Okupplesh eye drops: instructions for use

Ocuflesh is an eye drop that has an antiseptic effect. They are used in ophthalmology with irritation of the mucous membrane, inflammatory processes, and also when there is considerable fatigue in the organs of vision.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
  • 4In pregnancy
  • 5To small children
  • 6Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Description of the preparation

This solution for the eye organs is based on vegetable natural origin, it is used as a preventive hygiene, as well as a medicine against conjunctiva and is a substitute for natural tears.

If we talk about the chemical composition of Okuflesh, then it should be said that in its sterile isotonic buffer solution contains:

  • Tincture of the medulla.
  • Sodium chloride, benzalkonium, potassium.
  • Disodium edetahydrate.
  • Magnesium chloride hexahydrate.
  • Sodium hydroxide.
  • Polysorbate 80.
  • Bura.
  • Water.

The drug is produced in plastic bottles of 10 ml and in a box of cardboard. It can be easily bought at a pharmacy and it is sold without restrictions and a prescription from a doctor.

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Pharmacological action and group

The drug ochone, which is a part of the preparation, is a natural component of soothing action. When instilled, it soothes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, disinfects and tightens.Due to these effects, eye drops are often used as a supporting drug for various ocular diseases, as well as a preventive ophthalmic solution in non-infectious inflammation of the eyelids and ocular shells.It has special effectiveness as a specific hygienic means for the visual organs.

The product can be used by both adults and children. Some possible side effects are indicated below.

Indications and contraindications in use

Okuflesh is considered to be perfectly harmless eye drops and can be used to treat children at the tenderest age and for newborns. In what cases is this drug prescribed, and what diseases can it facilitate by its action:

  • First of all, this hygienic means is used to wash the organs of vision when dust or water with a high content of chlorine is ingested.When removing from the eyes of various objects.
  • The drug is often used as a sedative after contact with ophthalmic studies, such as tonometry, gonioscopy and others.
  • When secretions from the eyes of pus or mucus, Okuflesh is used to wash out sewage.
  • If a person uses hard contact lenses, the solution can be a kind of relaxation tool.
  • Eye drops are also an emergency aid, if it gets on the eye shell of alkalis or in a small amount of acid. The solution softens and cleanses the eye surface at the same time.
  • Okuflesh is included in complex treatment for conjunctivitis of chronic nature and other inflammations of the eyes, not associated with infections - blepharitis, dacryocystitis, keratitis.
  • It is often used when removing cosmetics, if the eyes are too sensitive to make-up.

With dry eyes, this solution does not relieve the disease. This requires thorough diagnosis and identification of the cause of this problem by a specialist. Do not tighten with dry eyes, it can be the beginning of a serious eye disease.

Among the special instructions can be identified some that apply to people wearing soft hydrophilic lenses. It is recommended to remove the lenses before the instillation procedure, this is an important point in the use of the drug, and only after 20 minutes after instillation it will be possible to put them on again.

In pregnancy

Pregnant women this drug is shown, since it has no contraindications for this category. He has no contraindications and when feeding the baby during breastfeeding.

To small children

Eye drops Okufshesh is recommended as absolutely safe for the youngest children. It is often used for newborns, in cases of conjunctival lesions.

The only reason why a drug can be canceled is an individual intolerance.

How to apply eye drops correctly:

  • If there is inflammation of the eyelids, and it is non-infectious, then instillations into the affected organ are recommended for two drops of a remedy up to four times throughout the day.You can also use the solution as compresses, this method is considered very effective and helps to quickly remove the symptoms of the disease.
  • If the eye caught a foreign object, then the drops are applied after removing it, but not before the procedure.
  • The ophthalmic solution is ready for use immediately after opening the cap, which serves as a protection against microbes.

Applying drops correctly is the key to a speedy recovery, so proper use of them is very important. How to use the drug:

  • Tilt your head back. Well, if you can lie down, then do it for the full value of the procedure.
  • Pull the lower part of the eyelid slightly downward.
  • Turn the medicine bottle down and the dispenser over the place where there is a conjunctival cavity.
  • Lightly press the vial to squeeze out the desired number of drops.

If you intend to wash with droplets of the eye, then you should use the method of prolonged depression of the bottle. The quantity of the desired solution is adjusted depending on the need for the procedure.

To apply drops, lightly heat them if they are stored in the refrigerator. This can be done on a water bath. It is enough to bring them to room temperature.This is especially important before the treatment of babies. A cold solution can cause mild stress in a baby, which is useless.But these manipulations can be avoided, since the solution can be stored in the room on the shelf, the main thing away from the children.

Possible complications caused by the drug

As already noted, contraindications are limited only to the individual sensitivity of the patient, but there are several side effects with an overdose.

  • Light burning can be caused by too frequent use or a large dose of medication. It is not necessary to perceive it as an allergic reaction, this effect will take place in a short time independently.
  • There is an allergic reaction from an overdose in the form of severe eye irritation.

The solution used does not particularly affect the attention of a person, but after application it can cause a slight visual impairment, so you should wait a bit before returning to normal activities. Especially it concerns drivers or people managing complex mechanisms. Delay can prevent negative consequences and emergency situations.

No other contraindications or side effects have been identified.


Painkilling eye drops

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Treatment of barley on the eye with home remedies and warming up http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/yachmen/mozhno-li-progrevat-yachmen-na-glazu-i-drugie-metody-narodnogo-lecheniya-zabolevaniya.html




With the correct use of droplets Okuflesh other than the medicinal effect of negative manifestations will not, so you can safely apply this soft and facilitates many of the symptoms of the drug.

It should be stored at room temperature, storage periods are quite long - 2 years. Once opened, the medicine should be used within a month. The cost of one package is about 200 rubles. In the box there can be one to two bottles of dispensers.

Read also about such drugs as Luxfen and Kombigan.