Eye drops Allergodyl: instructions for use

Allergy today, no one is surprised: for food, pollen of plants, house dust and much more. Even on medicines. And although the scientists have not yet fully studied the mechanism of the allergic reaction, nevertheless, pharmaceuticals offer a wide range of remedies for eliminating the symptoms of such manifestations. Since eyes are exposed to irritating effects, ophthalmic preparations are also sufficient. One of the most effective and popular means are eye drops Allergodil.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications
    • 3.1Contraindications
    • 3.2In pregnancy
    • 3.3To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

The drug is a clear liquid without color, in which no visible mechanical inclusions are observed. The drug is packaged in 6 ml in plastic semi-transparent bottles, equipped with a built-in dropper. Each bottle is placed in a cardboard box with complete instructions for use.

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The main active substance is azelastine hydrochloride, contained in the solution in concentration,%.Other excipients include disodium edetate, sorbitol 70%, water for injection and some others.

The storage conditions provided for the preparation assume compliance with the temperature regime not higher than + 25 ° C and inaccessibility for direct sunlight. Under these conditions, Allergodil retains its properties for up to 3 years.After opening the vial, the drug should be used within 4 weeks. At the end of this period, the drug becomes unsuitable.

Here are described other drugs intended for the treatment of allergies.

Pharmacological action and group

Active active substance of the drug - azelastine, belonging to the group of H1-histamin blockers. Its properties provide Allergodil anti-allergic, antihistaminic, anti-inflammatory effect.

One of the main effects of azelastine is the stabilization of cell membranes and a decrease in the permeability of capillaries, as well as the inhibition of exudation. Thus, inhibition of the release of such biologically active substances as histamine, serotonin, leukotrienes, etc. is provided.

Azelastine, a derivative of phthalazinone, has a strong and prolonged antiallergic effect.When topical application is not detected systemic effects even with prolonged use of Allergoodil: the level of azelastine in the blood plasma is at the limit of its detection or even below this figure - 9 ng / ml.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is an effective agent for treatment and prevention of the following conditions:

  • Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis- a reaction that occurs several times a year with the flowering of plants: first in the spring, then with the blooming of grasses and weeds. It is temporary and completely passes after the cessation of allergen precipitates;
  • Year-round allergic conjunctivitis- appears regardless of the season and is often the result of constant exposure. As allergens, home dust, animal hair, bird feathers, fungi and bacteria, smallest particles of household chemicals can act here.

In the treatment of seasonal disease Allergoodil is used to treat children from age 4 and adults in the amount of 1 drop twice a day in each eye. If the manifestations of an allergy are severe, it is possible to use the drug up to 4 times.

If the disease takes a year-round character, the treatment of children is allowed only from the age of 12. Recommended doses for adults and children are 1 drop in each eye in the morning and in the evening. In case of severe manifestations of allergy, it is also possible to increase the number of instillations by half.

Use Allergoodil can be recommended and for preventive purposes, if it is expected in the near future exposure to an allergen.

Drops Vizallergol - an analogue of Allergoodil.

For correct application of the remedy, several simple recommendations should be followed:

  • Use the drug only with a proven shelf life and store it in accordance with the recommended conditions;
  • Before use, make sure that the tip of the dropper has no burrs and sharp edges, do not touch the dropper on the surface of the eye;
  • Pull back the lower eyelid and drop 1 drop of the drug into the formed "pocket
  • Release the eyelid and press the inner corner of the eye with your finger;
  • At the same time make a few blinks, and drip excess medicine with a napkin;
  • Use only your medications and do not give them into someone else's hands, because with an incorrect application, the dropper can become a source of infection.

When using drugs do not bury more than 1 drop per time, do 1 min. pause if you need to instill 2 or more drops. When using several drugs, make an interval between the introduction of various drugs for at least 15 minutes, and put the ointment in the last place.


The list of contraindications in Allergoodil consists of only 2 items:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Children under 4 years.

Since the drug is an antihistamine, its use for the treatment of infectious pathologies is not practiced.An exception may be cases of manifestations of allergies in the complex treatment of infections.

Special instructions for the use of eye drops include a ban on wearing contact lenses during the entire period of treatment with the drug.

In pregnancy

During the period of bearing the child Allergoodil is not recommended for use in the first trimester.Although the systemic impact is minimal, however, there are no reliable data obtained from clinical trials for the period of pregnancy.

Experimental studies have yielded results that suggest a lack of teratogenic (negative) effects of azelastine on the fetus even in doses far exceeding therapeutic.

The lactation period is also prohibited, because although in small amounts, the drug still penetrates into breast milk.

To small children

Treatment of children by Allergodol is allowed only from the age of 4 when applied for seasonal use.However, in the case of a constant need for the use of medicines for year-round allergies, the age permitted for use rises to 12 years.

Like any antiallergic agent, the drug has an inhibitory effect on certain immune cells. After all, allergy is nothing more than a hyperreactivity of the immune system. And in young children, it is not yet sufficiently developed, so any impact on it is undesirable.


Chemosis of the conjunctiva

Read about the harm of night lenses in this article.

Recovery of vision by the Zhdanov method http://eyesdocs.ru/proverka-zreniya/uprazhneniya-dlya-glaz/vosstanovlenie-zreniya-po-metodu-zhdanova.html


Possible complications caused by the drug

The most common side effect is eye irritation. It can appear in about 1 case out of 10/100 and passes quickly.

Seldom there can be a bitter taste in the mouth: approximately 1 case of 100/1000.

Less often than 1 time per 1, 00 cases, an allergic reaction may occur: itching and skin rash.

If such reactions occur frequently and are of a lengthy nature, it is necessary to interrupt treatment and consult a doctor for the selection of a similar remedy.

When used in the treatment of other medicines, it should be reported to the doctor. Especially if it's drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids.


Adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis

Barley on the eye: the causes of appearance and treatment are described in this article.

Erythromycin Ointment: instructions for use http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/eritromicinovaya-maz-dlya-glaz-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu.html




Allergoodil is a highly effective drug that has been successfully used to treat seasonal and all-year-round allergic eye irritations. Its effects differ in the strength and duration of the therapeutic effect.

Although the drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, its application must necessarily be agreed with an ophthalmologist, especially when treating children. Even preventive use of the drug should be done only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Also read about such drugs as Ophthalmoferon and Ciprofarm.