What is cornea dystrophy?

Dystrophy, also called keratopathy and degeneration, is a chronic disease, usually inherited, and leading to a clouding of the cornea. This disease is not inflammatory, and does not concern violations of the functioning of internal organs. Degenerative changes in the corneal layer of the eye have several types, considered below, and are inherited by an autosomal dominant trait. The disease begins to progress from birth, so even during pregnancy, a woman and a man are examined for the presence of this kind of pathology.


  • 1Definition of disease
    • 1.1Types of retinal dystrophy
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Diagnostics
  • 6Treatment
    • 6.1Medication
    • 6.2Surgically
  • 7Prevention
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

Definition of disease

Dystrophy of the cornea - a complex of diseases, characterized by a violation of the functions of the cornea; when dystrophic changes, trophic is also disturbed. The ailment is dangerous in that it leads to a decrease in visual acuity.

Types of retinal dystrophy

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Distinguish between congenital and acquired dystrophy. Congenital is caused by a violation of protein metabolism. It is this problem that leads to dystrophic changes in the retina.A patient with congenital dystrophy of the retina needs to be constantly under the supervision of a doctor. Disease secondary type is due to ophthalmic diseases, affecting the functioning of the cornea.They include glaucoma, infection of the eyes, burns. Secondary dystrophy can develop if the cornea reacts sharply to minor irritants. The disease can appear due to damage to the visual organ that occurred during operations. Dystrophy of the cornea happens:

  • lattice;
  • spotted;
  • crumbly;
  • crystalline;
  • ribbon-like.

In the pathological process, both eyes are often involved. On the cornea begins to form an infiltrate. With the passage of time, it disappears. At the site of the infiltration, turbidity remains: this very cloudiness can cause a loss of vision!

The remaining formations are different in degree of severity, they also have different sizes. If the trace was formed in the upper part of the cornea, it can completely dissolve, then there will be no turbidity. Well resolved infiltrates, located in the corneal stroma of the optic.

The course of the disease depends on the location of the dystrophic process. The oedematous and epithelial forms of dystrophy are observed in people who are hereditarily prone to ailment.Pathological reactions in this case are associated with damage to the cells of the posterior epithelium. With this problem, the protective function of the cornea is impaired.As the dystrophic process progresses, the posterior part of the cornea changes. In appearance, it acquires a similarity with a misted glass. Against the background of such violations, visual acuity decreases. Primary dystrophy of the cornea, as a rule, is bilateral (pathological processes spread to both eyes).


There are many causes of corneal dystrophy, among them:

  • diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • trauma to the eye;
  • neuropathic disorders;
  • ophthalmologic operations.


Manifestations of the disease are reflected in the quality of life.

  1. A person has reduced visual acuity.
  2. There is a feeling that objects are behind a murky glass.
  3. Eyes turn red.
  4. There is photophobia.
  5. Periodically flowing tears.
  6. With retinal dystrophy, the quality of vision deteriorates: this is due to the opacity of the cornea (on its surface may form scars).

Dystrophy of the retina manifests itself in different symptoms: one of them is called "Cloud". This "Cloud" itself is characterized by the formation of gray or dirty-beige opacities. It does not have clear contours, but it is possible to recognize such a "Cloud". With a careful examination, the doctor identifies a spot that blurs the vision. It can not be seen without ophthalmic instruments and slit lamp. If the stain is superimposed on the pupil, vision deteriorates.

Symptoms of degeneration of the cornea include "thorn". Pathological formation is located on the surface of the visual organ. Belmo is a scar of whitish shade. To detect this education, you need to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.In some surveys, it may seem as if the cornea protrudes forward. Belmo has a rich shade, because of this it blurs the vision.

There are cases when retinal dystrophy becomes the cause of the ulcerative process. Pathological reaction takes place in the cornea. There is a perforation of the visual organ.In the future, a leukemia can be formed that is soldered to the iris. The result of the pathological process will be increased intraocular pressure.Then the leukoma envelope will stretch and staphylomas will form. The staphyloma wall, puffed out, can become very thin. Because of this, it will be prone to damage.

Pathological processes lead to the fact that the organs of vision become vulnerable.As is known, vulnerable organs are more prone to infection. The risk of developing purulent pathology may increase, and with the development of such tissue, the mucous membranes of the eye will suffer. If there is a thorn, while it is fused with the iris, visual acuity decreases.Perhaps the development of secondary glaucoma.

Possible complications

These include partial or complete loss of vision.


Ophthalmologist appoints a comprehensive examination. An important stage of diagnosis is the microscopy of the eye.During the procedure, the composition of the infiltrate is revealed. The examination also helps to determine if there are inflammatory or hormonal disorders in the body.



The doctor prescribes effective keratoprotectors: they improve the trophic.Recommended funds in the form of drops, ointments, gels. When appointing medicines, the nature of the ailment is taken into account. Most patients also take pills. Edema in corneal dystrophy can affect the layer of the epithelium, then it is recommended to be treated with antibacterial drugs.

Conservative methods include physiotherapy. This treatment relieves unpleasant symptoms. It is important to say that physiotherapy methods are effective in the early stages of the disease. If the dystrophic process has gone far, an operation is required. In the later stages, physiotherapeutic procedures temporarily relieve symptoms.


With a deep lesion of the cornea, keratoplasty is performed (the doctor can assign layered or through karatoplasty). During the intervention, the ectomy of the cornea is carried out. Keratoplasty involves replacing the visual organ with donor tissue. The surgical procedure is very in demand: it helps to restore vision at the advanced stages of the disease.Keratoplasty is prescribed not only for corneal dystrophy, it is recommended for various ophthalmologic pathologies associated with the organs of vision.Retinal dystrophy proceeds in different ways. After keratoplasty, relapses may occur: in this case the procedure is repeated.

Not so long ago keratoplasty was the only method of operating on the retina. Specialists from Germany introduced a new procedure into medicine, its name - "Crosslinking" or "Photopolymerization".Intervention is minimally invasive, it is often used to treat retinal dystrophy. Cross-breeding can be prescribed with epithelial, endothelial form of the disease.During the procedure, collagen fibers are used: they form a stroma and bind. In this case, the doctor uses riboflavin and UV radiation. Additional chemical compounds are formed. The purpose of the intervention is to create a dense frame that will increase the density of the cornea.

The advantage of photopolymerization is that it is performed on an outpatient basis. The patient does not need to stay in the clinic for a long time. Before the procedure begins, anesthetic composition is introduced.Cross-breeding lasts 40 minutes. Within 30 minutes, the tissues of the visual organ are saturated with riboflavin. Intervention is carried out using UV rays.Photopolymerization is safe and painless. In the postoperative period, you must follow certain rules. Avoid contact with sunlight, wear a contact lens. If necessary, antibacterial agents are used. Photopolymerization makes it possible to achieve regression of the disease, in 65% of cases, complete recovery occurs.


Congenital pathology requires prompt treatment. Therapy of acquired dystrophy should also not be postponed!

To protect yourself from the disease, you must follow these rules:

  • Do not sit at the computer for too long;
  • when working in harmful production wear glasses;
  • Do not look at the blinding light;
  • correctly eat, enrich the diet with vitamins, microelements.
  • timely rest, observe the regime of the day.
  • to get enough sleep.

Demodectic eye: symptoms and treatment

Everything about the drug Dexadopt is told here.

Danzil: instructions for use http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/glaznye-kapli-dancil-instrukciya-i-osobennosti-primeneniya.html




There are many ophthalmic diseases with a hidden current. Retinal dystrophy can be asymptomatic. Preventative examination will help to detect the disease in time: as a result, the optimal method of treatment will be chosen.

Also, read about the retina dystrophy and its detachment.

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