the disease.

If the cough remains and does not pass for a long period, you should consult a doctor.

In such cases, usually not medicinal products are prescribed, but physiotherapy and folk remedies. To treat a cough after a disease, you need to take vitamin C, walk on fresh air, do gymnastics for the lungs, drink plenty of warm water, eat vegetables and fruits to strengthen immunity. Any catarrhal disease after a previous pneumonia can lead to a relapse. It is advisable after the inflammation of the lungs not to be supercooled and not overheat, to keep the temperature balance, to lead a healthy lifestyle and more often to be in the open air.

How dangerous is the sputum discharge with blood in pneumonia?

Sometimes with pneumonia, sputum has a rusty hue, which indicates the presence of blood in it.


How dangerous is this for a person? It all depends on what pathogenic microorganisms caused by the disease. For example, for lobar pneumonia, sputum with blood is not dangerous, it is only a stage of the disease. But for focal pneumonia, the presence of blood in the sputum is a dangerous symptom. In any case, this manifestation of the disease should be alarming, additional diagnostics will be required.

The first signs of pneumonia in children and adults

Pneumonia is a disease that has an infectious origin and is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue in the event of provoking physical or chemical factors such as:

  • Complications after viral diseases (influenza, ARVI), atypical bacteria (chlamydia, mycoplasma, legionella)
  • Effects on the respiratory system of various chemical agents - poisonous fumes and gases (see. chlorine in household chemicals is hazardous to health)
  • Radioactive radiation, to which infection is attached
  • Allergic processes in the lungs - allergic cough, COPD, bronchial asthma
  • Thermal factors - hypothermia or burns of the respiratory tract
  • Inhalation of liquids, food or foreign bodies can cause aspiration pneumonia.

The cause of the development of pneumonia is the emergence of favorable conditions for the multiplication of various pathogenic bacteria in the lower respiratory tract. The original causative agent of pneumonia is the aspergillus mushroom, which was the culprit of the sudden and mysterious deaths of researchers of the Egyptian pyramids. Owners of domestic birds or lovers of urban pigeons can get chlamydial pneumonia.

For today, all pneumonia is divided into:

  • out-of-hospital, arising under the influence of various infectious and non-infectious agents outside the walls of hospitals
  • hospital, which cause hospital-acquired microbes, often very resistant to traditional antibiotic treatment.

The frequency of detection of various infectious agents in community-acquired pneumonia is presented in the table.

Causative agent Average% detection
Streptococcus is the most frequent pathogen. Pneumonia caused by this pathogen is the leader in the frequency of death from pneumonia. 3, %
Mycoplasma - affects most children, young people. 1, %
Chlamydia - chlamydial pneumonia is typical for people of young and middle age. 1, %
Legionellae - a rare pathogen, affects weakened people and is the leader after streptococcus by frequency of deaths (infection in rooms with artificial ventilation - shopping centers, airports) , %
Hemophilus rod - causes pneumonia in patients with chronic bronchial and lung diseases, as well as in smokers. , %
Enterobacteria are rare pathogens, affecting mainly patients with renal / hepatic, cardiac insufficiency, diabetes mellitus. , %
Staphylococcus is a frequent pathogen of pneumonia in the elderly population, and complications in patients after the flu. , %
Other pathogens , %
The causative agent is not installed 3, %

When the diagnosis is confirmed, depending on the type of pathogen, the patient's age, the presence of concomitant diseases, a corresponding therapy, in severe cases, treatment should be performed in a hospital setting, with mild forms of inflammation, hospitalization of the patient is not is required.

Characteristic first signs of pneumonia, the vastness of the inflammatory process, acute development and danger of serious complications in untimely treatment - are the main reasons for the urgent circulation of the population for medical help. At present, a sufficiently high level of medical development, improved diagnostic methods, and a huge the list of antibacterials of a wide spectrum of action has considerably lowered a death rate from an inflammation of lungs (cm. antibiotics for bronchitis).

Typical first signs of pneumonia in adults

The main symptom of the development of pneumonia is a cough, usually it is first dry, obtrusive and persistent. protivokashlevye, expectorants with a dry cough), but in rare cases cough at the beginning of the disease can be rare and not strong. Then, as the inflammation develops, the cough becomes pneumatic with pneumonia, with a discharge of mucopurulent sputum (yellow-green color).

Any catarrhal virus disease should not last more than 7 days, and a sharp deterioration of the condition later 4-7 days after the onset of an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the lower respiratory ways.

Body temperature can be very high up to 39-40C, and can remain subfebrile 3, -3, C (with atypical pneumonia). Therefore, even with a low body temperature, coughing, weakness and other signs of malaise, you should definitely consult a doctor. Caution should be a repeated temperature jump after a light gap during the course of a viral infection.

If the patient has a very high temperature, one of the signs of inflammation in the lungs is the inefficiency of antipyretic drugs.

Pain with deep breath and cough. The lung itself does not hurt, as it is devoid of pain receptors, but involvement in the pleura process gives a pronounced pain syndrome.

In addition to cold symptoms, the patient has dyspnea and pale skin.
General weakness, increased sweating, chills, decreased appetite are also characteristic for intoxication and the onset of the inflammatory process in the lungs.

If such symptoms appear either in the midst of a cold, or a few days after the improvement, these may be the first signs of pneumonia. The patient should immediately consult a doctor to undergo a complete examination:

  • To pass blood tests - general and biochemical
  • To make a roentgenography of a thorax, if necessary and a computer tomography
  • Sputum for culture and sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics
  • Sputum for culture and microscopic determination of mycobacterium tuberculosis

The main first signs of pneumonia in children

Symptoms of pneumonia in children have several characteristics. Attentive parents may suspect the development of pneumonia with the following discomforts in the child:

  • Temperature

Body temperature above 38C, lasting for more than three days, not knocked down by antipyretics, there may also be a high temperature of up to 3, especially in young children. At the same time, all signs of intoxication are manifested - weakness, increased sweating, lack of appetite. Small children (as well as elderly people), can not give high temperature fluctuations with pneumonia. This is due to imperfect thermoregulation and immaturity of the immune system.

  • Breath

There is frequent shortness of breath: in children up to 2 months of age, 60 breaths per minute, up to 1 year, 50 breaths, after a year, 40 breaths per minute. Often the child spontaneously tries to lie down on one side. Parents may notice another sign of pneumonia in the child, if you undress the baby, then when breathing from the patient lung can be noticed the retraction of the skin in between the ribs and the lag in the process of breathing one side of the chest. There may be irregular breathing rhythm, with periodic stops of breathing, changes in the depth and frequency of breathing. In infants, shortness of breath is characterized by the fact that the child begins to nod his head in time with the breath, the baby can stretch his lips and inflate his cheeks, foamy discharge from the nose and mouth can appear.

  • Atypical pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs caused by mycoplasma and chlamydia differ in that first the disease passes like a cold, there is a dry cough, runny nose, swelling in the throat, but the presence of dyspnea and a stably high temperature should alert parents to the development pneumonia.

  • Character of cough

Because of the perspiration in the throat, only coughing can appear first, then the cough becomes dry and painful, which is amplified by crying, feeding the baby. Later, the cough becomes wet.

  • Behavior of the child

Children with pneumonia become capricious, whiny, sluggish, they are disturbed by sleep, sometimes can completely refuse to eat, and also to appear diarrhea and vomiting, in babies - regurgitation and rejection of breasts.

  • Blood test

In the general analysis of blood, changes are detected that indicate an acute inflammatory process - increased ESR, leukocytosis, neutrophilia. Shift of the leukoformula to the left with increasing stab and segmented leukocytes. In viral pneumonia, along with high ESR, there is an increase in leukocytes due to lymphocytes.

With timely access to a doctor, adequate therapy and proper care for a sick child or adult, pneumonia does not lead to serious complications. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of pneumonia, the patient should be given medical care as soon as possible.

Cough treatment for pneumonia. Symptoms of pneumonia

He does not like anyone to be sick, even if it concerns a very ordinary and, at first glance, harmless cold. Even worse, when complications begin to appear and SARS grows into bronchitis or pneumonia.

Let's talk about the inflammation of the lungs: symptomatology, depending on the type of disease, the methods of treatment and prevention. Special attention will be paid to the question of coughing with pneumonia and methods of fighting it at home.

What is pneumonia?

So, pneumonia is a disease that occurs as a result of the defeat of the respiratory parts of the lungs and causes their inflammation. As a rule, it is accompanied by a high temperature. Cough with pneumonia is usually dry and can be accompanied by pain in the chest.

Symptoms of the disease

Pneumonia can be of two types: typical and atypical. Depending on this, the symptomatology of the disease will also differ.

A typical form of pneumonia is usually accompanied by fever and a strong cough. It is these signs that are indicative of the onset of the disease. What is a cough for pneumonia? At the beginning of the disease, it is dry, but with time, sputum begins to appear, having a thick consistency and a greenish tinge, sometimes with blood veins. In addition, there may be shortness of breath, chest pain, severe weakness in the whole body, headache and so on.

Can there be pneumonia without coughing? The answer to this question will be positive. This is how the atypical form of pneumonia manifests itself. This type of disease is much more dangerous, as it is very difficult to determine at the initial stages. The development of SARS is very slow, and its first symptoms will be in the form of small pain or sore throat, malaise and headache. As you can see, this condition can easily be confused with the onset of a common cold or even fatigue. Although in fact, at this point, already started to occur inflammatory processes.

So, we have examined what kind of cough is with pneumonia, the symptoms and the form of the disease. The next important point is how treatment works.

Treatment of pneumonia

To treat the inflammation of the lungs is necessary in the hospital, since it is very difficult to do this at home. During the period of illness the patient needs bed rest and maximum care.

Preparations for the treatment of pneumonia can be divided into two groups:

  1. Symptomatic. This is a group of medicines that facilitate the patient's condition. For example, they include expectorating, restorative, antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol Mukaltin Ambroxol).
  2. Antimicrobial. This group includes the use of antibiotics, which are the main part of the treatment. Most often used drugs based on penicillin ("Amoxicillin" Ampicillin "). In case of hypersensitivity, the reception of such drugs is contraindicated, therefore they are replaced with cephalosporin antibiotics ("Cefatoxime" Cefazolin ") and macrolides (" Azithromycin "). These drugs are equally effective in fighting the causative agent of the disease, although they are less allergenic.

In addition to the use of pharmaceuticals, complex therapy involves the conduct of inhalations. They are an excellent way to facilitate breathing and coughing with pneumonia.

No less important than the treatment itself, is the process of rehabilitation after a previous illness. It includes a variety of physiotherapy procedures and respiratory gymnastics. If there is a possibility, then sanatorium-and-spa treatment will be superfluous.

How to relieve cough with pneumonia while at home

As mentioned above, the treatment of pneumonia and, consequently, coughing with pneumonia usually takes place in a hospital. But still there are cases when the patient remains at home.

Additional cough treatment for pneumonia in the home can be done in several effective ways.


They promote the production of sputum and cough relief. For inhalations with pneumonia, it is best to use fir oil. On the pot of water, only 4-5 drops of it are enough. Inhale the vapor under the towel, and after the procedure, rub the same oil chest in the lungs and wrapped in a blanket.

Garlic mustard

They are not only an effective means for getting rid of cough, but also have an excellent anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and bactericidal effect. For the preparation of such mustard plasters, it is necessary to moisten a small piece of cloth in vegetable oil and spread on it finely chopped pieces of garlic. Put them on the back or chest and hold for up to 20 minutes.

Potato wrapping

It is necessary to mix the crushed potatoes in a uniform with vegetable oil, mustard and alcohol (1 tablespoon each) and place in a specially tailored bag for these purposes. After that, it should be put on the lungs (excluding the heart area), wrapped with cellophane, covered with warm clothing and bandaged. Compress will remain warm until the morning and provide the maximum warming up of the body.

Cough after pneumonia

We talked about the appearance and treatment of cough in pneumonia. But there are situations when this phenomenon is observed and after full recovery. There is nothing wrong with this, because thanks to him, all the sputum is finally removed from the lungs. This cough can last for two more weeks, even more.

Treatment of cough after pneumonia

If, in addition to coughing, there are no more signs of the disease, and medical treatment has already been completed, it is better to use simple folk methods to combat it. It can be inhalation with fir oil (for details, see above), or special drinks: lemonade with honey or boiled milk with figs.

Pharmaceutical preparations should not be used any more, in order not to overload the chemistry of the already tired organism after the transferred illness.

Prevention of disease

To prevent inflammation of the lungs, one should heed the simple advice given by specialists on this issue.

So, to avoid pneumonia, you need to:

  • follow the rules of personal hygiene and regularly wash your hands with soap;
  • to eat foods rich in vitamins;
  • it is desirable to begin to temper the body, play sports or do daily exercises;
  • It is good to get enough sleep and rest, whenever possible to avoid stressful situations;
  • dress according to the weather: do not wrap yourself in the heat and do not freeze;
  • avoid places of large concentrations of people during periods of seasonal increase in morbidity;
  • to abandon habits that harm not only the general state of health, but also worsen immunity;
  • Regularly ventilate the room in which you need to stay for a long time.

A separate method of preventing the disease is vaccination. Especially it is shown to young children attending kindergartens, elderly people over 65 years old, and also to those who suffer from any chronic diseases.

Be healthy!

Pneumonia without fever and without coughing

Inflammation of the lungs in itself is a very dangerous disease, but pneumonia without a cough is much more dangerous. Not many people know, but this pathology can develop quite unnoticed, without any pronounced symptoms and a sharp deterioration in well-being. This term is a collection of several pathologies relating to lung tissue, and each has its own characteristics. It is important to remember that the ailment is not always accompanied by the usual symptoms: cough or temperature.

Facts about the disease

The main and main respiratory organs are the lungs. They let oxygen into the human body and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. It is here that gas exchange of substances occurs, air purification from toxins, microorganisms and harmful elements, as well as nutrition of each cell. In a healthy person, pushing the air outward is normal, the patient's breathing is much more difficult.

As soon as the infection enters the respiratory system, their functioning, normal functioning of the cardiovascular and immune system are hampered. Infection occurs through inhaled particles of vomit, through viruses, harmful bacteria and fungi, foreign objects and the like. In addition, the factor of the appearance of pneumonia may be both hypothermia, and the recently transferred cold. Not all lungs, but only separate parts of different areas can be affected. Such a disease is not contagious and is not transmitted by airborne droplets, although it has the character of an infectious disease.

A term such as pneumonia without a cough was introduced due to the fact that due to the inflammation of various sections of the respiratory organs were identified different types of disease, which, in turn, flow differently. The most dangerous condition is when the patient does not know the true reason for his poor health. He will not feel pain in his chest, there will be no coughing or wheezing, and if the temperature is present, then a small one (it can easily be confused with the symptom of an ordinary cold).

Note that the risk of getting sick is most common among older people over 60 and children under 2 years old. Finding the root cause of infection, you can determine how a person fell ill: because of an infection that got into the body through the airways, or because of deterioration in health against the already existing disease. For example, if the flu is not completely cured, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Despite the main prerequisites for the emergence of ailment, the negative impact can have both medicines and medical intervention. This includes the following:

  • organ transplantation;
  • manifestation of the disease after intubation of the trachea or artificial ventilation;
  • infection can occur and as a result of visiting the infectious disease department of the hospital.

How to discover the disease in time

Analyzing existing types of the disease, you can be ready for anything. However, do not forget that all kinds of bacteria and microbes surround us everywhere. So, the causative agent of pneumonia may be one of the harmful microorganisms, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, legionella or chlamydia, which primarily affects the lung tissue. As for viruses, the most dangerous are the herpes virus, the pulmonary plague and those that appeared due to complications after the flu (A and B).

The condition of the body is affected by the human condition. Such reasons as an unfavorable environment, poor diet and bad habits can lead not only to pneumonia, but also to other serious illnesses. Therefore, most patients can be found in nursing homes and similar institutions. In addition, people who suffer from narcological and alcohol addiction, with weakened immunity and HIV-infected are also prone to infection.

Anyone with a weak immune system may not notice the development of the infection. Protection capabilities are reduced due to the presence of microorganisms and viruses in the blood, so the body can not fully resist the harmful effects of the environment.

Self-medication and taking medicines without doctor's supervision affects the internal microflora and promotes the favorable reproduction of harmful bacteria. They quickly adapt to the environment and become insensitive to treatment.

Cough is an important indicator for infection of the respiratory tract. This is a normal reaction of the body to the appearance of foreign pests. This process allows you to get rid of mucus and sputum. Its appearance means inflammation of the upper respiratory organs.

It is accompanied by temperature, fatigue and weakness in general. Not everyone wants to see a doctor when a cough occurs, because they think that the usual home treatment will be more effective. However, this is how the inflammatory process begins, which can lead to serious complications if you do not give enough attention to the treatment (or if you do not cure the ailment).

Absence of obvious symptoms

With a careless approach, a mild cold can take on a chronic character. Slime does not go away from the bronchi, and suppression of cough drugs leads to the development of pneumonia, which is very difficult to detect under such conditions. All pathological changes remain directly in the lungs and continue to develop there. A more severe stage leads to the appearance of pus of a green or yellow hue. If a person does not have a temperature, then the following symptoms are possible:

  • weakness;
  • pallor;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest during movement;
  • coughing.
These signs indicate a weakened immunity. It can also be a consequence of an untreated disease. Without contacting a specialist, you can not correctly diagnose and begin treatment. And after taking medication from one disease the body can not cope with a new wave of infection. If the cough intensifies and lasts for more than two weeks (especially in children), then this is the signal for urgent in-depth diagnosis.

If symptoms are found in a child, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible. At home, observe how the child performs physical exercises, whether there are signs of drowsiness or a decrease in appetite. The specialist will be able to conduct the necessary examination and make analyzes and, of course, explain the harm of self-treatment.

Correct approach to recovery

As practice shows, not all follow the doctors' warnings about the back side of self-treatment. We must not forget that, without knowing the cause of infection, it is impossible to find the right drugs, which will once and for all get rid of the pathogen. A full course of treatment, affecting both temperature, cough, and the condition of a person as a whole, is a comprehensive approach. For this purpose, a specialist (in the case of children, a pediatrician) prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and general strengthening therapy. Such methods will have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition to taking medications, the patient can in another way contribute to his recovery:

  1. Observe the sleep regime and the correct diet. Eat more foods with protein and zinc.
  2. More fish, dishes from cereals, berries, vegetables and fruits. These products reduce the risk of developing pneumonia.
  3. Abandonment of bad habits will speed up recovery.

It is very important to return the cough reflex, otherwise it is necessary to perform a sanation with bronchoscopy. To all this, physiotherapy and special gymnastics are prescribed.


Concerning folk remedies: medicine does not prohibit such an approach, but to rely solely on recovery with home-made decoctions and tinctures is dangerous enough.

Causes and treatment of sputum in case of pneumonia

Sputum for pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, its analysis allows you to identify the cause of the disease, its nature, stage, so that treatment in the future was correct and effective. Tactics of treatment by this microbiological study are more effective, in contrast to empirical method of treatment, is directed at a particular patient, becomes less costly and quality.

Why does cough often go away with phlegm

Coughing is a reflex that works at the time of sputum excretion, other foreign particles from the patient's breathing pathways.The appearance of cough is promoted by a variety of diseases, so before treatment it is important to determine the cause of its occurrence, the nature, the color of sputum.Sputum is a secret between the trachea and the lungs.

With pneumonia, the discharge is pathological in nature, the serous purulent fluid begins to form from the nose, sometimes with impurities of blood. Mucus is secreted by the respiratory tract, and this is normal when the air that is moved, sometimes infected and enriched with microbes, gets into the body, meets a barrier, a flap in its path. The mucus contains immune cells, which immediately come into contact with them when they collide with microbes.

Coughing is not a separate disease, it is rather a reaction to the disease, a symptom, as a result of contractions of the muscles of the respiratory tract and irritation of their receptors. The respiratory system is designed so that the cleansing from the mucus is carried out by cilia, located inside the bronchi. Cilia move and clean bronchi.

In a healthy person, mucus is produced up to 100 ml per day. If the respiratory organs have undergone pathology, the produced mucus sharply increases in volume up to 1500 ml per day, can be of different color and composition.

What does sputum color mean?

With pneumonia, the discharge is pathological in nature, the serous purulent fluid begins to form from the nose, sometimes with impurities of blood. Mucus is secreted by the respiratory tract, and this is normal when the air that is moved, sometimes infected and enriched with microbes, gets into the body, meets a barrier, a flap in its path. The mucus contains immune cells, which immediately come into contact with them when they collide with microbes.

Coughing is not a separate disease, it is rather a reaction to the disease, a symptom, as a result of contractions of the muscles of the respiratory tract and irritation of their receptors. The respiratory system is designed so that the cleansing from the mucus is carried out by cilia, located inside the bronchi. Cilia move and clean bronchi.

In a healthy person, mucus is produced up to 100 ml per day. If the respiratory organs have undergone pathology, the produced mucus sharply increases in volume up to 1500 ml per day, can be of different color and composition.

How is cough with sputum treated?

Before treating a cough, you need to establish the cause of its occurrence, pay attention to the type of cough, dry or with the separation of sputum. Pneumonia is not treated at home. Sputum is taken for analysis for laboratory testing, determining the clinic of the disease, also taking into account individual characteristics of the patient for the subsequent appointment of the treatment course, prevention of side effects from the wrong drug treatment.

With a wet cough and sputum, the patient is recommended bed rest, plenty of drink, phytopreparations. Destinations include antibiotics; bronchodilator, enveloping, expectorant drugs; drugs designed to reduce mucosal irritation.

Useful inhalation with the use of chloride, sodium benzoate, ammonium chloride, plant extracts. It is important to moisten the mucous membrane, dilute sputum, strengthen its passage, relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi. In addition, the above drugs are considered excellent anesthetics and analgesics for throat swelling, difficulty in swallowing caused by persistent cough.

Steam inhalations are shown, but children under 1 year of age are not recommended for use, with the existing CNS lesions it is impossible to take thermopsis, ipecacuan: they lead to vomiting. In infants, vomiting when coughing can lead to aspiration, asphyxia.

Pneumonia is treated medically, prescribed medications consist of:

  1. Expectorants that facilitate fast and easy separation of sputum, reduce its viscosity.
  2. Mucoregulating drugs: acetylcysteine, bromhexine, carbocysteine, ambroxol, which restore the viscosity of mucus, will contribute to its rapid elimination. You can not take carbocysteine, bromgexidine, acetylcysteine ​​with exacerbation of bronchial asthma: this leads to spasms of the bronchi, which is very dangerous for the general condition of a person.
  3. Mucolytic agents that promote the stabilization of secretions from the bronchi, improve mucus clearance. Mucolytics are similar to ATSTS, are prescribed for pathological processes occurring in the trachea, lungs or bronchi of the patient, as well as children from 1 to 3 years.
  4. Antihistamines, if the cause of the cough was allergies. Loratadine, fexofenadine will quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, sputum will depart faster. Reflex agents for coughing with sputum are thermopsis, marshmallow, licorice, essential oils, which, getting into the stomach, are irritating to him, and the mucous and salivary glands start to work faster and more active.

Cough without phlegm

Pneumonia, as a rule, proceeds with an increase in temperature, because the disease is infectious, caused by the ingestion and development of microbes into the bronchi and mucous membranes.

If there is a cough and there is no temperature, then you can suspect:

  • venereal disease;
  • heart failure;
  • an allergic reaction to an object;
  • respiratory disease;
  • exposure to mucous toxins from outside.

Often, especially in the mornings, a cough can be provoked by ticks that attacked the feather pillows. Coughing is inevitable when smoking. If you cough without a temperature, you need to increase fluid intake, sputum will become less viscous, it will be faster to get out of the airways. Reception of antibiotics should not be independent and spontaneous, nevertheless about their reception it is better consult with a doctor, many of them have contraindications, have a harmful effect on others, healthy organs.

What to do if a cough with phlegm does not go away

If all the above-described methods of treatment did not succeed, the cough does not stop, the unpleasant, fetid, incomprehensible color of sputum leaves, then a number of additional examinations should be performed. The doctor can appoint:

  • Mantoux test (in young children);
  • bakposev on the study of sputum flora;
  • analyzes for the presence of chlamydia, mycoplasma;
  • X-ray for examination of the patient's chest.

Postural drainage or special exercises will release respiratory organs from sputum, clear of accumulated mucus.

The patient needs to lie on his back, without a pillow, turn slowly around his axis by 45 degrees, breathe with full chest. Repeat the procedure 6-8 times. Mucus is activated, rises to the larynx, and it will remain spit.

Get on your knees, bend the trunk back and forth, and so 6-8 times.

Lie on your side closer to the edge of the bed, hanging up to the maximum forward of the upper body. Make 4-6 slopes. The procedure should be repeated 5-6 times a day.

Diagnosis of pneumonia is not difficult. Listening and X-rays will show her presence or absence. It is much more difficult to establish a pathogen of pneumonia.

If pneumonia is not particularly brutal and proceeds without complications, then recovery is possible in 3-4 weeks.


With such a pneumonia, you can be treated at home, following the recommendations of a doctor. But no self-medication, treatment should take place only under the supervision of a doctor. Be healthy!

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