What pictures are used to determine visual acuity

In a life at each person there were situations when he addressed to the doctor-ophthalmologist. It is there to check the visual acuity specialist uses special tables. Today they are presented in a wide range. Some are designed for children, and some for adults. Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of each of the tables.


  • 1Why check
  • 2Existing tables for verification
    • 2.1The Sitseva table
    • 2.2The Snellen table
    • 2.3Orlova's Table
    • 2.4Golovin's Table
  • 3Which tables are checked for drivers' vision
  • 4Video
  • 5conclusions

Why check

Visual acuity is the distance from which you can see two subjects focused on the minimum distance each other.Based on this, special tables have been developed that are used to test vision.

Performing a vision test is necessary for the timely diagnosis of problems or for periodic monitoring of vision changes.

Those people who sit on the computer for a long time complain about a decrease in visual acuity.They should visit the doctor and periodically arrange themselves a rest, performing gymnastics for the eyes.

instagram viewer

Using special tables to check the ophthalmologist, it was possible to diagnose visual acuity even at home.Thus, if a deviation from the norm is found, the patient will be able to seek help in time.

To check the vision at home, it is worthwhile to use special tables, which today are sufficient in the Internet.But this kind of check has some drawbacks. The fact is that the contrast of the picture differs from the real one, and the dimensions of the signs are not met. After conducting the diagnosis based on the results of the examination, the specialist will be able to select an effective therapy for each case.

Among the common visual abnormalities in people diagnosed with such diseases:

  1. Nearsightedness or myopia.
  2. Hyperopia or hypermetropia.
  3. Astigmatism(mixed, one-sided, myopic, hypermetropic, complex).

Existing tables for verification

The Sitseva table

This option is one of the most popular in verifying visual acuity. It contains a table for checking the eyesight from the letters of the alphabet, located in 12 lines. The size of the letters in each line is reduced from top to bottom. On the left, the letter D denotes the distance from which a person with normal vision can distinguish between the available symbols. This distance is, m for the lower row and 5 m for the upper row.

DTo accurately test the view using this table, you need to know which letters are used in it.The right-hand side of the symbol V denotes the value expressed in conventional units. It displays sharpness when reading characters located at a distance of 5 m - with a difference in the lower row - with a difference in the upper row. Vision is normal if a person sees each line of vision 10th line at D .

Sivtsev's table

The Snellen table

This table is widely recognized abroad. There are 1 lines in it.On top is one large capital letter. But the size of the remaining characters with each line is reduced from top to bottom. To check the eyesight, the patient should be from the table at a distance of 6 m. Visual acuity abroad is indicated as a simple fraction. The numerators show the number of fotos to the table, and in the denominator the distance from which the subject with normal visual acuity was able to see the letters.

Snellen table

This article will tell you about the methods of diagnosing astigmatism through tables and images.

Orlova's Table

This table contains lines with images.Their size decreases from line to line, if you move from top to bottom. The distance D is indicated on the left side. From him a man is able to see with normal vision. On the right side for each line is provided V - this is the visual acuity when recognizing images at a distance 5 m. Normal vision remains, in which a person could see with each eye 10 lines from a distance of 5 m.

Orlova's Table

If you perform a visual acuity study from a different distance, the patient will approach the table and ask every 0.5 m until he accurately identifies the symbols in the upper row.

Golovin's Table

This option for visual acuity diagnosis includes a standard set of optatives.Such tables include combinations of different heights and widths of ruts with discontinuities. If a person can distinguish two remote points with an angular resolution of 1 minute, then his vision is the norm.

In the standard table for diagnosis of Golovin's vision there are optotypes.Thanks to them you can check the visual acuity at a distance of 5 m. And the first 10 lines are distinguished with a step, and the next two rows - in,. On the field there are 2 columns. To the left is the letter D. This is the distance from which the eye with 100% vision can see the symbol. But the letter V, centered on the right, indicates the actual acuity, when a person considers this series from a distance of 5 m.This kind of table can be a separate or in combination instrument for testing the visual acuity of Sivtsev.

Golovin's Table

Also read how the color perception test is performed using the Rubkin tables.

Which tables are checked for drivers' vision

To ensure that the driver was able to obtain a medical background for obtaining a driver's license, Sivtsev's table is used to check his vision.Often, doctors apply the table Golovin. The visual acuity of the worst and best eye is determined.If it does not meet the standards, then a person can solve the problem with the help of glasses, contact lenses or surgery.

Vision check with drivers

Symptoms of iridocyclitis, as well as methods of its treatment and prevention of disease

Causes, methods of treatment, diagnosis of allergic treatment for the eyes are described here.

Effective ointments from puffiness and bruises under the eyes are presented in this article.




Today, various tables are used to determine visual acuity. Some of them are designed for children, others are for adults, and others are spread abroad.

Also read about how the computer perimetry and eye pachymetry are carried out.