What to do if the sight is "minus 1"

Vision for a person is very important in everyday life, it is through him that he gets the most information about the world around him. If it is not good enough, they usually prefer to treat it or adjust it. Unlike hyperopia, myopia does not allow a person to distinguish distant objects. But what exactly needs to be done if vision is minus 1? Do I need treatment, or is the usual correction with glasses / lenses sufficient?


  • 1Dispute resolution - is treatment necessary?
  • 2Myopia of a mild degree
    • 2.1What it is
    • 2.2Causes
    • 2.3Diagnostics
    • 2.4Treatment
  • 3Video
  • 4conclusions

Dispute resolution - is treatment necessary?

There are two opposing views on the need for treatment if the person's vision is minus 1.Some people believe that you can live without such problems without any problems, and if you start treatment, then the body will not personally fight with myopia.Others believe that it is necessary even in the early stages of the problem to perform treatment and either write out glasses, or undergo therapy, and in some cases even carry out an operation intervention. These opinions are opposite, who is right?

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The truth is, as usual, in the middle.Do not rush and begin treatment, if you find that you have myopia in a weak form, but do not throw everything.It is necessary to enroll in an appointment with an ophthalmologist, after which he will assess your situation, determine what exactly is the cause occurrence of a problem and will prompt, whether it is necessary for you any serious treatment, or it is possible to manage any simple enough measures.

Do not self-medicate if you do not know what you are doing. This can damage your vision, lowering it even lower - and then the recovery will be more problematic.

Myopia of a mild degree

Myopia is more known in the masses as myopia, that is, when a person sees well what is near, but worse sees what is away from him at a remote distance, these objects begin to seem rather blurred and fuzzy.The reason for this is that the image is projected not in the retina, but in front of it. For example, this may be when the eye is enlarged, so that the retina is behind the focal plane.

Vision in Myopia

What it is

What does it mean that myopia belongs to a weak degree?This means that vision ranges from minus 5 minutes to 5 minutes. On average, such a sight is equal to minus 1. If a person has good vision and sees everything without problems, then they say that he has just 1.

If a person has sight minus 1, then this does not necessarily mean that he does not see anything. He can see up to 90% of visual information, only his clarity leads. The visual acuity and degree of myopia are not the same, because confusion arises. Visual acuity is determined in the interval,. That is, for example, if a person sees the first lines of a special table without glasses, then he vision, but, at the same time, it can be short-sighted, which means that it has mild myopia and vision minus 1. For more details on the details of your vision, ask an ophthalmologist.


The reasons that the vision drops to minus may be different, but there are two main ones:

  1. Anatomical.It comes out because of the peculiarities of the shape of the elements of the eye. When the shape of the eye is extended forward and backward, this changes the focus, the image begins to project slightly before the retina, and eventually the vision deteriorates slightly. Often in this case, a treatment is made to strengthen the sclera, because otherwise vision can continue to fall, become worse than minus 1. For this reason, genetic predisposition can also be attributed. In this case, the decline of vision is observed even at a younger age.
  2. Accommodation.This reason for this impairment of vision is the weakness of accommodative muscles. In this case, the situation is somewhat simpler, because these muscles can be restored with the help of special exercises. This is especially important when the problem occurs in children. Points in this case just do not force to wear, because it will only interfere with the muscle training, eyes must look into the distance, so that gradually vision is restored.

Sometimes this still does not help, then methods for restoring vision using hardware procedures can be prescribed.


To determine what exactly is the cause of myopia, an ultrasound is performed that shows the degree elongation of the eye, that is, confirms or refutes the fact that a person has an anatomical reason changes in vision.Just at this stage, and the need to wear glasses. They will be needed if vision is still maintained at minus 1, even if special treatment is performed.

This situation has a special name - true myopia. This means that the vision was "fixed it will not change without really serious interference.

Of course, before you perform such a deep diagnosis, you will perform a routine vision check on the table, which will help you to determine whether or not you have a -1 vision. If this is confirmed, then only it will be necessary to try to determine its type.


Treatment of myopia, which is in a weak degree, is usually divided into several different directions, which differ according to the method of affecting the eyes.

  • Optical correction consists in the fact that a person begins to wear special lenses of a scattering type.Permanent wearing is not required, a person wears them as needed. This allows you to correct your vision without any special intervention.
  • Therapeutic treatment consists in performing special exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscles - accommodative, ciliary muscles.This is done with the accommodative type of myopia. In parallel, special preparations of general strengthening nature are used, including vitamins with lutein. In addition, special drops are used to improve blood supply in the muscles of the eyes.

If accommodation myopia is manifested as a result of spasm of the eye muscles as a result of overexertion, for example, when people have to work long enough at the computer, then they prescribe special eye drops that help to expand pupil.

It is also necessary to stimulate the eyes additionally with the help of devices that the doctor can prescribe.

There are devices that can be used at home. They can help give the eyes the necessary load and, conversely, relax them. This allows you to effectively resist myopia. But do not buy such devices yourself, there are a lot of fakes on the market, so you must first consult with your doctor, find out from him whether you should take it or not.

  • Finally, surgery can be performed.It can be performed in the form of scleroplasty or by performing laser correction. Usually this is done in cases where myopia has an anatomical cause. The type of intervention is determined by the physician based on the specific situation of the person.

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The causes and methods of strabismus in children: http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/kosoglazie/kosoglazie-u-detej-goda-prichiny-diagnostika-lechenie.html




If your myopia is in a sufficiently weak degree - this is not a cause for concern and alarm; it is very treatable. One way or another to cope with this problem is real - you just need to choose the most optimal approach that suits your particular situation. Also, do not lose sight of the eye exercises to improve vision. But you should not ignore the situation, because then you can aggravate it, your vision will become worse and it will be more problematic to restore it.

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