The swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation and unpleasant itching are the main symptoms of barley on the eye. They all bring the patient considerable discomfort, breaking his habitual rhythm of life. But you can treat it today at home, using proven folk medicine and effective medicines. The doctor can appoint them only after carrying out the diagnosis.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.1Drug method
5.3Folk remedies
5.3.1Tea Welding
5.3.2Chamomile broth
5.3.5Rye bread
5.3.6Bay leaf
Definition of disease
Barley is a pathological process that has an acute infectious character.The development of the disease affects the bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus. Infection occurs through dirty hands or objects of common use, with the ingress of dust into the eyes, as well as against the background of existing diseases.
Barley can be of two types - external and internal.
He defeats both the upper and lower eyelids. In the severe course of the pathology, not one but two abscesses can be formed.
Very often barley is diagnosed in young children.
There are various reasons for the development of the pathological process.But they all contribute to the activation of the already existing conditionally pathogenic microflora or its penetration from the outside. On the basis of this, it can be concluded that the pathology is based on an infectious and inflammatory process.
The causative agents of diseases remain bacteria, among which the golden staphylococci predominate. But among the causes of development of the abscess on the eye can be identified the following:
The effect of low temperature on the body, as a result of which local and general immunity is weakened.
Non-compliance with hygiene.
Available infectious diseases, which further weaken the body's defenses.
Women using various cosmetics.
Children who do not comply with the rules of personal hygiene.
Frequent penetration of dust, which often happens in people when working with hazardous working conditions.
Lack of vitamin.
Diabetes, as a result of which there is a decrease in immunity.
Demodectic is a pathological process, which is accompanied by infection of the eyelashes with the Demodex mite.
Congenital and acquired forms of immunodeficiency.
And although barley has an infectious origin, it is not contagious, because its development is not enough only for infection, it also requires a decrease in immunity.
As is known,Barley can be of two types - external and internal. Each of them has its own symptomatology.
At the initial stage of the pathological process, the patient develops soreness.Then there is a swelling of the eyelid and redness of the skin. With further development of the infectious process, the swelling grows, which can serve as the development of tumor-like edema and swelling of the glandular glands.
There are situations when the abscess swells slightly. And sometimes puffiness is so pronounced that it is difficult for a person to open his eyes.The severity of the pain syndrome is determined by the intensity of the edema.
On 2-3 days purulent contents are formed.It can be recognized by the presence of a yellow head. After that the painful sensations decrease. The abscess breaks into 3-4 points, and particles of dead tissue are extracted from it. After the abscess has opened, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.
On the place where the barley was, a scar may form, but after a while it passes without a trace.
The symptoms of internal barley is very similar to the appearance of the external barley.But only the inflammatory process takes place in the thickness of the century and on its inner side. The internal process is characterized by pain syndrome, edema, and the formation of purulent contents is closer to the conjunctiva. So in 2-3 days from the conjunctiva side purulent contents can be observed. AThiding and emptying of the abscess occurs in the conjunctival sac.
Manifestation of internal barley
The abscess after some time can be opened, and can and resolve. To get rid of it as quickly as possible, you should not do it yourself. Thus, there is a high probability of initiating and increasing the inflammatory focus.
Possible complications
If you do not start the timely treatment of the pathology, then be sure that relapses are provided to you.When an autopsy is performed, the infection can spread throughout the body. It is fraught with inflammation of the orbital tissue. With the development of inflammation, the patient has a sharp decrease in visual function, and the eyeball becomes inactive.
But the most common complication is the development of chalazion. It is an inflammatory process that is chronic, but not dangerous. It affects the meibolic gland, which is focused on the eyelids. It is accompanied by a slight compaction. With such a swelling, the patient experiences aesthetic discomfort. This defect is removed by laser treatment.
Barley therapy can occur at home. But only all necessary procedures should be appointed by the attending physician.
Drug method
For the treatment of abscess in the home, medicinal products can be used to remove unpleasant sensations and accelerate the maturation of barley:
Treatment of barley with preparations such asethyl alcohol, zelenka, iodine, tincture of calendula.
Application of ointmentfor the removal of inflammation - Tetracycline or Hydrocortisone.
Application of eye dropswith antibacterial effect - Tsipromed or Levomycetin.Tetracycline ointment is used in the treatment of barley
When treating barley on the eye of the house with pharmacy products, the patient should always be under the supervision of a doctor.
The essence of the operation is to open and drain the cavity of the abscess.Ripe barley is opened with a small cut of skin or conjunctiva in the area of maximum thinning of the skin, and then washed with antiseptic solutions.
Surgical removal of barley
Folk remedies
Nontraditional method of barley treatment is effective only if used in combination with other medications.
Tea Welding
This method has been in great demand for a long time.It is necessary to take gauze, put tea tea brewing and attach to the affected eye.You can use an alternative option - tea bags. Keep them for 15 minutes.
Chamomile broth
To prepare the broth you need to take 20 grams of raw materials and a glass of boiling water.Insist 15 minutes, filter and use for washing.It's also fashionable to make lotions. For him, moisten the cotton disc in the broth and attach to the affected area for 15 minutes.
It is necessary to heat a large salt in a frying pan, transfer it to the fabric and tie it up, forming a bag to attach it to the affected eye.Keep until the bag has cooled.
Doing such activities is allowed only if there is no purulent content.
Seeds of this spicy plant pour boiling water and insist in a thermos.Filter the infusion and use for lotions on the affected eye.
Rye bread
Bake rye bread, break and hot crumb to attach to the abscess.But to do such a compress should be carefully, because you can burn the tender skin of the century.
Bay leaf
In a teapot, brew 10 laurel leaves, and then remove them from the broth hot and put on an abscess.Cover the top with a cotton suit. Hold until it cools, then change to another leaf.
observe hygiene;
Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands;
use only personal cosmetic means, do not give them to anyone;
have and use only your own towel;
wash brushes and brushes for make-up, and if this is not done, that there is an active multiplication of pathogenic microflora;
strengthen the body's defenses, taking vitamins, observing proper nutrition, exercising hardening and physical exercises.
The causes of black flies before the eyes
Hemorrhage in the eye - the causes and treatment of this symptom are described here.
Contact lenses Biofinity (Biofinity) - features of this brand and products are presented in this material.
Treat barley on the eye at home, if you follow all the prescriptions of the doctor. If you do not heal it, then it is fraught with frequent relapses, which as a result reduces visual acuity. Follow these preventive measures to never know the symptoms and aesthetic discomfort from the defect that has arisen.
Also read about how to get rid of conjunctivitis by means of drops, and what is the haljazion age.