Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint - causes, symptoms and treatment

Deforming arthrosis (or osteoarthritis) is a disease that manifests itself in the form of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the surfaces of the joints. It is accompanied by strong pain sensations, and the affected joint loses its functions.

Deforming arthrosis is a rapidly progressive disease.There are several degrees of this disease, but clear lines between them do not always work, because each degree smoothly flows into the next.


  • 1The causes of deforming arthrosis
  • 2Clinical manifestations of arthrosis of the knee
      • 2.0.11 degree
      • 2.0.22 degree
      • 2.0.33 degree
      • 2.0.44 degree
  • 3Conservative treatment
  • 4Folk methods
  • 5When is surgery required?
  • 6Gymnastics and massage
  • 7Prevention of deforming arthrosis

The causes of deforming arthrosis

Deforming arthrosis affects about five percent of the world's population (data of the World Health Organization). And even this data does not reflect the real picture of the spread of the disease, since the statistics are collected only with account of registered cases with the established diagnosis.

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Despite the wide prevalence, the causes of the disease are not known reliably.

Among the hypothetical causes of deforming osteoarthritis can be identified the following:

  • heredity;
  • obesity;
  • injuries;
  • increased physical activity;
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
  • diseases of the blood and connective tissue;
  • hormonal disorders.

In the risk group - older people, more often women.In the past 10 years, incidence rates have increased significantly among young people.

Clinical manifestations of arthrosis of the knee

As already mentioned above, the main symptom of deforming arthrosis is pain. It can not occur immediately, but only at later stages of the disease.

Consider the symptoms that accompany the disease at different stages.

1 degree

The affected joint can not hurt, do not cause discomfort and generally do not make itself felt. Occasionally, unpleasant sensations may occur in the knee after sleeping.

To see the manifestations of arthrosis of the first degree can only an experienced doctor on the X-ray. It may happen that the osteophyte will not be visible even for X-rays.

It is extremely difficult to recognize the disease at an early stage.

2 degree

The second degree of gonarthrosis is no less problematic to diagnose. The osteophyte may also not appear on the x-ray. But in this case the patient complains of aching, sometimes acute pain in the region of the knee joint.In rare cases, there is swelling.

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3 degree

The third degree is easy to diagnose - the osteophyte in the picture is clearly pronounced. The patient complains of constant pain, especially when walking, in rainy weather, after sleep and after physical exertion.

If a third degree of deforming arthrosis is detected, immediate treatment should be prescribed.

4 degree

The presence of the last degree of gonarthrosis is characterized by a significant narrowing of the joint gap, deformation of the joint itself and sclerosis of the subchondral bone. The patient thus breaks the gait, the pain increases, while walking it is necessary to lean on the cane.

Conservative treatment

Selection of medicines for treatment is handled by the doctor after determining the degree of the disease. As a rule, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to treat deforming arthrosis.

Among them, the most popular are:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Rofikoxib;
  • Indomethacin.
These drugs are selective, that is, acting specifically on the focus of pain.

Due to this side effects of drugs are minimized.

When inflammation of the affected area is usually prescribed a course of hormonal drugs, such as Prednisolone or Dexamethasone. It is recommended to administer drugs intra-articularly for their greater effectiveness and minimize side effects.

If the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue begins, chondroprotectors are used. Among them, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate.

At the last stage of deforming arthrosis, which is accompanied by changes in large joints, the introduction of a synovial fluid substitute into the joint cavity is prescribed.This improves the sliding of the cartilage during movement and has a damping effect.

Folk methods

Folk methods of treating deforming arthrosis involve the use of compresses and sprouts, as well as herbal decoctions.

A warming, analgesic and distracting effect is possessed by horseradish with horseradish. In the absence of horseradish it can be replaced with mustard. You can use mustard plasters.

As an effective method, one can distinguish the wrapping of a diseased joint. Cabbage leaves and burdock sheets are used for wrapping. Such compresses are applied before going to bed and left overnight.

Among the herbs that are used in broths, we can distinguish the most popular: immortelle, field horsetail, nettle, golden mustache.

Broths are used for treatment in the form of compresses or taken internally.

When is surgery required?

Operative treatment is prescribed in severe forms of the disease in the third and fourth stages.As a rule, treatment with medicines no longer yields results.

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Surgical treatment is divided into three types:

  1. Arthroscopy of large joints.
  2. Endoprosthetics.
  3. Corrective osteotomy.

The doctor can prescribe an operative intervention only if the disease is started and other methods of treatment, except surgery in the clinic, will not help.

Gymnastics and massage

The development of the lesion can be prevented in the early stages of the disease.

For this, therapeutic exercises and massage are used.

Restorative gymnastics for the treatment of gonarthrosis includes exercises that will be aimed at restoring cartilaginous tissue.It is important to follow the recommendations of the doctor, as self-selection of exercises can lead to excessive workload, resulting in the disease will progress.

It is important that gymnastics does not harm, but helps to stop the development of the disease, so the complex of exercises for the patient can be chosen only by the physician of LFK on an individual basis.

Massage is also an integral part of the treatment. It is important to start the massage from the areas located below or above the affected joint. Therapeutic massage is directed not only to stimulate the affected limb, but also to tone the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and healthy limb.

Prevention of deforming arthrosis

At the initial stages, deforming arthrosis, like any disease, is treated more successfully than with the advanced degree. Therefore, right after the diagnosis is established, it is important to revise one's habits to prevent the development of the disease.

What you should pay attention to:

  • Food.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Bad habits.

People who are obese, doom their bones to higher loads, thereby exposing them to the risk of diseases. Weight reduction minimizes the risks of the appearance and development of diseases such as gonarthrosis. To reduce weight, you should reconsider your eating habits, or contact a dietician. A nutritionist will help you lose weight without harming your health.

As for physical activities, it is important to reduce the load, but do not give up physical activity. Choose a set of exercises will help the doctor exercise.

The exercises chosen by the doctor will help not only cure gonarthrosis at an early stage, but also raise the tone of the organism as a whole.

Harmful habits, such as alcohol abuse and smoking, also adversely affect the health of the entire body. To accelerate recovery, it is important to refuse or at least minimize the use of alcohol and tobacco.

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Remember that surgical intervention is the last and extremely undesirable stage of treatment of deforming arthrosis, therefore it is better to throw all forces on the treatment even in the early stages of the disease.