Human dirofilariasis: symptoms and therapies

Such a specific disease, like dirofilyariosis, is referred to helminthiasis, which is most often diagnosed in domestic animals. However, the ailment can appear in humans, affecting mainly the heart muscle, skin, lungs and eyes. The official morbidity statistics are biased, as the disease is rarely detected. Nevertheless, being ready to defeat is important, especially if the house has cats and dogs.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions


The parasitic disease of dirofilariasis is caused by the filamentous nimatode Dirofilalia in the stage of the larva.In the human body, the helminth does not develop until maturity, but can grow for several months and stay in the human body for up to several years. At the same time worms live and form nodules under the skin, in the organs of vision, lungs and some other parts of the body.

Example of dirofilariasis in humans
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The parasite often affects pets. Therefore, they are also recommended for checking for the presence of the disease and for prophylaxis.


Dirofilariasis in humansoccurs because of the infection that occurs when a mosquito-bite is bitten. Thus, in the risk group are the following categories of people:

  • Tourists;
  • Hunters, fishermen;
  • Employees of forestry and fisheries;
  • Owners of pets.
    Infection with diphilariasis

It is important to constantly undergo prophylaxis and diagnosis to people living near water bodies.


In humans, the symptoms can be different depending on the organ or place of injury:

  • Leather.Possible large swelling and inflammation, sensation of stirring, itching, purulent processes.
  • Eyes.Painful sensations, itching, redness, lacrimation, sensation of a foreign body, inflammatory processes, bifurcation.

If the parasite lodges in internal organs, its vital activity practically does not give symptoms.However, if the disease affects the lungs, a cough (including blood) is possible. In any form of the disease a person also experiences lethargy, weakness, frequent headaches and a depressed condition.

Possible complications

As a rule, the causative agent of the disease does not multiply in the human body and, after not completing the entire life cycle, dies if it is not detected during diagnosis. However, during this time it can cause the following complications:

  • Hemoptysis;
  • Visual impairment;
  • Suppuration and abscesses;
  • Painful inflammation;
  • Violation of the heart and other organs.


The parasite in the case of dirofilariasis can migrate in the body, which can greatly complicate the process of treatment.In order to immobilize him, doctors prescribe Ditrazin.

It is necessary not only to destroy the parasite, but also to reduce the level of intoxication and remove the consequences of its vital activity.


Since most of the helminth is present in the body in a single specimen, the drug treatment for parasites is practically not prescribed. However, to remove symptoms and prevent complications after surgery, the following can be recommended:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(Levomycetin, Sulfacil sodium);
  • Glucocorticosteroids;
  • Soothing means;
  • Antihistamines.
    Levomycetin is used in the treatment of dirofilariasis

At the present time, a new approach to treatment has been invented. It is carried out with the help of tetracycline. This drug contributes to the death of the parasite.


With the surgical approach of treatment, it is especially important to correctly diagnose.It happens that the dyrofilariasis is confused with malignant formations, which leads to disastrous consequences. Nevertheless, surgery is always preferable.

If the disease affects only the eyes or is formed by a subcutaneous nodule, the removal of the parasite takes a little time and is performed on an outpatient basis.Surgical intervention in internal organs requires a more serious approach and inpatient treatment.

Surgical treatment of the disease

It is almost impossible to cure the disease independently. The usual means for destroying parasites, sold in pharmacies, in this case are ineffective. In addition, the death of the pathogen without subsequent removal can be dangerous to human health.


The most frequent infection with dirofilariasis is observed in the spring-summer period, therefore at this time it is necessary to be especially cautious. In addition, it is important:

  • Use mosquito repellent;
  • Carry out prevention and treatment of disease in animals;
  • Use repellents when visiting open reservoirs.

In the prevention of the disease, the authorities of the region also take part if they take care of the terrain treatment against mosquitoes and other insects.


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Dirofilariasis is difficult to attribute to the category of dangerous diseases, since for all the time of its diagnosis the lethal outcome among people has not been recorded. However, the worm without its timely elimination can grow and poison the body, forming painful formations, inflammations and bringing a lot of uncomfortable sensations. Diagnosis of the disease is quite complicated, it is not easy to often get its treatment. However, a timely and correct approach can help remove the parasite from the body without any consequences and complications.

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