Treatment of gout with medicines - choose effective medications

Gout disrupts the metabolism in the body. The body develops itself and receives purines (most often from meat and liver), which are necessary for the normal functioning of all systems. After the disintegration of these colorless crystals, uric acid is formed, the excess of which must go along with the urine.

Long since the cause of gout was considered excessive consumption of meat and algogol

However, as a result of various disorders, this function can be poorly implemented, so the remaining uric acid crystallizes in the joints, becoming inflamed and causing severe pain.

Sometimes the disease can be diagnosed by specific white nodules, growing under the skin around the joints or the ear - tofusam.

Good medicines help to remove these salts, destroying the focus of inflammation - in some recommendations it is indicated: "Apply tofusov before disappearing."

Most often, crystals of salts fall out in the joints of the lower extremities.

Attacks and exacerbation can provoke:

  • damage to the joint;
  • instagram viewer
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • long loads;
  • complications after surgery;
  • consequences of taking diuretics.

The disease usually begins acutely, most often at night, the pain with it grows rapidly, so that it becomes impossible to tolerate even light touches. The temperature rises, the joint and tissues around swell, the skin in this place can turn red.

If you do not stop the inflammation, this condition can last several weeks, in difficult cases the joints lose their mobility.


  • 1Methods and types
  • 2Pills
      • 2.0.1Allopurinol
      • 2.0.2Aspirin
      • 2.0.3Compresses
      • 2.0.4Ointments - home recipes
      • 2.0.5Pharmaceutical ointments

Methods and types

For rapid treatment, funds that remove unnecessary excess uric acid are used.

If the joints become inflamed due to an infectious nature, then antibiotics are used. Their use helps to remove pain and get out of the acute phase of the disease, after which it is only necessary to finish the treatment with the help of physiotherapy methods and a proper diet.

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Without antibiotics, a victory over a disease is not possible, but they are selected strictly taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the disease. Other methods can only be concomitant, the treatment of gout with medicines prescribed by a doctor is a prerequisite for a successful recovery.

At the moment, despite the really rapid development of medicine and pharmacology, not many drugs have been invented that help cure or alleviate the symptoms of this disease.

There are quick-acting drugs that only take away pain, but the most effective tablets are those that are reduce the content of uric acid, and while not only stopping the pain, but also act long, remove inflammation.



This medicine removes the original causes of the disease, it keeps uric acid at the right level, breaks its formation and dissolves its salts.

Painful symptoms are not removed, but seizures and relapses are prevented. How to take allopurinol - this should be consulted with a doctor, because allergic reactions may occur, the function of the liver may be disrupted, the pressure may drop sharply.


Aspirin tablets help to remove salts of uric acid, relieve inflammation.

It is used in combination with iodine - 5 tablets are dissolved in 10 ml of iodine, wait for clarification of the solution and they lubricate them for the night affected areas, warmly wrapping the treated limbs for better warming.


Compresses with drugs are considered very effective treatment. At an early stage, they will help to relieve pain, swelling and partially dissolve salt deposits.

With prolonged use, compresses with dimexide are very effective. Its components penetrate well through the skin.

Often, dimexide is used in combination with novocaine - this allows you to quickly anesthetize a sick joint.

But this remedy is not harmless, although it is sold without prescriptions - it has many contraindications, so you should consult a doctor to avoid complications on the kidneys and liver, on the heart and blood vessels.

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The danger is that it not only activates certain medicines, but also increases their toxicity.

Ointments - home recipes

Many people use self-prepared ointment on the leg. It works effectively, but only in the case of complete rest of the limb.

Often used a remedy made up of 200 grams of butter, 50 ml of beer and 50 grams of castor oil. This mixture is boiled, cooled and applied to a sore spot all night.

Another prescription ointment for treating gout also relieves inflammation and pain in the joints and surrounding tissues. Mix one fourth of a glass of sunflower oil with one fourth of a glass of grinded laundry soap. In this mixture, add 50 ml of kerosene and add one tablespoon of soda.

If the inflammation is very pronounced, or if it comes to open wounds, you should be especially careful not to engage in self-medication.

Pharmaceutical ointments

Previously, the best medicine for gout was Vishnevsky's ointment - like modern preparations, it relieved pain, swelling, and inflammation. New drugs now also have additional positive effects - they repair joint tissues, destroy salt deposits.

In pharmacies are sold such ointments as diclofenac, fulflex, cream based on herbs and extracts from leeches.

. . .

The use of all kinds of medications and medications on the feet requires preliminary consultation with the doctor to make sure that the diagnosis is correct and the treatment methods are prescribed correctly.

Many patients turn to the doctor with a question - how to remove pain, not understanding at the same time that it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but the disease itself, and treatment will be long and difficult. Without skilled assistance in this case, it is difficult to do.

Gout often occurs in chronic form, and therefore, in its diagnosis, one-step actions can not be dispensed with. Many methods of preventing and eliminating the effects of inflammation are also effective in the home, if the treatment on the legs is systematic and consistent.

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What you need to pay attention to:

  • diet, with a small use of meat and fish products; compliance with the norms of healthy eating and generally healthy lifestyle - with the intake of vitamins, without alcoholic beverages, smoking;
  • plentiful drink - herbal infusions, decoctions that replenish the water balance, accelerate metabolism and remove salts of uric acid;
  • physical activity;
  • preventive use of medicinal creams, methods of traditional medicine;
  • wearing comfortable shoes - when salt is deposited, the joints often curl, stick out, the bones are also painful react to the load, so shoes are needed on a comfortable heel, not compressing the leg, from breathing material;
  • do not tolerate pain, do not delay treatment until it's too late - at the first signs Salt deposits begin preventive and supportive treatment, previously diagnosed with doctor.

Be healthy and do not forget about disease prevention.

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