How to determine the sex of a child by heartbeat, debunking myths

From this article you will learn: how to determine the gender of the baby by the heartbeat, and whether it is possible at all. Folk myths and scientific facts about how the sex of the fetus affects the work of his heart.

Contents of the article:

  • Myths and Reality
  • Conclusion: Is there a connection between the heartbeat and the fetus floor

Experts define the sex of the child as a secondary task in the evaluation of intrauterine development. It is more important to evaluate the parameters that characterize its viability and the absence of pathology. Palpitation of the fetus is one of the most important indicators that are used for this.

There is an opinion that the nature of the heartbeat can determine even the sex of the child. In ancient times this hypothesis had a certain share of probability, as people noticed that in the womb of the mother the heart of girls beats differently than the heart of the boys. But modern specialists refute this theory. It is unreliable and does not bear any scientific justification.

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Precisely determine the sex of the child allows intrauterine ultrasound diagnosis in the second trimester of pregnancy, the study of amniotic fluid and karyotype. Obstetrician-gynecologists, doctors of ultrasound diagnostics and genetics of female consultations, maternity hospitals and perinatal centers are engaged in this.

Myths and Reality

According to current ideas, the most common characteristics of the fetal heart rate, which can be judged on its gender, are:

  • Cut-off frequency per minute.
  • Rhythmicity and strength of palpitations.
  • The abdomen in which they are best listened.
  • The connection between the heartbeat of the fetus and the mother.

You can listen to the child's heart in the womb from 16-20 weeks with a midwifery stethoscope( special tube) or an ultrasonic device - a cardiotocograph. To do this, attach the sensor to the right or left half of the lower abdomen. The longer the gestation period, the better the heart beats.

Myth # 1: The heart of girls is falling more often than in boys

Theoretically, the girls' heart should decrease more often than boys. This is due to the fact that the nervous and cardiovascular systems are less stable in them, they react faster to any changes in the body and the environment. Therefore, the girls beat heart more often - about 140 times / min, and in boys less often - about 120 times / min. But this proposition is nothing more than a theory.

The heartbeat of any living organism, including the fetus, depends on many factors( heart condition, nervous and hormonal regulation of its activity, gestation period, etc.).But sex is not one of them. The norms of pulse and heart rate are not provided for children or adults, depending on sex. This means that the heart of boys and girls in the prenatal period is reduced with the same frequency( the norm is 120-160 / min).

It is more actual to estimate the frequency of heart contractions, not in order to know the sex of the child, but for the diagnosis of intrauterine pathology:

  • delays and malformations;
  • genetic diseases;
  • intrauterine hypoxia and infections;
  • threats of interruption and fading of pregnancy;
  • problems with the placenta and umbilical cord.

In the presence of these pathologies, the heart of the fetus will be reduced more often than should be normal. If his deceleration is below the norm, this indicates a severe intrauterine lesion.

Among the additional factors that temporarily or slightly can change the child's heart rate:

  1. When it actively moves, the rhythm accelerates.
  2. When he sleeps - the rhythm slows down.
  3. If the mother is nervous or sick, the rhythm is accelerated.

Myth # 2: boys' palpitations are more rhythmic and loud

Cardiac activity in girls is more sensitive to any changes in the body and the intrauterine environment. Their heart should decline not only more often than boys, but also a little quieter, chaotic, in the manner of peculiar interruptions( then faster, then slower, then irregularly).In boys, it beats almost monotonously, only periodically changing the frequency, but distinctly and loudly.

But this theory has no reliable scientific justification. Rhythmicity, variability of heartbeats depend on the same as the frequency of the factors listed in the previous section. The sex of the child is not included in their number. By nature, heart rate and how well he listens, you will not be able to recognize the sex of the fetus.

Myth number 3: if the heart is heard in the left abdomen - there will be a boy

There is an opinion that the heartbeat of boys is more often heard in the left, and the girls are in the right half of the abdomen of the pregnant woman. But this is an unreliable criterion for determining the sex of a child:

  • The position of the fetus is constantly changing up to 30-35 weeks, and sometimes until the birth, as it moves and turns in the amniotic fluid.
  • Fixation of a child in the uterine cavity before birth occurs spontaneously and has nothing to do with gender.
  • The child can lie transverse to the uterine cavity, resulting in the heartbeat being heard in the middle of the abdomen.

The obstetricians in their daily practice determine from which side the child's back is located. This position is called the position: the first - if the backrest on the left( happens more often, regardless of sex), the second - if the backrest on the right. Position determination is important for finding the point from which it will be easiest to listen to the child's heartbeat. On which side of the back, with that you need to look for a heartbeat.

Myth # 4: the hearts of the son and mother beat in unison

The most unfounded myth about the definition of the sex of the child from his heartbeat is the connection between the contraction of the mother's and the child's heart. It is believed that if the rhythms coincide, the boy will be born, and if the heartbeats are not interconnected in any way - there will be a girl.

This theory is the least plausible for the following reasons:

  1. Normally, the frequency of fetal heart contractions of any gender is almost 2 times higher than in a pregnant woman.
  2. Even with the same heart rate, the rhythm can not be constantly synchronized.
  3. The regulation of heartbeats in the mother and the fetus is carried out by different systems and mechanisms.
  4. The hearts of the mother and child can not shrink at the same time - there is nothing in common between them.

Conclusion: Is there a relationship between the heartbeat and the fetus floor

Any coincidence that reflects the relationship between the fetal heartbeat and its sex is an accident. The reliability of these data does not exceed 30%.This means that even if you do not listen at all to the heart beat, and blindly without any reason to talk about the child's field, then the percentage of coincidence of predictions will be the same. Such reliability of the results refutes the method of determining the sex of the child in terms of heart rate. Neither at early nor late pregnancy she does not justify herself. For these purposes, there are really reliable safe methods( primarily ultrasound diagnosis).

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